============== ``norm_chart`` ============== .. image:: img/smaller/norm-chart.png .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 **Description** "Curve vs norm" style chart. Suitable for situations, when you want to compare some data with expected value ("norm") or put an emphasis on y-axis values. **Content** :: "data" = { "title": "", "description": "<description>", "plot_data": [ [<series1>], [<series2>], [<series3>], ... ] } where: .. describe:: title, description Title and description (subtitle) for the tile. .. describe:: plot_data Data for charts in a form of list of series, where each series designates single chart; each element of a given series is a pair ``[x_axis_value, y_axis_value]``. Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/push -X POST -d "tile=norm_chart" -d "key=<tile_id>" -d 'data={"title": "My title", "description": "Some description", "plot_data": [[[1, 2], [3, 5.12], [5, 13.1], [7, 33.6], [9, 85.9], [11, 219.9]], [[6, 2], [3, 5.12], [5, 13.1], [7, 33.6], [9, 85.9], [11, 219.9]]]}' **Configuration** :: value = { "easyNorms": [["<color>", <y-value>, <line_width>], ...] } where: .. describe:: easyNorms List of norms to be displayed. Each norm consists of three elements: .. describe:: color Color which given norm should use - in a hexadecimal form or color name (e.g. ``#94C140`` or ``green``). .. describe:: y-value Value for the norm. .. describe:: line_width Line thickness for the norm (in pixels). Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/tileconfig/<tile_id> -X POST -d 'value={"easyNorms": [["yellow", 200, 2], ["green", 100, 2]]}'