Change Log ---------- 1.4.0 ~~~~~ Released on August 28, 2014. * Tipboard got open-sourced! 1.3.1 ~~~~~ Released on July 23, 2014. * Added extensive documentation. * Numerous fixes in 'jira-ds' script (e.g added timeouts). * Fixed definitions of colors available for tiles. * Fixed checking for expired data (+ made it timezone aware). * Added integration with Travis. * Changed default size of the log files. 1.3.0 ~~~~~ Released on February 17, 2014. New features: * Fading highlighter (for just_value, big_value and simple_percentage tiles). * Fancy centering options for fancy_listing tile. * Notifications on data expiration. * New tile: norm_chart. * Possibility to define more than one dashboard per application instance. Bug fixes: * Tiles no longer vanish when flipping is enabled. * Characters like '.' or '-' (and some others) in tiles' ids are no longer causing problems. * Renderer names (like OHLCRenderer, MarkerRenderer, ShadowRenderer and ShapeRenderer) can now safely be passed to tiles' configs. Others: * Error messages displayed on tiles got more emphasis. * Renderer names (in tiles' configs) are now case insensitive. * Added frontend tests and selector for tests. 1.2.0 ~~~~~ Released on December 19, 2013. This release brings new features and some minor bugfixes. * New tiles: big_value, just_value, advanced_plot. * Rewritten 'jira-ds' script with some new options (e.g. 'maxResults' for JQL). * Completely new graphic theme - with new colors, fonts etc. * Fixed existing tests and some new added. * Exceptions raised by JavaScript are now displayed on the tiles. * Improved config handling for bar_chart, pie_chart and line_chart. * Added possibility to specify specialized renderers for almost all plots (except cumulative_flow). 1.1.0 ~~~~~ Released on November 20, 2013. This release contains multiple improvements and bugfixes: * Tiles are no longer packages (i.e. folders). * Reorganized files/folders structure. * Massively reduced app's settings. * Simplified layout config (no more classes, only one keyword needed to get tile flips working). * New tiles: bar_chart, fancy_listing. * Improved scaling of tiles + some cosmetic changes. * Unique API key is generated automatically for every project. * Fabric script for administrative installs 1.0.0 ~~~~~ Released on November 06, 2013. This is the first release of Tipboard. * initial release