path: root/SPPC.dcproj/project/widget.wdgt/main.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'SPPC.dcproj/project/widget.wdgt/main.js')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/SPPC.dcproj/project/widget.wdgt/main.js b/SPPC.dcproj/project/widget.wdgt/main.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d38c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SPPC.dcproj/project/widget.wdgt/main.js
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+/* This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to
+ * the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it
+ * and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want
+ * To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See
+ * http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. */
+// Function: load()
+// Called by HTML body element's onload event when the widget is ready to start
+var mydir = '';
+var csv_file = '';
+var scroll_area = '';
+var product_parts = '';
+var vat = 23;
+var margin = 0;
+var shipping = 10;
+var exchange_rate = 1;
+function load()
+ dashcode.setupParts();
+ scroll_area = document.getElementById('scrollArea');
+ var d = new Date();
+ mydir = widget.system("dirname '"+location.pathname+"'", null).outputString.trim();
+ csv_file = mydir + '/parts.csv';
+ try {
+ var o = widget.system("stat -f '%c' " + csv_file, null);
+ d.setTime(parseInt(o.outputString.trim())*100);
+ var db_date = d.getDate() + '.' + d.getMonth() + '.' + d.getYear();
+ } catch (e) {
+ alert(o.errorString);
+ return false;
+ }
+ load_products();
+function load_products()
+ var p = widget.system('awk -F "\t" \'{print $1}\' '+csv_file + ' | uniq', null);
+ var p = p.outputString.trim().split("\n");
+ var products = new Array(['Select product...', 0]);
+ for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
+ prod = p[i];
+ products.push([prod, prod]);
+ }
+ var popup = document.getElementById('popup');
+ popup.object.setOptions(products);
+ var o = widget.system("wc -l " + csv_file + " | awk '{print $1}'", null);
+ $('#search').attr('placeholder', o.outputString.trim()+ ' parts');
+ document.getElementById('search').disabled = false;
+ $('#search').val('');
+ // clicking a part number puts it on the clipboard
+ $('#front td').live('click', function() {
+ widget.system("/bin/echo '" + $(this).text() + "' | /usr/bin/pbcopy", null);
+ });
+// Function: remove()
+// Called when the widget has been removed from the Dashboard
+function remove()
+ // Stop any timers to prevent CPU usage
+ // Remove any preferences as needed
+ // widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, dashcode.createInstancePreferenceKey("your-key"));
+// Function: hide()
+// Called when the widget has been hidden
+function hide()
+ // Stop any timers to prevent CPU usage
+// Function: show()
+// Called when the widget has been shown
+function show()
+// Function: sync()
+// Called when the widget has been synchronized with .Mac
+function sync()
+ // Retrieve any preference values that you need to be synchronized here
+ // Use this for an instance key's value:
+ // instancePreferenceValue = widget.preferenceForKey(null, dashcode.createInstancePreferenceKey("your-key"));
+ //
+ // Or this for global key's value:
+ // globalPreferenceValue = widget.preferenceForKey(null, "your-key");
+// Function: showBack(event)
+// Called when the info button is clicked to show the back of the widget
+// event: onClick event from the info button
+function showBack(event)
+ $('#tax_field').val(widget.preferenceForKey('vat'));
+ $('#shipping_field').val(widget.preferenceForKey('shipping'));
+ $('#margin_field').val(widget.preferenceForKey('margin'));
+ $('#rate_field').val(widget.preferenceForKey('rate'));
+ var front = document.getElementById("front");
+ var back = document.getElementById("back");
+ if (window.widget) {
+ widget.prepareForTransition("ToBack");
+ }
+ front.style.display = "none";
+ back.style.display = "block";
+ if (window.widget) {
+ setTimeout('widget.performTransition();', 0);
+ }
+// Function: showFront(event)
+// Called when the done button is clicked from the back of the widget
+// event: onClick event from the done button
