path: root/Source/SPCustomQuery.m
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPCustomQuery.m')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 292 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPCustomQuery.m b/Source/SPCustomQuery.m
index bddb0b6c..e8c1d6ad 100644
--- a/Source/SPCustomQuery.m
+++ b/Source/SPCustomQuery.m
@@ -603,372 +603,370 @@
- (void)performQueriesTask:(NSDictionary *)taskArguments
- NSAutoreleasePool *queryRunningPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
- NSArray *queries = [taskArguments objectForKey:@"queries"];
- SPMySQLStreamingResultStore *resultStore = nil;
- NSMutableString *errors = [NSMutableString string];
- SEL callbackMethod = NULL;
- NSString *taskButtonString;
- NSUInteger i, totalQueriesRun = 0, totalAffectedRows = 0;
- double executionTime = 0;
- NSInteger firstErrorOccuredInQuery = -1;
- BOOL suppressErrorSheet = NO;
- BOOL tableListNeedsReload = NO;
- BOOL databaseWasChanged = NO;
- // BOOL queriesSeparatedByDelimiter = NO;
- NSCharacterSet *whitespaceAndNewlineSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
+ @autoreleasepool {
+ NSArray *queries = [taskArguments objectForKey:@"queries"];
+ SPMySQLStreamingResultStore *resultStore = nil;
+ NSMutableString *errors = [NSMutableString string];
+ SEL callbackMethod = NULL;
+ NSString *taskButtonString;
+ NSUInteger i, totalQueriesRun = 0, totalAffectedRows = 0;
+ double executionTime = 0;
+ NSInteger firstErrorOccuredInQuery = -1;
+ BOOL suppressErrorSheet = NO;
+ BOOL tableListNeedsReload = NO;
+ BOOL databaseWasChanged = NO;
+ // BOOL queriesSeparatedByDelimiter = NO;
+ NSCharacterSet *whitespaceAndNewlineSet = [NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet];
#ifndef SP_CODA /* [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:] */
- [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPCustomQueryQueryMode];
+ [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPCustomQueryQueryMode];
- // Notify listeners that a query has started
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:@"SMySQLQueryWillBePerformed" object:tableDocumentInstance];
+ // Notify listeners that a query has started
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:@"SMySQLQueryWillBePerformed" object:tableDocumentInstance];
#ifndef SP_CODA /* growl */
- // Start the notification timer to allow notifications to be shown even if frontmost for long queries
- [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] setVisibilityForNotificationName:@"Query Finished"];
+ // Start the notification timer to allow notifications to be shown even if frontmost for long queries
+ [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] setVisibilityForNotificationName:@"Query Finished"];
- // Reset the current table view as necessary to avoid redraw and reload issues.
- // Restore the view position to the top left to be within the results for all datasets.
- if(editedRow == -1 && !reloadingExistingResult) {
- [[customQueryView onMainThread] scrollRowToVisible:0];
- [[customQueryView onMainThread] scrollColumnToVisible:0];
- }
+ // Reset the current table view as necessary to avoid redraw and reload issues.
+ // Restore the view position to the top left to be within the results for all datasets.
