// // $Id$ // // TableDocument.m // sequel-pro // // Created by lorenz textor (lorenz@textor.ch) on Wed May 01 2002. // Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Lorenz Textor. All rights reserved. // // Forked by Abhi Beckert (abhibeckert.com) 2008-04-04 // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // More info at #import "TableDocument.h" #import "TablesList.h" #import "TableSource.h" #import "TableContent.h" #import "CustomQuery.h" #import "TableDump.h" #import "ImageAndTextCell.h" #import "SPGrowlController.h" #import "SPExportController.h" #import "SPQueryController.h" #import "SPSQLParser.h" #import "SPTableData.h" #import "SPDatabaseData.h" #import "SPStringAdditions.h" #import "SPArrayAdditions.h" #import "SPDataAdditions.h" #import "SPAppController.h" #import "SPExtendedTableInfo.h" #import "SPConnectionController.h" #import "SPHistoryController.h" #import "SPPreferenceController.h" #import "SPPrintAccessory.h" #import "QLPreviewPanel.h" #import "SPUserManager.h" #import "SPEncodingPopupAccessory.h" #import "SPConstants.h" #import "YRKSpinningProgressIndicator.h" // Printing #import "MGTemplateEngine.h" #import "ICUTemplateMatcher.h" @interface TableDocument (PrivateAPI) - (void)_addDatabase; - (void)_removeDatabase; - (void)_updateServerVariablesFilterForFilterString:(NSString *)filterString; - (void)_copyServerVariablesToPasteboardIncludingName:(BOOL)name andValue:(BOOL)value; @end @implementation TableDocument - (id)init { if ((self = [super init])) { _mainNibLoaded = NO; _encoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@"utf8"]; _isConnected = NO; _isWorking = NO; _queryMode = SP_QUERYMODE_INTERFACE; chooseDatabaseButton = nil; chooseDatabaseToolbarItem = nil; connectionController = nil; selectedDatabase = nil; mySQLConnection = nil; mySQLVersion = nil; variables = nil; printWebView = [[WebView alloc] init]; [printWebView setFrameLoadDelegate:self]; prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; queryEditorInitString = nil; spfSession = nil; spfPreferences = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; spfDocData = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; taskDisplayIsIndeterminate = YES; taskDisplayLastValue = 0; taskProgressValue = 0; taskProgressValueDisplayInterval = 1; taskDrawTimer = nil; keyChainID = nil; } return self; } - (void)awakeFromNib { if (_mainNibLoaded) return; _mainNibLoaded = YES; // The first window should use autosaving; subsequent windows should cascade BOOL usedAutosave = [tableWindow setFrameAutosaveName:[self windowNibName]]; if (!usedAutosave) { [tableWindow setFrameUsingName:[self windowNibName]]; NSArray *documents = [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] documents]; NSRect previousFrame = [[[documents objectAtIndex:(([documents count] > 1)?[documents count]-2:[documents count]-1)] valueForKey:@"tableWindow"] frame]; NSPoint topLeftPoint = previousFrame.origin; topLeftPoint.y += previousFrame.size.height; [tableWindow setFrameTopLeftPoint:[tableWindow cascadeTopLeftFromPoint:topLeftPoint]]; // Try to check if new frame fits into the screen NSRect screenFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; NSScreen* candidate; for(candidate in [NSScreen screens]) if(NSMinX([candidate frame]) < topLeftPoint.x && NSMinX([candidate frame]) > NSMinX(screenFrame)) screenFrame = [candidate visibleFrame]; previousFrame = [tableWindow frame]; // Determine if move/resize is required if(previousFrame.origin.x - screenFrame.origin.x + previousFrame.size.width >= screenFrame.size.width || previousFrame.origin.y - screenFrame.origin.y + previousFrame.size.height >= screenFrame.size.height) { // First try to move the window back onto the screen if it will fit if (previousFrame.size.width <= screenFrame.size.width && previousFrame.size.height <= screenFrame.size.height) { previousFrame.origin.x -= (previousFrame.origin.x + previousFrame.size.width) - (screenFrame.origin.x + screenFrame.size.width); previousFrame.origin.y -= (previousFrame.origin.y + previousFrame.size.height) - (screenFrame.origin.y + screenFrame.size.height); [tableWindow setFrame:previousFrame display:YES]; // Otherwise, resize and de-cascade a little } else { previousFrame.size.width -= 50; previousFrame.size.height -= 50; previousFrame.origin.y += 50; if(previousFrame.size.width >= [tableWindow minSize].width && previousFrame.size.height >= [tableWindow minSize].height) [tableWindow setFrame:previousFrame display:YES]; } } } // Set up the toolbar [self setupToolbar]; // Set up the connection controller connectionController = [[SPConnectionController alloc] initWithDocument:self]; // Register observers for when the DisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines preference changes [prefs addObserver:tableSourceInstance forKeyPath:SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL]; [prefs addObserver:tableContentInstance forKeyPath:SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL]; [prefs addObserver:customQueryInstance forKeyPath:SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL]; [prefs addObserver:tableRelationsInstance forKeyPath:SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL]; // Register observers for when the logging preference changes [prefs addObserver:[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] forKeyPath:SPConsoleEnableLogging options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL]; // Register a second observer for when the logging preference changes so we can tell the current connection about it [prefs addObserver:self forKeyPath:SPConsoleEnableLogging options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:NULL]; // Find the Database -> Database Encoding menu (it's not in our nib, so we can't use interface builder) selectEncodingMenu = [[[[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTag:1] submenu] itemWithTag:1] submenu]; // Hide the tabs in the tab view (we only show them to allow switching tabs in interface builder) [tableTabView setTabViewType:NSNoTabsNoBorder]; // Add the icon accessory view to the title bar NSView *windowFrame = [[tableWindow contentView] superview]; NSRect av = [titleAccessoryView frame]; NSRect initialAccessoryViewFrame = NSMakeRect( [windowFrame frame].size.width - av.size.width - 30, [windowFrame frame].size.height - av.size.height, av.size.width, av.size.height); [titleAccessoryView setFrame:initialAccessoryViewFrame]; [windowFrame addSubview:titleAccessoryView]; // Bind the background color of the create syntax text view to the users preference [createTableSyntaxTextView setAllowsDocumentBackgroundColorChange:YES]; NSMutableDictionary *bindingOptions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [bindingOptions setObject:NSUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName forKey:@"NSValueTransformerName"]; [createTableSyntaxTextView bind:@"backgroundColor" toObject:[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] withKeyPath:@"values.CustomQueryEditorBackgroundColor" options:bindingOptions]; // Load additional nibs if (![NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ConnectionErrorDialog" owner:self]) { NSLog(@"Connection error dialog could not be loaded; connection failure handling will not function correctly."); } if (![NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"ProgressIndicatorLayer" owner:self]) { NSLog(@"Progress indicator layer could not be loaded; progress display will not function correctly."); } // Set up the progress indicator layer - add to main window, change indicator color and size [taskProgressLayer setHidden:YES]; [taskProgressLayer setFrame:[contentViewSplitter frame]]; [[tableWindow contentView] addSubview:taskProgressLayer positioned:NSWindowAbove relativeTo:contentViewSplitter]; [taskProgressIndicator setForeColor:[NSColor whiteColor]]; } /** * Initialise the document with the connection file at the supplied path. */ - (void)initWithConnectionFile:(NSString *)path { NSError *readError = nil; NSString *convError = nil; NSPropertyListFormat format; NSString *encryptpw = nil; NSDictionary *data = nil; NSDictionary *connection = nil; NSDictionary *spf = nil; int connectionType; // Inform about the data source in the window title bar [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; // Clean fields [connectionController setName:@""]; [connectionController setUser:@""]; [connectionController setHost:@""]; [connectionController setPort:@""]; [connectionController setSocket:@""]; [connectionController setSshHost:@""]; [connectionController setSshUser:@""]; [connectionController setSshPort:@""]; [connectionController setDatabase:@""]; [connectionController setPassword:@""]; [connectionController setSshPassword:@""]; // Deselect all favorites [[connectionController valueForKeyPath:@"favoritesTable"] deselectAll:connectionController]; // Suppress the possibility to choose an other connection from the favorites // if a connection should initialized by SPF file. Otherwise it could happen // that the SPF file runs out of sync. [[connectionController valueForKeyPath:@"favoritesTable"] setEnabled:NO]; NSData *pData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path options:NSUncachedRead error:&readError]; spf = [[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:pData mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListImmutable format:&format errorDescription:&convError] retain]; if(!spf || readError != nil || [convError length] || !(format == NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 || format == NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0)) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while reading connection data file", @"error while reading connection data file")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Connection data file couldn't be read.", @"error while reading connection data file")]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; [self close]; return; } // For dispatching later if(![[spf objectForKey:@"format"] isEqualToString:@"connection"]) { NSLog(@"SPF file format is not 'connection'."); [spf release]; [self close]; return; } if(![spf objectForKey:@"data"]) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while reading connection data file", @"error while reading connection data file")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"No data found.", @"no data found")]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; [spf release]; [self close]; return; } // Ask for a password if SPF file passwords were encrypted as sheet if([spf objectForKey:@"encrypted"] && [[spf valueForKey:@"encrypted"] boolValue]) { [inputTextWindowHeader setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Connection file is encrypted", @"Connection file is encrypted")]; [inputTextWindowMessage setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Enter password for ‘%@’:",@"Please enter the password"), [path lastPathComponent]]]; [inputTextWindowSecureTextField setStringValue:@""]; [inputTextWindowSecureTextField selectText:nil]; [NSApp beginSheet:inputTextWindow modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; // wait for encryption password NSModalSession session = [NSApp beginModalSessionForWindow:inputTextWindow]; for (;;) { // Execute code on DefaultRunLoop [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]; // Break the run loop if editSheet was closed if ([NSApp runModalSession:session] != NSRunContinuesResponse || ![inputTextWindow isVisible]) break; // Execute code on DefaultRunLoop [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:[NSDate distantFuture]]; } [NSApp endModalSession:session]; [inputTextWindow orderOut:nil]; [NSApp endSheet:inputTextWindow]; if(passwordSheetReturnCode) encryptpw = [inputTextWindowSecureTextField stringValue]; else { [self close]; [spf release]; return; } } if([[spf objectForKey:@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[spf objectForKey:@"data"]]; else if([[spf objectForKey:@"data"] isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { NSData *decryptdata = nil; decryptdata = [[[NSMutableData alloc] initWithData:[(NSData *)[spf objectForKey:@"data"] dataDecryptedWithPassword:encryptpw]] autorelease]; if(decryptdata != nil && [decryptdata length]) { NSKeyedUnarchiver *unarchiver = [[[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingWithData:decryptdata] autorelease]; data = (NSDictionary *)[unarchiver decodeObjectForKey:@"data"]; [unarchiver finishDecoding]; } if(data == nil) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while reading connection data file", @"error while reading connection data file")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Wrong data format or password.", @"wrong data format or password")]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; [self close]; [spf release]; return; } } if(data == nil) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while reading connection data file", @"error while reading connection data file")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Wrong data format.", @"wrong data format")]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; [self close]; [spf release]; return; } if(![data objectForKey:@"connection"]) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while reading connection data file", @"error while reading connection data file")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"No connection data found.", @"no connection data found")]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; [self close]; [spf release]; return; } [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"encrypted"]; if(encryptpw != nil) { [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"encrypted"]; [spfDocData setObject:encryptpw forKey:@"e_string"]; } encryptpw = nil; connection = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[data objectForKey:@"connection"]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"type"]) { if([[connection objectForKey:@"type"] isEqualToString:@"SP_CONNECTION_TCPIP"]) connectionType = SP_CONNECTION_TCPIP; else if([[connection objectForKey:@"type"] isEqualToString:@"SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET"]) connectionType = SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET; else if([[connection objectForKey:@"type"] isEqualToString:@"SP_CONNECTION_SSHTUNNEL"]) connectionType = SP_CONNECTION_SSHTUNNEL; else connectionType = SP_CONNECTION_TCPIP; [connectionController setType:connectionType]; [connectionController resizeTabViewToConnectionType:connectionType animating:NO]; } if([connection objectForKey:@"name"]) [connectionController setName:[connection objectForKey:@"name"]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"user"]) [connectionController setUser:[connection objectForKey:@"user"]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"host"]) [connectionController setHost:[connection objectForKey:@"host"]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"port"]) [connectionController setPort:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [connection objectForKey:@"port"]]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"kcid"] && [[connection objectForKey:@"kcid"] length]) [self setKeychainID:[connection objectForKey:@"kcid"]]; // Set password - if not in SPF file try to get it via the KeyChain if([connection objectForKey:@"password"]) [connectionController setPassword:[connection objectForKey:@"password"]]; else { NSString *pw = [self keychainPasswordForConnection:nil]; if([pw length]) [connectionController setPassword:pw]; } if(connectionType == SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET && [connection objectForKey:@"socket"]) [connectionController setSocket:[connection objectForKey:@"socket"]]; if(connectionType == SP_CONNECTION_SSHTUNNEL) { if([connection objectForKey:@"ssh_host"]) [connectionController setSshHost:[connection objectForKey:@"ssh_host"]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"ssh_user"]) [connectionController setSshUser:[connection objectForKey:@"ssh_user"]]; if([connection objectForKey:@"ssh_port"]) [connectionController setSshPort:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", [connection objectForKey:@"ssh_port"]]]; // Set ssh