path: root/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
diff options
authorMax Lohrmann <dmoagx@users.noreply.github.com>2017-05-20 00:02:39 +0200
committerMax Lohrmann <dmoagx@users.noreply.github.com>2017-05-20 00:02:39 +0200
commit4a8042a473e5fc02862007f629a737d62ac23365 (patch)
tree98855f4e19b7d4d9eae2443a3e9e42212e6cbe1f /Source/SPDataAdditions.m
parent0116bcecf0b1ebb66be0179a1a8e73670814dee1 (diff)
Some changes to PR #2795
* Adjusted code style * Added unit tests * Rewrote a function to be easier to understand * Added support for MySQL X’val’ style hex literal
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/SPDataAdditions.m')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/Source/SPDataAdditions.m b/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
index 3a35e081..19539cd0 100644
--- a/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
+++ b/Source/SPDataAdditions.m
@@ -343,71 +343,137 @@ uint32_t LimitUInt32(NSUInteger i);
return hexString;
-static int hexval( char c)
+ * Returns the integer value for a single hex-encoded nibble or -1 for invalid values.
+ * Supported characters: 0-9,a-f,A-F
+ *
+ * Note: You usually would call this method like ((hexchar2nibble(highByte) << 4) + hexchar2nibble(lowByte)) to decode a single hex-encoded byte.
+ */
+static int hexchar2nibble(char c)
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
- return c - '0';
- if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f')
- return c - 'a' + 10;
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')
- return c - 'A' + 10;
+ if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0';
+ if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10;
+ if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10;
return -1;
-// Interpret a string of hex digits in 'hex' as hex data, and return
-// an NSData representation of the data. Spaces are permitted within
-// the string and an initial '0x' or '0X' will be ignored. If bad input
-// is detected, nil is returned.
-+ (NSData *)dataWithHexString: (NSString *)hex
+ * Decodes a sequence of hex digits to raw byte values.
+ * This function is very strict about the allowed inputs and must only be used for validated inputs!
+ *
+ * - If numRawBytes != 0 and inBuffer == NULL or outBuffer == NULL, this will crash
+ * - The hex sequence must ONLY contain chars 0-9,a-f,A-F or the result will be undefined
+ * - The sequence must be padded to have an even length. numRawBytes is the number of bytes AFTER decoding, so inBuffer must be exactly 2x as large
+ * - inBuffer and outBuffer may be the same pointer
+ */
+static void decodeValidHexSequence(const char *inBuffer,uint8_t *outBuffer, NSUInteger numRawBytes)
- int n = (int)(hex.length + 1);
- if (n <= 1)
- return nil; // no string or empty string
- char c, *str = (char *)malloc( n), *d = str, *e;
- const char *s = hex.UTF8String;
- //
- // Copy input while removing spaces and tabs.
- //
- do {
- c = *s++;
- if (c != ' ' && c != '\t')
- *d++ = c;
- } while (c);
- d = str;
- if (d[0] == '0' && (d[1] == 'x' || d[1] == 'X')) {
- d += 2; // bypass initial 0x or 0X
+ NSUInteger outIndex = 0;
+ NSUInteger srcIndex = 0;
+ while (outIndex < numRawBytes) {
+ uint8_t v = (hexchar2nibble(inBuffer[srcIndex]) << 4) + hexchar2nibble(inBuffer[srcIndex+1]);
+ outBuffer[outIndex++] = v;
+ srcIndex += 2;
- //
- // Check for non-hex characters
- //
- for (e = d; (c = *e); e++) {
- if (hexval( c) < 0) {
- break;
+ * Interpret a string of hex digits in 'hex' as hex data, and return
+ * an NSData representation of the data. Spaces are permitted within
+ * the string and an initial '0x' will be ignored. If bad input
+ * is detected, nil is returned.
