path: root/config/ipblocklist/email.tmp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/ipblocklist/email.tmp')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 268 deletions
diff --git a/config/ipblocklist/email.tmp b/config/ipblocklist/email.tmp
index d5051656..eac104dd 100644
--- a/config/ipblocklist/email.tmp
+++ b/config/ipblocklist/email.tmp
@@ -1,268 +1,268 @@
-header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
-header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
-//$pgtitle = "Firewall: ipblocklist - Email";
- require("guiconfig.inc");
- include("head.inc");
- //set the config as a global variable
- global $config;
- $global_usage = '/usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/global_usage';
- //$fh = fopen($global_usage, 'r');
- //phpinfo();
-if (isset($_GET['save'])) {
- exec("rm email_send.php");
- exec("touch email_send.php");
- $file = "email_send.php";
- $smtp_auth = $_POST['smtp_auth'];
- $smtp_secure = $_POST['smtp_secure'];
- $host = $_POST['host'];
- $port = $_POST['port'];
- $user = $_POST['user'];
- $pass = $_POST['pass'];
- $html = $_POST['html'];
- $from = $_POST['from'];
- $to = $_POST['to'];
- $subject = $_POST['subject'];
- $fp = fopen($file, "w") or die("Couldn't open $file for writing!");
- fwrite($fp, "<?php\ninclude(\"class.phpmailer.php\");\n\$mail = new PHPMailer();
-\n\$mail->IsSMTP();\n\$mail->SMTPAuth = ") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $smtp_auth) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, ";\n\$mail->SMTPSecure = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $smtp_secure) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Host = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $host) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Port = ") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $port) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, ";\n\$mail->Username = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $user);
- fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Password = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $pass);
- fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->AddReplyTo(\"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $from) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, "\",\"pfsense ipblocklist\");\n\$mail->From = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $from) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Subject = \"" . $subject . "\";\n\$mail->AltBody = \"To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!\";\n\$mail->WordWrap = 50;\n\$body = \"IP-Blocklist encountered an event. A system log entry was made with details of event\";\n\$body .= \"<br><br>\" . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . \"<br><br>Current Status = \";\nob_start();\n\$results = exec(\"pfctl -s rules | grep -c ipblocklist\");\nob_end_clean();\nif (\$results > '0')\n\$body .= \"Running\";\nelse\n\$body .= \"<span style='color:red'>Restarting</span>\";\nob_start();\n\$results = exec(\"tail -r /usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/errorOUT.txt\");\nob_end_clean();\n\$body .= \"<br/><span style='color:red'>\";\n\$body .= \$results;\n\$body .= \"</span>\";\n\$body .= \"<br>You are blocking \";\nob_start();\n\$results = exec(\"pfctl -T show -t ipblocklist |grep -v -c Z\");\nob_end_clean();\n\$body .= \$results;\n\$body .= \" Networks\";\n\n\$mail->MsgHTML(\$body);\n\$mail->AddAddress(\"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $to) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, "\");\n\$mail->IsHTML(") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, $html) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp, ");\n\nif(!\$mail->Send()) {\n echo \"Mailer Error: \" . \$mail->ErrorInfo;\n} else {\n echo \"Message sent! - <a href=email.php>Go Back</a>\";\n}\n?>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fclose($fp);
- //echo "Saved successfully!";
- exec("rm email_config.html");
- exec("touch email_config.html");
- $file2 = "email_config.html";
- $fp2 = fopen($file2, "w") or die("Couldn't open $file for writing!");
- fwrite($fp2, "<table width=\"100%\" b align=\"center\">
- <tr>
- <td>SMTP Auth</td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- if ($smtp_auth=="true")
- fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_auth\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\" selected>Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- else
- fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_auth\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\" selected>No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp2, "</tr>
- <tr class=\"d0\">
- <td>SMTP Security</td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- if ($smtp_secure=="ssl")
- fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_secure\"><option label=\"ssl\" value=\"ssl\" selected>ssl</option><option label=\"none\" value=\"none\">None</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- else
- fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_secure\"><option label=\"ssl\" value=\"ssl\">ssl</option><option label=\"none\" value=\"none\" selected>None</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp2, "</tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Host</td>