password - if not in SPF file try to get it via the KeyChain if([connection objectForKey:@"ssh_password"]) [connectionController setSshPassword:[connection objectForKey:@"ssh_password"]]; else { SPKeychain *keychain = [[SPKeychain alloc] init]; NSString *connectionSSHKeychainItemName = [[keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[connectionController name] id:[self keyChainID]] retain]; NSString *connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount = [[keychain accountForSSHUser:[connectionController sshUser] sshHost:[connectionController sshHost]] retain]; NSString *pw = [keychain getPasswordForName:connectionSSHKeychainItemName account:connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount]; if ([pw length]) [connectionController setSshPassword:pw]; if(connectionSSHKeychainItemName) [connectionSSHKeychainItemName release]; if(connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount) [connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount release]; [keychain release]; } } if([connection objectForKey:@"database"]) [connectionController setDatabase:[connection objectForKey:@"database"]]; if([data objectForKey:@"session"]) { spfSession = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[data objectForKey:@"session"]] retain]; [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"include_session"]; } [self setFileURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[path stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]]; [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:path]]; if([spf objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites]) [spfPreferences setObject:[spf objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites] forKey:SPQueryFavorites]; if([spf objectForKey:SPQueryHistory]) [spfPreferences setObject:[spf objectForKey:SPQueryHistory] forKey:SPQueryHistory]; if([spf objectForKey:SPContentFilters]) [spfPreferences setObject:[spf objectForKey:SPContentFilters] forKey:SPContentFilters]; [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:([connection objectForKey:@"password"]) ? YES : NO] forKey:@"save_password"]; [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"auto_connect"]; if([spf objectForKey:@"auto_connect"] && [[spf valueForKey:@"auto_connect"] boolValue]) { [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"auto_connect"]; [connectionController initiateConnection:self]; } [spf release]; } /** * Restore session from SPF file if given */ - (void)restoreSession { // Check and set the table NSArray *tables = [tablesListInstance tables]; if([tables indexOfObject:[spfSession objectForKey:@"table"]] == NSNotFound) return; // Restore toolbar setting if([spfSession objectForKey:@"isToolbarVisible"]) [[tableWindow toolbar] setVisible:[[spfSession objectForKey:@"isToolbarVisible"] boolValue]]; // TODO up to now it doesn't work if([spfSession objectForKey:@"contentSelectedIndexSet"]) { NSMutableIndexSet *anIndexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet]; NSArray *items = [spfSession objectForKey:@"contentSelectedIndexSet"]; unsigned int i; for(i=0; i<[items count]; i++) [anIndexSet addIndex:(NSUInteger)NSArrayObjectAtIndex(items, i)]; [tableContentInstance setSelectedRowIndexesToRestore:anIndexSet]; } // Set table content details for restore if([spfSession objectForKey:@"contentSortCol"]) [tableContentInstance setSortColumnNameToRestore:[spfSession objectForKey:@"contentSortCol"] isAscending:[[spfSession objectForKey:@"contentSortCol"] boolValue]]; if([spfSession objectForKey:@"contentLimitStartPosition"]) [tableContentInstance setLimitStartToRestore:[[spfSession objectForKey:@"contentLimitStartPosition"] intValue]]; if([spfSession objectForKey:@"contentViewport"]) [tableContentInstance setViewportToRestore:NSRectFromString([spfSession objectForKey:@"contentViewport"])]; if([spfSession objectForKey:@"contentFilter"]) [tableContentInstance setFiltersToRestore:[spfSession objectForKey:@"contentFilter"]]; // Select table [tablesListInstance selectTableAtIndex:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[tables indexOfObject:[spfSession objectForKey:@"table"]]]]; // Reset database view encoding if differs from default if([spfSession objectForKey:@"connectionEncoding"] && ![[self connectionEncoding] isEqualToString:[spfSession objectForKey:@"connectionEncoding"]]) [self setConnectionEncoding:[spfSession objectForKey:@"connectionEncoding"] reloadingViews:YES]; // Select view if([[spfSession objectForKey:@"view"] isEqualToString:@"SP_VIEW_STRUCTURE"]) [self viewStructure:self]; else if([[spfSession objectForKey:@"view"] isEqualToString:@"SP_VIEW_CONTENT"]) [self viewContent:self]; else if([[spfSession objectForKey:@"view"] isEqualToString:@"SP_VIEW_CUSTOMQUERY"]) [self viewQuery:self]; else if([[spfSession objectForKey:@"view"] isEqualToString:@"SP_VIEW_STATUS"]) [self viewStatus:self]; else if([[spfSession objectForKey:@"view"] isEqualToString:@"SP_VIEW_RELATIONS"]) [self viewRelations:self]; [[tablesListInstance valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListView"] scrollRowToVisible:[tables indexOfObject:[spfSession objectForKey:@"selectedTable"]]]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; // dealloc spfSession data [spfSession release]; spfSession = nil; } /** * Set the return code for entering the encryption passowrd sheet */ - (IBAction)closePasswordSheet:(id)sender { passwordSheetReturnCode = 0; if([sender tag]) { [NSApp stopModal]; passwordSheetReturnCode = 1; } [NSApp abortModal]; } /** * Go backward or forward in the history depending on the menu item selected. */ - (IBAction)backForwardInHistory:(id)sender { switch ([sender tag]) { // Go backward case 0: [spHistoryControllerInstance goBackInHistory]; break; // Go forward case 1: [spHistoryControllerInstance goForwardInHistory]; break; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Connection callback and methods - (void) setConnection:(MCPConnection *)theConnection { MCPResult *theResult; id version; _isConnected = YES; mySQLConnection = [theConnection retain]; // Set the fileURL and init the preferences (query favs, filters, and history) if available for that URL [self setFileURL:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] registerDocumentWithFileURL:[self fileURL] andContextInfo:[spfPreferences retain]]]; [spfPreferences release]; // Set the connection encoding NSString *encodingName = [prefs objectForKey:SPDefaultEncoding]; if ( [encodingName isEqualToString:@"Autodetect"] ) { [self setConnectionEncoding:[self databaseEncoding] reloadingViews:NO]; } else { [self setConnectionEncoding:[self mysqlEncodingFromDisplayEncoding:encodingName] reloadingViews:NO]; } // Get the mysql version theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'version'"]; version = [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:1]; if (mySQLVersion) [mySQLVersion release], mySQLVersion = nil; if ( [version isKindOfClass:[NSData class]] ) { // starting with MySQL 4.1.14 the mysql variables are returned as nsdata mySQLVersion = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:version encoding:[mySQLConnection encoding]]; } else { mySQLVersion = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:version]; } // Update the selected database if appropriate if ([connectionController database] && ![[connectionController database] isEqualToString:@""]) { if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release], selectedDatabase = nil; selectedDatabase = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[connectionController database]]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; } // Update the database list [self setDatabases:self]; // For each of the main controllers, assign the current connection [tablesListInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableSourceInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableContentInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableRelationsInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [customQueryInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableDumpInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [exportControllerInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableDataInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [extendedTableInfoInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [databaseDataInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; userManagerInstance.mySqlConnection = mySQLConnection; // Set the cutom query editor's MySQL version [customQueryInstance setMySQLversion:mySQLVersion]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; // Connected Growl notification [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Connected" description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Connected to %@",@"description for connected growl notification"), [tableWindow title]] window:tableWindow notificationName:@"Connected"]; // Init Custom Query editor with the stored queries in a spf file if given. [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"save_editor_content"]; if(spfSession != nil && [spfSession objectForKey:@"queries"]) { [spfDocData setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:@"save_editor_content"]; if([[spfSession objectForKey:@"queries"] isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { NSString *q = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[[spfSession objectForKey:@"queries"] decompress] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [self initQueryEditorWithString:q]; [q release]; } else [self initQueryEditorWithString:[spfSession objectForKey:@"queries"]]; } // Insert queryEditorInitString into the Query Editor if defined if(queryEditorInitString && [queryEditorInitString length]) { [self viewQuery:self]; [customQueryInstance doPerformLoadQueryService:queryEditorInitString]; [queryEditorInitString release]; queryEditorInitString = nil; } // Set focus to table list filter field if visible // otherwise set focus to Table List view if ( [[tablesListInstance tables] count] > 20 ) [tableWindow makeFirstResponder:listFilterField]; else [tableWindow makeFirstResponder:[tablesListInstance valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListView"]]; if(spfSession != nil) { [self restoreSession]; } else { switch ([prefs integerForKey:SPDefaultViewMode] > 0 ? [prefs integerForKey:SPDefaultViewMode] : [prefs integerForKey:SPLastViewMode]) { default: case SPStructureViewMode: [self viewStructure:self]; break; case SPContentViewMode: [self viewContent:self]; break; case SPRelationsViewMode: [self viewRelations:self]; break; case SPTableInfoViewMode: [self viewStatus:self]; break; case SPQueryEditorViewMode: [self viewQuery:self]; break; } } } /** * Set whether the connection controller should automatically start * connecting; called by maincontroller, but only for first window. */ - (void)setShouldAutomaticallyConnect:(BOOL)shouldAutomaticallyConnect { _shouldOpenConnectionAutomatically = shouldAutomaticallyConnect; } /** * Allow the connection controller to determine whether connection should * be automatically triggered. */ - (BOOL)shouldAutomaticallyConnect { return _shouldOpenConnectionAutomatically; } - (void)setKeychainID:(NSString *)theID { keyChainID = [[NSString stringWithString:theID] retain]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Printing - (void)webView:(WebView *)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame *)frame { //because I need the webFrame loaded (for preview), I've moved the actuall printing here. NSPrintInfo *printInfo = [self printInfo]; [printInfo setHorizontalPagination:NSFitPagination]; [printInfo setVerticalPagination:NSAutoPagination]; [printInfo setVerticallyCentered:NO]; [printInfo setTopMargin:30]; [printInfo setBottomMargin:30]; [printInfo setLeftMargin:10]; [printInfo setRightMargin:10]; NSPrintOperation *op = [NSPrintOperation printOperationWithView:[[[printWebView mainFrame] frameView] documentView] printInfo:printInfo]; //add ability to select orientation to print panel NSPrintPanel *printPanel = [op printPanel]; [printPanel setOptions:[printPanel options] + NSPrintPanelShowsOrientation + NSPrintPanelShowsScaling + NSPrintPanelShowsPaperSize]; SPPrintAccessory *printAccessory = [[SPPrintAccessory alloc] initWithNibName:@"PrintAccessory" bundle:nil]; [printAccessory setPrintView:printWebView]; [printPanel addAccessoryController:printAccessory]; NSPageLayout *pageLayout = [NSPageLayout pageLayout]; [pageLayout addAccessoryController:printAccessory]; [printAccessory release]; [op setPrintPanel:printPanel]; [op runOperationModalForWindow:tableWindow delegate:self didRunSelector: @selector(printOperationDidRun:success:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL]; } - (IBAction)printDocument:(id)sender { //here load the printing document. The actual printing is done in the doneLoading delegate. [[printWebView mainFrame] loadHTMLString:[self getHTMLforPrint] baseURL:nil]; } - (void)printOperationDidRun:(NSPrintOperation *)printOperation success:(BOOL)success contextInfo:(void *)info { //selector for print... maybe we can get rid of this? } - (NSString *)getHTMLforPrint { // Set up template engine with your chosen matcher. MGTemplateEngine *engine = [MGTemplateEngine templateEngine]; [engine setMatcher:[ICUTemplateMatcher matcherWithTemplateEngine:engine]]; NSString *versionForPrint = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %@ (build %@)", [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleName"], [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"], [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"] ]; NSMutableDictionary *connection = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; if([[self user] length]) [connection setValue:[self user] forKey:@"username"]; [connection setValue:[self host] forKey:@"hostname"]; if([connectionController port] &&[[connectionController port] length]) [connection setValue:[connectionController port] forKey:@"port"]; [connection setValue:selectedDatabase forKey:@"database"]; [connection setValue:versionForPrint forKey:@"version"]; NSArray *columns, *rows; columns = rows = nil; columns = [self columnNames]; if ( [tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 0 ){ if([[tableSourceInstance tableStructureForPrint] count] > 1) rows = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: [[tableSourceInstance tableStructureForPrint] objectsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(1, [[tableSourceInstance tableStructureForPrint] count]-1)] ] ]; } else if ( [tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 1 ){ if([[tableContentInstance currentResult] count] > 1) rows = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: [[tableContentInstance currentDataResult] objectsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(1, [[tableContentInstance currentResult] count]-1)] ] ]; [connection setValue:[tableContentInstance usedQuery] forKey:@"query"]; } else if ( [tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 2 ){ if([[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 1) rows = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray: [[customQueryInstance currentResult] objectsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange:NSMakeRange(1, [[customQueryInstance currentResult] count]-1)] ] ]; [connection setValue:[customQueryInstance usedQuery] forKey:@"query"]; } [engine setObject:connection forKey:@"c"]; // Get path to template. NSString *templatePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"sequel-pro-print-template" ofType:@"html"]; NSDictionary *print_data = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: columns, @"columns", rows, @"rows", nil]; [connection release]; if (rows) [rows release]; // Process the template and display the results. NSString *result = [engine processTemplateInFileAtPath:templatePath withVariables:print_data]; return result; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Database methods /** * sets up the database select toolbar item */ - (IBAction)setDatabases:(id)sender; { if (!chooseDatabaseButton) return; [chooseDatabaseButton removeAllItems]; [chooseDatabaseButton addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Choose Database...", @"menu item for choose db")]; [[chooseDatabaseButton menu] addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; [[chooseDatabaseButton menu] addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Add Database...", @"menu item to add db") action:@selector(addDatabase:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [[chooseDatabaseButton menu] addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Refresh Databases", @"menu item to refresh databases") action:@selector(setDatabases:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [[chooseDatabaseButton menu] addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; MCPResult *queryResult = [mySQLConnection listDBs]; if ([queryResult numOfRows]) { [queryResult dataSeek:0]; } // if([allDatabases count]) // [allDatabases removeAllObjects]; if(allDatabases) [allDatabases release]; allDatabases = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[queryResult numOfRows]]; for (int i = 0 ; i < [queryResult numOfRows] ; i++) [allDatabases addObject:NSArrayObjectAtIndex([queryResult fetchRowAsArray], 0)]; for (id db in allDatabases) [chooseDatabaseButton addItemWithTitle:db]; (![self database]) ? [chooseDatabaseButton selectItemAtIndex:0] : [chooseDatabaseButton selectItemWithTitle:[self database]]; } /** * selects the database choosen by the user * errorsheet if connection failed */ - (IBAction)chooseDatabase:(id)sender { if (![tablesListInstance selectionShouldChangeInTableView:nil]) { [chooseDatabaseButton selectItemWithTitle:[self database]]; return; } if ( [chooseDatabaseButton indexOfSelectedItem] == 0 ) { if ([self database]) { [chooseDatabaseButton selectItemWithTitle:[self database]]; } return; } // Save existing scroll position and details, and ensure no duplicate entries are created as table list changes BOOL historyStateChanging = [spHistoryControllerInstance modifyingHistoryState]; if (!historyStateChanging) { [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; [spHistoryControllerInstance setModifyingHistoryState:YES]; } // show error on connection failed if ( ![mySQLConnection selectDB:[chooseDatabaseButton titleOfSelectedItem]] ) { if ( [mySQLConnection isConnected] ) { NSBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Unable to connect to database %@.