path: root/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang')
13 files changed, 511 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/br.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/br.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ea2fd103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/br.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'sumario';
+$L['hours'] = 'horas';
+$L['days'] = 'dias';
+$L['months'] = 'meses';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Sumario';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Top 10 - dias';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Ultimas 24 horas';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Ultimos 30 dias';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Ultimos 12 meses';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Entrada';
+$L['Out'] = 'Saida';
+$L['Total'] = 'Total';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Esta hora';
+$L['This day'] = 'Este dia';
+$L['This month'] = 'Este mes';
+$L['All time'] = 'Todos os tempos';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Trafego da';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bytes entrada';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'bytes saida';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%l%p';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%l';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/cn.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/cn.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3be03cd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/cn.php
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = '总计';
+$L['hours'] = '每时';
+$L['days'] = '每天';
+$L['months'] = '每月';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = '概览';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = '最高流量的10天';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = '过去24小时';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = '过去30天';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = '过去12个月';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = '流入';
+$L['Out'] = '流出';
+$L['Total'] = '总流量';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = '本小时';
+$L['This day'] = '本日';
+$L['This month'] = '本月';
+$L['All time'] = '总计';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = '统计的网络:';
+$L['bytes in'] = '流入bytes';
+$L['bytes out'] = '流出bytes';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%B%d日';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%Y年%B';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H:00';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%Y年%m月%d日';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/de.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/de.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b77fff83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/de.php
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'Übersicht';
+$L['hours'] = 'Stunden';
+$L['days'] = 'Tage';
+$L['months'] = 'Monate';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Übersicht';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Top 10 nach Tagen';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Letzte 24 Stunden';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Letzte 30 Tage';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Letzte 12 Monate';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Rein';
+$L['Out'] = 'Raus';
+$L['Total'] = 'Total';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Diese Stunde';
+$L['This day'] = 'Dieser Tag';
+$L['This month'] = 'Dieser Monat';
+$L['All time'] = 'Alles';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Trafficdaten für';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'Bytes rein';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'Bytes raus';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d.%B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B.%Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H:%M';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d.%B.%Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/es.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/es.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a2456295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/es.php
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'sumario';
+$L['hours'] = 'horas';
+$L['days'] = 'días';
+$L['months'] = 'meses';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Sumario';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Últimos 10 días';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Últimas 24 horas';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Últimos 30 días';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Últimos 12 meses';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Entrada';
+$L['Out'] = 'Salida';
+$L['Total'] = 'Total';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Esta hora';
+$L['This day'] = 'Este día';
+$L['This month'] = 'Este mes';
+$L['All time'] = 'Todo el tiempo';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Trafico de datos para';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'entrada de bytes';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'salida de bytes';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H:%M';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
+// spanish version by Carlos Troetsch
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/fi.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/fi.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f1ce59b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/fi.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'yhteenveto';
+$L['hours'] = 'tunnit';
+$L['days'] = 'päivät';
+$L['months'] = 'kuukaudet';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Yhteenveto';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Top 10 päivää';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Viimeiset 24 tuntia';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Viimeiset 30 päivää';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Viimeiset 12 kuukautta';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Sisään';
+$L['Out'] = 'Ulos';
+$L['Total'] = 'Yhteensä';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Viimeisin tunti';
+$L['This day'] = 'Viimeisin päivä';
+$L['This month'] = 'Viimeisin kuukausi';
+$L['All time'] = 'Kaikkiaan';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Liikennemäärä';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'tavua sisään';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'tavua ulos';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d. %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%a %d. %b %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/fr.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/fr.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..abb76b0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/fr.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'Sommaire';
+$L['hours'] = 'Heures';
+$L['days'] = 'Jours';
+$L['months'] = 'Mois';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Sommaire';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Les 10 meilleurs jours';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Dernières 24 heures';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Derniers 30 jours';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Les 12 derniers mois';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Entrant';
+$L['Out'] = 'Sortant';
+$L['Total'] = 'Total';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Cette heure';
+$L['This day'] = 'Aujourd\' hui';
+$L['This month'] = 'Ce mois';
+$L['All time'] = 'Tout temps';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Traffic de donnée pour :';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bytes entrants';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'bytes sortants';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%Hh%M';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/hr.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/hr.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f547f29d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/hr.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'sažetak'; // summary
+$L['hours'] = 'sati';
+$L['days'] = 'dani';
+$L['months'] = 'mjeseci';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Sažetak';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = '10 naprometnijih dana';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Zadnja 24 sata';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Zadnjih 30 dana';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Zadnjih 12 mjeseci';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Primljeno';
