diff options
authorFilipp Lepalaan <>2009-02-23 20:33:44 +0200
committerFilipp Lepalaan <>2009-02-23 20:33:44 +0200
commite7a3359321c9b705ce078b92aa7cace43ec9ed13 (patch)
Initial commit
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gl2drupal.php b/gl2drupal.php
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d89c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gl2drupal.php
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env php -q
+ * gl2drupal.php
+ * @author
+ * @version 20081019
+ * @todo
+ * -
+ * - drupal.history?
+ * Import Geeklog users, stories, comments, forums, polls and downloads
+ * modules: Forum, Search, Profile
+ * 11.11.08 user privileges (authenticated, admin)
+ * 17.11.08 working on threading
+ * 18.12.08 forum posts and comments
+ */
+// All arguments are mandatory
+$args = array(
+ 'h' => 'DBhost',
+ 'u' => 'DBuser',
+ 'p' => 'DBpasswd',
+ 'g' => 'geeklogDB',
+ 'd' => 'drupalDB'
+$opts = getopt(implode(':', array_keys($args)).':');
+foreach ($args as $k => $v) {
+ if (empty($opts[$k])) {
+ echo "Missing argument {$v}\n";
+ die("Usage: gl2drupal.php -h dbhost -u dbuser -p dbpasswd -g geeklogdb -d drupaldb\n");
+ }
+$dbpw = $opts['p'];
+$dbhost = $opts['h'];
+$dbuser = $opts['u'];
+$drupal_db = $opts['d'];
+$geeklog_db = $opts['g'];
+$gl_tbl_prefix = "gl_";
+$db = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw) or die(mysql_error() . "\n");
+// Add users
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_users}.users");
+mysql_query("UPDATE {$drupal_db}.users SET `uid` = 0 WHERE `name` = ''");
+$sql = <<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.users
+ (uid, name, pass, mail, signature, created, status)
+ (SELECT uid, username, passwd, email, sig, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(regdate), 1
+ FROM geeklog.{$gl_tbl_prefix}users
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix}users.uid > 1)
+query($sql, "Importing users");
+// Reassign user roles (Groups)
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.role WHERE `rid` > 2");
+//$sql = "INSERT INTO drupal.role (name) (SELECT `grp_name` FROM geeklog.{$gl_tbl_prefix}groups)";
+//query($sql, "Importing groups");
+// Create "administrator" role
+query("INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.role (rid, name)
+ VALUES (3, 'administrator')", "Creating admin role");
+// Grant all permissions to admin role
+$root_perms = "administer blocks, use PHP for block visibility, access comments, administer comments, post comments, post comments without approval, administer filters, administer menu, access content, administer content types, administer nodes, create page content, create story content, delete any page content, delete any story content, delete own page content, delete own story content, delete revisions, edit any page content, edit any story content, edit own page content, edit own story content, revert revisions, view revisions, access administration pages, access site reports, administer actions, administer files, administer site configuration, select different theme, administer taxonomy, access user profiles, administer permissions, administer users, change own username";
+query("INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.permission (rid, perm) VALUES (3, '{$root_perms}')");
+ * Assign Geeklog groups to corresponding Drupal roles
+ * It would be possible to migrate groups verbatim, but we will focus on the most important ones:
+ * Root (has full access to the site, ID 1) => administrator (ID 3)
+ * "Logged-in Users" (ID 2) => "authenticated user" (ID 2)
+ */
+// Migrate all registered users
+$sql = <<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.users_roles (uid, rid)
+ (SELECT `ug_uid`, 2
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}group_assignments
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix}group_assignments.ug_main_grp_id = 2)
+query($sql, "Migrating user permissions");
+// Migrate all Root users
+$sql = <<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.users_roles (uid, rid)
+ (SELECT `ug_uid`, 3
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}group_assignments
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix}group_assignments.ug_main_grp_id = 1)
+query($sql, "Migrating admin permissions");
+// Import nodes (titles)
+// Reassign primary keys as auto index values (Drupal style?)