\nBe sure that you have the necessary privileges.", @"message of panel when connection to db failed after selecting from popupbutton"), [chooseDatabaseButton titleOfSelectedItem]]); [self setDatabases:self]; } return; } //setConnection of TablesList and TablesDump to reload tables in db if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release], selectedDatabase = nil; selectedDatabase = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[chooseDatabaseButton titleOfSelectedItem]]; [tablesListInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableDumpInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; // Add a history entry if (!historyStateChanging) { [spHistoryControllerInstance setModifyingHistoryState:NO]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; } // Set focus to table list filter field if visible // otherwise set focus to Table List view if ( [[tablesListInstance tables] count] > 20 ) [tableWindow makeFirstResponder:listFilterField]; else [tableWindow makeFirstResponder:[tablesListInstance valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListView"]]; } /** * opens the add-db sheet and creates the new db */ - (IBAction)addDatabase:(id)sender { if (![tablesListInstance selectionShouldChangeInTableView:nil]) return; [databaseNameField setStringValue:@""]; [NSApp beginSheet:databaseSheet modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:@"addDatabase"]; } /** * opens sheet to ask user if he really wants to delete the db */ - (IBAction)removeDatabase:(id)sender { // No database selected, bail if ([chooseDatabaseButton indexOfSelectedItem] == 0) return; if (![tablesListInstance selectionShouldChangeInTableView:nil]) return; NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete database '%@'?", @"delete database message"), [self database]] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete", @"delete button") alternateButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button") otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to delete the database '%@'. This operation cannot be undone.", @"delete database informative message"), [self database]]]; NSArray *buttons = [alert buttons]; // Change the alert's cancel button to have the key equivalent of return [[buttons objectAtIndex:0] setKeyEquivalent:@""]; [[buttons objectAtIndex:1] setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:@"removeDatabase"]; } /** * Returns an array of all available database names */ - (NSArray *)allDatabaseNames { return allDatabases; } /** * Alert sheet method. Invoked when an alert sheet is dismissed. * * if contextInfo == removeDatabase -> Remove the selected database * if contextInfo == addDatabase -> Add a new database */ - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(NSString *)contextInfo { // Remove the current database if ([contextInfo isEqualToString:@"removeDatabase"]) { if (returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn) { [self _removeDatabase]; } } // Add a new database else if ([contextInfo isEqualToString:@"addDatabase"]) { if (returnCode == NSOKButton) { [self _addDatabase]; } } } /** * Show Error sheet (can be called from inside of a endSheet selector) * via [self performSelector:@selector(showErrorSheetWithTitle:) withObject: afterDelay:] */ -(void)showErrorSheetWith:(id)error { // error := first object is the title , second the message, only one button OK NSBeginAlertSheet([error objectAtIndex:0], NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, [error objectAtIndex:1]); } /** * Reset the current selected database name */ - (void)refreshCurrentDatabase { NSString *dbName; // Notify listeners that a query has started [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"SMySQLQueryWillBePerformed" object:self]; MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"SELECT DATABASE()"]; if ( [[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""] ) { int i; int r = [theResult numOfRows]; if (r) [theResult dataSeek:0]; for ( i = 0 ; i < r ; i++ ) { dbName = NSArrayObjectAtIndex([theResult fetchRowAsArray], 0); } if(![dbName isKindOfClass:[NSNull class]]) { if(![dbName isEqualToString:selectedDatabase]) { if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release], selectedDatabase = nil; selectedDatabase = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:dbName]; [chooseDatabaseButton selectItemWithTitle:selectedDatabase]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; } } else { if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release], selectedDatabase = nil; [chooseDatabaseButton selectItemAtIndex:0]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; } } //query finished [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"SMySQLQueryHasBeenPerformed" object:self]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Console methods /** * Shows or hides the console */ - (void)toggleConsole:(id)sender { BOOL isConsoleVisible = [[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] isVisible]; // If the Console window is not visible data are not reloaded (for speed). // Due to that update list if user opens the Console window. if(!isConsoleVisible) { [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] updateEntries]; } // Show or hide the console [[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] setIsVisible:(!isConsoleVisible)]; // Get the menu item for showing and hiding the console. This is isn't the best way to get it as any // changes to the menu structure will result in the wrong item being selected. NSMenuItem *menuItem = [[[[NSApp mainMenu] itemWithTitle:@"View"] submenu] itemAtIndex:5]; // Only update the menu item title if its the menu item and not the toolbar [menuItem setTitle:(!isConsoleVisible) ? NSLocalizedString(@"Hide Console", @"Hide Console") : NSLocalizedString(@"Show Console", @"show console")]; } /** * Brings the console to the fron */ - (void)showConsole:(id)sender { BOOL isConsoleVisible = [[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] isVisible]; if (!isConsoleVisible) { [self toggleConsole:sender]; } else { [[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } } /** * Clears the console by removing all of its messages */ - (void)clearConsole:(id)sender { [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] clearConsole:sender]; } /** * Set a query mode, used to control logging dependant on preferences */ - (void) setQueryMode:(int)theQueryMode { _queryMode = theQueryMode; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Task progress and notification methods /** * Start a document-wide task, providing a short task description for * display to the user. This sets the document into working mode, * preventing many actions, and shows an indeterminate progress interface * to the user. */ - (void) startTaskWithDescription:(NSString *)description { // Set flags and prevent further UI interaction in this window _isWorking = YES; [historyControl setEnabled:NO]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SPDocumentTaskStartNotification object:self]; // Reset the progress indicator taskDisplayIsIndeterminate = YES; [taskProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [taskProgressIndicator animate:self]; [taskProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; taskDisplayLastValue = 0; // Set the descriptive label and schedule appearance in the near future [taskDescriptionText setStringValue:description]; taskDrawTimer = [[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.2 target:self selector:@selector(showTaskProgressLayer:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO] retain]; } /** * Show the task progress layer - after a small delay to minimise flicker. */ - (void) showTaskProgressLayer:(NSTimer *)theTimer { [taskProgressLayer setHidden:NO]; [taskProgressLayer display]; [taskDrawTimer release], taskDrawTimer = nil; } /** * Updates the task description shown to the user. */ - (void) setTaskDescription:(NSString *)description { [taskDescriptionText setStringValue:description]; } /** * Sets the task percentage progress - the first call to this automatically * switches the progress display to determinate. */ - (void) setTaskPercentage:(float)taskPercentage { taskProgressValue = taskPercentage; if (taskProgressValue > taskDisplayLastValue + taskProgressValueDisplayInterval || taskProgressValue < taskDisplayLastValue - taskProgressValueDisplayInterval) { [taskProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:taskProgressValue]; taskDisplayLastValue = taskProgressValue; } } /** * Sets the task progress indicator back to indeterminate (also performed * automatically whenever a new task is started) */ - (void) setTaskProgressToIndeterminate { if (taskDisplayIsIndeterminate) return; taskDisplayIsIndeterminate = YES; [taskProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [taskProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; taskDisplayLastValue = 0; } /** * Hide the task progress and restore the document to allow actions again. */ - (void) endTask { // Cancel the draw timer if it exists if (taskDrawTimer) [taskDrawTimer invalidate], [taskDrawTimer release], taskDrawTimer = nil; // Hide the task interface if (taskDisplayIsIndeterminate) [taskProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [taskProgressLayer setHidden:YES]; // Re-enable window interface _isWorking = NO; [historyControl setEnabled:YES]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SPDocumentTaskEndNotification object:self]; } /** * Returns whether the document is busy performing a task - allows UI or actions * to be restricted as appropriate. */ - (BOOL) isWorking { return _isWorking; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Encoding Methods /** * Set the encoding for the database connection */ - (void)setConnectionEncoding:(NSString *)mysqlEncoding reloadingViews:(BOOL)reloadViews { _encodingViaLatin1 = NO; // Special-case UTF-8 over latin 1 to allow viewing/editing of mangled data. if ([mysqlEncoding isEqualToString:@"utf8-"]) { _encodingViaLatin1 = YES; mysqlEncoding = @"utf8"; } // set encoding of connection and client [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"SET NAMES '%@'", mysqlEncoding]]; if ( [[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""] ) { if (_encodingViaLatin1) [mySQLConnection queryString:@"SET CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=latin1"]; [mySQLConnection setEncoding:[MCPConnection encodingForMySQLEncoding:[mysqlEncoding UTF8String]]]; [_encoding release]; _encoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:mysqlEncoding]; } else { [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"SET NAMES '%@'", [self databaseEncoding]]]; _encodingViaLatin1 = NO; if ( ![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""] ) { NSLog(@"Error: could not set encoding to %@ nor fall back to database encoding on MySQL %@", mysqlEncoding, [self mySQLVersion]); return; } } // update the selected menu item if (_encodingViaLatin1) { [self updateEncodingMenuWithSelectedEncoding:[self encodingNameFromMySQLEncoding:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-", mysqlEncoding]]]; } else { [self updateEncodingMenuWithSelectedEncoding:[self encodingNameFromMySQLEncoding:mysqlEncoding]]; } // Reload stuff as appropriate [tableDataInstance resetAllData]; if (reloadViews) { if ([tablesListInstance structureLoaded]) [tableSourceInstance reloadTable:self]; if ([tablesListInstance contentLoaded]) [tableContentInstance reloadTable:self]; if ([tablesListInstance statusLoaded]) [extendedTableInfoInstance reloadTable:self]; } } /** * returns the current mysql encoding for this object */ - (NSString *)connectionEncoding { return _encoding; } /** * Returns whether the current encoding should display results via Latin1 transport for backwards compatibility. * This is a delegate method of MCPKit's MCPConnection class. */ - (BOOL)connectionEncodingViaLatin1:(id)connection { return _encodingViaLatin1; } /** * updates the currently selected item in the encoding menu * * @param NSString *encoding - the title of the menu item which will be selected */ - (void)updateEncodingMenuWithSelectedEncoding:(NSString *)encoding { NSEnumerator *dbEncodingMenuEn = [[selectEncodingMenu itemArray] objectEnumerator]; id menuItem; int correctStateForMenuItem; while (menuItem = [dbEncodingMenuEn nextObject]) { correctStateForMenuItem = [[menuItem title] isEqualToString:encoding] ? NSOnState : NSOffState; if ([menuItem state] == correctStateForMenuItem) // don't re-apply state incase it causes performance issues continue; [menuItem setState:correctStateForMenuItem]; } } /** * Returns the display name for a mysql encoding */ - (NSString *)encodingNameFromMySQLEncoding:(NSString *)mysqlEncoding { NSDictionary *translationMap = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"UCS-2 Unicode (ucs2)", @"ucs2", @"UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)", @"utf8", @"UTF-8 Unicode via Latin 1", @"utf8-", @"US ASCII (ascii)", @"ascii", @"ISO Latin 1 (latin1)", @"latin1", @"Mac Roman (macroman)", @"macroman", @"Windows Latin 2 (cp1250)", @"cp1250", @"ISO Latin 2 (latin2)", @"latin2", @"Windows Arabic (cp1256)", @"cp1256", @"ISO Greek (greek)", @"greek", @"ISO Hebrew (hebrew)", @"hebrew", @"ISO Turkish (latin5)", @"latin5", @"Windows Baltic (cp1257)", @"cp1257", @"Windows Cyrillic (cp1251)", @"cp1251", @"Big5 Traditional Chinese (big5)", @"big5", @"Shift-JIS Japanese (sjis)", @"sjis", @"EUC-JP Japanese (ujis)", @"ujis", @"EUC-KR Korean (euckr)", @"euckr", nil]; NSString *encodingName = [translationMap valueForKey:mysqlEncoding]; if (!encodingName) return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unknown Encoding (%@)", mysqlEncoding, nil]; return encodingName; } /** * Returns the mysql encoding for an encoding string that is displayed to the user */ - (NSString *)mysqlEncodingFromDisplayEncoding:(NSString *)encodingName { NSDictionary *translationMap = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"ucs2", @"UCS-2 Unicode (ucs2)", @"utf8", @"UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)", @"utf8-", @"UTF-8 Unicode via Latin 1", @"ascii", @"US ASCII (ascii)", @"latin1", @"ISO Latin 1 (latin1)", @"macroman", @"Mac Roman (macroman)", @"cp1250", @"Windows Latin 2 (cp1250)", @"latin2", @"ISO Latin 2 (latin2)", @"cp1256", @"Windows Arabic (cp1256)", @"greek", @"ISO Greek (greek)", @"hebrew", @"ISO Hebrew (hebrew)", @"latin5", @"ISO Turkish (latin5)", @"cp1257", @"Windows Baltic (cp1257)", @"cp1251", @"Windows Cyrillic (cp1251)", @"big5", @"Big5 Traditional Chinese (big5)", @"sjis", @"Shift-JIS Japanese (sjis)", @"ujis", @"EUC-JP Japanese (ujis)", @"euckr", @"EUC-KR Korean (euckr)", nil]; NSString *mysqlEncoding = [translationMap valueForKey:encodingName]; if (!mysqlEncoding) return @"utf8"; return mysqlEncoding; } /** * Detect and return the database connection encoding. * TODO: See http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/issues/detail?id=134 - some question over why this [historically] uses _connection not _database... */ - (NSString *)databaseEncoding { // MySQL > 4.0 id mysqlEncoding = [[[mySQLConnection queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set_connection'"] fetchRowAsDictionary] objectForKey:@"Value"]; _supportsEncoding = (mysqlEncoding != nil); if ( [mysqlEncoding isKindOfClass:[NSData class]] ) { // MySQL 4.1.14 returns the mysql variables as nsdata mysqlEncoding = [mySQLConnection stringWithText:mysqlEncoding]; } if ( !mysqlEncoding ) { // mysql 4.0 or older -> only default character set possible, cannot choose others using "set names xy" mysqlEncoding = [[[mySQLConnection queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_set'"] fetchRowAsDictionary] objectForKey:@"Value"]; } if ( !mysqlEncoding ) { // older version? -> set encoding to mysql default encoding latin1 NSLog(@"Error: no character encoding found, mysql version is %@", [self mySQLVersion]); mysqlEncoding = @"latin1"; } return mysqlEncoding; } /** * When sent by an NSMenuItem, will set the encoding based on the title of the menu item */ - (IBAction)chooseEncoding:(id)sender { [self setConnectionEncoding:[self mysqlEncodingFromDisplayEncoding:[(NSMenuItem *)sender title]] reloadingViews:YES]; } /** * return YES if MySQL server supports choosing connection and table encodings (MySQL 4.1 and newer) */ - (BOOL)supportsEncoding { return _supportsEncoding; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Table Methods /** * Displays the CREATE TABLE syntax of the selected table to the user via a HUD panel. */ - (IBAction)showCreateTableSyntax:(id)sender { //Create the query and get results int colOffs = 1; NSString *query = nil; NSString *typeString = @""; if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_TABLE ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; typeString = @"table"; } else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_VIEW ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE VIEW %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; typeString = @"view"; } else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_PROC ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; typeString = @"procedure"; colOffs = 2; } else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_FUNC ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; typeString = @"function"; colOffs = 2; } if (query == nil) return; MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:query]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Error", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occured while creating table syntax.\n\n: %@",[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]], @"OK", nil, nil); } return; } id tableSyntax = [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:colOffs]; if ([tableSyntax isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) tableSyntax = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:tableSyntax encoding:[mySQLConnection encoding]]; [createTableSyntaxTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Create syntax for %@ '%@'", typeString, [self table]]]; [createTableSyntaxTextView setEditable:YES]; [createTableSyntaxTextView setString:@""]; [createTableSyntaxTextView insertText:([tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_VIEW) ? [tableSyntax createViewSyntaxPrettifier] : tableSyntax]; [createTableSyntaxTextView setEditable:NO]; // Show variables sheet [NSApp beginSheet:createTableSyntaxWindow modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; } /** * Copies the CREATE TABLE syntax of the selected table to the pasteboard. */ - (IBAction)copyCreateTableSyntax:(id)sender { // Create the query and get results NSString *query = nil; int colOffs = 1; if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_TABLE ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; } else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_VIEW ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE VIEW %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; } else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_PROC ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; colOffs = 2; } else if( [tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_FUNC ) { query = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"SHOW CREATE FUNCTION %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]; colOffs = 2; } if( query == nil ) return; MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:query]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { NSRunAlertPanel(@"Error", [NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occured while creating table syntax.\n\n: %@",[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]], @"OK", nil, nil); } return; } id tableSyntax = [[theResult fetchRowAsArray] objectAtIndex:colOffs]; if ([tableSyntax isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) tableSyntax = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:tableSyntax encoding:[mySQLConnection encoding]] autorelease]; // copy to the clipboard NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:self]; if([tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_VIEW) [pb setString:[tableSyntax createViewSyntaxPrettifier] forType:NSStringPboardType]; else [pb setString:tableSyntax forType:NSStringPboardType]; // Table syntax copied Growl notification [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Syntax Copied" description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Syntax for %@ table copied",@"description for table syntax copied growl notification"), [self table]] window:tableWindow notificationName:@"Syntax Copied"]; } - (NSArray *)columnNames { NSArray *columns = nil; if ( [tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 0 && [[tableSourceInstance tableStructureForPrint] count] > 0 ){ columns = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[[tableSourceInstance tableStructureForPrint] objectAtIndex:0] copyItems:YES]; } else if ( [tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 1 && [[tableContentInstance currentResult] count] > 0 ){ columns = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[[tableContentInstance currentResult] objectAtIndex:0] copyItems:YES]; } else if ( [tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 2 && [[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 0 ){ columns = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[[customQueryInstance currentResult] objectAtIndex:0] copyItems:YES]; } if(columns) { [columns autorelease]; } return columns; } /** * Performs a MySQL check table on the selected table and presents the result to the user via an alert sheet. */ - (IBAction)checkTable:(id)sender { MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"CHECK TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Unable to check table" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occurred while trying to check the table '%@'. Please try again.\n\n%@", [self table], [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } return; } // Process result NSDictionary *result = [[theResult fetch2DResultAsType:MCPTypeDictionary] lastObject]; NSString *message = @""; message = ([[result objectForKey:@"Msg_type"] isEqualToString:@"status"]) ? @"Check table successfully passed." : @"Check table failed."; message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\nMySQL said: %@", message, [result objectForKey:@"Msg_text"]]; [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Check table '%@'", [self table]] defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:message] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } /** * Analyzes the selected table and presents the result to the user via an alert sheet. */ - (IBAction)analyzeTable:(id)sender { MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ANALYZE TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Unable to analyze table" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occurred while trying to analyze the table '%@'. Please try again.\n\n%@", [self table], [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } return; } // Process result NSDictionary *result = [[theResult fetch2DResultAsType:MCPTypeDictionary] lastObject]; NSString *message = @""; message = ([[result objectForKey:@"Msg_type"] isEqualToString:@"status"]) ? @"Successfully analyzed table" : @"Analyze table failed."; message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\nMySQL said: %@", message, [result objectForKey:@"Msg_text"]]; [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Analyze table '%@'", [self table]] defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:message] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } /** * Optimizes the selected table and presents the result to the user via an alert sheet. */ - (IBAction)optimizeTable:(id)sender { MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"OPTIMIZE TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Unable to optimize table" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occurred while trying to optimize the table '%@'. Please try again.\n\n%@", [self table], [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } return; } // Process result NSDictionary *result = [[theResult fetch2DResultAsType:MCPTypeDictionary] lastObject]; NSString *message = @""; message = ([[result objectForKey:@"Msg_type"] isEqualToString:@"status"]) ? @"Successfully optimized table" : @"Optimize table failed."; message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\nMySQL said: %@", message, [result objectForKey:@"Msg_text"]]; [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Optimize table '%@'", [self table]] defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:message] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } /** * Repairs the selected table and presents the result to the user via an alert sheet. */ - (IBAction)repairTable:(id)sender { MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"REPAIR TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Unable to repair table" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occurred while trying to repair the table '%@'. Please try again.\n\n%@", [self table], [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } return; } // Process result NSDictionary *result = [[theResult fetch2DResultAsType:MCPTypeDictionary] lastObject]; NSString *message = @""; message = ([[result objectForKey:@"Msg_type"] isEqualToString:@"status"]) ? @"Successfully repaired table" : @"Repair table failed."; message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n\nMySQL said: %@", message, [result objectForKey:@"Msg_text"]]; [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Repair table '%@'", [self table]] defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:message] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } /** * Flush the selected table and inform the user via a dialog sheet. */ - (IBAction)flushTable:(id)sender { [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"FLUSH TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Unable to flush table" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occurred while trying to flush the table '%@'. Please try again.\n\n%@", [self table], [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } return; } [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Flush table '%@'", [self table]] defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:@"Table was successfully flushed"] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } /** * Runs a MySQL checksum on the selected table and present the result to the user via an alert sheet. */ - (IBAction)checksumTable:(id)sender { MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"CHECKSUM TABLE %@", [[self table] backtickQuotedString]]]; // Check for errors, only displaying if the connection hasn't been terminated if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) { [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:@"Unable to perform checksum" defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"An error occurred while performing the checksum on table '%@'. Please try again.\n\n%@", [self table], [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } return; } // Process result NSString *result = [[[theResult fetch2DResultAsType:MCPTypeDictionary] lastObject] objectForKey:@"Checksum"]; [[NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Checksum table '%@'", [self table]] defaultButton:@"OK" alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Table checksum: %@", result]] beginSheetModalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } /** * Saves the current tables create syntax to the selected file. */ - (IBAction)saveCreateSyntax:(id)sender { NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setRequiredFileType:@"sql"]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; [panel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:@"CreateSyntax" modalForWindow:createTableSyntaxWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(savePanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:@"CreateSyntax"]; } /** * Copy the create syntax in the create syntax text view to the pasteboard. */ - (IBAction)copyCreateTableSyntaxFromSheet:(id)sender { NSString *createSyntax = [createTableSyntaxTextView string]; if ([createSyntax length] > 0) { // Copy to the clipboard NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:self]; [pb setString:createSyntax forType:NSStringPboardType]; // Table syntax copied Growl notification [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Syntax Copied" description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Syntax for %@ table copied", @"description for table syntax copied growl notification"), [self table]] window:tableWindow notificationName:@"Syntax Copied"]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Other Methods /** * Set that query which will be inserted into the Query Editor * after establishing the connection */ - (void)initQueryEditorWithString:(NSString *)query { queryEditorInitString = [query retain]; } /** * Invoked when user hits the cancel button or close button in * dialogs such as the variableSheet or the createTableSyntaxSheet */ - (IBAction)closeSheet:(id)sender { [NSApp stopModalWithCode:0]; } /** * Invoked when user dismisses the error sheet displayed as a result of the current connection being lost. */ - (IBAction)closeErrorConnectionSheet:(id)sender { [NSApp stopModalWithCode:[sender tag]]; } /** * Closes either the server variables or create syntax sheets. */ - (IBAction)closePanelSheet:(id)sender { [NSApp endSheet:[sender window] returnCode:[sender tag]]; [[sender window] orderOut:self]; // If it was the server variables sheet that was closed release the relevant arrays if necessary if ([sender window] == variablesSheet) { // If the filtered array is allocated and its not a reference to the variables array get rid of it if ((variablesFiltered) && (variablesFiltered != variables)) { [variablesFiltered release], variablesFiltered = nil; } if (variables) [variables release], variables = nil; } } /** * Copy implementation for server variables table view. */ - (IBAction)copy:(id)sender { [self _copyServerVariablesToPasteboardIncludingName:YES andValue:YES]; } /** * Copies the name(s) of the selected server variables. */ - (IBAction)copyServerVariableName:(id)sender { [self _copyServerVariablesToPasteboardIncludingName:YES andValue:NO]; } /** * Copies the value(s) of the selected server variables. */ - (IBAction)copyServerVariableValue:(id)sender { [self _copyServerVariablesToPasteboardIncludingName:NO andValue:YES]; } /** * Displays the user account manager. */ - (IBAction)showUserManager:(id)sender { [NSApp beginSheet:[userManagerInstance window] modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:userManagerInstance didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; } /** * Passes query to tablesListInstance */ - (void)doPerformQueryService:(NSString *)query { [tableWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; [tablesListInstance doPerformQueryService:query]; } /** * Inserts query into the Custom Query editor */ - (void)doPerformLoadQueryService:(NSString *)query { [self viewQuery:nil]; [customQueryInstance doPerformLoadQueryService:query]; } /** * Flushes the mysql privileges */ - (void)flushPrivileges:(id)sender { [mySQLConnection queryString:@"FLUSH PRIVILEGES"]; if ( [[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""] ) { //flushed privileges without errors NSBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Flushed Privileges", @"title of panel when successfully flushed privs"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"Successfully flushed privileges.", @"message of panel when successfully flushed privs")); } else { //error while flushing privileges NSBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't flush privileges.