path: root/markdown/__init__.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'markdown/__init__.py')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 485 deletions
diff --git a/markdown/__init__.py b/markdown/__init__.py
index 5b8be47..584990f 100644
--- a/markdown/__init__.py
+++ b/markdown/__init__.py
@@ -32,498 +32,37 @@ License: BSD (see LICENSE for details).
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .__version__ import version, version_info # noqa
-import codecs
-import sys
-import logging
-import warnings
-import importlib
-from . import util
-from .preprocessors import build_preprocessors
-from .blockprocessors import build_block_parser
-from .treeprocessors import build_treeprocessors
-from .inlinepatterns import build_inlinepatterns
-from .postprocessors import build_postprocessors
-from .extensions import Extension
-from .serializers import to_html_string, to_xhtml_string
+from .core import Markdown, markdown, markdownFromFile
-__all__ = ['Markdown', 'markdown', 'markdownFromFile']
-logger = logging.getLogger('MARKDOWN')
-class Markdown(object):
- """Convert Markdown to HTML."""
- doc_tag = "div" # Element used to wrap document - later removed
- option_defaults = {
- 'html_replacement_text': '[HTML_REMOVED]',
- 'tab_length': 4,
- 'enable_attributes': True,
- 'smart_emphasis': True,
- 'lazy_ol': True,
- }
- output_formats = {
- 'html': to_html_string,
- 'html4': to_html_string,
- 'html5': to_html_string,
- 'xhtml': to_xhtml_string,
- 'xhtml1': to_xhtml_string,
- 'xhtml5': to_xhtml_string,
- }
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- """
- Creates a new Markdown instance.
- Keyword arguments:
- * extensions: A list of extensions.
- If they are of type string, the module mdx_name.py will be loaded.
- If they are a subclass of markdown.Extension, they will be used
- as-is.
- * extension_configs: Configuration settings for extensions.
- * output_format: Format of output. Supported formats are:
- * "xhtml1": Outputs XHTML 1.x. Default.
- * "xhtml5": Outputs XHTML style tags of HTML 5
- * "xhtml": Outputs latest supported version of XHTML
- (currently XHTML 1.1).
- * "html4": Outputs HTML 4
- * "html5": Outputs HTML style tags of HTML 5
- * "html": Outputs latest supported version of HTML
- (currently HTML 4).
- Note that it is suggested that the more specific formats ("xhtml1"
- and "html4") be used as "xhtml" or "html" may change in the future
- if it makes sense at that time.
- * safe_mode: Deprecated! Disallow raw html. One of "remove", "replace"
- or "escape".
- * html_replacement_text: Deprecated! Text used when safe_mode is set
- to "replace".
- * tab_length: Length of tabs in the source. Default: 4
- * enable_attributes: Enable the conversion of attributes. Default: True
- * smart_emphasis: Treat `_connected_words_` intelligently Default: True
- * lazy_ol: Ignore number of first item of ordered lists. Default: True
- """
- # For backward compatibility, loop through old positional args
- pos = ['extensions', 'extension_configs', 'safe_mode', 'output_format']
- for c, arg in enumerate(args):
- if pos[c] not in kwargs:
- kwargs[pos[c]] = arg
- if c+1 == len(pos): # pragma: no cover
- # ignore any additional args
- break
- if len(args):
- warnings.warn('Positional arguments are deprecated in Markdown. '
- 'Use keyword arguments only.',
- DeprecationWarning)
- # Loop through kwargs and assign defaults
- for option, default in self.option_defaults.items():
- setattr(self, option, kwargs.get(option, default))
- self.safeMode = kwargs.get('safe_mode', False)
- if self.safeMode and 'enable_attributes' not in kwargs:
- # Disable attributes in safeMode when not explicitly set
- self.enable_attributes = False
- if 'safe_mode' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('"safe_mode" is deprecated in Python-Markdown. '
- 'Use an HTML sanitizer (like '
- 'Bleach https://bleach.readthedocs.io/) '
- 'if you are parsing untrusted markdown text. '
- 'See the 2.6 release notes for more info',
- DeprecationWarning)
- if 'html_replacement_text' in kwargs:
- warnings.warn('The "html_replacement_text" keyword is '
- 'deprecated along with "safe_mode".',
- DeprecationWarning)
- self.ESCAPED_CHARS = ['\\', '`', '*', '_', '{', '}', '[', ']',
- '(', ')', '>', '#', '+', '-', '.', '!']