+mysql_query("ALTER TABLE {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}stories DROP PRIMARY KEY");
+$sql = "ALTER TABLE {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}stories ADD `idx` INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY";
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.node");
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.node
+ (nid, vid, type, title, uid, status, created, changed, comment, promote)
+ (SELECT idx,
+ idx,
+ 'story',
+ title,
+ uid,
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 1
+ FROM geeklog.{$gl_tbl_prefix}stories);
+query($sql, "Importing headlines");
+// Import node contents (revisions)
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.node_revisions");
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.node_revisions
+ (nid, vid, uid, title, body, teaser, timestamp, format)
+ (SELECT idx,
+ idx,
+ uid,
+ title,
+ CONCAT(introtext, bodytext),
+ introtext,
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}stories)
+query( $sql, "Importing stories" );
+ * Import article comments
+ * cid - comment ID
+ * pid - ?
+ * nid - the ID of the node (story) being commented on
+ * uid - commenter's User ID
+ * format - ?
+ * thread - location of comment in the discussion thread.
+ * 01/ -> First comment in thread
+ * 02/ -> Second comment in thread
+ * 02.00/ -> First comment to the second comment
+ * 02.00.00/ -> Second comment to the first comment of the second comment
+ */
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.comments");
+$sql =<<<EOS
+SELECT pid,
+ idx,
+ {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.uid,
+ {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.title,
+ {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.comment,
+ {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.ipaddress,
+ {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.lft,
+ {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.indent,
+ UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$gl_tbl_prefix} as date,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ username, email, {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.sid
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}comments, {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}stories, {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}users
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix}stories.sid = {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.sid
+ AND {$gl_tbl_prefix}users.uid = {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.uid
+ ORDER BY {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.sid, {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.lft ASC
+$result = mysql_query($sql);
+ * Convert GL "pre-order traversal" to Drupal "notation"
+ * Since we order by lft, we know that the next row always comes "after" the current one.
+ * We only have to determine if it's a child or a sibling, which we should get from the indent.
+ * 1 2 0 01/
+ * 3 8 0 02/
+ * 4 7 1 02.00/
+ * 5 6 2 02.00.00/
+ * 9 10 0 03/
+ */
+$sid = 0;
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
+ // Process these by chunks of "stories"
+ if ($sid != $row['sid']) {
+ $sid = $row['sid'];
+ $indent = (int) $row['indent'];
+ if (!isset($t[$indent])) {
+ $t[$indent] = 0;
+ }
+ $t[$indent] = $t[$indent]+1;
+// $t[$indent] = str_pad($t[$indent], 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
+ } else {
+ $sid = 0;
+ $idx = 0;
+ $indent = 0;
+ $t = array();
+ }
+ print_r($t);
+ // Build the thread representation
+// foreach ($)
+ foreach($t as $k => $v) {
+ $thread .= str_pad($k)
+ }
+// $thread = $index . str_repeat(".{$index}", $indent) . '/';
+ $thread = implode('.', $t) . '/';
+ $comment = mysql_real_escape_string($row['comment']);
+ $subject = mysql_real_escape_string($row['title']);
+ $insert = "INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.comments
+ (pid,nid,uid,subject,comment,hostname,timestamp,status,format,thread,name,mail)
+ VALUES ({$row['pid']}, {$row['idx']}, {$row['uid']}, '$subject', '$comment',
+ '{$row['ipaddress']}', {$row['date']}, 0, 1, '{$thread}',
+ '{$row['username']}', '{$row['email']}')";
+ query($insert, "Inserting comment thread $thread");
+// Remap Anonymous user
+$sql = "UPDATE {$drupal_db}.comments SET `uid` = 0 WHERE `uid` = 1";
+query($sql, "Remapping Anonymous user");
+ * Update story comment counts
+ * @todo
+ * - last_comment_uid
+ */
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.node_comment_statistics");
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.node_comment_statistics
+ (nid, comment_count, last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_uid)
+ (SELECT idx, comments, MAX(UNIX_TIMESTAMP({$gl_tbl_prefix}, {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.uid
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}comments, {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}stories
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix}comments.sid = {$gl_tbl_prefix}stories.sid
+ GROUP BY {$gl_tbl_prefix}stories.idx)
+query( $sql, "Generating story comment counts" );
+// Restore forum comment coounts
+// Without this forum posts don't show up at all
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.node_comment_statistics
+ (nid, comment_count, last_comment_timestamp, last_comment_uid)
+ (SELECT id+9000, replies, lastupdated, uid
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_topic)
+query( $sql, "Restoring forum comment counts" );
+ * Import forum containers (categories)
+ * Container > Forum > Post > Comment
+ * "forum" = "term"
+ * A Container is also a Forum (with term_hierarchy.parent_id = 0)
+ * @NOTE The problem here is that forums and comments are in different
+ * tables Geeklog whereas Drupal uses just term_data and node resulting in
+ * ID collisions.