\nMySQL said: %@", @"message of panel when flushing privs failed"), [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]); } } /** * Shows the MySQL server variables */ - (void)showVariables:(id)sender { int i; [variablesCountTextField setStringValue:@""]; if (variables) [variables release], variables = nil; // Get variables MCPResult *theResult = [mySQLConnection queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES"]; if ([theResult numOfRows]) [theResult dataSeek:0]; variables = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for ( i = 0 ; i < [theResult numOfRows] ; i++ ) { [variables addObject:[theResult fetchRowAsDictionary]]; } // Weak reference variablesFiltered = variables; [variablesTableView reloadData]; // If the search field already has value from when the panel was previously open, apply the filter. if ([[variablesSearchField stringValue] length] > 0) { [self _updateServerVariablesFilterForFilterString:[variablesSearchField stringValue]]; } // Show variables sheet [NSApp beginSheet:variablesSheet modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; } - (IBAction)openCurrentConnectionInNewWindow:(id)sender { TableDocument *newTableDocument; // Manually open a new document, setting SPAppController as sender to trigger autoconnection if (newTableDocument = [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] makeUntitledDocumentOfType:@"SequelPro connection" error:nil]) { [newTableDocument setShouldAutomaticallyConnect:NO]; [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] addDocument:newTableDocument]; [newTableDocument makeWindowControllers]; [newTableDocument showWindows]; [newTableDocument initWithConnectionFile:[[[self fileURL] absoluteString] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; } } - (void)closeConnection { [mySQLConnection disconnect]; // Disconnected Growl notification [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Disconnected" description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Disconnected from %@",@"description for disconnected growl notification"), [tableWindow title]] window:tableWindow notificationName:@"Disconnected"]; } /** * This method is called as part of Key Value Observing which is used to watch for prefernce changes which effect the interface. */ - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { if ([keyPath isEqualToString:SPConsoleEnableLogging]) { [mySQLConnection setDelegateQueryLogging:[[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] boolValue]]; } } /* * Is current document Untitled? */ - (BOOL)isUntitled { // Check whether fileURL path begins with a '/' return ([[[self fileURL] absoluteString] hasPrefix:@"/"]) ? NO : YES; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Getter methods /** * Returns the host */ - (NSString *)host { if ([connectionController type] == SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET) return @"localhost"; NSString *theHost = [connectionController host]; if (!theHost) theHost = @""; return theHost; } /** * Returns the name */ - (NSString *)name { if ([connectionController name] && [[connectionController name] length]) { return [connectionController name]; } if ([connectionController type] == SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET) { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@localhost", ([connectionController user] && [[connectionController user] length])?[connectionController user]:@"anonymous"]; } return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@@%@", ([connectionController user] && [[connectionController user] length])?[connectionController user]:@"anonymous", [connectionController host]?[connectionController host]:@""]; } /** * Returns the currently selected database */ - (NSString *)database { return selectedDatabase; } /** * Returns the currently selected table (passing the request to TablesList) */ - (NSString *)table { return [tablesListInstance tableName]; } /** * Returns the MySQL version */ - (NSString *)mySQLVersion { return mySQLVersion; } /** * Returns the current user */ - (NSString *)user { NSString *theUser = [connectionController user]; if (!theUser) theUser = @""; return theUser; } - (NSString *)keyChainID { return keyChainID; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Notification center methods /** * Invoked before a query is performed */ - (void)willPerformQuery:(NSNotification *)notification { [queryProgressBar startAnimation:self]; } /** * Invoked after a query has been performed */ - (void)hasPerformedQuery:(NSNotification *)notification { [queryProgressBar stopAnimation:self]; } /** * Invoked when the application will terminate */ - (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification { // Auto-save preferences to spf file based connection if([self fileURL] && [[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length] && ![self isUntitled]) if(_isConnected && ![self saveDocumentWithFilePath:nil inBackground:YES onlyPreferences:YES]) { NSLog(@"Preference data for file ‘%@’ could not be saved.", [[[self fileURL] absoluteString] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); NSBeep(); } [tablesListInstance selectionShouldChangeInTableView:nil]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Menu methods /** * Saves SP session or if Custom Query tab is active the editor's content as SQL file * If sender == nil then the call came from [self writeSafelyToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:error] */ - (IBAction)saveConnectionSheet:(id)sender { NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; NSString *filename; NSString *contextInfo; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:NO]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; // Save Query… if( sender != nil && [sender tag] == 1006 ) { // Save the editor's content as SQL file [panel setAccessoryView:[SPEncodingPopupAccessory encodingAccessory:[prefs integerForKey:SPLastSQLFileEncoding] includeDefaultEntry:NO encodingPopUp:&encodingPopUp]]; // [panel setMessage:NSLocalizedString(@"Save SQL file", @"Save SQL file")]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"sql", nil]]; if(![prefs stringForKey:@"lastSqlFileName"]) { [prefs setObject:@"" forKey:@"lastSqlFileName"]; [prefs synchronize]; } filename = [prefs stringForKey:@"lastSqlFileName"]; contextInfo = @"saveSQLfile"; // If no lastSqlFileEncoding in prefs set it to UTF-8 if(![prefs integerForKey:SPLastSQLFileEncoding]) { [prefs setInteger:4 forKey:SPLastSQLFileEncoding]; [prefs synchronize]; } [encodingPopUp setEnabled:YES]; // Save As… or Save } else if(sender == nil || [sender tag] == 1005 || [sender tag] == 1004) { // If Save was invoked check for fileURL and Untitled docs and save the spf file without save panel // otherwise ask for file name if(sender != nil && [sender tag] == 1004 && [[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length] && ![self isUntitled]) { [self saveDocumentWithFilePath:nil inBackground:YES onlyPreferences:NO]; return; } // Load accessory nib each time if(![NSBundle loadNibNamed:@"SaveSPFAccessory" owner:self]) { NSLog(@"SaveSPFAccessory accessory dialog could not be loaded."); return; } // Save current session (open connection windows as SPF file) [panel setAllowedFileTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"spf", nil]]; //Restore accessory view settings if possible if([spfDocData objectForKey:@"save_password"]) [saveConnectionSavePassword setState:[[spfDocData objectForKey:@"save_password"] boolValue]]; if([spfDocData objectForKey:@"auto_connect"]) [saveConnectionAutoConnect setState:[[spfDocData objectForKey:@"auto_connect"] boolValue]]; if([spfDocData objectForKey:@"encrypted"]) [saveConnectionEncrypt setState:[[spfDocData objectForKey:@"encrypted"] boolValue]]; if([spfDocData objectForKey:@"include_session"]) [saveConnectionIncludeData setState:[[spfDocData objectForKey:@"include_session"] boolValue]]; if([spfDocData objectForKey:@"include_session"]) [saveConnectionIncludeQuery setState:[[spfDocData objectForKey:@"save_editor_content"] boolValue]]; [saveConnectionIncludeQuery setEnabled:([[[[customQueryInstance valueForKeyPath:@"textView"] textStorage] string] length])]; // Update accessory button states [self validateSaveConnectionAccessory:nil]; // TODO note: it seems that one has problems with a NSSecureTextField // inside an accessory view - ask HansJB [[saveConnectionEncryptString cell] setControlView:saveConnectionAccessory]; [panel setAccessoryView:saveConnectionAccessory]; // Set file name if([[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length]) filename = [self displayName]; else filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", [self name]]; if(sender == nil) contextInfo = @"saveSPFfileAndClose"; else contextInfo = @"saveSPFfile"; } else { return; } [panel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:filename modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(saveConnectionPanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:contextInfo]; } /** * Control the save connection panel's accessory view */ - (IBAction)validateSaveConnectionAccessory:(id)sender { // [saveConnectionAutoConnect setEnabled:([saveConnectionSavePassword state] == NSOnState)]; [saveConnectionSavePasswordAlert setHidden:([saveConnectionSavePassword state] == NSOffState)]; // If user checks the Encrypt check box set focus to password field if(sender == saveConnectionEncrypt && [saveConnectionEncrypt state] == NSOnState) [saveConnectionEncryptString selectText:sender]; // Unfocus saveConnectionEncryptString if(sender == saveConnectionEncrypt && [saveConnectionEncrypt state] == NSOffState) { // [saveConnectionEncryptString setStringValue:[saveConnectionEncryptString stringValue]]; // TODO how can one make it better ? [[saveConnectionEncryptString window] makeFirstResponder:[[saveConnectionEncryptString window] initialFirstResponder]]; } } - (void)saveConnectionPanelDidEnd:(NSSavePanel *)panel returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { if ( returnCode ) { NSString *fileName = [panel filename]; NSError *error = nil; // Save file as SQL file by using the chosen encoding if(contextInfo == @"saveSQLfile") { [prefs setInteger:[[encodingPopUp selectedItem] tag] forKey:SPLastSQLFileEncoding]; [prefs setObject:[fileName lastPathComponent] forKey:@"lastSqlFileName"]; [prefs synchronize]; NSString *content = [NSString stringWithString:[[[customQueryInstance valueForKeyPath:@"textView"] textStorage] string]]; [content writeToFile:fileName atomically:YES encoding:[[encodingPopUp selectedItem] tag] error:&error]; if(error != nil) { NSAlert *errorAlert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error]; [errorAlert runModal]; } [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:fileName]]; return; } // Save connection and session as SPF file else if(contextInfo == @"saveSPFfile" || contextInfo == @"saveSPFfileAndClose") { // Save changes of saveConnectionEncryptString [[saveConnectionEncryptString window] makeFirstResponder:[[saveConnectionEncryptString window] initialFirstResponder]]; [self saveDocumentWithFilePath:fileName inBackground:NO onlyPreferences:NO]; if(contextInfo == @"saveSPFfileAndClose") [self close]; } } } - (BOOL)saveDocumentWithFilePath:(NSString *)fileName inBackground:(BOOL)saveInBackground onlyPreferences:(BOOL)saveOnlyPreferences { // Do not save if no connection is/was available if(saveInBackground && ([self mySQLVersion] == nil || ![[self mySQLVersion] length])) return NO; NSMutableDictionary *spfDocData_temp = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if(fileName == nil) fileName = [[[self fileURL] absoluteString] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // Store save panel settings or take them from spfDocData if(!saveInBackground) { [spfDocData_temp setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:([saveConnectionEncrypt state]==NSOnState) ? YES : NO ] forKey:@"encrypted"]; if([[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"encrypted"] boolValue]) [spfDocData_temp setObject:[saveConnectionEncryptString stringValue] forKey:@"e_string"]; [spfDocData_temp setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:([saveConnectionAutoConnect state]==NSOnState) ? YES : NO ] forKey:@"auto_connect"]; [spfDocData_temp setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:([saveConnectionSavePassword state]==NSOnState) ? YES : NO ] forKey:@"save_password"]; [spfDocData_temp setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:([saveConnectionIncludeData state]==NSOnState) ? YES : NO ] forKey:@"include_session"]; [spfDocData_temp setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:@"save_editor_content"]; if([[[[customQueryInstance valueForKeyPath:@"textView"] textStorage] string] length]) [spfDocData_temp setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:([saveConnectionIncludeQuery state]==NSOnState) ? YES : NO ] forKey:@"save_editor_content"]; } else { [spfDocData_temp addEntriesFromDictionary:spfDocData]; } // Update only query favourites, history, etc. by reading the file again if(saveOnlyPreferences) { // Check URL for safety reasons if(![[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length] || [self isUntitled]) { NSLog(@"Couldn't save data. No file URL found!"); NSBeep(); return NO; } NSError *readError = nil; NSString *convError = nil; NSPropertyListFormat format; NSMutableDictionary *spf = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; NSData *pData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:fileName options:NSUncachedRead error:&readError]; [spf addEntriesFromDictionary:[NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListFromData:pData mutabilityOption:NSPropertyListImmutable format:&format errorDescription:&convError]]; if(!spf || ![spf count] || readError != nil || [convError length] || !