+ if(editedRow == -1 && !reloadingExistingResult) {
+ [[customQueryView onMainThread] scrollRowToVisible:0];
+ [[customQueryView onMainThread] scrollColumnToVisible:0];
+ }
- // Remove all the columns if not reloading the table
- if(!reloadingExistingResult) {
- if (cqColumnDefinition) SPClear(cqColumnDefinition);
- [[self onMainThread] updateTableView];
- }
+ // Remove all the columns if not reloading the table
+ if(!reloadingExistingResult) {
+ SPClear(cqColumnDefinition);
+ [[self onMainThread] updateTableView];
+ }
- // Disable automatic query retries on failure for the custom queries
- [mySQLConnection setRetryQueriesOnConnectionFailure:NO];
+ // Disable automatic query retries on failure for the custom queries
+ [mySQLConnection setRetryQueriesOnConnectionFailure:NO];
- NSUInteger queryCount = [queries count];
- NSMutableArray *tempQueries = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:queryCount];
+ NSUInteger queryCount = [queries count];
+ NSMutableArray *tempQueries = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:queryCount];
- // Enable task cancellation
- if (queryCount > 1)
- taskButtonString = NSLocalizedString(@"Stop queries", @"Stop queries string");
- else
- taskButtonString = NSLocalizedString(@"Stop query", @"Stop query string");
- [tableDocumentInstance enableTaskCancellationWithTitle:taskButtonString callbackObject:nil callbackFunction:NULL];
+ // Enable task cancellation
+ taskButtonString = (queryCount > 1)? NSLocalizedString(@"Stop queries", @"Stop queries string") : NSLocalizedString(@"Stop query", @"Stop query string");
+ [tableDocumentInstance enableTaskCancellationWithTitle:taskButtonString callbackObject:nil callbackFunction:NULL];
- // Perform the supplied queries in series
- for ( i = 0 ; i < queryCount ; i++ ) {
+ // Perform the supplied queries in series
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < queryCount ; i++ ) {
- if (i > 0) {
- NSString *taskString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Running query %ld of %lu...", @"Running multiple queries string"), (long)(i+1), (unsigned long)queryCount];
- [[tableDocumentInstance onMainThread] setTaskDescription:taskString];
- [[errorText onMainThread] setString:taskString];
- }
+ if (i > 0) {
+ NSString *taskString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Running query %ld of %lu...", @"Running multiple queries string"), (long)(i+1), (unsigned long)queryCount];
+ [[tableDocumentInstance onMainThread] setTaskDescription:taskString];
+ [[errorText onMainThread] setString:taskString];
+ }
- NSString *query = [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(queries, i) stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whitespaceAndNewlineSet];
+ NSString *query = [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(queries, i) stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:whitespaceAndNewlineSet];
- // Don't run blank queries, or queries which only contain whitespace.
- if (![query length])
- continue;
+ // Don't run blank queries, or queries which only contain whitespace.
+ if (![query length]) continue;
- // store trimmed queries for usedQueries and history
- [tempQueries addObject:query];
+ // store trimmed queries for usedQueries and history
+ [tempQueries addObject:query];
- // Run the query, timing execution (note this also includes network and overhead)
- resultStore = [[mySQLConnection resultStoreFromQueryString:query] retain];
- executionTime += [resultStore queryExecutionTime];
- totalQueriesRun++;
+ // Run the query, timing execution (note this also includes network and overhead)
+ resultStore = [[mySQLConnection resultStoreFromQueryString:query] retain];
+ executionTime += [resultStore queryExecutionTime];
+ totalQueriesRun++;
- // If this is the last query, retrieve and store the result; otherwise,
- // discard the result without fully loading.
- if (totalQueriesRun == queryCount || [mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
+ // If this is the last query, retrieve and store the result; otherwise,
+ // discard the result without fully loading.
+ if (totalQueriesRun == queryCount || [mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
- // Retrieve and cache the column definitions for the result array
- if (cqColumnDefinition) [cqColumnDefinition release];
- cqColumnDefinition = [[resultStore fieldDefinitions] retain];
+ // Retrieve and cache the column definitions for the result array
+ if (cqColumnDefinition) [cqColumnDefinition release];
+ cqColumnDefinition = [[resultStore fieldDefinitions] retain];
- if(!reloadingExistingResult) {
- [[self onMainThread] updateTableView];
- }
+ if(!reloadingExistingResult) {
+ [[self onMainThread] updateTableView];
+ }
- // Find result table name for copying as SQL INSERT.
- // If more than one table name is found set resultTableName to nil.
- // resultTableName will be set to the original table name (not defined via AS) provided by mysql return
- // and the resultTableName can differ due to case-sensitive/insensitive settings!.
- NSString *resultTableName = [[cqColumnDefinition objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"org_table"];
- for(id field in cqColumnDefinition) {
- if(![[field objectForKey:@"org_table"] isEqualToString:resultTableName]) {
- resultTableName = nil;
- break;
+ // Find result table name for copying as SQL INSERT.
+ // If more than one table name is found set resultTableName to nil.
+ // resultTableName will be set to the original table name (not defined via AS) provided by mysql return
+ // and the resultTableName can differ due to case-sensitive/insensitive settings!.
