// // $Id$ // // SPTooltip.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Hans-J. Bibiko on August 11, 2009. // // This class is based on TextMate's TMDHTMLTip implementation // (Dialog plugin) written by CiarĂ¡n Walsh and Allan Odgaard. // see license: http://svn.textmate.org/trunk/LICENSE // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // More info at // Usage: // #import "SPTooltip.h" // // [SPTooltip showWithObject:@"


I am a tooltip" ofType:@"html" // displayOptions:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: // @"Monaco", @"fontname", // @"#EEEEEE", @"backgroundcolor", // @"20", @"fontsize", // @"transparent", @"transparent", nil]]; // // [SPTooltip showWithObject:(id)content // atLocation:(NSPoint)point // ofType:(NSString *)type // displayOptions:(NSDictionary *)displayOptions] // // content: a NSString with the actual content // point: n NSPoint where the tooltip should be shown // if not given it will be shown under the current caret position or // if no caret could be found in the upper left corner of the current window // type: a NSString of: "text", or "html"; no type - 'text' is default // displayOptions: a NSDictionary with the following keys (all values must be of type NSString): // fontname, fontsize, backgroundcolor (as #RRGGBB), transparent (any value) // if no displayOptions are passed or if a key doesn't exist the following default // are taken: // "Lucida Grande", "10", "#F9FBC5", NO // // See more possible syntaxa in SPTooltip to init a tooltip #import "SPTooltip.h" #import "SPTextViewAdditions.h" static int spTooltipCounter = 0; static float slow_in_out (float t) { if(t < 1.0f) t = 1.0f / (1.0f + exp((-t*12.0f)+6.0f)); if(t>1.0f) return 1.0f; return t; } @interface SPTooltip (Private) - (void)setContent:(NSString *)content withOptions:(NSDictionary *)displayOptions; - (void)runUntilUserActivity; - (void)stopAnimation:(id)sender; + (NSPoint)caretPosition; + (void)setDisplayOptions:(NSDictionary *)aDict; - (void)initMeWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)displayOptions; @end @interface WebView (LeopardOnly) - (void)setDrawsBackground:(BOOL)drawsBackground; @end @implementation SPTooltip // ================== // = Setup/teardown = // ================== + (void)showWithObject:(id)content atLocation:(NSPoint)point { [self showWithObject:content atLocation:point ofType:@"text" displayOptions:[NSDictionary dictionary]]; } + (void)showWithObject:(id)content atLocation:(NSPoint)point ofType:(NSString *)type { [self showWithObject:content atLocation:point ofType:type displayOptions:nil]; } + (void)showWithObject:(id)content { [self showWithObject:content atLocation:[self caretPosition] ofType:@"text" displayOptions:nil]; } + (void)showWithObject:(id)content ofType:(NSString *)type { [self showWithObject:content atLocation:[self caretPosition] ofType:type displayOptions:nil]; } + (void)showWithObject:(id)content ofType:(NSString *)type displayOptions:(NSDictionary *)options { [self showWithObject:content atLocation:[self caretPosition] ofType:type displayOptions:options]; } + (void)showWithObject:(id)content atLocation:(NSPoint)point ofType:(NSString *)type displayOptions:(NSDictionary *)displayOptions { spTooltipCounter++; SPTooltip* tip = [SPTooltip new]; [tip initMeWithOptions:displayOptions]; [tip setFrameTopLeftPoint:point]; if([type isEqualToString:@"text"]) { NSString* html = nil; NSMutableString* text = [[(NSString*)content mutableCopy] autorelease]; if(text) { [text replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@"&" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [text length])]; [text replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"<" withString:@"<" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [text length])]; [text insertString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"
				([displayOptions objectForKey:@"fontname"]) ? [displayOptions objectForKey:@"fontname"] : @"Lucida Grande"] 
			[text appendString:@"