(format == NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 || format == NSPropertyListBinaryFormat_v1_0)) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while reading connection data file", @"error while reading connection data file")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Connection data file couldn't be read. Please try to save the document under a different name.", @"message error while reading connection data file and suggesting to save it under a differnet name")]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; // [self close]; return NO; } // For dispatching later if(![[spf objectForKey:@"format"] isEqualToString:@"connection"]) { NSLog(@"SPF file format is not 'connection'."); [spf release]; return NO; } // Update the keys [spf setObject:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] favoritesForFileURL:[self fileURL]] forKey:SPQueryFavorites]; [spf setObject:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] historyForFileURL:[self fileURL]] forKey:SPQueryHistory]; [spf setObject:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] contentFilterForFileURL:[self fileURL]] forKey:SPContentFilters]; // Save it again NSString *err = nil; NSData *plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:spf format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:&err]; [spf release]; if(err != nil) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while converting connection data", @"error while converting connection data")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:err]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; return NO; } NSError *error = nil; [plist writeToFile:fileName options:NSAtomicWrite error:&error]; if(error != nil){ NSAlert *errorAlert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error]; [errorAlert runModal]; return NO; } [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:fileName]]; return YES; } NSString *aString; NSMutableDictionary *spfdata = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSMutableDictionary *connection = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSMutableDictionary *session = nil; NSMutableDictionary *data = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; NSIndexSet *contentSelectedIndexSet = [tableContentInstance selectedRowIndexes]; [spfdata setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1] forKey:@"version"]; [spfdata setObject:@"connection" forKey:@"format"]; [spfdata setObject:@"mysql" forKey:@"rdbms_type"]; [spfdata setObject:[self mySQLVersion] forKey:@"rdbms_version"]; // Store the preferences - take them from the current document URL to catch renaming [spfdata setObject:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] favoritesForFileURL:[self fileURL]] forKey:SPQueryFavorites]; [spfdata setObject:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] historyForFileURL:[self fileURL]] forKey:SPQueryHistory]; [spfdata setObject:[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] contentFilterForFileURL:[self fileURL]] forKey:SPContentFilters]; [spfdata setObject:[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"encrypted"] forKey:@"encrypted"]; // if([[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"save_password"] boolValue]) [spfdata setObject:[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"auto_connect"] forKey:@"auto_connect"]; if([[self keyChainID] length]) [connection setObject:[self keyChainID] forKey:@"kcid"]; [connection setObject:[self name] forKey:@"name"]; [connection setObject:[self host] forKey:@"host"]; [connection setObject:[self user] forKey:@"user"]; switch([connectionController type]) { case SP_CONNECTION_TCPIP: aString = @"SP_CONNECTION_TCPIP"; break; case SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET: aString = @"SP_CONNECTION_SOCKET"; [connection setObject:[connectionController socket] forKey:@"socket"]; break; case SP_CONNECTION_SSHTUNNEL: aString = @"SP_CONNECTION_SSHTUNNEL"; [connection setObject:[connectionController sshHost] forKey:@"ssh_host"]; [connection setObject:[connectionController sshUser] forKey:@"ssh_user"]; if([connectionController port] && [[connectionController port] length]) [connection setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[connectionController sshPort] intValue]] forKey:@"ssh_port"]; break; default: aString = @"SP_CONNECTION_TCPIP"; } [connection setObject:aString forKey:@"type"]; if([[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"save_password"] boolValue]) { NSString *pw = [self keychainPasswordForConnection:nil]; if(![pw length]) pw = [connectionController password]; [connection setObject:pw forKey:@"password"]; if([connectionController type] == SP_CONNECTION_SSHTUNNEL) [connection setObject:[connectionController sshPassword] forKey:@"ssh_password"]; } if([connectionController port] && [[connectionController port] length]) [connection setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[connectionController port] intValue]] forKey:@"port"]; if([[self database] length]) [connection setObject:[self database] forKey:@"database"]; // Include session data like selected table, view etc. ? if([[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"include_session"] boolValue]) { session = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if([[self table] length]) [session setObject:[self table] forKey:@"table"]; if([tableContentInstance sortColumnName]) [session setObject:[tableContentInstance sortColumnName] forKey:@"contentSortCol"]; switch([spHistoryControllerInstance currentlySelectedView]){ case SP_VIEW_STRUCTURE: aString = @"SP_VIEW_STRUCTURE"; break; case SP_VIEW_CONTENT: aString = @"SP_VIEW_CONTENT"; break; case SP_VIEW_CUSTOMQUERY: aString = @"SP_VIEW_CUSTOMQUERY"; break; case SP_VIEW_STATUS: aString = @"SP_VIEW_STATUS"; break; case SP_VIEW_RELATIONS: aString = @"SP_VIEW_RELATIONS"; break; default: aString = @"SP_VIEW_STRUCTURE"; } [session setObject:aString forKey:@"view"]; [session setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[[tableWindow toolbar] isVisible]] forKey:@"isToolbarVisible"]; [session setObject:[self connectionEncoding] forKey:@"connectionEncoding"]; [session setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[tableContentInstance sortColumnIsAscending]] forKey:@"contentSortColIsAsc"]; [session setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[tableContentInstance limitStart]] forKey:@"contentLimitStartPosition"]; [session setObject:NSStringFromRect([tableContentInstance viewport]) forKey:@"contentViewport"]; if([tableContentInstance filterSettings]) [session setObject:[tableContentInstance filterSettings] forKey:@"contentFilter"]; if (contentSelectedIndexSet && [contentSelectedIndexSet count]) { NSMutableArray *indices = [NSMutableArray array]; unsigned indexBuffer[[contentSelectedIndexSet count]]; unsigned limit = [contentSelectedIndexSet getIndexes:indexBuffer maxCount:[contentSelectedIndexSet count] inIndexRange:NULL]; unsigned idx; for (idx = 0; idx < limit; idx++) { [indices addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:indexBuffer[idx]]]; } [session setObject:indices forKey:@"contentSelectedIndexSet"]; } } if([[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"save_editor_content"] boolValue]) { if(session == nil) session = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; if([[[[customQueryInstance valueForKeyPath:@"textView"] textStorage] string] length] > 50000) [session setObject:[[[[[customQueryInstance valueForKeyPath:@"textView"] textStorage] string] dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] compress] forKey:@"queries"]; else [session setObject:[[[customQueryInstance valueForKeyPath:@"textView"] textStorage] string] forKey:@"queries"]; } [data setObject:connection forKey:@"connection"]; if(session != nil) [data setObject:session forKey:@"session"]; if(![[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"encrypted"] boolValue]) { [spfdata setObject:data forKey:@"data"]; } else { NSMutableData *encryptdata = [[[NSMutableData alloc] init] autorelease]; NSKeyedArchiver *archiver = [[[NSKeyedArchiver alloc] initForWritingWithMutableData:encryptdata] autorelease]; [archiver encodeObject:data forKey:@"data"]; [archiver finishEncoding]; [spfdata setObject:[encryptdata dataEncryptedWithPassword:[spfDocData_temp objectForKey:@"e_string"]] forKey:@"data"]; } NSString *err = nil; NSData *plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataFromPropertyList:spfdata format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 errorDescription:&err]; if(err != nil) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Error while converting connection data", @"error while converting connection data")] defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:err]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; return NO; } NSError *error = nil; [plist writeToFile:fileName options:NSAtomicWrite error:&error]; if(error != nil){ NSAlert *errorAlert = [NSAlert alertWithError:error]; [errorAlert runModal]; return NO; } // Register and update query favorites, content filter, and history for the (new) file URL NSMutableDictionary *preferences = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [preferences setObject:[spfdata objectForKey:SPQueryHistory] forKey:SPQueryHistory]; [preferences setObject:[spfdata objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites] forKey:SPQueryFavorites]; [preferences setObject:[spfdata objectForKey:SPContentFilters] forKey:SPContentFilters]; [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] registerDocumentWithFileURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[fileName stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]] andContextInfo:preferences]; [self setFileURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[fileName stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]]; [[NSDocumentController sharedDocumentController] noteNewRecentDocumentURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:fileName]]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; // Store doc data permanently [spfDocData removeAllObjects]; [spfDocData addEntriesFromDictionary:spfDocData_temp]; [preferences release]; return YES; } /** * Passes the request to the tableDump object */ - (IBAction)import:(id)sender { [tableDumpInstance importFile]; } /** * Passes the request to the tableDump object */ - (IBAction)export:(id)sender { if ([sender tag] == -1) { [exportControllerInstance export]; } else { [tableDumpInstance exportFile:[sender tag]]; } } - (IBAction)exportTable:(id)sender { return [self export:sender]; } - (IBAction)exportMultipleTables:(id)sender { return [self export:sender]; } /* * Show the MySQL Help TOC of the current MySQL connection * Invoked by the MainMenu > Help > MySQL Help */ - (IBAction)showMySQLHelp:(id)sender { [customQueryInstance showHelpFor:SP_HELP_TOC_SEARCH_STRING addToHistory:YES]; [[customQueryInstance helpWebViewWindow] makeKeyWindow]; } /** * Saves the server variables to the selected file. */ - (IBAction)saveServerVariables:(id)sender { NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setRequiredFileType:@"cnf"]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; [panel beginSheetForDirectory:nil file:@"ServerVariables" modalForWindow:variablesSheet modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(savePanelDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:@"ServerVariables"]; } /** * Menu item validation. */ - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { if (!_isConnected || _isWorking) { return ([menuItem action] == @selector(newDocument:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(terminate:)); } if ([menuItem action] == @selector(openCurrentConnectionInNewWindow:)) { if([self isUntitled]) { [menuItem setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Open in New Window", @"menu item open in new window")]; return NO; } else { [menuItem setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Open “%@” in New Window", @"menu item open “%@” in new window"), [self displayName]]]; return YES; } } if ([menuItem action] == @selector(import:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(export:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(exportMultipleTables:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(removeDatabase:)) { return ([self database] != nil); } // Change "Save Query/Queries" menu item title dynamically // and disable it if no query in the editor if ([menuItem action] == @selector(saveConnectionSheet:) && [menuItem tag] == 0) { if([customQueryInstance numberOfQueries] < 1) { [menuItem setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Save Query…", @"Save Query…")]; return NO; } else if([customQueryInstance numberOfQueries] == 1) [menuItem setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Save Query…", @"Save Query…")]; else [menuItem setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Save Queries…", @"Save Queries…")]; return YES; } if ([menuItem action] == @selector(exportTable:)) { return ([self database] != nil && [self table] != nil); } if ([menuItem action] == @selector(printDocument:)) { return ([self database] != nil && [[tablesListInstance valueForKeyPath:@"tablesListView"] numberOfSelectedRows] == 1); } if ([menuItem action] == @selector(chooseEncoding:)) { return [self supportsEncoding]; } // table menu items if ([menuItem action] == @selector(showCreateTableSyntax:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(copyCreateTableSyntax:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(checkTable:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(analyzeTable:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(optimizeTable:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(repairTable:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(flushTable:) || [menuItem action] == @selector(checksumTable:)) { return ([self table] != nil && [[self table] isNotEqualTo:@""]); } if ([menuItem action] == @selector(addConnectionToFavorites:)) { return ([connectionController selectedFavorite] ? NO : YES); } // Backward in history menu item if (([menuItem action] == @selector(backForwardInHistory:)) && ([menuItem tag] == 0)) { return (([[spHistoryControllerInstance history] count]) && ([spHistoryControllerInstance historyPosition] > 0)); } // Forward in history menu item if (([menuItem action] == @selector(backForwardInHistory:)) && ([menuItem tag] == 1)) { return (([[spHistoryControllerInstance history] count]) && (([spHistoryControllerInstance historyPosition] + 1) < [[spHistoryControllerInstance history] count])); } // Copy selected server variable(s) if ([menuItem action] == @selector(copy:)) { return ([variablesTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0); } // Copy selected server variable name(s) if ([menuItem action] == @selector(copyServerVariableName:)) { [menuItem setTitle:([variablesTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 1) ? NSLocalizedString(@"Copy Variable Names", @"copy server variable names menu item") : NSLocalizedString(@"Copy Variable Name", @"copy server variable name menu item")]; return ([variablesTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0); } // Copy selected server variable value(s) if ([menuItem action] == @selector(copyServerVariableValue:)) { [menuItem setTitle:([variablesTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 1) ? NSLocalizedString(@"Copy Variable Values", @"copy server variable values menu item") : NSLocalizedString(@"Copy Variable Value", @"copy server variable value menu item")]; return ([variablesTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0); } return [super validateMenuItem:menuItem]; } - (IBAction)viewStructure:(id)sender { // Cancel the selection if currently editing a content row and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 1 && ![tableContentInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT]; return; } [tableTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:0]; [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; [prefs setInteger:SPStructureViewMode forKey:SPLastViewMode]; } - (IBAction)viewContent:(id)sender { // Cancel the selection if currently editing structure/a field and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 0 && ![tableSourceInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE]; return; } [tableTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:1]; [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; [prefs setInteger:SPContentViewMode forKey:SPLastViewMode]; } - (IBAction)viewQuery:(id)sender { // Cancel the selection if currently editing structure/a field and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 0 && ![tableSourceInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE]; return; } // Cancel the selection if currently editing a content row