- self.registeredExtensions = []
- self.docType = ""
- self.stripTopLevelTags = True
- self.build_parser()
- self.references = {}
- self.htmlStash = util.HtmlStash()
- self.registerExtensions(extensions=kwargs.get('extensions', []),
- configs=kwargs.get('extension_configs', {}))
- self.set_output_format(kwargs.get('output_format', 'xhtml1'))
- self.reset()
- def build_parser(self):
- """ Build the parser from the various parts. """
- self.preprocessors = build_preprocessors(self)
- self.parser = build_block_parser(self)
- self.inlinePatterns = build_inlinepatterns(self)
- self.treeprocessors = build_treeprocessors(self)
- self.postprocessors = build_postprocessors(self)
- return self
- def registerExtensions(self, extensions, configs):
- """
- Register extensions with this instance of Markdown.
- Keyword arguments:
- * extensions: A list of extensions, which can either
- be strings or objects. See the docstring on Markdown.
- * configs: A dictionary mapping module names to config options.
- """
- for ext in extensions:
- if isinstance(ext, util.string_type):
- ext = self.build_extension(ext, configs.get(ext, {}))
- if isinstance(ext, Extension):
- ext.extendMarkdown(self, globals())
- logger.debug(
- 'Successfully loaded extension "%s.%s".'
- % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__)
- )
- elif ext is not None:
- raise TypeError(
- 'Extension "%s.%s" must be of type: "markdown.Extension"'
- % (ext.__class__.__module__, ext.__class__.__name__))
- return self
- def build_extension(self, ext_name, configs):
- """Build extension by name, then return the module.
- The extension name may contain arguments as part of the string in the
- following format: "extname(key1=value1,key2=value2)"
- """
- configs = dict(configs)
- # Parse extensions config params (ignore the order)
- pos = ext_name.find("(") # find the first "("
- if pos > 0:
- ext_args = ext_name[pos+1:-1]
- ext_name = ext_name[:pos]
- pairs = [x.split("=") for x in ext_args.split(",")]
- configs.update([(x.strip(), y.strip()) for (x, y) in pairs])
- warnings.warn('Setting configs in the Named Extension string is '
- 'deprecated. It is recommended that you '
- 'pass an instance of the extension class to '
- 'Markdown or use the "extension_configs" keyword. '
- 'The current behavior will raise an error in version 2.7. '
- 'See the Release Notes for Python-Markdown version '
- '2.6 for more info.', DeprecationWarning)
- # Get class name (if provided): `path.to.module:ClassName`
- ext_name, class_name = ext_name.split(':', 1) \
- if ':' in ext_name else (ext_name, '')
- # Try loading the extension first from one place, then another
- try:
- # Assume string uses dot syntax (`path.to.some.module`)
- module = importlib.import_module(ext_name)
- logger.debug(
- 'Successfuly imported extension module "%s".' % ext_name
- )
- # For backward compat (until deprecation)
- # check that this is an extension.
- if ('.' not in ext_name and not (hasattr(module, 'makeExtension') or
- (class_name and hasattr(module, class_name)))):
- # We have a name conflict
- # eg: extensions=['tables'] and PyTables is installed
- raise ImportError
- except ImportError:
- # Preppend `markdown.extensions.` to name
- module_name = '.'.join(['markdown.extensions', ext_name])
- try:
- module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
- logger.debug(
- 'Successfuly imported extension module "%s".' %
- module_name
- )
- warnings.warn('Using short names for Markdown\'s builtin '
- 'extensions is deprecated. Use the '
- 'full path to the extension with Python\'s dot '
- 'notation (eg: "%s" instead of "%s"). The '
- 'current behavior will raise an error in version '
- '2.7. See the Release Notes for '
- 'Python-Markdown version 2.6 for more info.' %
- (module_name, ext_name),
- DeprecationWarning)
- except ImportError:
- # Preppend `mdx_` to name
- module_name_old_style = '_'.join(['mdx', ext_name])
- try:
- module = importlib.import_module(module_name_old_style)
- logger.debug(
- 'Successfuly imported extension module "%s".' %
- module_name_old_style)
- warnings.warn('Markdown\'s behavior of prepending "mdx_" '
- 'to an extension name is deprecated. '
- 'Use the full path to the '
- 'extension with Python\'s dot notation '
- '(eg: "%s" instead of "%s"). The current '
- 'behavior will raise an error in version 2.7. '
- 'See the Release Notes for Python-Markdown '
- 'version 2.6 for more info.' %
- (module_name_old_style, ext_name),
- DeprecationWarning)
- except ImportError as e:
- message = "Failed loading extension '%s' from '%s', '%s' " \
- "or '%s'" % (ext_name, ext_name, module_name,
- module_name_old_style)
- e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:]
- raise
- if class_name:
- # Load given class name from module.
