============== ``just_value`` ============== .. image:: img/smaller/just-value.png **Description** Tile for displaying single, short information with a possibility to change its background color. **Content** :: "data" = { "title": "", "description": "<description>", "just-value": "<value>" } where: .. describe:: title, description Title and description (subtitle) for the tile. .. describe:: just-value Value to be displayed on the tile, with optionally colored background. Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/push -X POST -d "tile=just_value" -d "key=<tile_id>" -d 'data={"title": "Next release:", "description": "(days remaining)", "just-value": "23"}' **Configuration** :: value = { "just-value-color": "<color>", "fading_background": <BOOLEAN> } where: .. describe:: just-value-color Background color for ``just-value`` in a hexadecimal form or color name (e.g. ``#94C140`` or ``green``). .. describe:: fading_background Turns on/off background pulsation for ``just-value`` (may be useful for alerts etc.). .. versionadded:: 1.3.0 Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/tileconfig/<tile_id> -X POST -d 'value={"just-value-color": "green", "fading_background": true}'