and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 1 && ![tableContentInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT]; return; } [tableTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:2]; [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_QUERY]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; // Set the focus on the text field if no query has been run if (![[customQueryTextView string] length]) [tableWindow makeFirstResponder:customQueryTextView]; [prefs setInteger:SPQueryEditorViewMode forKey:SPLastViewMode]; } - (IBAction)viewStatus:(id)sender { // Cancel the selection if currently editing structure/a field and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 0 && ![tableSourceInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE]; return; } // Cancel the selection if currently editing a content row and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 1 && ![tableContentInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT]; return; } [tableTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:3]; [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_INFO]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; [prefs setInteger:SPTableInfoViewMode forKey:SPLastViewMode]; } - (IBAction)viewRelations:(id)sender { // Cancel the selection if currently editing structure/a field and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 0 && ![tableSourceInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE]; return; } // Cancel the selection if currently editing a content row and unable to save if ([tableTabView indexOfTabViewItem:[tableTabView selectedTabViewItem]] == 1 && ![tableContentInstance saveRowOnDeselect]) { [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT]; return; } [tableTabView selectTabViewItemAtIndex:4]; [mainToolbar setSelectedItemIdentifier:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_RELATIONS]; [spHistoryControllerInstance updateHistoryEntries]; [prefs setInteger:SPRelationsViewMode forKey:SPLastViewMode]; } /** * Adds the current database connection details to the user's favorites if it doesn't already exist. */ - (IBAction)addConnectionToFavorites:(id)sender { // Obviously don't add if it already exists. We shouldn't really need this as the menu item validation // enables or disables the menu item based on the same method. Although to be safe do the check anyway // as we don't know what's calling this method. if ([connectionController selectedFavorite]) { return; } // Request the connection controller to add its details to favorites [connectionController addFavorite:self]; } /** * Called when the NSSavePanel sheet ends. Writes the server variables to the selected file if required. */ - (void)savePanelDidEnd:(NSSavePanel *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(NSString *)contextInfo { if (returnCode == NSOKButton) { if ([contextInfo isEqualToString:@"ServerVariables"]) { if ([variablesFiltered count] > 0) { NSMutableString *variablesString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"# MySQL server variables for %@\n\n", [self host]]; for (NSDictionary *variable in variablesFiltered) { [variablesString appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ = %@\n", [variable objectForKey:@"Variable_name"], [variable objectForKey:@"Value"]]]; } [variablesString writeToFile:[sheet filename] atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; } } else if ([contextInfo isEqualToString:@"CreateSyntax"]) { NSString *createSyntax = [createTableSyntaxTextView string]; if ([createSyntax length] > 0) { NSString *output = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"-- Create syntax for '%@'\n\n%@\n", [self table], createSyntax]; [output writeToFile:[sheet filename] atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; } } } } /* * Return the createTableSyntaxWindow */ - (NSWindow *)getCreateTableSyntaxWindow { return createTableSyntaxWindow; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Titlebar Methods /** * Set the connection status icon in the titlebar */ - (void)setStatusIconToImageWithName:(NSString *)imageName { NSString *imagePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:imageName ofType:@"png"]; if (!imagePath) return; NSImage *image = [[[NSImage alloc] initByReferencingFile:imagePath] autorelease]; [titleImageView setImage:image]; } - (void)setTitlebarStatus:(NSString *)status { [self clearStatusIcon]; [titleStringView setStringValue:status]; } /** * Clear the connection status icon in the titlebar */ - (void)clearStatusIcon { [titleImageView setImage:nil]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Toolbar Methods /** * set up the standard toolbar */ - (void)setupToolbar { // create a new toolbar instance, and attach it to our document window mainToolbar = [[[NSToolbar alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"TableWindowToolbar"] autorelease]; // set up toolbar properties [mainToolbar setAllowsUserCustomization:YES]; [mainToolbar setAutosavesConfiguration:YES]; [mainToolbar setDisplayMode:NSToolbarDisplayModeIconAndLabel]; // set ourself as the delegate [mainToolbar setDelegate:self]; // attach the toolbar to the document window [tableWindow setToolbar:mainToolbar]; // update the toolbar item size [self updateChooseDatabaseToolbarItemWidth]; } /** * Return the identifier for the currently selected toolbar item, or nil if none is selected. */ - (NSString *)selectedToolbarItemIdentifier; { return [mainToolbar selectedItemIdentifier]; } /** * toolbar delegate method */ - (NSToolbarItem *)toolbar:(NSToolbar *)toolbar itemForItemIdentifier:(NSString *)itemIdentifier willBeInsertedIntoToolbar:(BOOL)willBeInsertedIntoToolbar { NSToolbarItem *toolbarItem = [[[NSToolbarItem alloc] initWithItemIdentifier:itemIdentifier] autorelease]; if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_DATABASE_SELECTION]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Select Database", @"toolbar item for selecting a db")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:[toolbarItem label]]; [toolbarItem setView:chooseDatabaseButton]; [toolbarItem setMinSize:NSMakeSize(200,26)]; [toolbarItem setMaxSize:NSMakeSize(200,32)]; [chooseDatabaseButton setTarget:self]; [chooseDatabaseButton setAction:@selector(chooseDatabase:)]; if (willBeInsertedIntoToolbar) { chooseDatabaseToolbarItem = toolbarItem; [self updateChooseDatabaseToolbarItemWidth]; } } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_HISTORY_NAVIGATION]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Table History", @"toolbar item for navigation history")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:[toolbarItem label]]; [toolbarItem setView:historyControl]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_SHOW_CONSOLE]) { [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Show Console", @"show console")]; [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Show the console which shows all MySQL commands performed by Sequel Pro", @"tooltip for toolbar item for show console")]; [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Console", @"Console")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"hideconsole"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(showConsole:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_CLEAR_CONSOLE]) { //set the text label to be displayed in the toolbar and customization palette [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Clear Console", @"toolbar item for clear console")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Clear Console", @"toolbar item for clear console")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Clear the console which shows all MySQL commands performed by Sequel Pro", @"tooltip for toolbar item for clear console")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"clearconsole"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(clearConsole:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Structure", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Structure tab")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Edit Table Structure", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Structure tab")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Switch to the Table Structure tab", @"tooltip for toolbar item for switching to the Table Structure tab")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"toolbar-switch-to-structure"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(viewStructure:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Content", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Content tab")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Browse & Edit Table Content", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Content tab")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Switch to the Table Content tab", @"tooltip for toolbar item for switching to the Table Content tab")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"toolbar-switch-to-browse"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(viewContent:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_QUERY]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Query", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Run Query tab")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Run Custom Query", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Run Query tab")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Switch to the Run Query tab", @"tooltip for toolbar item for switching to the Run Query tab")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"toolbar-switch-to-sql"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(viewQuery:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_INFO]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Table Info", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Info tab")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Table Info", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Info tab")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Switch to the Table Info tab", @"tooltip for toolbar item for switching to the Table Info tab")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"toolbar-switch-to-table-info"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(viewStatus:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_RELATIONS]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Relations", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Relations tab")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Table Relations", @"toolbar item label for switching to the Table Relations tab")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Switch to the Table Relations tab", @"tooltip for toolbar item for switching to the Table Relations tab")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"toolbar-switch-to-table-relations"]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(viewRelations:)]; } else if ([itemIdentifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_USER_MANAGER]) { [toolbarItem setLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Users", @"toolbar item label for switching to the User Manager tab")]; [toolbarItem setPaletteLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Users", @"toolbar item label for switching to the User Manager tab")]; //set up tooltip and image [toolbarItem setToolTip:NSLocalizedString(@"Switch to the User Manager tab", @"tooltip for toolbar item for switching to the User Manager tab")]; [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameEveryone]]; //set up the target action [toolbarItem setTarget:self]; [toolbarItem setAction:@selector(showUserManager:)]; } else { //itemIdentifier refered to a toolbar item that is not provided or supported by us or cocoa toolbarItem = nil; } return toolbarItem; } /** * toolbar delegate method */ - (NSArray *)toolbarAllowedItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar*)toolbar { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: MAIN_TOOLBAR_DATABASE_SELECTION, MAIN_TOOLBAR_HISTORY_NAVIGATION, MAIN_TOOLBAR_SHOW_CONSOLE, MAIN_TOOLBAR_CLEAR_CONSOLE, MAIN_TOOLBAR_FLUSH_PRIVILEGES, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT, MAIN_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_QUERY, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_INFO, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_RELATIONS, MAIN_TOOLBAR_USER_MANAGER, NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier, NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier, NSToolbarSpaceItemIdentifier, NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier, nil]; } /** * toolbar delegate method */ - (NSArray *)toolbarDefaultItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar*)toolbar { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: MAIN_TOOLBAR_DATABASE_SELECTION, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_RELATIONS, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_INFO, MAIN_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_QUERY, NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItemIdentifier, MAIN_TOOLBAR_HISTORY_NAVIGATION, MAIN_TOOLBAR_USER_MANAGER, MAIN_TOOLBAR_SHOW_CONSOLE, nil]; } /** * toolbar delegate method */ - (NSArray *)toolbarSelectableItemIdentifiers:(NSToolbar *)toolbar { return [NSArray arrayWithObjects: MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_STRUCTURE, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_CONTENT, MAIN_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_QUERY, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_INFO, MAIN_TOOLBAR_TABLE_RELATIONS, nil]; } /** * Validates the toolbar items */ - (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)toolbarItem; { if (!_isConnected || _isWorking) return NO; NSString *identifier = [toolbarItem itemIdentifier]; // Show console item if ([identifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_SHOW_CONSOLE]) { if ([[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] isVisible]) { [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"showconsole"]]; } else { [toolbarItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"hideconsole"]]; } if ([[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] isKeyWindow]) { return NO; } else { return YES; } } // Clear console item if ([identifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_CLEAR_CONSOLE]) { return ([[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] consoleMessageCount] > 0); } if (![identifier isEqualToString:MAIN_TOOLBAR_CUSTOM_QUERY]) { return (([tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_TABLE) || ([tablesListInstance tableType] == SP_TABLETYPE_VIEW)); } return YES; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark NSDocument methods /** * Returns the name of the nib file */ - (NSString *)windowNibName { return @"DBView"; } /** * Code that need to be executed once the windowController has loaded the document's window * sets upt the interface (small fonts). */ - (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *) aController { [aController setShouldCascadeWindows:YES]; [super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController]; NSEnumerator *theCols = [[variablesTableView tableColumns] objectEnumerator]; NSTableColumn *theCol; //register for notifications [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(willPerformQuery:) name:@"SMySQLQueryWillBePerformed" object:self]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(hasPerformedQuery:) name:@"SMySQLQueryHasBeenPerformed" object:self]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(applicationWillTerminate:) name:@"NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification" object:nil]; //set up interface if ( [prefs boolForKey:SPUseMonospacedFonts] ) { [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] setConsoleFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Monaco" size:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; while ( (theCol = [theCols nextObject]) ) { [[theCol dataCell] setFont:[NSFont fontWithName:@"Monaco" size:10]]; } } else { [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] setConsoleFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; while ( (theCol = [theCols nextObject]) ) { [[theCol dataCell] setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; } } } // NSWindow delegate methods /** * Invoked when the document window is about to close */ - (void)windowWillClose:(NSNotification *)aNotification { [mySQLConnection setDelegate:nil]; if ([mySQLConnection isConnected]) [self closeConnection]; if ([[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] window] isVisible]) [self toggleConsole:self]; [createTableSyntaxWindow orderOut:nil]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } /** * Invoked when the document window should close */ - (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(id)sender { if (_isWorking) { return NO; } else if ( ![tablesListInstance selectionShouldChangeInTableView:nil] ) { return NO; } else { if(!