- <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" value=\"" . $host ."\"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class=\"d0\">
- <td>Port</td>
- <td><input type=\"port\" name=\"port\" value=\"" . $port . "\"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Username</td>
- <td><input type=\"user\" name=\"user\" value=\"" . $user . "\"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class=\"d0\">
- <td>Password</td>
- <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" value=\"" . $pass . "\"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Use HTML formatting</td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- if ($html=="true")
- fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"html\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\" selected>Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- else
- fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"html\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\" selected>No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fwrite($fp2, "</tr>
- <tr class=\"d0\">
- <td>From email address</td>
- <td><input type=\"from\" name=\"from\" value=\"" . $from . "\"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>To email address</td>
- <td><input type=\"to\" name=\"to\" value=\"" . $to . "\"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class=\"d0\">
- <td>Subject</td>
- <td><input type=\"subject\" name=\"subject\" value=\"" . $subject . "\"></td>
- </tr>
-<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">
-</form>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
- fclose($fp2);
-if (isset($_GET['test'])) {
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
- echo 'window.location="email_send.php";';
- echo '</script>';
-if (isset($_GET['reset'])) {
- exec ("rm email_send.php");
- exec ("rm email_config.html");
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
- echo 'window.location="email.php";';
- echo '</script>';
-<style type="text/css">
-.style1 {
- text-align: center;
-tr.d0 td {
- background-color: #eedddd; color: black;
-<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC">
-<?php include("fbegin.inc"); ?>
-<p class="pgtitle"><?=$pgtitle?></p>
-<br /><br />
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr><td class="tabnavtbl">
- $tab_array = array();
- $tab_array[0] = array("IP-Blocklist", false, "ipblocklist.php");
- $tab_array[1] = array("Settings", false, "settings.php");
- $tab_array[2] = array("Whitelist", false, "whitelist.php");
- $tab_array[3] = array("Interfaces", false, "ipblocklist_if.php");
- $tab_array[4] = array("Help", false, "http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,24769.0.html");
- $tab_array[5] = array("Email", true, "email.php");
- display_top_tabs($tab_array);
- </td></tr>
- <tr>
- <td>
- <div id="mainarea">
- <table class="tabcont" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
- <tr>
- <td class="listhdrr">Email Settings for SMTP mail</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="listlr" valign="middle">
-<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
-<form name="emailform" method="post" action="email.php?save=1">
-if (file_exists("email_send.php")) {
- echo "<p>Your settings have already been set. Would you like to overwrite your email settings?</p>\n";
- $content = file_get_contents('email_config.html');
- echo $content;
- echo "<p>\n";
- echo "<input name=\"resetbutton\" type=\"button\" value=\"Reset email config\" onClick=\"window.location='email.php?reset=1'\" />\n";
- echo "</p>\n";
- echo "\n";
-} else {
- echo "<table width=\"100%\" b align=\"center\">\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo " <td>SMTP Auth</td>\n";
- echo " <td><select name=\"smtp_auth\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
- echo " <td>SMTP Security</td>\n";
- echo " <td><select name=\"smtp_secure\"><option label=\"ssl\" value=\"ssl\">ssl</option><option label=\"none\" value=\"none\">None</option></select></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo " <td>Host</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
- echo " <td>Port</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"port\" name=\"port\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo " <td>Username</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"user\" name=\"user\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
- echo " <td>Password</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo " <td>Use HTML formatting</td>\n";
- echo " <td><select name=\"html\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
- echo " <td>From email address</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"from\" name=\"from\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr>\n";
- echo " <td>To email address</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"to\" name=\"to\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
- echo " <td>Subject</td>\n";
- echo " <td><input type=\"subject\" name=\"subject\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
- echo " </tr>\n";
- echo "</table>\n";
- echo "\n";
- echo "<br>\n";
- echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">\n";
- echo "\n";
- echo "\n";
- echo "\n";
- echo "</form>\n";
-<input type="button" value="Test" onClick="window.location='email.php?test=1'">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tr>
-<?php include("fend.inc"); ?>