"]; html = text; } else { html = @"Error"; } [tip setContent:html withOptions:displayOptions]; } else if([type isEqualToString:@"html"]) { [tip setContent:(NSString*)content withOptions:displayOptions]; } else { [tip setContent:(NSString*)content withOptions:displayOptions]; NSBeep(); NSLog(@"SPTooltip: Type '%@' is not supported. Please use 'text' or 'html'. Tooltip is displayed as type 'html'", type); } } - (void)initMeWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)displayOptions { [self setReleasedWhenClosed:YES]; [self setAlphaValue:0.97f]; [self setOpaque:NO]; [self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed:1.0f green:0.96f blue:0.76f alpha:1.0f]]; [self setBackgroundColor:[NSColor clearColor]]; [self setHasShadow:YES]; [self setLevel:NSStatusWindowLevel]; [self setHidesOnDeactivate:YES]; [self setIgnoresMouseEvents:YES]; webPreferences = [[WebPreferences alloc] initWithIdentifier:@"SequelPro Tooltip"]; [webPreferences setJavaScriptEnabled:YES]; NSString *fontName = ([displayOptions objectForKey:@"fontname"]) ? [displayOptions objectForKey:@"fontname"] : @"Lucida Grande"; int fontSize = ([displayOptions objectForKey:@"fontsize"]) ? [[displayOptions objectForKey:@"fontsize"] intValue] : 10; if(fontSize < 5) fontSize = 5; NSFont* font = [NSFont fontWithName:fontName size:fontSize]; [webPreferences setStandardFontFamily:[font familyName]]; [webPreferences setDefaultFontSize:fontSize]; [webPreferences setDefaultFixedFontSize:fontSize]; webView = [[WebView alloc] initWithFrame:NSZeroRect]; [webView setPreferencesIdentifier:@"SequelPro Tooltip"]; [webView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewWidthSizable | NSViewHeightSizable]; [webView setFrameLoadDelegate:self]; if ([webView respondsToSelector:@selector(setDrawsBackground:)]) [webView setDrawsBackground:NO]; [self setContentView:webView]; } - (id)init; { if(self = [self initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(1,1,1,1) styleMask:NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO]) { ; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [didOpenAtDate release]; [webView release]; [webPreferences release]; [super dealloc]; } + (void)setDisplayOptions:(NSDictionary *)aDict { // displayOptions = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:aDict]; } + (NSPoint)caretPosition { NSPoint pos; id fr = [[NSApp keyWindow] firstResponder]; //If first responder is a textview return the caret position if([fr respondsToSelector:@selector(getRangeForCurrentWord)] ) { NSRange range = NSMakeRange([fr selectedRange].location,0); NSRange glyphRange = [[fr layoutManager] glyphRangeForCharacterRange:range actualCharacterRange:NULL]; NSRect boundingRect = [[fr layoutManager] boundingRectForGlyphRange:glyphRange inTextContainer:[fr textContainer]]; boundingRect = [fr convertRect: boundingRect toView: NULL]; pos = [[fr window] convertBaseToScreen: NSMakePoint(boundingRect.origin.x + boundingRect.size.width,boundingRect.origin.y + boundingRect.size.height)]; NSFont* font = [fr font]; pos.y -= [font pointSize]*1.3; return pos; // Otherwise return the upper left corner of the current keyWindow } else { pos = [[NSApp keyWindow] frame].origin; pos.x += 5; pos.y += [[NSApp keyWindow] frame].size.height - 23; return pos; } } // =========== // = Webview = // =========== - (void)setContent:(NSString *)content withOptions:(NSDictionary *)displayOptions { NSString *fullContent = @"" @"" @" " @"" @"%@" @""; NSString *bgColor = ([displayOptions objectForKey:@"backgroundcolor"]) ? [displayOptions objectForKey:@"backgroundcolor"] : @"#F9FBC5"; BOOL transparent = ([displayOptions objectForKey:@"transparent"]) ? YES : NO; fullContent = [NSString stringWithFormat:fullContent, transparent ? @"transparent" : bgColor, content]; [[webView mainFrame] loadHTMLString:fullContent baseURL:nil]; } - (void)sizeToContent { // Current tooltip position NSPoint pos = NSMakePoint([self frame].origin.x, [self frame].origin.y + [self frame].size.height); // Find