path: root/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m
diff options
authorBibiko <bibiko@eva.mpg.de>2010-09-01 10:53:11 +0000
committerBibiko <bibiko@eva.mpg.de>2010-09-01 10:53:11 +0000
commit33db54fee22d960cf51478fcb79649b19d131d01 (patch)
tree89c9daf4d38f6c523f804ca0b28f35ad1e9307bd /Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m
parenta57a5858fb2d8e876224bc5a7b5833fc8e196acf (diff)
• Show/Copy Create Syntax now come up with all create syntaxes of selected items
• if Create Syntax is a PROC wrap the output by DELIMITER ;; etc. to simplify a copy&paste • merged code for copyCreateTableSyntax into showCreateTableSyntax distinguished by the sender (if sender == self) then copy otherwise show
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 106 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m b/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m
index 00831c85..7632d50a 100644
--- a/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m
+++ b/Source/SPDatabaseDocument.m
@@ -1734,66 +1734,123 @@
#pragma mark Table Methods
- * Displays the CREATE TABLE syntax of the selected table to the user via a HUD panel.
+ * Copies if sender == self or displays or the CREATE TABLE syntax of the selected table(s) to the user .
- (IBAction)showCreateTableSyntax:(id)sender
- //Create the query and get results
NSInteger colOffs = 1;
NSString *query = nil;
NSString *typeString = @"";
+ NSString *header = @"";
+ NSMutableString *createSyntax = [NSMutableString string];
- if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeTable ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- typeString = @"table";
- }
- else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeView ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE VIEW %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- typeString = @"view";
- }
- else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeProc ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- typeString = @"procedure";
- colOffs = 2;
- }
- else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeFunc ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- typeString = @"function";
- colOffs = 2;
- }
+ NSIndexSet *indexes = [[tablesListInstance valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListView"] selectedRowIndexes];
- if (query == nil) return;
+ NSUInteger currentIndex = [indexes firstIndex];
+ NSInteger counter = 0;
+ NSInteger type;
- MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:query];
- [theResult setReturnDataAsStrings:YES];
+ NSArray *types = [tablesListInstance selectedTableTypes];
+ NSArray *items = [tablesListInstance selectedTableItems];
- // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated
- if ([mySQLConnection queryErrored]) {
- if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) {
- NSRunAlertPanel(@"Error", [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"An error occured while creating table syntax.\n\n: %@", @"Error shown when unable to show create table syntax"),[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]], @"OK", nil, nil);
+ while (currentIndex != NSNotFound)
+ {
+ type = [[types objectAtIndex:counter] intValue];
+ query = nil;
+ if( type == SPTableTypeTable ) {
+ query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE TABLE %@", [[items objectAtIndex:counter] backtickQuotedString]];
+ typeString = @"TABLE";
+ }
+ else if( type == SPTableTypeView ) {
+ query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE VIEW %@", [[items objectAtIndex:counter] backtickQuotedString]];
+ typeString = @"VIEW";
+ }
+ else if( type == SPTableTypeProc ) {
+ query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %@", [[items objectAtIndex:counter] backtickQuotedString]];
+ typeString = @"PROCEDURE";
+ colOffs = 2;
+ }
+ else if( type == SPTableTypeFunc ) {
+ query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %@", [[items objectAtIndex:counter] backtickQuotedString]];
+ typeString = @"FUNCTION";
+ colOffs = 2;
- return;
- }
+ if (query == nil) {
+ NSLog(@"Unknown type for selected item while getting the create syntax for '%@'", [items objectAtIndex:counter]);
+ NSBeep();
+ return;
+ }
- NSString *tableSyntax = [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:colOffs];
+ MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:query];
+ [theResult setReturnDataAsStrings:YES];
+ // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated
+ if ([mySQLConnection queryErrored]) {
+ if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) {
+ NSRunAlertPanel(@"Error", [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"An error occured while creating table syntax.\n\n: %@", @"Error shown when unable to show create table syntax"),[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]], @"OK", nil, nil);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ NSString *tableSyntax;
+ if( type == SPTableTypeProc )
+ tableSyntax = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"DELIMITER ;;\n%@;;\nDELIMITER ", [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:colOffs]];
+ else
+ tableSyntax = [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:colOffs];
+ // A NULL value indicates that the user does not have permission to view the syntax
+ if ([tableSyntax isNSNull]) {
+ [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Permission Denied", @"Permission Denied")
+ defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button")
+ alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil
+ informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The creation syntax could not be retrieved due to a permissions error.\n\nPlease check your user permissions with an administrator.", @"Create syntax permission denied detail")]
+ beginSheetModalForWindow:parentWindow
+ modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
+ return;
+ }
+ if([indexes count] > 1)
+ header = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"# Create syntax for %@ '%@'\n", typeString, [items objectAtIndex:counter]];
+ [createSyntax appendFormat:@"%@%@;%@", header, (type == SPTableTypeView) ? [tableSyntax createViewSyntaxPrettifier] : tableSyntax, (counter < [indexes count]-1) ? @"\n\n" : @""];