- return getattr(module, class_name)(**configs)
- else:
- # Expect makeExtension() function to return a class.
- try:
- return module.makeExtension(**configs)
- except AttributeError as e:
- message = e.args[0]
- message = "Failed to initiate extension " \
- "'%s': %s" % (ext_name, message)
- e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:]
- raise
- def registerExtension(self, extension):
- """ This gets called by the extension """
- self.registeredExtensions.append(extension)
- return self
- def reset(self):
- """
- Resets all state variables so that we can start with a new text.
- """
- self.htmlStash.reset()
- self.references.clear()
- for extension in self.registeredExtensions:
- if hasattr(extension, 'reset'):
- extension.reset()
- return self
+# For backward compatability as some extensions expect it...
+from .extensions import Extension # noqa
- def set_output_format(self, format):
- """ Set the output format for the class instance. """
- self.output_format = format.lower()
- try:
- self.serializer = self.output_formats[self.output_format]
- except KeyError as e:
- valid_formats = list(self.output_formats.keys())
- valid_formats.sort()
- message = 'Invalid Output Format: "%s". Use one of %s.' \
- % (self.output_format,
- '"' + '", "'.join(valid_formats) + '"')
- e.args = (message,) + e.args[1:]
- raise
- return self
- def convert(self, source):
- """
- Convert markdown to serialized XHTML or HTML.
- Keyword arguments:
- * source: Source text as a Unicode string.
- Markdown processing takes place in five steps:
- 1. A bunch of "preprocessors" munge the input text.
- 2. BlockParser() parses the high-level structural elements of the
- pre-processed text into an ElementTree.
- 3. A bunch of "treeprocessors" are run against the ElementTree. One
- such treeprocessor runs InlinePatterns against the ElementTree,
- detecting inline markup.
- 4. Some post-processors are run against the text after the ElementTree
- has been serialized into text.
- 5. The output is written to a string.
- """
- # Fixup the source text
- if not source.strip():
- return '' # a blank unicode string
- try:
- source = util.text_type(source)
- except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
- # Customise error message while maintaining original trackback
- e.reason += '. -- Note: Markdown only accepts unicode input!'
- raise
- # Split into lines and run the line preprocessors.
- self.lines = source.split("\n")
- for prep in self.preprocessors.values():
- self.lines = prep.run(self.lines)
- # Parse the high-level elements.
- root = self.parser.parseDocument(self.lines).getroot()
- # Run the tree-processors
- for treeprocessor in self.treeprocessors.values():
- newRoot = treeprocessor.run(root)
- if newRoot is not None:
- root = newRoot
- # Serialize _properly_. Strip top-level tags.
- output = self.serializer(root)
- if self.stripTopLevelTags:
- try:
- start = output.index(
- '<%s>' % self.doc_tag) + len(self.doc_tag) + 2
- end = output.rindex('</%s>' % self.doc_tag)
- output = output[start:end].strip()
- except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
- if output.strip().endswith('<%s />' % self.doc_tag):
- # We have an empty document
- output = ''
- else:
- # We have a serious problem
- raise ValueError('Markdown failed to strip top-level '
- 'tags. Document=%r' % output.strip())
- # Run the text post-processors
- for pp in self.postprocessors.values():
- output = pp.run(output)
- return output.strip()
- def convertFile(self, input=None, output=None, encoding=None):
- """Converts a Markdown file and returns the HTML as a Unicode string.
- Decodes the file using the provided encoding (defaults to utf-8),
- passes the file content to markdown, and outputs the html to either
- the provided stream or the file with provided name, using the same
- encoding as the source file. The 'xmlcharrefreplace' error handler is
- used when encoding the output.