+$L['Out'] = 'Poslano';
+$L['Total'] = 'Ukupno'; // Total
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Tekući sat';
+$L['This day'] = 'Danas';
+$L['This month'] = 'Tekući mjesec';
+$L['All time'] = 'Sveukupno';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Promet za';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bajta primljeno';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'bajta poslano';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d. %m';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%m.%Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H'; // %k
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d.%m.%Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/hu.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/hu.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..94a445f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/hu.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'Összegzés';
+$L['hours'] = 'órák';
+$L['days'] = 'napok';
+$L['months'] = 'hónapok';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Öszegzés';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Legjobb 10 nap';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Utolsó 24 óra';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Utolsó 30 nap';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Utolsó 12 hónap';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Bejövő';
+$L['Out'] = 'Kimenő';
+$L['Total'] = 'Összesen';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Ebben az órában';
+$L['This day'] = 'Ezen a napon';
+$L['This month'] = 'Ebben a hónapban';
+$L['All time'] = 'Összesen';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Forgalmi adatok: ';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bejövő bájtok';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'kimenő bájtok';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%l%p';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%l';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y'; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/it.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/it.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d86cb479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/it.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'Riepilogo';
+$L['hours'] = 'Ore';
+$L['days'] = 'Giorni';
+$L['months'] = 'Mesi';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Riepilogo';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = '10 giorni piu intensivi';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Ultime 24 ore';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Ultimi 30 giorni';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Ultimi 12 mesi';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Entrata';
+$L['Out'] = 'Uscita';
+$L['Total'] = 'Totale';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Quest ora';
+$L['This day'] = 'Oggi';
+$L['This month'] = 'Questo mese';
+$L['All time'] = 'Sempre';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Dati per';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bytes entrati';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'bytes usciti';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%l%p';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%l';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/no.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/no.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9f214942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/no.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'Sammendrag';
+$L['hours'] = 'Timer';
+$L['days'] = 'Dager';
+$L['months'] = 'Måneder';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Sammendrag';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Topp 10 dager';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Siste 24 timer';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Siste 30 dager';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Siste 12 måneder';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Inn';
+$L['Out'] = 'Ut';
+$L['Total'] = 'Totalt';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Denne time';
+$L['This day'] = 'Idag';
+$L['This month'] = 'Denne måneden';
+$L['All time'] = 'Totalt';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Trafikkdata for';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bytes inn';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'bytes ut';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H:%M';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/pl.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/pl.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d04e5166
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/pl.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'podsumowanie';
+$L['hours'] = 'godziny';
+$L['days'] = 'dni';
+$L['months'] = 'miesiące';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Podsumowanie';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Top 10 dni';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Ostatnie 24 godziny';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Ostatnie 30 dni';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Ostatnie 12 miesięcy';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Wyjście';
+$L['Out'] = 'Wejście';
+$L['Total'] = 'Suma';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Ta godzina';
+$L['This day'] = 'Ten dzień';
+$L['This month'] = 'Ten miesiąc';
+$L['All time'] = 'Całość';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Transfer dla';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'Wysłane';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'Odebrane';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%l%p';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%l';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/ru.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/ru.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7a105b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/ru.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'сводка';
+$L['hours'] = 'по часам';
+$L['days'] = 'по дням';
+$L['months'] = 'по месяцам';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Сводка';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Топ 10 дней';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Последние 24 часа';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Последние 30 дней';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Последние 12 месяцев';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Входящий';
+$L['Out'] = 'Исходящий';
+$L['Total'] = 'Общий';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Текущий час';
+$L['This day'] = 'Текущий день';
+$L['This month'] = 'Текущий месяц';
+$L['All time'] = 'За все время';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Статистика трафика для';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'получено';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'передано';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%H:%M';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%H';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';
diff --git a/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/sk.php b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/sk.php
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc972503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vnstat2/vnstat_php_frontend/lang/sk.php
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// sidebar labels
+$L['summary'] = 'zhrnutie';
+$L['hours'] = 'hodiny';
+$L['days'] = 'dni';
+$L['months'] = 'mesiace';
+// main table headers
+$L['Summary'] = 'Zhrnutie';
+$L['Top 10 days'] = 'Naj 10 dni';
+$L['Last 24 hours'] = 'Posledných 24 hodin';
+$L['Last 30 days'] = 'Posledných 30 dni';
+$L['Last 12 months'] = 'Posledných 12 mesiacov';
+// traffic table columns
+$L['In'] = 'Sťahovanie';
+$L['Out'] = 'Posielanie';
+$L['Total'] = 'Celkom';
+// summary rows
+$L['This hour'] = 'Túto hodinu';
+$L['This day'] = 'Tento deň';
+$L['This month'] = 'Tento mesiac';
+$L['All time'] = 'Celkom';
+// graph text
+$L['Traffic data for'] = 'Prehlad pre';
+$L['bytes in'] = 'bajtov stiahnuté';
+$L['bytes out'] = 'bajtov poslané';
+// date formats
+$L['datefmt_days'] = '%d %B';
+$L['datefmt_days_img'] = '%d';
+$L['datefmt_months'] = '%B %Y';
+$L['datefmt_months_img'] = '%b';
+$L['datefmt_hours'] = '%l%p';
+$L['datefmt_hours_img'] = '%l';
+$L['datefmt_top'] = '%d %B %Y';