path: root/doc/tile__advanced_plot.rst
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diff --git a/doc/tile__advanced_plot.rst b/doc/tile__advanced_plot.rst
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+++ b/doc/tile__advanced_plot.rst
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+.. image:: img/smaller/advanced-plot.png
+This tile is for more demanding users. It basically allows to display arbitrary
+type of chart/plot from the `jqPlot <http://www.jqplot.com/>`_ library, along
+with the title and description (both are optional).
+Before you start experimenting with jqPlot library, we suggest to familiarize
+yourself with `this manual
+<http://www.jqplot.com/docs/files/usage-txt.html#jqPlot_Usage>`_. After that
+you should check out `options tutorial
+and `options summary <http://www.jqplot.com/docs/files/jqplot-core-js.html>`_.
+Here you will find `some examples <http://www.jqplot.com/deploy/dist/examples/>`_.
+ "data" = {
+ "title": "<tile>",
+ "description": "<description>",
+ "plot_data": "<data>"
+ }
+.. describe:: title, description
+ Title and description (subtitle) for the tile.
+.. describe:: plot_data
+ Data that will be fed directly to your plot. Its form depends on the
+ specific type of plot that you are going to use - see jqPlot's documentation
+ for the details.
+Example (using horizontal `Bar Chart
+<http://www.jqplot.com/deploy/dist/examples/barTest.html>`_ - third example
+from the top)::
+ curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/push
+ -d "tile=advanced_plot"
+ -d "key=<tile_id>"
+ -d 'data={"title": "Metric Tons per Year", "description": "",
+ "plot_data": [[[2,1], [4,2], [6,3], [3,4]],
+ [[5,1], [1,2], [3,3], [4,4]],
+ [[4,1], [7,2], [1,3], [2,4]]]}'
+.. note::
+ Keep in mind that ``advanced_plot`` can display arbitrary charts from jqPlot
+ library, and more than often they are quite different when it comes to the
+ parameters required etc.
+ value = {
+ "value": "<jqplot_config>"
+ }
+.. describe:: value
+ Raw configuration that will be passed directly to jqPlot and which should
+ obey the rules defined by the jqPlot library. Internally, this config will
+ be passed as ``$.jqplot(some-container, some-data, our-config)``.
+ If such configuration contains one of jqPlot's renderers, its name should be
+ passed as a string, according to the table below:
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | jqPlot's renderer | string to send |
+ +======================================+===============================+
+ | ``$.jqplot.BarRenderer`` | ``"BarRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.BlockRenderer`` | ``"BlockRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.BubbleRenderer`` | ``"BubbleRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.CanvasAxisLabelRenderer`` | ``"CanvasAxisLabelRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer`` | ``"CanvasAxisTickRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.CanvasTextRenderer`` | ``"CanvasTextRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer`` | ``"CategoryAxisRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer`` | ``"DateAxisRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.DonutRenderer`` | ``"DonutRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.EnhancedLegendRenderer`` | ``"EnhancedLegendRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.FunnelRenderer`` | ``"FunnelRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.LogAxisRenderer`` | ``"LogAxisRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.MekkoAxisRenderer`` | ``"MekkoAxisRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.MekkoRenderer`` | ``"MekkoRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.MeterGaugeRenderer`` | ``"MeterGaugeRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.OhlcRenderer`` | ``"OhlcRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.PieRenderer`` | ``"PieRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.PyramidAxisRenderer`` | ``"PyramidAxisRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.PyramidGridRenderer`` | ``"PyramidGridRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+ | ``$.jqplot.PyramidRenderer`` | ``"PyramidRenderer"`` |
+ +--------------------------------------+-------------------------------+
+Example (using horizontal `Bar Chart
+<http://www.jqplot.com/deploy/dist/examples/barTest.html>`_ - third example
+from the top)::
+ curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/tileconfig/<tile_id>
+ -d 'value={
+ "seriesDefaults": {
+ "trendline": {"show": false},
+ "renderer":"BarRenderer",
+ "pointLabels": {"show": true, "location": "e", "edgeTolerance": -15},
+ "shadowAngle": 135,
+ "rendererOptions": {"barDirection": "horizontal"}
+ },
+ "axes": {"yaxis": { "renderer": "CategoryAxisRenderer"}}}'