====== Extras ====== Here you will find description of components which are not a part of the Tipboard project *per se*, although they may be useful to some of its users. Assuming standard installation, you can find them here:: /lib/python2.7/site-packages/tipboard/extras .. note:: If you have developed something of similar nature and you are willing to share it, we encourage you to make a pull request to our repo. Thanks! ``jira-ds.py`` -------------- Script for fetching frequently used data from `JIRA `_ issue tracker, in order to present it on your dashboards. Returns requested data to stdout in JSON format. For the list of available options see ``jira-ds.py --help``. This script is basically a wrapper around ``jira-ds.js``, so those two files shouldn't be separated. Requires `CasperJS `_ and `PhantomJS `_ installed somewhere in your path (we suggest using `npm `_ for that). Before you start using them, remember to fill in ``JIRA_CREDENTIALS`` and ``JIRA_BASE_URL`` (in ``jira-ds.py``) as well as ``url_jira`` and ``url_jira_login`` (in ``jira-ds.js``) with the your JIRA credentials, location of your JIRA instance and its login page. Tested with JIRA 6.1.x. ``client_code_example.py`` -------------------------- Simple Python script targeted to novice users serving as an example how to glue together three steps: fetching data, processing it and then sending it to the tile. See comments in the source code for further explanation. ``fabfile.py`` -------------- Script for quick, automated installations on remote machines. You need to have `fabric `_ and `fabtools `_ to use remote install script. Run:: fab -H root@host install -- it will install all needed ``.deb`` packages, create virualenv and set up Tipboard service using master branch from our main repo.