+function showFront(event)
+ var vat = document.getElementById('tax_field').value;
+ widget.setPreferenceForKey(vat, 'vat');
+ var shipping = document.getElementById('shipping_field').value;
+ widget.setPreferenceForKey(shipping, 'shipping');
+ var margin = document.getElementById('margin_field').value;
+ widget.setPreferenceForKey(margin, 'margin');
+ var rate = document.getElementById('rate_field').value;
+ widget.setPreferenceForKey(rate, 'rate');
+ var front = document.getElementById("front");
+ var back = document.getElementById("back");
+ if (window.widget) {
+ widget.prepareForTransition("ToFront");
+ }
+ front.style.display="block";
+ back.style.display="none";
+ if (window.widget) {
+ setTimeout('widget.performTransition();', 0);
+ }
+if (window.widget) {
+ widget.onremove = remove;
+ widget.onhide = hide;
+ widget.onshow = show;
+ widget.onsync = sync;
+function list_parts(o)
+ scroll_area.object.content.innerHTML = '';
+ var parts = o.outputString.trim().split("\n");
+ var rows = '';
+ var vat = parseInt(widget.preferenceForKey('vat'));
+ vat = parseFloat('1.'+vat);
+ var rate = parseFloat(widget.preferenceForKey('rate'));
+ var margin = parseFloat(widget.preferenceForKey('margin'));
+ var shipping = parseFloat(widget.preferenceForKey('shipping'));
+ document.getElementById('search').placeholder = parts.length + ' parts found';
+ for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
+ {
+ var p = parts[i].split('|');
+ var number = p[0];
+ var description = p[1];
+ var stock = parseFloat(p[2]);
+ var exchange = parseFloat(p[3]);
+ var stock_price = 0;
+ var ex_price = 0;
+ // calculate stock price, if given
+ if (stock > 0) {
+ stock_price = ((stock*100)/(100-margin)+shipping)*rate;
+ stock_price = Math.ceil(stock_price*vat);
+ } else {
+ stock_price = '-';
+ }
+ if (exchange > 0) {
+ ex_price = ((exchange*100)/(100-margin)+shipping)*rate;
+ ex_price = Math.ceil(ex_price*vat);
+ } else {
+ ex_price = '-';
+ }
+ rows += '<tr><td>'+number+'</td><td>'+description+'</td><td>'+ex_price+'</td><td>'+stock_price+'</td></tr>';
+ }
+ var html = '<table><thead><tr><th class="number">Part #</th><th>Description</th><th class="price">Exchg</th><th class="price">Stock</th></tr></thead><tbody id="search_list">';
+ scroll_area.object.content.innerHTML = html+rows+'</tbody></table>';
+ scroll_area.object.refresh();
+function select_product(event)
+ var val = event.target.value;
+ if (val == 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // clean up product name for awk
+ p = val.replace(/([+\\(\\)\\/])/g, '\\$1')
+ widget.system("awk '/^" + p + "\t/' " + csv_file + ' | awk -F "\t" \'{printf("%s|%s|%f|%f\\n",$2,$3,$7,$8)}\'', list_parts);
+function filter_table()
+ var rex = new RegExp($('#search_query').val(), 'i');
+ $('#search_list tr').hide();
+ $('#search_list tr').filter(function() {
+ return rex.test($(this).text());
+ }).show();
+ scroll_area.object.refresh();
+ return false;
+function filter_parts(event)
+ var rex = new RegExp(event.target.value, 'i');
+ $('#search_list tr').hide();
+ $('#search_list tr').filter(function() {
+ return rex.test($(this).text());
+ }).show();
+ return false;
+// Assign this handler to the ondrop event
+// on a drop target on your widget's interface
+function dragDrop(event)
+ try {
+ var uriString = event.dataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list");
+ var uriList = uriString.split("\n");
+ var df = uriList[0].substr(16);
+ // filter out vintage parts
+ widget.system('iconv -f UTF-16LE '+df+' | grep -v ^~ | tail +2 > '+csv_file, null);
+ load_products();
+ } catch (ex) {
+ alert("Problem fetching URI: " + ex);
+ }
+ scroll_area.object.innerHTML = '';
+ scroll_area.object.refresh();
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+// Be sure to assign these handlers for the ondragenter
+// and ondragover events on your drop target
+// These handlers prevent Web Kit from processing
+// drag events so you can handle the drop when it occurs
+function dragEnter(event)
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();
+function dragOver(event)
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ event.preventDefault();