path: root/markdown.py
diff options
authorArtem Yunusov <nedrlab@gmail.com>2008-07-08 01:58:24 +0500
committerArtem Yunusov <nedrlab@gmail.com>2008-07-08 01:58:24 +0500
commit040ab586847b8c652a72b4eaee4d321d14348c17 (patch)
tree8a4dfbc2355f6739aa7dab4a612438c902937328 /markdown.py
parenta218ebba050d8c972fae4fad6322f594d61e99fd (diff)
Some bug fixes, added function that converts character code to entity defenition.
Diffstat (limited to 'markdown.py')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/markdown.py b/markdown.py
index 6caa409..3db723d 100644
--- a/markdown.py
+++ b/markdown.py
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ __revision__ = "$Rev$"
-import re, sys, codecs, StringIO
+import re, sys, codecs, htmlentitydefs
from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse
from logging import getLogger, StreamHandler, Formatter, \
@@ -87,23 +87,23 @@ except ImportError:
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
+#from lxml import etree
def indentETree(elem, level=0):
- i = "\n" + level*" "
+ if level > 1:
+ i = "\n" + level*" "
+ else:
+ i = "\n"
if len(elem):
if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
elem.text = i + " "
- for child in elem:
- indentETree(child, level+1)
- if not child.tail or not child.tail.strip():
- child.tail = i
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- else:
- if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
- elem.tail = i
+ for e in elem:
+ indentETree(e, level+1)
+ if not e.tail or not e.tail.strip():
+ e.tail = i
+ if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+ elem.tail = i
# --------------- CONSTANTS YOU MIGHT WANT TO MODIFY -----------------
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@ EXECUTABLE_NAME_FOR_USAGE = "python markdown.py"
# --------------- CONSTANTS YOU _SHOULD NOT_ HAVE TO CHANGE ----------
+AND_SUBSTITUTE = unichr(2) + unichr(4) + unichr(3)
# a template for html placeholders
HTML_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX = "qaodmasdkwaspemas"
@@ -172,347 +174,16 @@ def isBlockLevel (tag):
(tag[0] == 'h' and tag[1] in "0123456789") )
-========================== NANODOM ===================================
-The three classes below implement some of the most basic DOM
-methods. I use this instead of minidom because I need a simpler
-functionality and do not want to require additional libraries.
-Importantly, NanoDom does not do normalization, which is what we
-want. It also adds extra white space when converting DOM to string
-ENTITY_NORMALIZATION_EXPRESSIONS = [ (re.compile("&"), "&amp;"),
- (re.compile("<"), "&lt;"),
- (re.compile(">"), "&gt;")]
-ENTITY_NORMALIZATION_EXPRESSIONS_SOFT = [ (re.compile("&(?!\#)"), "&amp;"),
- (re.compile("<"), "&lt;"),
- (re.compile(">"), "&gt;"),
- (re.compile("\""), "&quot;")]
-def getBidiType(text):
- """
- Get Bi-directional text type. Used by TextNode to determine text direction.
- """
- if not text:
- return None
- ch = text[0]
- if not isinstance(ch, unicode) or not ch.isalpha():
- return None
+def codepoint2name(code):
+ """ Returns entity defenition by code, or code
+ if there is no such entity defenition"""
+ entity = htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name.get(code)
+ if entity:
+ return "%s%s;" % (AND_SUBSTITUTE, entity)
- for min, max in RTL_BIDI_RANGES:
- if ( ch >= min and ch <= max ):
- return "rtl"
- else:
- return "ltr"
-class Document:
- """
- Document root of the NanoDom. An instance stores DOM elements as children.
- """
- def __init__ (self):
- """ Create a NanoDom document. """
- self.bidi = "ltr"
- self.stripTopLevelTags = True
- def appendChild(self, child):
- """ Add a dom element as a child of the document root. """
- self.documentElement = child
- child.isDocumentElement = True
- child.parentNode = self
- self.entities = {}
- def setBidi(self, bidi):
- """ Set text direction (right-left or left-right)."""