+ * For containers, this is "solved" by adding 1000 to their IDs (as
+ * it's pretty unlikely that someone will have over 1000
+ * forums (although the auto-increment might reach that))
+ */
+mysql_query( "DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.term_data" );
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.term_data
+ (tid, vid, name, description, weight)
+ (SELECT id+1000, 1, cat_name, cat_dscp, cat_order
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_categories);
+query($sql, "Importing forum containers");
+// Import forums
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.term_data
+ (tid, vid, name, description, weight)
+ (SELECT forum_id, 1, forum_name, forum_dscp, forum_order
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_forums)
+query($sql, "Importing forums");
+// The forum container flag is stored as a serialized PHP array
+$containers = array();
+$r = mysql_query("SELECT `id`+1000 FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_categories");
+while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($r)) {
+ $containers[] = $row[0];
+// Clear previous forum containers
+$sql = "DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.variable WHERE `name` = 'forum_containers'";
+$sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.variable
+ (name, value)
+ VALUES ('forum_containers', '%s')", serialize($containers));
+query($sql, "Registering forum containers");
+// Update forum category hierarchy
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.term_hierarchy");
+// Import categories, using straight GL ID's
+// Categories are top parents, hence parent id 0
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.term_hierarchy
+ (SELECT {$gl_tbl_prefix}, 0
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_categories)
+query( $sql, "Setting category hierarchy" );
+// Import forum hierarchy, ignoring top-level containers
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.term_hierarchy
+ (SELECT {$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_forums.forum_id, {$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_forums.forum_cat+1000
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_forums
+ WHERE `forum_cat` != `forum_id`)
+query( $sql, "Setting forum hierarchy" );
+ * Importing forum posts. First the topics.
+ * In forums, a node is the first post (the topic)
+ */
+// This will help alot later on
+$sql = "ALTER TABLE {$drupal_db}.node ADD COLUMN tmp_forum_id INT";
+mysql_query( $sql );
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.node
+ (nid, vid, type, title, uid, status, created, changed, comment, tmp_forum_id)
+ (SELECT id+9000, id+9000, 'forum', subject, uid, 1, date, lastupdated, 2, forum
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_topic
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_topic.`pid` = 0)
+query( $sql, "Importing forum topics" );
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.node_revisions
+ (vid, nid, uid, title, body, teaser, timestamp, format)
+ (SELECT id+9000, id+9000, uid, subject, comment, comment, date, 1
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_topic)
+mysql_query( $sql );
+ * Associate nodes (topics) with their forums
+ * nid - node id
+ * vid - revision id
+ * tid - term (forum) id
+ */
+mysql_query("DELETE FROM {$drupal_db}.forum");
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.forum
+ (nid, vid, tid)
+ (SELECT node.nid, node.vid, node.tmp_forum_id
+ FROM {$drupal_db}.node
+ WHERE node.type = 'forum')
+query($sql, "Registering forum topics");
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.term_node
+ (nid, vid, tid)
+ (SELECT node.nid, node.vid, node.tmp_forum_id
+ FROM {$drupal_db}.node
+ WHERE node.type = 'forum')
+mysql_query( $sql );
+// Import forum comments
+// Ignoring first posts
+$sql =<<<EOS
+INSERT INTO {$drupal_db}.comments
+ (pid,nid,uid,subject,comment,hostname,timestamp,status,format,thread,name)
+ (SELECT 0,pid+9000,uid,subject,comment,ip,date,0,1,'01/',name
+ FROM {$geeklog_db}.{$gl_tbl_prefix}forum_topic
+ WHERE {$gl_tbl_prefix} > 0)
+query( $sql, "Importing forum comments" );
+mysql_query( "ALTER TABLE {$drupal_db}.node DROP COLUMN tmp_forum_id" );
+mysql_close( $db );
+function query( $sql, $step = "Doing something" ) {
+ mysql_query( $sql );
+ if (!empty( $step )) {
+ echo result( $step );
+ }
+function result( $action ) {
+ $width = 100;
+ $error = mysql_error();
+ $result = ($error) ? "Fail ($error)" : "[OK]";
+ $spaces = abs( $width - strlen( $action . $result ));
+ $out = $action . str_repeat( " ", $spaces );
+ return "$out $result\n";
+?> \ No newline at end of file