+ NSString *resultTableName = [[cqColumnDefinition objectAtIndex:0] objectForKey:@"org_table"];
+ for(id field in cqColumnDefinition) {
+ if(![[field objectForKey:@"org_table"] isEqualToString:resultTableName]) {
+ resultTableName = nil;
+ break;
+ }
- }
- // Init copyTable with necessary information for copying selected rows as SQL INSERT
- [customQueryView setTableInstance:self withTableData:resultData withColumns:cqColumnDefinition withTableName:resultTableName withConnection:mySQLConnection];
+ // Init copyTable with necessary information for copying selected rows as SQL INSERT
+ [customQueryView setTableInstance:self
+ withTableData:resultData
+ withColumns:cqColumnDefinition
+ withTableName:resultTableName
+ withConnection:mySQLConnection];
- [self updateResultStore:resultStore];
- } else {
- [resultStore cancelResultLoad];
- }
+ [self updateResultStore:resultStore];
+ } else {
+ [resultStore cancelResultLoad];
+ }
- // Record any affected rows
- if ( [mySQLConnection rowsAffectedByLastQuery] != (unsigned long long)~0 )
- totalAffectedRows += (NSUInteger)[mySQLConnection rowsAffectedByLastQuery];
- else if ( [resultStore numberOfRows] )
- totalAffectedRows += (NSUInteger)[resultStore numberOfRows];
+ // Record any affected rows
+ if ( [mySQLConnection rowsAffectedByLastQuery] != (unsigned long long)~0 ) {
+ totalAffectedRows += (NSUInteger) [mySQLConnection rowsAffectedByLastQuery];
+ }
+ else if ( [resultStore numberOfRows] ) {
+ totalAffectedRows += (NSUInteger) [resultStore numberOfRows];
+ }
- [resultStore release];
+ [resultStore release];
- // Store any error messages
- if ([mySQLConnection queryErrored] || [mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
+ // Store any error messages
+ if ([mySQLConnection queryErrored] || [mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
- NSString *errorString;
- if ([mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
- if ([mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect])
- errorString = NSLocalizedString(@"Query cancelled. Please note that to cancel the query the connection had to be reset; transactions and connection variables were reset.", @"Query cancel by resetting connection error");
- else
- errorString = NSLocalizedString(@"Query cancelled.", @"Query cancelled error");
- } else {
- errorString = [mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage];
+ NSString *errorString;
+ if ([mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
+ if ([mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelledUsingReconnect]){
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString(@"Query cancelled. Please note that to cancel the query the connection had to be reset; transactions and connection variables were reset.", @"Query cancel by resetting connection error");
+ }
+ else {
+ errorString = NSLocalizedString(@"Query cancelled.", @"Query cancelled error");
+ }
+ } else {
+ errorString = [mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage];
- // If dealing with a "MySQL server has gone away" error, explain the situation.
- // Error 2006 is CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR, which means the query write couldn't complete.
- if ([mySQLConnection lastErrorID] == 2006) {
- errorString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.\n\n%@", errorString, NSLocalizedString(@"(This usually indicates that the connection has been closed by the server after inactivity, but can also occur due to other conditions. The connection has been restored; please try again if the query is safe to re-run.)", @"Explanation for MySQL server has gone away error")];
+ // If dealing with a "MySQL server has gone away" error, explain the situation.
+ // Error 2006 is CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR, which means the query write couldn't complete.