- if bidi:
- self.bidi = bidi
- def createElement(self, tag, textNode=None):
- """ Given a tag or textNode, return a dom element. """
- el = Element(tag)
- el.doc = self
- if textNode:
- el.appendChild(self.createTextNode(textNode))
- return el
- def createTextNode(self, text, type="text"):
- """ Return given text as a TextNode. """
- node = TextNode(text)
- node.doc = self
- node.type = type
- return node
- def createEntityReference(self, entity):
- """ Return an html entitry reference (i.e.: `&amp;`). """
- if entity not in self.entities:
- self.entities[entity] = EntityReference(entity)
- return self.entities[entity]
- def createCDATA(self, text):
- """ Return the given text as a CDATA node. """
- node = CDATA(text)
- node.doc = self
- return node
- def toxml (self):
- """ Convert document to xml and return a string. """
- xml = self.documentElement.toxml()
- if self.stripTopLevelTags:
- xml = xml.strip()[23:-7] + "\n"
- return xml
- def normalizeEntities(self, text, avoidDoubleNormalizing=False):
- """ Return the given text as an html entity (i.e.: `<` => `&gt;`). """
- if avoidDoubleNormalizing:
- else:
- for regexp, substitution in regexps:
- text = regexp.sub(substitution, text)
- return text
- def find(self, test):
- """ Return a list of descendants that pass the test function """
- return self.documentElement.find(test)
- def unlink(self):
- """ Cleanup: Remove all children from the document. """
- self.documentElement.unlink()
- self.documentElement = None
-class CDATA:
- """ CDATA node type of NanoDom. """
- type = "cdata"
- def __init__ (self, text):
- """ Create a CDATA node with given text. """
- self.text = text
- def handleAttributes(self):
- """ Not implemented for CDATA node type. """
- pass
- def toxml (self):
- """ Return CDATA node as a string. """
- return "<![CDATA[" + self.text + "]]>"
-class Element:
- """
- Element node type of Nanodom.
- All html tags would most likely be represented as Elements.
- """
- type = "element"
- def __init__ (self, tag):
- """ Create an Element node instance. """
- self.nodeName = tag
- self.attributes = []
- self.attribute_values = {}
- self.childNodes = []
- self.bidi = None
- self.isDocumentElement = False
- def setBidi(self, bidi):
- """ Set text direction (i.e.: right-left or left-right). """
- if bidi:
- orig_bidi = self.bidi
- if not self.bidi or self.isDocumentElement:
- # Once the bidi is set don't change it (except for doc element)
- self.bidi = bidi
- self.parentNode.setBidi(bidi)
- def unlink(self):
- """ Cleanup: Remove all children of the Element. """
- for child in self.childNodes:
- if child.type == "element":
- child.unlink()
- self.childNodes = None
- def setAttribute(self, attr, value):
- """
- Assign an html/xml attribute to the Element (i.e.: id, class, href).
- """
- if not attr in self.attributes:
- self.attributes.append(attr)
- self.attribute_values[attr] = value
- def insertChild(self, position, child):
- """ Insert a child Element at the given position. """
- self.childNodes.insert(position, child)
- child.parentNode = self
- def removeChild(self, child):
- """ Remove the given child from the Element. """
- self.childNodes.remove(child)
- def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
- """ Replace an old child Element with a new child Element. """
- position = self.childNodes.index(oldChild)
- self.removeChild(oldChild)
- self.insertChild(position, newChild)
- def appendChild(self, child):
- """ Append a new child Element to the end of the child Elements. """
- self.childNodes.append(child)
- child.parentNode = self
- def handleAttributes(self):
- """ Not implemented for Element node type. """
- pass
- def find(self, test, depth=0):
- """ Returns a list of descendants that pass the test function """
- matched_nodes = []
- for child in self.childNodes:
- if test(child):
- matched_nodes.append(child)
- if child.type == "element":
- matched_nodes += child.find(test, depth+1)
- return matched_nodes
+ return "%s#%d;" % (AND_SUBSTITUTE, code)
- def toxml(self):
- """ Return the Element and all children as a string. """
