============= ``pie_chart`` ============= .. image:: img/smaller/pie-chart.png **Description** "Pie-chart" style chart using `jqPlot `_ library, with optional legend. **Content** :: data = { "title": "", "pie_data": [[identifier1, value1], [identifier2, value2], ...] } where: .. describe:: title Chart's title (optional). .. describe:: pie_data Data for pie-chart in a form of list of lists, where each sub-list is an identifier-value pair. Percentage of the whole chart shared by given part is calculated automatically by jqPlot - relatively to the sum of values of all parts. Example:: curl http//localhost:7272/api/v0.1//push -X POST -d "tile=pie_chart" -d "key=example_pie" -d 'data={"title": "My title", "pie_data": [["Pie 1", 25], ["Pie 2", 25], ["Pie 3", 50]]}' -- this will result in a pie-chart with title "My title", divided by three parts "Pie 1", "Pie 2" and "Pie 3". **Configuration** :: value = {} where: .. describe:: jqplot_config Configuration params in the form described by `jqPlot documentation `_. Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1//tileconfig/ -X POST -d 'value={"title": true, "legend": {"show": true, "location": "s"}}' -- this will result in a pie-chart with legend turned on at the bottom of the tile (``s`` stands for "south") - its title will be turned on as well.