+header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
+header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
+//$pgtitle = "Firewall: ipblocklist - Email";
+ require("guiconfig.inc");
+ include("head.inc");
+ //set the config as a global variable
+ global $config;
+ $global_usage = '/usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/global_usage';
+ //$fh = fopen($global_usage, 'r');
+ //phpinfo();
+if (isset($_GET['save'])) {
+ exec("rm email_send.php");
+ exec("touch email_send.php");
+ $file = "email_send.php";
+ $smtp_auth = $_POST['smtp_auth'];
+ $smtp_secure = $_POST['smtp_secure'];
+ $host = $_POST['host'];
+ $port = $_POST['port'];
+ $user = $_POST['user'];
+ $pass = $_POST['pass'];
+ $html = $_POST['html'];
+ $from = $_POST['from'];
+ $to = $_POST['to'];
+ $subject = $_POST['subject'];
+ $fp = fopen($file, "w") or die("Couldn't open $file for writing!");
+ fwrite($fp, "<?php\ninclude(\"class.phpmailer.php\");\n\$mail = new PHPMailer();
+\n\$mail->IsSMTP();\n\$mail->SMTPAuth = ") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $smtp_auth) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, ";\n\$mail->SMTPSecure = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $smtp_secure) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Host = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $host) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Port = ") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $port) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, ";\n\$mail->Username = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $user);
+ fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Password = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $pass);
+ fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->AddReplyTo(\"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $from) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, "\",\"pfsense ipblocklist\");\n\$mail->From = \"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $from) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, "\";\n\$mail->Subject = \"" . $subject . "\";\n\$mail->AltBody = \"To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!\";\n\$mail->WordWrap = 50;\n\$body = \"IP-Blocklist encountered an event. A system log entry was made with details of event\";\n\$body .= \"<br><br>\" . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A') . \"<br><br>Current Status = \";\nob_start();\n\$results = exec(\"pfctl -s rules | grep -c ipblocklist\");\nob_end_clean();\nif (\$results > '0')\n\$body .= \"Running\";\nelse\n\$body .= \"<span style='color:red'>Restarting</span>\";\nob_start();\n\$results = exec(\"tail -r /usr/local/www/packages/ipblocklist/errorOUT.txt\");\nob_end_clean();\n\$body .= \"<br/><span style='color:red'>\";\n\$body .= \$results;\n\$body .= \"</span>\";\n\$body .= \"<br>You are blocking \";\nob_start();\n\$results = exec(\"pfctl -T show -t ipblocklist |grep -v -c Z\");\nob_end_clean();\n\$body .= \$results;\n\$body .= \" Networks\";\n\n\$mail->MsgHTML(\$body);\n\$mail->AddAddress(\"") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $to) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, "\");\n\$mail->IsHTML(") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, $html) or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp, ");\n\nif(!\$mail->Send()) {\n echo \"Mailer Error: \" . \$mail->ErrorInfo;\n} else {\n echo \"Message sent! - <a href=email.php>Go Back</a>\";\n}\n?>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fclose($fp);
+ //echo "Saved successfully!";
+ exec("rm email_config.html");
+ exec("touch email_config.html");
+ $file2 = "email_config.html";
+ $fp2 = fopen($file2, "w") or die("Couldn't open $file for writing!");
+ fwrite($fp2, "<table width=\"100%\" b align=\"center\">
+ <tr>
+ <td>SMTP Auth</td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ if ($smtp_auth=="true")
+ fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_auth\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\" selected>Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ else
+ fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_auth\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\" selected>No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp2, "</tr>
+ <tr class=\"d0\">
+ <td>SMTP Security</td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ if ($smtp_secure=="ssl")
+ fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_secure\"><option label=\"ssl\" value=\"ssl\" selected>ssl</option><option label=\"none\" value=\"none\">None</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ else
+ fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"smtp_secure\"><option label=\"ssl\" value=\"ssl\">ssl</option><option label=\"none\" value=\"none\" selected>None</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp2, "</tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Host</td>
+ <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" value=\"" . $host ."\"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=\"d0\">
+ <td>Port</td>
+ <td><input type=\"port\" name=\"port\" value=\"" . $port . "\"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Username</td>
+ <td><input type=\"user\" name=\"user\" value=\"" . $user . "\"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=\"d0\">
+ <td>Password</td>