- for child in self.childNodes:
- child.handleAttributes()
- buffer = ""
- if self.nodeName in ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4']:
- buffer += "\n"
- elif self.nodeName in ['li']:
- buffer += "\n "
- # Process children FIRST, then do the attributes
- childBuffer = ""
- if self.childNodes or self.nodeName in ['blockquote']:
- childBuffer += ">"
- for child in self.childNodes:
- childBuffer += child.toxml()
- if self.nodeName == 'p':
- childBuffer += "\n"
- elif self.nodeName == 'li':
- childBuffer += "\n "
- childBuffer += "</%s>" % self.nodeName
- else:
- childBuffer += "/>"
- buffer += "<" + self.nodeName
- if self.nodeName in ['p', 'li', 'ul', 'ol',
- 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6']:
- if not self.attribute_values.has_key("dir"):
- if self.bidi:
- bidi = self.bidi
- else:
- bidi = self.doc.bidi
- if bidi=="rtl":
- self.setAttribute("dir", "rtl")
- for attr in self.attributes:
- value = self.attribute_values[attr]
- value = self.doc.normalizeEntities(value,
- avoidDoubleNormalizing=True)
- buffer += ' %s="%s"' % (attr, value)
- # Now let's actually append the children
- buffer += childBuffer
- if self.nodeName in ['p', 'br ', 'li', 'ul', 'ol',
- 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4'] :
- buffer += "\n"
- return buffer
-class TextNode:
- """ A Text node type of the NanoDom. """
- type = "text"
- attrRegExp = re.compile(r'\{@([^\}]*)=([^\}]*)}') # {@id=123}
- def __init__ (self, text):
- """ Create a TextNode with the given text. """
- self.value = text
- def attributeCallback(self, match):
- """ Regex callback method to set attribute on parent. """
- self.parentNode.setAttribute(match.group(1), match.group(2))
- def handleAttributes(self):
- """ Parse and assign attributes to the parent Element. """
- self.value = self.attrRegExp.sub(self.attributeCallback, self.value)
- def toxml(self):
- """ Return the TextNode as a string. """
- text = self.value
- self.parentNode.setBidi(getBidiType(text))
- if not text.startswith(HTML_PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX):
- if self.parentNode.nodeName == "p":
- text = text.replace("\n", "\n ")
- elif (self.parentNode.nodeName == "li"
- and self.parentNode.childNodes[0]==self):
- text = "\n " + text.replace("\n", "\n ")
- text = self.doc.normalizeEntities(text)
- return text
-class EntityReference:
- """ EntityReference node type of NanoDom. """
- type = "entity_ref"
- def __init__(self, entity):
- """ Create an EntityReference of the given entity. """
- self.entity = entity
- def handleAttributes(self):
- """ Not implemented for EntityReference. """
- pass
- def toxml(self):
- """ Return the EntityReference as a string. """
- return "&" + self.entity + ";"
========================== PRE-PROCESSORS ============================
@@ -775,6 +446,7 @@ class ReferencePreprocessor(Preprocessor):
REFERENCE_PREPROCESSOR = ReferencePreprocessor()
========================== INLINE PATTERNS ===========================
@@ -854,7 +526,7 @@ AUTOLINK_RE = r'<((?:f|ht)tps?://[^>]*)>' # <http://www.123.com>
AUTOMAIL_RE = r'<([^> \!]*@[^> ]*)>' # <me@example.com>
#HTML_RE = r'(\<[^\>]*\>)' # <...>
HTML_RE = r'(\<[a-zA-Z/][^\>]*\>)' # <...>
-ENTITY_RE = r'(&[\#a-zA-Z0-9]*;)' # &amp;
+ENTITY_RE = r'(&[\#a-zA-Z0-9]*;)' # &amp;
LINE_BREAK_RE = r' \n' # two spaces at end of line
LINE_BREAK_2_RE = r' $' # two spaces at end of text
@@ -1026,10 +698,23 @@ class ImagePattern(LinkPattern):
el.set('src', "")
if len(src_parts) > 1:
el.set('title', dequote(" ".join(src_parts[1:])))
+ # Need to be reimplemented
el.text = m.group(2)
truealt = text.value
+ self.attrRegExp.sub(self.attributeCallback, self.value)
+ text = doc.createTextNode(m.group(2))
+ el.appendChild(text)
+ text.handleAttributes()
+ truealt = text.value
+ el.childNodes.remove(text)
truealt = m.group(2)'''
@@ -1083,7 +768,6 @@ class AutolinkPattern (Pattern):
el.text = m.group(2)
return el
-#FIXME: Add ElementTree support
class AutomailPattern (Pattern):
Return a mailto link Element given an automail link (`<foo@example.com>`).
