path: root/docs/extensions/code_hilite.md
diff options
authorWaylan Limberg <waylan.limberg@icloud.com>2017-12-06 23:18:29 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2017-12-06 23:18:29 -0500
commitb62ddeda02fadcd09def9354eb2ef46a7562a106 (patch)
tree37149361ca1eeb8c24942835b2f933105fa920ed /docs/extensions/code_hilite.md
parentde5c696f94e8dde242c29d4be50b7bbf3c17fedb (diff)
Switch docs to MKDocs (#602)
Fixes #601. Merged in 6f87b32 from the md3 branch and did a lot of cleanup. Changes include: * Removed old docs build tool, templates, etc. * Added MkDocs config file, etc. * filename.txt => filename.md * pythonhost.org/Markdown => Python-Markdown.github.io * Markdown lint and other cleanup. * Automate pages deployment in makefile with `mkdocs gh-deploy` Assumes a git remote is set up named "pages". Do git remote add pages https://github.com/Python-Markdown/Python-Markdown.github.io.git ... before running `make deploy` the first time.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/extensions/code_hilite.md')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/extensions/code_hilite.md b/docs/extensions/code_hilite.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6490dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/extensions/code_hilite.md
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+title: CodeHilite Extension
+# CodeHilite
+## Summary
+The CodeHilite extension adds code/syntax highlighting to standard
+Python-Markdown code blocks using [Pygments][].
+[Pygments]: http://pygments.org/
+This extension is included in the standard Markdown library.
+## Setup
+### Step 1: Download and Install Pygments
+You will also need to [download][dl] and install the Pygments package on your
+`PYTHONPATH`. The CodeHilite extension will produce HTML output without
+Pygments, but it won't highlight anything (same behavior as setting
+`use_pygments` to `False`).
+[dl]: http://pygments.org/download/
+### Step 2: Add CSS Classes
+You will need to define the appropriate CSS classes with appropriate rules.
+The CSS rules either need to be defined in or linked from the header of your
+HTML templates. Pygments can generate CSS rules for you. Just run the following
+command from the command line:
+pygmentize -S default -f html -a .codehilite > styles.css
+If you are using a different `css_class` (default: `.codehilite`), then
+set the value of the `-a` option to that class name. The CSS rules will be
+written to the `styles.css` file which you can copy to your site and link from
+your HTML templates.
+If you would like to use a different theme, swap out `default` for the desired
+theme. For a list of themes installed on your system (additional themes can be
+installed via Pygments plugins), run the following command:
+pygmentize -L style
+See Pygments' excellent [documentation] for more details. If no language is
+defined, Pygments will attempt to guess the language. When that fails, the code
+block will not be highlighted.
+!!! note "See Also"
+ GitHub user [richeland] has provided a number of different [CSS style
+ sheets][rich] which work with Pygments along with a [preview] of each theme.
+ The `css_class` used is the same as the default value for that option
+ (`.codehilite`). However, the Python-Markdown project makes no guarantee that
+ richeland's CSS styles will work with the version of Pygments you are using.
+ To ensure complete compatibility, you should generate the CSS rules from
+ your own installation of Pygments.
+[richeland]: https://github.com/richleland
+[rich]: https://github.com/richleland/pygments-css
+[preview]: http://richleland.github.io/pygments-css/
+[documentation]: http://pygments.org/docs/
+## Syntax
+The CodeHilite extension follows the same [syntax][] as regular Markdown code
+blocks, with one exception. The highlighter needs to know what language to use for
+the code block. There are three ways to tell the highlighter what language the
+code block contains and each one has a different result.
+!!! Note
+ The format of the language identifier only effects the display of line numbers
+ if `linenums` is set to `None` (the default). If set to `True` or `False`
+ (see [Usage](#usage) below) the format of the identifier has no effect on the
+ display of line numbers -- it only serves as a means to define the language
+ of the code block.
+[syntax]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#precode
+### Shebang (with path)
+If the first line of the code block contains a shebang, the language is derived
+from that and line numbers are used.
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ # Code goes here ...
+Will result in:
+ #!/usr/bin/python
+ # Code goes here ...
+### Shebang (no path)
+If the first line contains a shebang, but the shebang line does not contain a
+path (a single `/` or even a space), then that line is removed from the code
+block before processing. Line numbers are used.
+ #!python
+ # Code goes here ...
+Will result in:
+ #!python
+ # Code goes here ...
+### Colons
+If the first line begins with three or more colons, the text following the
+colons identifies the language. The first line is removed from the code block
+before processing and line numbers are not used.
+ :::python
+ # Code goes here ...
+Will result in:
+ :::python
+ # Code goes here ...
+Certain lines can be selected for emphasis with the colon syntax. When
+using Pygments' default CSS styles, emphasized lines have a yellow background.
+This is useful to direct the reader's attention to specific lines.
+ :::python hl_lines="1 3"
+ # This line is emphasized
+ # This line isn't
+ # This line is emphasized
+!!! Note
+ `hl_lines` is named for Pygments' option meaning "highlighted lines".
+### When No Language is Defined
+CodeHilite is completely backwards compatible so that if a code block is
+encountered that does not define a language, the block is simply wrapped in
+`<pre>` tags and output.
+ # Code goes here ...
+Will result in:
+ # Code goes here ...
+Lets see the source for that:
+<div class="codehilite"><pre><code># Code goes here ...
+!!! Note
+ When no language is defined, the Pygments highlighting engine will try to guess
+ the language (unless `guess_lang` is set to `False`). Upon failure, the same
+ behavior will happen as described above.
+## Usage
+See [Extensions](index.md) for general extension usage, specify
+`markdown.extensions.codehilite` as the name of the extension.
+See the [Library Reference](../reference.md#extensions) for information about
+configuring extensions.
+The following options are provided to configure the output:
+* **`linenums`**:
+ Use line numbers. Possible values are `True` for yes, `False` for no and
+ `None` for auto. Defaults to `None`.
+ Using `True` will force every code block to have line numbers, even when
+ using colons (`:::`) for language identification.
+ Using `False` will turn off all line numbers, even when using shebangs
+ (`#!`) for language identification.
+* **`guess_lang`**:
+ Automatic language detection. Defaults to `True`.
+ Using `False` will prevent Pygments from guessing the language, and thus
+ highlighting blocks only when you explicitly set the language.
+* **`css_class`**:
+ Set CSS class name for the wrapper `<div>` tag. Defaults to
+ `codehilite`.
+* **`pygments_style`**:
+ Pygments HTML Formatter Style (`ColorScheme`). Defaults to `default`.
+ !!! Note
+ This is useful only when `noclasses` is set to `True`, otherwise the
+ CSS styles must be provided by the end user.
+* **`noclasses`**:
+ Use inline styles instead of CSS classes. Defaults to `False`.
+* **`use_pygments`**:
+ Defaults to `True`. Set to `False` to disable the use of Pygments.
+ If a language is defined for a code block, it will be assigned to the
+ `<code>` tag as a class in the manner suggested by the [HTML5 spec][spec]
+ (alternate output will not be entertained) and might be used by a JavaScript
+ library in the browser to highlight the code block.
+[spec]: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/text-level-semantics.html#the-code-element