+ if ([mySQLConnection lastErrorID] == 2006) {
+ errorString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.\n\n%@", errorString, NSLocalizedString(@"(This usually indicates that the connection has been closed by the server after inactivity, but can also occur due to other conditions. The connection has been restored; please try again if the query is safe to re-run.)", @"Explanation for MySQL server has gone away error")];
+ }
- }
- // If the query errored, append error to the error log for display at the end
- if ( queryCount > 1 ) {
- if(firstErrorOccuredInQuery == -1)
- firstErrorOccuredInQuery = i+1;
- if(!suppressErrorSheet)
- {
- // Update error text for the user
- [errors appendFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"[ERROR in query %ld] %@\n", @"error text when multiple custom query failed"),
- (long)(i+1),
- errorString];
- [[errorTextTitle onMainThread] setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Last Error Message", @"Last Error Message")];
- [[errorText onMainThread] setString:errors];
- // ask the user to continue after detecting an error
- if (![mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
- [tableDocumentInstance setTaskIndicatorShouldAnimate:NO];
- [SPAlertSheets beginWaitingAlertSheetWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"MySQL Error", @"mysql error message")
- defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Run All", @"run all button")
- alternateButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Continue", @"continue button")
- otherButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Stop", @"stop button")
- alertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle
- docWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow]
- modalDelegate:self
- didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
- contextInfo:@"runAllContinueStopSheet"
- infoText:[mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage]
- returnCode:&runAllContinueStopSheetReturnCode];
- [tableDocumentInstance setTaskIndicatorShouldAnimate:YES];
- switch (runAllContinueStopSheetReturnCode) {
- case NSAlertDefaultReturn:
- suppressErrorSheet = YES;
- case NSAlertAlternateReturn:
- break;
- default:
- if(i < queryCount-1) // output that message only if it was not the last one
- [errors appendString:NSLocalizedString(@"Execution stopped!\n", @"execution stopped message")];
- i = queryCount; // break for loop; for safety reasons stop the execution of the following queries
+ // If the query errored, append error to the error log for display at the end
+ if ( queryCount > 1 ) {
+ if(firstErrorOccuredInQuery == -1) firstErrorOccuredInQuery = i+1;
+ if(!suppressErrorSheet)
+ {
+ // Update error text for the user
+ [errors appendFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"[ERROR in query %ld] %@\n", @"error text when multiple custom query failed"),
+ (long)(i+1),
+ errorString];
+ [[errorTextTitle onMainThread] setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Last Error Message", @"Last Error Message")];
+ [[errorText onMainThread] setString:errors];
+ // ask the user to continue after detecting an error
+ if (![mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) {
+ [tableDocumentInstance setTaskIndicatorShouldAnimate:NO];
+ [SPAlertSheets beginWaitingAlertSheetWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"MySQL Error", @"mysql error message")
+ defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Run All", @"run all button")
+ alternateButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Continue", @"continue button")
+ otherButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Stop", @"stop button")
+ alertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle
+ docWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow]
+ modalDelegate:self
+ didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:)
+ contextInfo:@"runAllContinueStopSheet"
+ infoText:[mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage]
+ returnCode:&runAllContinueStopSheetReturnCode];
+ [tableDocumentInstance setTaskIndicatorShouldAnimate:YES];
+ switch (runAllContinueStopSheetReturnCode) {
+ case NSAlertDefaultReturn:
+ suppressErrorSheet = YES;
+ case NSAlertAlternateReturn:
+ break;
+ default:
+ if(i < queryCount-1) {
+ // output that message only if it was not the last one
+ [errors appendString:NSLocalizedString(@"Execution stopped!\n", @"execution stopped message")];
+ }
+ i = queryCount; // break for loop; for safety reasons stop the execution of the following queries
+ }
+ } else {
+ [errors appendFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"[ERROR in query %ld] %@\n", @"error text when multiple custom query failed"),
+ (long)(i+1),
+ errorString];
} else {
- [errors appendFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"[ERROR in query %ld] %@\n", @"error text when multiple custom query failed"),
- (long)(i+1),
- errorString];
+ [errors setString:errorString];
} else {
- [errors setString:errorString];
+ // Check if table/db list needs an update
+ // The regex is a compromise between speed and usefullness. TODO: further improvements are needed
+ if(!tableListNeedsReload && [query isMatchedByRegex:@"(?i)^\\s*\\b(create|alter|drop|rename)\\b\\s+."]) {
+ tableListNeedsReload = YES;
+ }
+ if(!databaseWasChanged && [query isMatchedByRegex:@"(?i)^\\s*\\b(use|drop\\s+database|drop\\s+schema)\\b\\s+."]){
+ databaseWasChanged = YES;
+ }
- } else {
- // Check if table/db list needs an update
- // The regex is a compromise between speed and usefullness. TODO: further improvements are needed
- if(!tableListNeedsReload && [query isMatchedByRegex:@"(?i)^\\s*\\b(create|alter|drop|rename)\\b\\s+."])