- **Note:** This is the only place that decoding and encoding of Unicode
- takes place in Python-Markdown. (All other code is Unicode-in /
- Unicode-out.)
- Keyword arguments:
- * input: File object or path. Reads from stdin if `None`.
- * output: File object or path. Writes to stdout if `None`.
- * encoding: Encoding of input and output files. Defaults to utf-8.
- """
- encoding = encoding or "utf-8"
- # Read the source
- if input:
- if isinstance(input, util.string_type):
- input_file = codecs.open(input, mode="r", encoding=encoding)
- else:
- input_file = codecs.getreader(encoding)(input)
- text = input_file.read()
- input_file.close()
- else:
- text = sys.stdin.read()
- if not isinstance(text, util.text_type):
- text = text.decode(encoding)
- text = text.lstrip('\ufeff') # remove the byte-order mark
- # Convert
- html = self.convert(text)
- # Write to file or stdout
- if output:
- if isinstance(output, util.string_type):
- output_file = codecs.open(output, "w",
- encoding=encoding,
- errors="xmlcharrefreplace")
- output_file.write(html)
- output_file.close()
- else:
- writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding)
- output_file = writer(output, errors="xmlcharrefreplace")
- output_file.write(html)
- # Don't close here. User may want to write more.
- else:
- # Encode manually and write bytes to stdout.
- html = html.encode(encoding, "xmlcharrefreplace")
- try:
- # Write bytes directly to buffer (Python 3).
- sys.stdout.buffer.write(html)
- except AttributeError:
- # Probably Python 2, which works with bytes by default.
- sys.stdout.write(html)
- return self
-Those are the two functions we really mean to export: markdown() and
-def markdown(text, *args, **kwargs):
- """Convert a Markdown string to HTML and return HTML as a Unicode string.
- This is a shortcut function for `Markdown` class to cover the most
- basic use case. It initializes an instance of Markdown, loads the
- necessary extensions and runs the parser on the given text.
- Keyword arguments:
- * text: Markdown formatted text as Unicode or ASCII string.
- * Any arguments accepted by the Markdown class.
- Returns: An HTML document as a string.
+__all__ = ['Markdown', 'markdown', 'markdownFromFile']
- """
- md = Markdown(*args, **kwargs)
- return md.convert(text)
+# version_info should conform to PEP 386
+# (major, minor, micro, alpha/beta/rc/final, #)
+# (1, 1, 2, 'alpha', 0) => "1.1.2.dev"
+# (1, 2, 0, 'beta', 2) => "1.2b2"
+__version_info__ = (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0)
-def markdownFromFile(*args, **kwargs):
- """Read markdown code from a file and write it to a file or a stream.
+def _get_version():
+ " Returns a PEP 386-compliant version number from version_info. "
+ assert len(__version_info__) == 5
+ assert __version_info__[3] in ('alpha', 'beta', 'rc', 'final')
- This is a shortcut function which initializes an instance of Markdown,
- and calls the convertFile method rather than convert.
+ parts = 2 if __version_info__[2] == 0 else 3
+ main = '.'.join(map(str, __version_info__[:parts]))
- Keyword arguments:
+ sub = ''
+ if __version_info__[3] == 'alpha' and __version_info__[4] == 0:
+ # TODO: maybe append some sort of git info here??
+ sub = '.dev'
+ elif __version_info__[3] != 'final':
+ mapping = {'alpha': 'a', 'beta': 'b', 'rc': 'c'}
+ sub = mapping[__version_info__[3]] + str(__version_info__[4])
- * input: a file name or readable object.
- * output: a file name or writable object.
- * encoding: Encoding of input and output.
- * Any arguments accepted by the Markdown class.
+ return str(main + sub)
- """
- # For backward compatibility loop through positional args
- pos = ['input', 'output', 'extensions', 'encoding']
- c = 0
- for arg in args:
- if pos[c] not in kwargs:
- kwargs[pos[c]] = arg
- c += 1
- if c == len(pos):
- break
- if len(args):
- warnings.warn('Positional arguments are depreacted in '
- 'Markdown and will raise an error in version 2.7. '
- 'Use keyword arguments only.',
- DeprecationWarning)
- md = Markdown(**kwargs)
- md.convertFile(kwargs.get('input', None),
- kwargs.get('output', None),
- kwargs.get('encoding', None))
+__version__ = _get_version()