=================== ``cumulative_flow`` =================== .. image:: img/smaller/cumulative-flow.png **Description** Cumulative chart using `jqPlot `_ library. Allows to display up to seven plots on a single chart. **Content** :: data = { "title": "", "series_list": [{"label": "<label1>", "series": [<val1>, <val2>, ...]}, {"label": "<label2>", "series": [<val1>, <val2>, ...]}] } where: .. describe:: title Title to be displayed above the labels. .. describe:: series_list A container (i.e. list of objects) for the data; each such object corresponding to a single plot consists of two keys: ``label`` and ``series``, where the latter is a list of values constructing the plot. Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/push -X POST -d "tile=cumulative_flow" -d "key=<tile_id>" -d 'data={"title": "My title:", "series_list": [{"label": "label 1", "series": [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0 ]}, {"label": "label 2", "series": [ 0, 5, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 7, 8, 9, 1 ]}]}' **Configuration** :: value = {"ticks": [[<key>, "<value>"], [<key>, "<value>"], ... ]} where: .. describe:: ticks List of elements defining x-axis; each such element is a list of form ``[k, v]`` where ``k`` is an ordinal number designating position of such tick and ``v`` is a string which will be displayed in that place. Example:: curl http://localhost:7272/api/v0.1/<api_key>/tileconfig/<tile_id> -X POST -d 'value={"ticks": [[1, "mon"], [2, "tue"], [3, "wed"], [4, "thu"], [5, "fri"], [6, "sat"], [7, "sun"]]}' .. note:: If ``series_list`` contains more than one object (which is the case 99% of the time), each one of them should have ``series`` list of the same length - and this length should be equal to the number of ``ticks``.