- tableListNeedsReload = YES;
- if(!databaseWasChanged && [query isMatchedByRegex:@"(?i)^\\s*\\b(use|drop\\s+database|drop\\s+schema)\\b\\s+."])
- databaseWasChanged = YES;
+ // If the query was cancelled, end all queries.
+ if ([mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) break;
- // If the query was cancelled, end all queries.
- if ([mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled]) break;
- }
- // Reload table list if at least one query began with drop, alter, rename, or create
- if(tableListNeedsReload || databaseWasChanged) {
- // Build database pulldown menu
- [[tableDocumentInstance onMainThread] setDatabases:self];
- if (databaseWasChanged)
- // Reset the current database
- [tableDocumentInstance refreshCurrentDatabase];
+ // Reload table list if at least one query began with drop, alter, rename, or create
+ if(tableListNeedsReload || databaseWasChanged) {
+ // Build database pulldown menu
+ [[tableDocumentInstance onMainThread] setDatabases:self];
- // Reload table list
- [tablesListInstance updateTables:self];
+ if (databaseWasChanged) {
+ // Reset the current database
+ [tableDocumentInstance refreshCurrentDatabase];
+ }
- }
+ // Reload table list
+ [tablesListInstance updateTables:self];
+ }
- if(usedQuery)
- [usedQuery release];
+ if(usedQuery) [usedQuery release];
- // if(!queriesSeparatedByDelimiter) // TODO: How to combine queries delimited by DELIMITER?
- usedQuery = [[NSString stringWithString:[tempQueries componentsJoinedByString:@";\n"]] retain];
+ // if(!queriesSeparatedByDelimiter) // TODO: How to combine queries delimited by DELIMITER?
+ usedQuery = [[NSString stringWithString:[tempQueries componentsJoinedByString:@";\n"]] retain];
- if (lastExecutedQuery) [lastExecutedQuery release];
- lastExecutedQuery = [[tempQueries lastObject] retain];
+ if (lastExecutedQuery) [lastExecutedQuery release];
+ lastExecutedQuery = [[tempQueries lastObject] retain];
- // Perform empty query if no query is given
- if ( !queryCount ) {
- resultStore = [mySQLConnection resultStoreFromQueryString:@""];
- [resultStore cancelResultLoad];
- [errors setString:[mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage]];
- }
+ // Perform empty query if no query is given
+ if ( !queryCount ) {
+ resultStore = [mySQLConnection resultStoreFromQueryString:@""];
+ [resultStore cancelResultLoad];
+ [errors setString:[mySQLConnection lastErrorMessage]];
+ }
#ifndef SP_CODA
- // add query to history
- if(!reloadingExistingResult && [usedQuery length])
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addHistoryEntry:) withObject:usedQuery waitUntilDone:NO];
+ // add query to history
+ if(!reloadingExistingResult && [usedQuery length]) {
+ [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(addHistoryEntry:) withObject:usedQuery waitUntilDone:NO];
+ }
- // Update status/errors text
- NSDictionary *statusDetails = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
- errors, @"errorString",
- [NSNumber numberWithInteger:firstErrorOccuredInQuery], @"firstErrorQueryNumber",
- nil];
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateStatusInterfaceWithDetails:) withObject:statusDetails waitUntilDone:YES];
- // Set up the status string
- NSString *statusString = nil;
- NSString *statusErrorString = [errors length]?NSLocalizedString(@"Errors", @"Errors title"):NSLocalizedString(@"No errors", @"No errors title");
- if ( [mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled] ) {
- if (totalQueriesRun > 1) {
- statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; Cancelled in query %ld, after %@", @"text showing multiple queries were cancelled"),
- statusErrorString,
- (long)totalQueriesRun,
- [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]
- ];
- } else {
- statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; Cancelled after %@", @"text showing a query was cancelled"),
- statusErrorString,
- [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]
- ];
- }
- } else if ( totalQueriesRun > 1 ) {
- if (totalAffectedRows==1) {
- statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; 1 row affected in total, by %ld queries taking %@", @"text showing one row has been affected by multiple queries"),
- statusErrorString,
- (long)totalQueriesRun,
- [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]
- ];
- } else {
- statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; %ld rows affected in total, by %ld queries taking %@", @"text showing how many rows have been affected by multiple queries"),
- statusErrorString,
- (long)totalAffectedRows,
- (long)totalQueriesRun,
- [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]
- ];
- }
- } else {
- if (totalAffectedRows==1) {
- statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; 1 row affected", @"text showing one row has been affected by a single query"),
