path: root/.osx
diff options
authorMathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be>2012-06-27 08:26:05 +0200
committerMathias Bynens <mathias@qiwi.be>2012-06-27 08:26:05 +0200
commit29ae35c5da1b1354f38db9cbdaba8b4d1765c22a (patch)
tree96489bbcf4f0ca3057fe4f9def3723eafe47f706 /.osx
parent3c6945bb82c5416848cc76e49ff49c9014acce1c (diff)
.osx: Enable swipe between pages with three fingers
Ref. #80. Thanks to @Lri for the help.
Diffstat (limited to '.osx')
1 files changed, 6 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/.osx b/.osx
index 85a1ec5..636e09b 100755
--- a/.osx
+++ b/.osx
@@ -53,24 +53,27 @@ defaults write NSGlobalDomain KeyRepeat -int 0
# Note: if you’re in the US, replace `EUR` with `USD`, `Centimeters` with `Inches`, and `true` with `false`.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLanguages -array "en" "nl"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleLocale -string "en_GB@currency=EUR"
-# AppleMeasurementUnits
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMeasurementUnits -string "Centimeters"
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleMetricUnits -bool true
# Disable auto-correct
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled -bool false
-# Enable tap to click (Trackpad) for this user and for the login screen
+# Trackpad: enable tap to click for this user and for the login screen
defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad Clicking -bool true
defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1
defaults write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.mouse.tapBehavior -int 1
-# Map bottom right Trackpad corner to right-click
+# Trackpad: Map bottom right corner to right-click
defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad TrackpadCornerSecondaryClick -int 2
defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad TrackpadRightClick -bool true
defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.trackpadCornerClickBehavior -int 1
defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.enableSecondaryClick -bool true
+# Trackpad: swipe between pages with three fingers
+defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain com.apple.trackpad.threeFingerHorizSwipeGesture -int 1
+defaults write com.apple.driver.AppleBluetoothMultitouch.trackpad TrackpadThreeFingerHorizSwipeGesture -int 1
# Require password immediately after sleep or screen saver begins
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPassword -int 1
defaults write com.apple.screensaver askForPasswordDelay -int 0