the screen which we are displaying on NSRect screenFrame = [[NSScreen mainScreen] frame]; NSScreen* candidate; for(candidate in [NSScreen screens]) { if(NSMinX([candidate frame]) < pos.x && NSMinX([candidate frame]) > NSMinX(screenFrame)) screenFrame = [candidate frame]; } // The webview is set to a large initial size and then sized down to fit the content [self setContentSize:NSMakeSize(screenFrame.size.width - screenFrame.size.width / 3.0f , screenFrame.size.height)]; int height = [[[webView windowScriptObject] evaluateWebScript:@"document.body.offsetHeight + document.body.offsetTop;"] intValue]; int width = [[[webView windowScriptObject] evaluateWebScript:@"document.body.offsetWidth + document.body.offsetLeft;"] intValue]; [webView setFrameSize:NSMakeSize(width, height)]; NSRect frame = [self frameRectForContentRect:[webView frame]]; frame.size.width = MIN(NSWidth(frame), NSWidth(screenFrame)); frame.size.height = MIN(NSHeight(frame), NSHeight(screenFrame)); [self setFrame:frame display:NO]; pos.x = MAX(NSMinX(screenFrame), MIN(pos.x, NSMaxX(screenFrame)-NSWidth(frame))); pos.y = MIN(MAX(NSMinY(screenFrame)+NSHeight(frame), pos.y), NSMaxY(screenFrame)); [self setFrameTopLeftPoint:pos]; } - (void)webView:(WebView*)sender didFinishLoadForFrame:(WebFrame*)frame; { [self sizeToContent]; [self orderFront:self]; [self performSelector:@selector(runUntilUserActivity) withObject:nil afterDelay:0]; } // ================== // = Event handling = // ================== - (BOOL)shouldCloseForMousePosition:(NSPoint)aPoint { float ignorePeriod = 0.05f; if(-[didOpenAtDate timeIntervalSinceNow] < ignorePeriod) return NO; if(NSEqualPoints(mousePositionWhenOpened, NSZeroPoint)) { mousePositionWhenOpened = aPoint; return NO; } NSPoint p = mousePositionWhenOpened; float deltaX = p.x - aPoint.x; float deltaY = p.y - aPoint.y; float dist = sqrtf(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY); float moveThreshold = 10; return dist > moveThreshold; } - (void)runUntilUserActivity { [self setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:@"didOpenAtDate"]; mousePositionWhenOpened = NSZeroPoint; NSWindow* keyWindow = [[NSApp keyWindow] retain]; BOOL didAcceptMouseMovedEvents = [keyWindow acceptsMouseMovedEvents]; [keyWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES]; NSEvent* event; int eventType; while(event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue:YES]) { [NSApp sendEvent:event]; eventType = [event type]; if(eventType == NSKeyDown || eventType == NSLeftMouseDown || eventType == NSRightMouseDown || eventType == NSOtherMouseDown || eventType == NSScrollWheel) break; if(eventType == NSMouseMoved && [self shouldCloseForMousePosition:[NSEvent mouseLocation]]) break; if(keyWindow != [NSApp keyWindow] || ![NSApp isActive]) break; if(spTooltipCounter > 1) break; } [keyWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:didAcceptMouseMovedEvents]; [keyWindow release]; [self orderOut:self]; } // ============= // = Animation = // ============= - (void)orderOut:(id)sender { if(![self isVisible] || animationTimer) return; [self stopAnimation:self]; [self setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:@"animationStart"]; [self setValue:[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.01f target:self selector:@selector(animationTick:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] forKey:@"animationTimer"]; } - (void)animationTick:(id)sender { float alpha = 0.97f * (1.0f - 40*slow_in_out(-2.2 * [animationStart timeIntervalSinceNow])); if(alpha > 0.0f && spTooltipCounter==1) { [self setAlphaValue:alpha]; } else { [super orderOut:self]; [self stopAnimation:self]; [self close]; spTooltipCounter--; if(spTooltipCounter < 0) spTooltipCounter = 0; } } - (void)stopAnimation:(id)sender; { if(animationTimer) { [[self retain] autorelease]; [animationTimer invalidate]; [self setValue:nil forKey:@"animationTimer"]; [self setValue:nil forKey:@"animationStart"]; [self setAlphaValue:0.97f]; } } @end