- statusErrorString
- ];
+ // Update status/errors text
+ NSDictionary *statusDetails = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ errors, @"errorString",
+ [NSNumber numberWithInteger:firstErrorOccuredInQuery], @"firstErrorQueryNumber",
+ nil
+ ];
+ [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateStatusInterfaceWithDetails:) withObject:statusDetails waitUntilDone:YES];
+ // Set up the status string
+ NSString *statusString = nil;
+ NSString *statusErrorString = [errors length]?NSLocalizedString(@"Errors", @"Errors title"):NSLocalizedString(@"No errors", @"No errors title");
+ if ( [mySQLConnection lastQueryWasCancelled] ) {
+ if (totalQueriesRun > 1) {
+ statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; Cancelled in query %ld, after %@", @"text showing multiple queries were cancelled"),
+ statusErrorString,
+ (long)totalQueriesRun,
+ [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ } else {
+ statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; Cancelled after %@", @"text showing a query was cancelled"),
+ statusErrorString,
+ [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ }
+ } else if ( totalQueriesRun > 1 ) {
+ if (totalAffectedRows==1) {
+ statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; 1 row affected in total, by %ld queries taking %@", @"text showing one row has been affected by multiple queries"),
+ statusErrorString,
+ (long)totalQueriesRun,
+ [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ } else {
+ statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; %ld rows affected in total, by %ld queries taking %@", @"text showing how many rows have been affected by multiple queries"),
+ statusErrorString,
+ (long)totalAffectedRows,
+ (long)totalQueriesRun,
+ [NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ }
} else {
- statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; %ld rows affected", @"text showing how many rows have been affected by a single query"),
- statusErrorString,
- (long)totalAffectedRows
- ];
- }
- if([resultData count]) {
- // we were running a query that returns a result set (ie. SELECT).
- // TODO: mysql_query() returns as soon as the first result row is found (which might be pretty soon when using indexes / not doing aggregations)
- // and that makes our query time measurement pretty useless (see #264)
- statusString = [statusString stringByAppendingFormat:NSLocalizedString(@", first row available after %1$@",@"Custom Query : text appended to the “x row(s) affected” messages. $1 is a time interval"),[NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
- }
- else {
- statusString = [statusString stringByAppendingFormat:NSLocalizedString(@", taking %1$@",@"Custom Query : text appended to the “x row(s) affected” messages (for update/delete queries). $1 is a time interval"),[NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ if (totalAffectedRows==1) {
+ statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; 1 row affected", @"text showing one row has been affected by a single query"),
+ statusErrorString];
+ } else {
+ statusString = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@; %ld rows affected", @"text showing how many rows have been affected by a single query"),
+ statusErrorString,
+ (long)totalAffectedRows];
+ }
+ if([resultData count]) {
+ // we were running a query that returns a result set (ie. SELECT).
+ // TODO: mysql_query() returns as soon as the first result row is found (which might be pretty soon when using indexes / not doing aggregations)
+ // and that makes our query time measurement pretty useless (see #264)
+ statusString = [statusString stringByAppendingFormat:NSLocalizedString(@", first row available after %1$@",@"Custom Query : text appended to the “x row(s) affected” messages. $1 is a time interval"),[NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ }
+ else {
+ statusString = [statusString stringByAppendingFormat:NSLocalizedString(@", taking %1$@",@"Custom Query : text appended to the “x row(s) affected” messages (for update/delete queries). $1 is a time interval"),[NSString stringForTimeInterval:executionTime]];
+ }
- }
- [[affectedRowsText onMainThread] setStringValue:statusString];
+ [[affectedRowsText onMainThread] setStringValue:statusString];
- // Restore automatic query retries
- [mySQLConnection setRetryQueriesOnConnectionFailure:YES];
+ // Restore automatic query retries
+ [mySQLConnection setRetryQueriesOnConnectionFailure:YES];
#ifndef SP_CODA /* [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:] */
- [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPInterfaceQueryMode];
+ [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPInterfaceQueryMode];
- // If no results were returned, redraw the empty table and post notifications before returning.
