path: root/Source/CMTextView.m
diff options
authorBibiko <bibiko@eva.mpg.de>2010-03-21 22:17:50 +0000
committerBibiko <bibiko@eva.mpg.de>2010-03-21 22:17:50 +0000
commitb5cabd449156acaf18815759ee4cc5383e8fa4f6 (patch)
tree7e1c0c01cb8c86fb7dba26abf4c0b7a582d0a20f /Source/CMTextView.m
parent919f4705fc4d4e59133e4279a1e87dc432e12f2d (diff)
• Navigator
- added 'sync' mode - the navigator follows the active window db/table selection if navigator has not multiple selected items - added drag support of selected items -- as comma separated and backtick quoted string for external apps -- as array of schema paths for SP • CMTextView - added drop support for selected items coming from the Navigator - insert them as comma list relative to current selected db/table
Diffstat (limited to 'Source/CMTextView.m')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Source/CMTextView.m b/Source/CMTextView.m
index 6d6befc8..2a5c43c7 100644
--- a/Source/CMTextView.m
+++ b/Source/CMTextView.m
@@ -3056,6 +3056,44 @@ NSInteger alphabeticSort(id string1, id string2, void *reverse)
return YES;
+ // Insert selected items coming from the Navigator
+ if ( [[pboard types] containsObject:@"SPDragFromNavigatorPboardType"] ) {
+ NSPoint draggingLocation = [sender draggingLocation];
+ draggingLocation = [self convertPoint:draggingLocation fromView:nil];
+ NSUInteger characterIndex = [self characterIndexOfPoint:draggingLocation];
+ [self setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(characterIndex,0)];
+ NSKeyedUnarchiver *unarchiver = [[[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingWithData:[pboard dataForType:@"SPDragFromNavigatorPboardType"]] autorelease];
+ NSArray *draggedItems = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:(NSArray *)[unarchiver decodeObjectForKey:@"itemdata"]];
+ [unarchiver finishDecoding];
+ NSMutableString *dragString = [NSMutableString string];
+ NSMutableString *aPath = [NSMutableString string];
+ NSString *currentDb = nil;
+ NSString *currentTable = nil;
+ if ([[[[self window] delegate] valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListInstance"] valueForKey:@"selectedDatabase"] != nil)
+ currentDb = [[[[self window] delegate] valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListInstance"] valueForKeyPath:@"selectedDatabase"];
+ if ([[[[self window] delegate] valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListInstance"] valueForKey:@"tableName"] != nil)
+ currentTable = [[[[self window] delegate] valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListInstance"] valueForKeyPath:@"tableName"];
+ if(!currentDb) currentDb = @"";
+ if(!currentTable) currentTable = @"";
+ for(NSString* item in draggedItems) {
+ if([dragString length]) [dragString appendString:@", "];
+ [aPath setString:item];
+ // Insert path relative to the current selected db and table if any
+ [aPath replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"^%@%@", currentDb, SPUniqueSchemaDelimiter] withString:@""];
+ [aPath replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"^%@%@", currentTable, SPUniqueSchemaDelimiter] withString:@""];
+ [dragString appendString:[[aPath componentsSeparatedByString:SPUniqueSchemaDelimiter] componentsJoinedByPeriodAndBacktickQuoted]];
+ }
+ [self breakUndoCoalescing];
+ [self insertText:dragString];
+ return YES;
+ }
return [super performDragOperation:sender];