@@ -1094,11 +778,13 @@ class AutomailPattern (Pattern):
email = m.group(2)
if email.startswith("mailto:"):
email = email[len("mailto:"):]
+ el.text = ""
for letter in email:
- entity = doc.createEntityReference("#%d" % ord(letter))
- el.appendChild(entity)
+ el.text += codepoint2name(ord(letter))
mailto = "mailto:" + email
- mailto = "".join(['&#%d;' % ord(letter) for letter in mailto])
+ mailto = "".join([AND_SUBSTITUTE + '#%d;' %
+ ord(letter) for letter in mailto])
el.set('href', mailto)
return el
@@ -1223,6 +909,20 @@ class RawHtmlTextPostprocessor(TextPostprocessor):
+class AndSubstitutePostprocessor(TextPostprocessor):
+ """ Restore valid entities """
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def run(self, text):
+ text = text.replace(AND_SUBSTITUTE, "&")
+ return text
========================== MISC AUXILIARY CLASSES ====================
@@ -1481,11 +1181,13 @@ class Markdown:
self.textPostprocessors = [# a footnote postprocessor will get
# inserted here
self.prePatterns = []
- self.inlinePatterns = [DOUBLE_BACKTICK_PATTERN,
+ self.inlinePatterns = [
@@ -1494,7 +1196,7 @@ class Markdown:
@@ -1978,7 +1680,7 @@ class Markdown:
result = []
prefix = self.inlineStash.prefix
strartIndex = 0
while data:
index = data.find(prefix, strartIndex)
@@ -1989,8 +1691,9 @@ class Markdown:
if self.inlineStash.isin(id):
node = self.inlineStash.get(id)
- if not isstr(node):
+ if not isstr(node): # it's Element
if index > 0:
text = data[strartIndex:index]
@@ -2003,7 +1706,9 @@ class Markdown:
if child.text:
self._processElementText(node, child)
- else:
+ else: # it's just a string
strartIndex = phEndIndex
@@ -2011,15 +1716,17 @@ class Markdown:
strartIndex = phEndIndex
- else:
+ else: # wrong placeholder
end = index + len(prefix)
- strartIndex = end
+ strartIndex = end
- linkText(data[strartIndex:])
+ text = data[strartIndex:].strip()
+ if text:
+ linkText(text)
data = ""
return result
@@ -2055,9 +1762,11 @@ class Markdown:
for child in [node] + node.getchildren():
if not isstr(node):
if child.text:
- child.text = self._handleInline(child.text, patternIndex)
+ child.text = self._handleInline(child.text,
+ patternIndex)
if child.tail:
- child.tail = self._handleInline(child.tail, patternIndex)
+ child.tail = self._handleInline(child.tail,
+ patternIndex)
pholder = self.inlineStash.add(node, pattern.type())
@@ -2173,24 +1882,19 @@ class Markdown:
tree = self.markdownToTree(source)
- output = StringIO.StringIO()
- newTree = self.applyInlinePatterns(tree)
- #indentETree(newTree.getroot())
- newTree.write(output, "utf8")
+ root = self.applyInlinePatterns(tree).getroot()
- xml = output.getvalue()
+ indentETree(root)
- if self.stripTopLevelTags:
- xml = xml.strip()[44:-7] + "\n"
+ xml = etree.tostring(root, encoding="utf8")
- #xml = etree.tostring(self.applyInlinePatterns(tree).getroot(), "utf8")
+ '''if self.stripTopLevelTags:
+ xml = xml.strip()[44:-7] + "\n"'''
for pp in self.textPostprocessors:
xml = pp.run(xml)
- return (self.docType + xml).strip()
+ return xml.strip()
def __str__(self):