- if ( ![resultData count] ) {
- [customQueryView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
+ // If no results were returned, redraw the empty table and post notifications before returning.
+ if ( ![resultData count] ) {
+ [customQueryView performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(reloadData) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
- // Notify any listeners that the query has completed
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:@"SMySQLQueryHasBeenPerformed" object:tableDocumentInstance];
+ // Notify any listeners that the query has completed
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:@"SMySQLQueryHasBeenPerformed" object:tableDocumentInstance];
#ifndef SP_CODA /* growl */
- // Perform the Growl notification for query completion
- [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Query Finished"
- description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@",@"description for query finished growl notification"), [errorText string]]
- document:tableDocumentInstance
- notificationName:@"Query Finished"];
+ // Perform the Growl notification for query completion
+ [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Query Finished"
+ description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@",@"description for query finished growl notification"), [errorText string]]
+ document:tableDocumentInstance
+ notificationName:@"Query Finished"];
- // Set up the callback if present
- if ([taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"]) {
- [[taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"] getValue:&callbackMethod];
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:callbackMethod withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
- }
+ // Set up the callback if present
+ if ([taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"]) {
+ [[taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"] getValue:&callbackMethod];
+ [self performSelectorOnMainThread:callbackMethod withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
+ }
- [tableDocumentInstance endTask];
- [queryRunningPool release];
+ [tableDocumentInstance endTask];
- return;
- }
+ return;
+ }
- // Restore the result view origin if appropriate
- if (!NSEqualRects(selectionViewportToRestore, NSZeroRect)) {
+ // Restore the result view origin if appropriate
+ if (!NSEqualRects(selectionViewportToRestore, NSZeroRect)) {
- // Scroll the viewport to the saved location
- selectionViewportToRestore.size = [customQueryView visibleRect].size;
- [(SPCopyTable*)[customQueryView onMainThread] scrollRectToVisible:selectionViewportToRestore];
- }
+ // Scroll the viewport to the saved location
+ selectionViewportToRestore.size = [customQueryView visibleRect].size;
+ [[customQueryView onMainThread] scrollRectToVisible:selectionViewportToRestore];
+ }
- //query finished
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:@"SMySQLQueryHasBeenPerformed" object:tableDocumentInstance];
+ //query finished
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:@"SMySQLQueryHasBeenPerformed" object:tableDocumentInstance];
#ifndef SP_CODA /* growl */
- // Query finished Growl notification
- [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Query Finished"
- description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@",@"description for query finished growl notification"), [errorText string]]
- document:tableDocumentInstance
- notificationName:@"Query Finished"];
+ // Query finished Growl notification
+ [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Query Finished"
+ description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@",@"description for query finished growl notification"), [errorText string]]
+ document:tableDocumentInstance
+ notificationName:@"Query Finished"];
- // Set up the callback if present
- if ([taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"]) {
- [[taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"] getValue:&callbackMethod];
- [self performSelectorOnMainThread:callbackMethod withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
- }
- [tableDocumentInstance endTask];
+ // Set up the callback if present
+ if ([taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"]) {
+ [[taskArguments objectForKey:@"callback"] getValue:&callbackMethod];
+ [self performSelectorOnMainThread:callbackMethod withObject:nil waitUntilDone:YES];
+ }
- // Restore selection indexes if appropriate
- if (selectionIndexToRestore)
- [customQueryView selectRowIndexes:selectionIndexToRestore byExtendingSelection:NO];
+ [tableDocumentInstance endTask];
- if(reloadingExistingResult)
- [[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] makeFirstResponder:customQueryView];
+ // Restore selection indexes if appropriate
+ if (selectionIndexToRestore) [customQueryView selectRowIndexes:selectionIndexToRestore byExtendingSelection:NO];
- [queryRunningPool release];
+ if(reloadingExistingResult) [[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] makeFirstResponder:customQueryView];
+ }