======== ``text`` ======== .. image:: img/smaller/text.png **Description** Simple text-tile designated to display... (surprise!) text. **Content** :: data = {"text": ""} where: .. describe:: text_content A textual content to be displayed. Example:: curl http://localhot:7272/api/v0.1//push -X POST -d "tile=text" -d "key=mytext" -d 'data={"text": "Hello world!"}' **Configuration** :: value = {"": ""} where: .. describe:: config_element One of three attributes of displayed text (i.e. ``font_size``, ``color`` and ``font_weight``). .. describe:: config_value Value matching above. Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1//tileconfig/mytext -X POST -d 'value={"font_color": "#00FF00"}' .. note:: Parameter ``font_size`` can be specified in two ways - as a number (e.g. ``"font_size": 10``) or as a string (e.g. ``"font_size": "10px"``) - both of them have the same effect. Keys ``font_size``, ``color``, ``font_weight`` with empty ``config_value`` are ignored (in such case, they will inherit those values from parent CSS).