+ <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" value=\"" . $pass . "\"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Use HTML formatting</td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ if ($html=="true")
+ fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"html\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\" selected>Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ else
+ fwrite($fp2, "<td><select name=\"html\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\" selected>No</option></select></td>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fwrite($fp2, "</tr>
+ <tr class=\"d0\">
+ <td>From email address</td>
+ <td><input type=\"from\" name=\"from\" value=\"" . $from . "\"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>To email address</td>
+ <td><input type=\"to\" name=\"to\" value=\"" . $to . "\"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr class=\"d0\">
+ <td>Subject</td>
+ <td><input type=\"subject\" name=\"subject\" value=\"" . $subject . "\"></td>
+ </tr>
+<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">
+</form>") or die("Couldn't write values to file!");
+ fclose($fp2);
+if (isset($_GET['test'])) {
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
+ echo 'window.location="email_send.php";';
+ echo '</script>';
+if (isset($_GET['reset'])) {
+ exec ("rm email_send.php");
+ exec ("rm email_config.html");
+ echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
+ echo 'window.location="email.php";';
+ echo '</script>';
+<style type="text/css">
+.style1 {
+ text-align: center;
+tr.d0 td {
+ background-color: #eedddd; color: black;
+<body link="#0000CC" vlink="#0000CC" alink="#0000CC">
+<?php include("fbegin.inc"); ?>
+<p class="pgtitle"><?=$pgtitle?></p>
+<br /><br />
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr><td class="tabnavtbl">
+ $tab_array = array();
+ $tab_array[0] = array("IP-Blocklist", false, "ipblocklist.php");
+ $tab_array[1] = array("Settings", false, "settings.php");
+ $tab_array[2] = array("Whitelist", false, "whitelist.php");
+ $tab_array[3] = array("Interfaces", false, "ipblocklist_if.php");
+ $tab_array[4] = array("Help", false, "http://forum.pfsense.org/index.php/topic,24769.0.html");
+ $tab_array[5] = array("Email", true, "email.php");
+ display_top_tabs($tab_array);
+ </td></tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ <div id="mainarea">
+ <table class="tabcont" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listhdrr">Email Settings for SMTP mail</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td class="listlr" valign="middle">
+<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<form name="emailform" method="post" action="email.php?save=1">
+if (file_exists("email_send.php")) {
+ echo "<p>Your settings have already been set. Would you like to overwrite your email settings?</p>\n";
+ $content = file_get_contents('email_config.html');
+ echo $content;
+ echo "<p>\n";
+ echo "<input name=\"resetbutton\" type=\"button\" value=\"Reset email config\" onClick=\"window.location='email.php?reset=1'\" />\n";
+ echo "</p>\n";
+ echo "\n";
+} else {
+ echo "<table width=\"100%\" b align=\"center\">\n";
+ echo " <tr>\n";
+ echo " <td>SMTP Auth</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><select name=\"smtp_auth\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
+ echo " <td>SMTP Security</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><select name=\"smtp_secure\"><option label=\"ssl\" value=\"ssl\">ssl</option><option label=\"none\" value=\"none\">None</option></select></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr>\n";
+ echo " <td>Host</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"text\" name=\"host\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
+ echo " <td>Port</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"port\" name=\"port\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr>\n";
+ echo " <td>Username</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"user\" name=\"user\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
+ echo " <td>Password</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"password\" name=\"pass\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr>\n";
+ echo " <td>Use HTML formatting</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><select name=\"html\"><option label=\"true\" value=\"true\">Yes</option><option label=\"false\" value=\"false\">No</option></select></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
+ echo " <td>From email address</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"from\" name=\"from\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr>\n";
+ echo " <td>To email address</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"to\" name=\"to\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo " <tr class=\"d0\">\n";
+ echo " <td>Subject</td>\n";
+ echo " <td><input type=\"subject\" name=\"subject\" value=\"\"></td>\n";
+ echo " </tr>\n";
+ echo "</table>\n";
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "<br>\n";
+ echo "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">\n";
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "\n";
+ echo "</form>\n";
+<input type="button" value="Test" onClick="window.location='email.php?test=1'">
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </tr>
+<?php include("fend.inc"); ?>