===== Tiles ===== Every tile consists of an obligatory ``.html`` file and two optional ``.css`` and ``.js`` files. All three files belonging to a tile should have the same name that corresponds with the tile name – e.g. with the ``pie_chart`` tile these are ``pie_chart.html``, ``pie_chart.css`` and ``pie_chart.js`` files respectively. Customizing tiles ----------------- If you want to modify a tile (e.g. change a CSS attribute, which obviously cannot be done via API), copy a desired file in the folder of tiles delivered with the application (i.e. ``/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tipboard/tiles``), paste it in your tile folder (i.e. ``~/.tipboard/custom_tiles``) and edit according to your needs. Files in your ``custom_tiles`` folder take precedence over those shipped by default with the application and thus you can easily replace desired elements (e.g. if you want to change the text color, just copy and edit the ``.css`` file – without touching ``.html`` and ``.js`` files). We plan to introduce a command simplifying this process in the future. Color palette ------------- Color palette used by Tipboard's tiles is defined as shown in the table below. To retain consistency, we strongly suggest sticking to them while customizing tiles. +-------------+---------------------+ | Value | Name | +=============+=====================+ | ``#000000`` | ``black`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#FFFFFF`` | ``white`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#25282D`` | ``tile_background`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#DC5945`` | ``red`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#FF9618`` | ``yellow`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#94C140`` | ``green`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#12B0C5`` | ``blue`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#9C4274`` | ``violet`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#EC663C`` | ``orange`` | +-------------+---------------------+ | ``#54C5C0`` | ``naval`` | +-------------+---------------------+ Common elements --------------- * tile's content (``data`` key) and its configuration (``value`` key) should be send as two separate requests - once you have established desired configuration it does not make much sense to send it over and over again; * in order to reset tile's config, you just send an empty ``value`` key (e.g. ``value = {}``). .. _tiles_library: Library of available tiles -------------------------- In the following pages we present a "library" of available tiles (i.e. those bundled with the application), which should serve as a specification how to send data to them and how to set up its configuration options. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 tile__text tile__pie_chart tile__line_chart tile__cumulative_flow tile__simple_percentage tile__listing tile__bar_chart tile__fancy_listing tile__big_value tile__just_value tile__advanced_plot tile__norm_chart .. note:: In order to keep brevity, all examples presented in specifications above do not include any escape characters. Therefore, it's up to you to insert them where necessary. And also, remember to set all the elements in angle brackets (e.g. ````, ```` etc.) to reflect your configuration.