+ *
+ * Alternatively the MySQL-style X'val' syntax is also supported,
+ * with the same restrictions as in MySQL:
+ * - val must always be an even number of characters
+ * - val cannot contain whitespace (whitespace before/after is ok)
+ * - The leading x is case-INsensitive
+ */
++ (NSData *)dataWithHexString:(NSString *)hex
+ if(!hex) return nil; // no string
+ const char *sourceBytes = [hex UTF8String];
+ size_t length = strlen(sourceBytes); // keep in mind that [hex length] is the number of Unicode characters, not the number of bytes
+ if (length < 1) return [NSData data]; // empty string
+ NSUInteger srcIndex = 0;
+ NSData *data = nil;
+ NSUInteger nbytes;
+ //skip leading whitespace (in order to properly check for leading "0x")
+ while(srcIndex < length && (sourceBytes[srcIndex] == ' ' || sourceBytes[srcIndex] == '\t')) srcIndex++;
+ // bypass initial 0x
+ if(srcIndex+1 < length && sourceBytes[srcIndex] == '0' && sourceBytes[srcIndex+1] == 'x' ) {
+ srcIndex += 2;
+ }
+ //check for mysql syntax
+ else if(srcIndex+2 < length && (sourceBytes[srcIndex] == 'x' || sourceBytes[srcIndex] == 'X') && sourceBytes[srcIndex+1] == '\'') {
+ srcIndex += 2;
+ //look for the terminating quote
+ NSUInteger startIndex = srcIndex;
+ NSUInteger endIndex = startIndex; //startIndex points to the first character inside the quotes, which may already be the terminating quote
+ while(endIndex < length) {
+ char c = sourceBytes[endIndex];
+ //if we've hit the terminator, verify that only whitespace follows and stop reading
+ if(c == '\'') {
+ NSUInteger afterIndex = endIndex+1;
+ while (afterIndex < length) {
+ c = sourceBytes[afterIndex++];
+ if(c != ' ' && c != '\t') return nil;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ endIndex++;
+ // Check for non-hex characters
+ if (hexchar2nibble(c) < 0) return nil;
+ // Check for unterminated sequence and uneven number of bytes
+ NSUInteger n = endIndex - startIndex;
+ if(endIndex == length || ((n % 2) != 0)) return nil;
+ // shortcut
+ if(n == 0) return [NSData data];
+ //looks good, create the output buffer and decode
+ nbytes = n / 2;
+ unsigned char *outBuf = malloc(nbytes);
+ decodeValidHexSequence(&sourceBytes[startIndex], outBuf, nbytes);
+ return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:outBuf length:nbytes freeWhenDone:YES];
- n = (int)(e - d); // n = # of hex digits
- if (*e) {
- //
- // Bad hex char at e. Return empty data. Alternative would be to
- // convert data up to bad point.
- //
- free( str);
- return nil;
+ // Copy input while removing spaces and tabs.
+ char *trimmedFull = (char *)malloc(length + 1);
+ char *trimmed = (trimmedFull + 1); //we'll use the first byte in case we have to fill in a leading '0'
+ NSUInteger trimIndex = 0;
+ NSUInteger n = 0; // n = # of hex digits
+ while(srcIndex < length) {
+ char c = sourceBytes[srcIndex++];
+ if(c == ' ' || c == '\t') continue;
+ trimmed[trimIndex++] = c;
+ if(!c) break;
+ n++;
+ // Check for non-hex characters
+ if (hexchar2nibble(c) < 0) goto fail_cleanup;
- int nbytes = (n % 2) ? (n + 1) / 2 : n / 2;
- unsigned char *bytes = malloc( nbytes), *b = bytes;
- if (n % 2) {
- *b++ = hexval( *d++);
+ //shortcut
+ if(n == 0) {
+ data = [NSData data];
+ goto fail_cleanup;
- while (d < e) {
- unsigned char v = (hexval( d[0]) << 4) + hexval( d[1]);
- *b++ = v;
- d += 2;
+ BOOL isEven = ((n % 2) == 0);
+ nbytes = !isEven ? (n + 1) / 2 : n / 2; //adjust for cases where "0aff" is written as "aff" (e.g.)
+ if(!isEven) {
+ trimmed--;
+ trimmed[0] = '0';
- NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy: bytes length: nbytes freeWhenDone: YES];
- free( str);
+ //we'll just decode the data in-place since the raw values have to be shorter by definition, anyway
+ decodeValidHexSequence(trimmed, (uint8_t *)trimmedFull, nbytes);
+ return [NSData dataWithBytesNoCopy:trimmedFull length:nbytes freeWhenDone:YES];
+ free(trimmedFull);
return data;