_isConnected) return YES; // Auto-save spf file based connection if([self fileURL] && [[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length] && ![self isUntitled]) { BOOL isSaved = [self saveDocumentWithFilePath:nil inBackground:YES onlyPreferences:YES]; if(isSaved) [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] removeRegisteredDocumentWithFileURL:[self fileURL]]; return isSaved; } } return YES; } /* * Invoked if user chose "Save" from 'Do you want save changes you made...' sheet * which is called automatically if [self isDocumentEdited] == YES and user wanted to close an Untitled doc. */ - (BOOL)writeSafelyToURL:(NSURL *)absoluteURL ofType:(NSString *)typeName forSaveOperation:(NSSaveOperationType)saveOperation error:(NSError **)outError { if(saveOperation == NSSaveOperation) { // Dummy error to avoid crashes after Canceling the Save Panel *outError = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"SP_DOMAIN" code:1000 userInfo:nil]; [self saveConnectionSheet:nil]; return NO; } return YES; } /** * Shows "save?" dialog when closing the document if the an Untitled doc has doc-based query favorites or content filters. */ - (BOOL)isDocumentEdited { return ([self fileURL] && [[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length] && [self isUntitled] && ([[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] favoritesForFileURL:[self fileURL]] count] || [[[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] contentFilterForFileURL:[self fileURL]] objectForKey:@"number"] count] || [[[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] contentFilterForFileURL:[self fileURL]] objectForKey:@"date"] count] || [[[[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] contentFilterForFileURL:[self fileURL]] objectForKey:@"string"] count]) ); } /** * The window title for this document. */ - (NSString *)displaySPName { if (!_isConnected) return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", ([[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length]) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ — ",[[[[self fileURL] absoluteString] lastPathComponent] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]] : @"", NSLocalizedString(@"Connecting…", @"window title string indicating that sp is connecting")]; return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@(MySQL %@) %@%@%@", ([[[self fileURL] absoluteString] length]) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ — ",[self displayName]] : @"", mySQLVersion, [self name], ([self database]?[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@",[self database]]:@""), ([[self table] length]?[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/%@",[self table]]:@"")]; } /** * The window title for this document. */ - (NSString *)displayName { if(!_isConnected) return [self displaySPName]; return [[[[self fileURL] absoluteString] lastPathComponent] stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark MCPKit connection delegate methods /** * Invoked when the framework is about to perform a query. */ - (void)willQueryString:(NSString *)query connection:(id)connection { if ([prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableLogging]) { if ((_queryMode == SP_QUERYMODE_INTERFACE && [prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableInterfaceLogging]) || (_queryMode == SP_QUERYMODE_CUSTOMQUERY && [prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableCustomQueryLogging]) || (_queryMode == SP_QUERYMODE_IMPORTEXPORT && [prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableImportExportLogging])) { [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] showMessageInConsole:query]; } } } /** * Invoked when the query just executed by the framework resulted in an error. */ - (void)queryGaveError:(NSString *)error connection:(id)connection { if ([prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableLogging] && [prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableErrorLogging]) { [[SPQueryController sharedQueryController] showErrorInConsole:error]; } } /** * Invoked when the framework is in the process of reconnecting to the server and needs to know * which database to select. */ - (NSString *)onReconnectShouldSelectDatabase:(id)connection { return selectedDatabase; } /** * Invoked when the framework is in the process of reconnecting to the server and needs to know * what encoding to use for the connection. */ - (NSString *)onReconnectShouldUseEncoding:(id)connection { return _encoding; } /** * Invoked when the current connection needs a password from the Keychain. */ - (NSString *)keychainPasswordForConnection:(MCPConnection *)connection { // If no keychain item is available, return an empty password if (![connectionController connectionKeychainItemName]) return @""; // Otherwise, pull the password from the keychain using the details from this connection SPKeychain *keychain = [[SPKeychain alloc] init]; NSString *password = [keychain getPasswordForName:[connectionController connectionKeychainItemName] account:[connectionController connectionKeychainItemAccount]]; [keychain release]; return password; } /** * Invoked when the connection fails and the framework needs to know how to proceed. */ - (MCPConnectionCheck)connectionLost:(id)connection { [NSApp beginSheet:connectionErrorDialog modalForWindow:tableWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; int connectionErrorCode = [NSApp runModalForWindow:connectionErrorDialog]; [NSApp endSheet:connectionErrorDialog]; [connectionErrorDialog orderOut:nil]; // If "disconnect" was selected, trigger a window close. if (connectionErrorCode == 2) { [self windowWillClose:nil]; if (connectionErrorCode == MCPConnectionCheckDisconnect) [tableWindow performSelector:@selector(close) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0]; } return connectionErrorCode; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Database name field delegate methods /** * When adding a database, enable the button only if the new name has a length. */ - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { id object = [notification object]; if (object == databaseNameField) { [addDatabaseButton setEnabled:([[databaseNameField stringValue] length] > 0)]; } else if (object == variablesSearchField) { [self _updateServerVariablesFilterForFilterString:[object stringValue]]; } else if (object == saveConnectionEncryptString) { [saveConnectionEncryptString setStringValue:[saveConnectionEncryptString stringValue]]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark SplitView delegate methods /** * tells the splitView that it can collapse views */ - (BOOL)splitView:(NSSplitView *)sender canCollapseSubview:(NSView *)subview { return subview == [[tableInfoTable superview] superview]; } - (void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)notification { [self updateChooseDatabaseToolbarItemWidth]; } - (NSRect)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView additionalEffectiveRectOfDividerAtIndex:(int)dividerIndex { if (sidebarGrabber != nil) { return [sidebarGrabber convertRect:[sidebarGrabber bounds] toView:splitView]; } else { return NSZeroRect; } } - (void)updateChooseDatabaseToolbarItemWidth { // make sure the toolbar item is actually in the toolbar if (!chooseDatabaseToolbarItem) return; // grab the width of the left pane float leftPaneWidth = [[[contentViewSplitter subviews] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width; // subtract some pixels to allow for misc stuff leftPaneWidth -= 12; // make sure it's not too small or to big if (leftPaneWidth < 130) leftPaneWidth = 130; if (leftPaneWidth > 360) leftPaneWidth = 360; // apply the size [chooseDatabaseToolbarItem setMinSize:NSMakeSize(leftPaneWidth, 26)]; [chooseDatabaseToolbarItem setMaxSize:NSMakeSize(leftPaneWidth, 32)]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark TableView datasource methods - (int)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView { return [variablesFiltered count]; } - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(int)rowIndex { id theValue = [[variablesFiltered objectAtIndex:rowIndex] objectForKey:[aTableColumn identifier]]; if ([theValue isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { theValue = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:theValue encoding:[mySQLConnection encoding]]; if (theValue == nil) { [[NSString alloc] initWithData:theValue encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; } if (theValue) [theValue autorelease]; } return theValue; } #pragma mark - - (void)dealloc { [_encoding release]; [printWebView release]; if (connectionController) [connectionController release]; if (mySQLConnection) [mySQLConnection release]; if (variables) [variables release]; if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release]; if (mySQLVersion) [mySQLVersion release]; [allDatabases release]; if (taskDrawTimer) [taskDrawTimer release]; if(queryEditorInitString) [queryEditorInitString release]; if(spfSession) [spfSession release]; if(spfDocData) [spfDocData release]; if(keyChainID) [keyChainID release]; [super dealloc]; } @end @implementation TableDocument (PrivateAPI) /** * Adds a new database. */ - (void)_addDatabase { // This check is not necessary anymore as the add database button is now only enabled if the name field // has a length greater than zero. We'll leave it in just in case. if ([[databaseNameField stringValue] isEqualToString:@""]) { NSBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"Database must have a name.", @"message of panel when no db name is given")); return; } NSString *createStatement = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"CREATE DATABASE %@", [[databaseNameField stringValue] backtickQuotedString]]; // If there is an encoding selected other than the default we must specify it in CREATE DATABASE statement if ([databaseEncodingButton indexOfSelectedItem] > 0) { createStatement = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ DEFAULT CHARACTER SET %@", createStatement, [[self mysqlEncodingFromDisplayEncoding:[databaseEncodingButton title]] backtickQuotedString]]; } // Create the database [mySQLConnection queryString:createStatement]; if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { // An error occurred NSBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't create database.\nMySQL said: %@", @"message of panel when creation of db failed"), [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]]); return; } // Error while selecting the new database (is this even possible?) if (![mySQLConnection selectDB:[databaseNameField stringValue]] ) { NSBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, tableWindow, self, nil, nil, nil, [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Unable to connect to database %@.\nBe sure that you have the necessary privileges.", @"message of panel when connection to db failed after selecting from popupbutton"), [databaseNameField stringValue]]); [self setDatabases:self]; return; } // Select the new database if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release], selectedDatabase = nil; selectedDatabase = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[databaseNameField stringValue]]; [self setDatabases:self]; [tablesListInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableDumpInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; } /** * Removes the current database. */ - (void)_removeDatabase { // Drop the database from the server [mySQLConnection queryString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"DROP DATABASE %@", [[self database] backtickQuotedString]]]; if (![[mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage] isEqualToString:@""]) { // An error occurred [self performSelector:@selector(showErrorSheetWith:) withObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't remove database.\nMySQL said: %@", @"message of panel when removing db failed"), [mySQLConnection getLastErrorMessage]], nil] afterDelay:0.3]; return; } // Delete was successful if (selectedDatabase) [selectedDatabase release], selectedDatabase = nil; [self setDatabases:self]; [tablesListInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableDumpInstance setConnection:mySQLConnection]; [tableWindow setTitle:[self displaySPName]]; } /** * Filter the displayed server variables by matching the variable name and value against the * filter string. */ - (void)_updateServerVariablesFilterForFilterString:(NSString *)filterString { [saveVariablesButton setEnabled:NO]; filterString = [[filterString lowercaseString] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; // If the filtered array is allocated and its not a reference to the variables array // relase it to prevent memory leaks upon the next allocation. if ((variablesFiltered) && (variablesFiltered != variables)) { [variablesFiltered release], variablesFiltered = nil; } variablesFiltered = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; if ([filterString length] == 0) { [variablesFiltered release]; variablesFiltered = variables; [saveVariablesButton setEnabled:YES]; [saveVariablesButton setTitle:@"Save As..."]; [variablesCountTextField setStringValue:@""]; [variablesTableView reloadData]; return; } for (NSDictionary *variable in variables) { if (([[variable objectForKey:@"Variable_name"] rangeOfString:filterString options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound) || ([[variable objectForKey:@"Value"] rangeOfString:filterString options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound)) { [variablesFiltered addObject:variable]; } } [variablesTableView reloadData]; [variablesCountTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%d of %d", "filtered server variables count"), [variablesFiltered count], [variables count]]]; if ([variablesFiltered count] == 0) return; [saveVariablesButton setEnabled:YES]; [saveVariablesButton setTitle:@"Save View As..."]; } /** * Copies either the name or value or both (as name = value pairs) of the currently selected server variables. */ - (void)_copyServerVariablesToPasteboardIncludingName:(BOOL)name andValue:(BOOL)value { // At least one of either name or value must be true if ((!name) && (!value)) return; NSResponder *firstResponder = [variablesSheet firstResponder]; if ((firstResponder == variablesTableView) && ([variablesTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0)) { NSString *string = @""; NSIndexSet *rows = [variablesTableView selectedRowIndexes]; NSUInteger i = [rows firstIndex]; while (i != NSNotFound) { if (i < [variablesFiltered count]) { NSDictionary *variable = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(variablesFiltered, i); NSString *variableName = [variable objectForKey:@"Variable_name"]; NSString *variableValue = [variable objectForKey:@"Value"]; // Decide what to include in the string if (name && value) { string = [string stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@ = %@\n", variableName, variableValue]; } else { string = [string stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@\n", (name) ? variableName : variableValue]; } } i = [rows indexGreaterThanIndex:i]; } NSPasteboard *pasteBoard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; // Copy the string to the pasteboard [pasteBoard declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSStringPboardType, nil] owner:nil]; [pasteBoard setString:string forType:NSStringPboardType]; } } @end