// xibLocalizationPostprocessor.m // // Created by William Shipley on 4/14/08. // Copyright © 2005-2009 Golden % Braeburn, LLC. #import NSDictionary *load_kv_pairs(NSString *input); int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *autoreleasePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; { if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: xibLocalizationPostprocessor inputfile outputfile (Replace IB keys with their English string value)\n"); fprintf(stderr, " xibLocalizationPostprocessor transfile inputfile outputfile (Reverse mode: Change English keys back to IB keys in translation)\n"); exit (-1); } NSUInteger inputFileIndex = 1; NSDictionary *translatedStrings = nil; if(argc == 4) { NSError *error = nil; NSStringEncoding usedEncoding; NSString *translatedFile = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[1]] usedEncoding:&usedEncoding error:&error]; if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading transfile %s: %s\n", argv[1], error.localizedDescription.UTF8String); exit (-1); } translatedStrings = load_kv_pairs(translatedFile); inputFileIndex++; } NSError *error = nil; NSStringEncoding usedEncoding; NSString *rawXIBStrings = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[inputFileIndex]] usedEncoding:&usedEncoding error:&error]; if (error) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading inputfile %s: %s\n", argv[inputFileIndex], error.localizedDescription.UTF8String); exit (-1); } NSMutableString *outputStrings = [NSMutableString string]; NSUInteger lineCount = 0; NSString *lastComment = nil; for (NSString *line in [rawXIBStrings componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]) { lineCount++; if ([line hasPrefix:@"/*"]) { // eg: /* Class = "NSMenuItem"; title = "Quit Library"; ObjectID = "136"; */ lastComment = line; continue; } else if (line.length == 0) { lastComment = nil; continue; } else if ([line hasPrefix:@"\""] && [line hasSuffix:@"\";"]) { // eg: "136.title" = "Quit Library"; NSRange quoteEqualsQuoteRange = [line rangeOfString:@"\" = \""]; if (quoteEqualsQuoteRange.length && NSMaxRange(quoteEqualsQuoteRange) < line.length - 1) { if (lastComment) { [outputStrings appendString:lastComment]; [outputStrings appendString:@"\n"]; } NSString *stringNeedingLocalization = [line substringFromIndex:NSMaxRange(quoteEqualsQuoteRange)]; // chop off leading: "blah" = " stringNeedingLocalization = [stringNeedingLocalization substringToIndex:stringNeedingLocalization.length - 2]; // chop off trailing: "; if(translatedStrings) { NSString *translation = [translatedStrings objectForKey:stringNeedingLocalization]; if(!translation) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: key \"%s\" not found in transfile.\n",[stringNeedingLocalization UTF8String]); translation = stringNeedingLocalization; //fallback to untranslated } [outputStrings appendFormat:@"%@\" = \"%@\";\n\n", [line substringToIndex:quoteEqualsQuoteRange.location], translation]; } else { [outputStrings appendFormat:@"\"%@\" = \"%@\";\n\n", stringNeedingLocalization, stringNeedingLocalization]; } continue; } } NSLog(@"Warning: skipped garbage input line %lu, contents: \"%@\"", (unsigned long)lineCount, line); } if (outputStrings.length && ![outputStrings writeToFile:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:argv[inputFileIndex+1]] atomically:NO encoding:usedEncoding error:&error]) { fprintf(stderr, "Error writing %s: %s\n", argv[inputFileIndex+1], error.localizedDescription.UTF8String); exit (-1); } } [autoreleasePool release]; } NSDictionary *load_kv_pairs(NSString *input) { NSDictionary *result = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSUInteger lineCount = 0; //don't try [NSString enumerateLines...] here. It supports some obscure Unicode line breaks! for (NSString *line in [input componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n"]) { lineCount++; if (line.length == 0 || [line hasPrefix:@"/*"]) { continue; } if ([line hasPrefix:@"\""] && [line hasSuffix:@"\";"]) { // eg: "136.title" = "Quit Library"; NSRange quoteEqualsQuoteRange = [line rangeOfString:@"\" = \""]; if (quoteEqualsQuoteRange.location != NSNotFound && quoteEqualsQuoteRange.length && NSMaxRange(quoteEqualsQuoteRange) < line.length - 1) { NSRange keyRange = NSMakeRange(1,quoteEqualsQuoteRange.location - 1); //the first " is always at pos. 0 (we checked that above) NSString *key = [line substringWithRange:keyRange]; NSString *value = [line substringFromIndex:NSMaxRange(quoteEqualsQuoteRange)]; // chop off leading: "blah" = " value = [value substringToIndex:[value length] - 2]; // chop off trailing: "; [result setValue:value forKey:key]; continue; } } NSLog(@"Warning: skipped garbage trans line %lu, contents: \"%@\"", (unsigned long)lineCount, line); } return result; }