+ counter++;
+ // Get next index (beginning from the end)
+ currentIndex = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:currentIndex];
- // A NULL value indicates that the user does not have permission to view the syntax
- if ([tableSyntax isNSNull]) {
- [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Permission Denied", @"Permission Denied")
- defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button")
- alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil
- informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The creation syntax could not be retrieved due to a permissions error.\n\nPlease check your user permissions with an administrator.", @"Create syntax permission denied detail")]
- beginSheetModalForWindow:parentWindow
- modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
- return;
+ // copy to the clipboard if sender was self, otherwise
+ // show syntax(es) in sheet
+ if(sender == self) {
+ NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
+ [pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:self];
+ [pb setString:createSyntax forType:NSStringPboardType];
- [createTableSyntaxTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Create syntax for %@ '%@'", @"Create syntax label"), typeString, [self table]]];
+ // Table syntax copied Growl notification
+ [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Syntax Copied"
+ description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Syntax for %@ table copied",@"description for table syntax copied growl notification"), [self table]]
+ document:self
+ notificationName:@"Syntax Copied"];
+ return;
+ }
+ if([indexes count] == 1)
+ [createTableSyntaxTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Create syntax for %@ '%@'", @"Create syntax label"), typeString, [self table]]];
+ else
+ [createTableSyntaxTextField setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Create syntaxes for selected items", @"Create syntaxes for selected items label")];
[createTableSyntaxTextView setEditable:YES];
[createTableSyntaxTextView setString:@""];
- [createTableSyntaxTextView insertText:([tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeView) ? [[tableSyntax createViewSyntaxPrettifier] stringByAppendingString:@";"] : [tableSyntax stringByAppendingString:@";"]];
+ [createTableSyntaxTextView insertText:createSyntax];
[createTableSyntaxTextView setEditable:NO];
[createTableSyntaxWindow makeFirstResponder:createTableSyntaxTextField];
@@ -1812,65 +1869,10 @@
- (IBAction)copyCreateTableSyntax:(id)sender
- // Create the query and get results
- NSString *query = nil;
- NSInteger colOffs = 1;
- if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeTable ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- }
- else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeView ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE VIEW %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- }
- else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeProc ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- colOffs = 2;
- }
- else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeFunc ) {
- query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]];
- colOffs = 2;
- }
- if( query == nil )
- return;
- MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:query];
- [theResult setReturnDataAsStrings:YES];
- // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated
- if ([mySQLConnection queryErrored]) {
- if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) {
- NSRunAlertPanel(@"Error", [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"An error occured while creating table syntax.\n\n: %@", @"Error shown when unable to show create table syntax"),[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]], @"OK", nil, nil);
- }
- return;
- }
- NSString *tableSyntax = [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:colOffs];
+ [self showCreateTableSyntax:self];
+ return;
- // A NULL value indicates that the user does not have permission to view the syntax
- if ([tableSyntax isNSNull]) {
- [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Permission Denied", @"Permission Denied")
- defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button")
- alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil
- informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The creation syntax could not be retrieved due to a permissions error.\n\nPlease check your user permissions with an administrator.", @"Create syntax permission denied detail")]
- beginSheetModalForWindow:parentWindow
- modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
- return;
- }
- // copy to the clipboard
- NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
- [pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:self];
- if([tablesListInstance tableType] == SPTableTypeView)
- [pb setString:[tableSyntax createViewSyntaxPrettifier] forType:NSStringPboardType];
- else
- [pb setString:tableSyntax forType:NSStringPboardType];
- // Table syntax copied Growl notification
- [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Syntax Copied"
- description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Syntax for %@ table copied",@"description for table syntax copied growl notification"), [self table]]
- document:self
- notificationName:@"Syntax Copied"];
@@ -3576,19 +3578,14 @@
return [self supportsEncoding];
- // table menu items
- if ([menuItem action] == @selector(showCreateTableSyntax:) ||
- [menuItem action] == @selector(copyCreateTableSyntax:))
- {
- return ([self table] != nil && [[self table] isNotEqualTo:@""]);
- }
if ([menuItem action] == @selector(analyzeTable:) ||
[menuItem action] == @selector(optimizeTable:) ||
[menuItem action] == @selector(repairTable:) ||
[menuItem action] == @selector(flushTable:) ||
[menuItem action] == @selector(checkTable:) ||
- [menuItem action] == @selector(checksumTable:))
+ [menuItem action] == @selector(checksumTable:) ||
+ [menuItem action] == @selector(showCreateTableSyntax:) ||
+ [menuItem action] == @selector(copyCreateTableSyntax:))
return ([[[tablesListInstance valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListView"] selectedRowIndexes] count]) ? YES:NO;