// // $Id: SPTextAndLinkCell.m 866 2009-06-15 16:05:54Z bibiko $ // // SPTextAndLinkCell.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Rowan Beentje on 16/07/2009. // With thanks to Brian Dunagan ( http://www.bdunagan.com/ ) for original approach // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // More info at #import "SPTextAndLinkCell.h" @implementation SPTextAndLinkCell /** * Provide a method to derive the link rect from a cell rect. */ static inline NSRect SPTextLinkRectFromCellRect(NSRect inRect) { return NSMakeRect(inRect.origin.x + inRect.size.width - 15, inRect.origin.y - 1, 12, inRect.size.height); } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Setup and teardown /** * Initialise */ - (id) initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { self = [super initWithCoder:coder]; if (self) { hasLink = NO; linkButton = nil; linkTarget = nil; drawState = SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_NORMAL; lastLinkColumn = NSNotFound; lastLinkRow = NSNotFound; } return self; } /** * Deallocate */ - (void) dealloc { if (linkButton) [linkButton release]; [super dealloc]; } /** * Encodes using a given receiver. */ - (void) encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder *)coder { [super encodeWithCoder:coder]; } /** * Returns a new instance which is a copy of the receiver */ - (id) copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { SPTextAndLinkCell *copy = [super copyWithZone:zone]; if (linkButton) copy->linkButton = [linkButton copyWithZone:zone]; return copy; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Enabling link functionality /** * Set the link target and action - this also enables the link * arrow within the cell. */ - (void) setTarget:(id)theTarget action:(SEL)theAction { linkTarget = theTarget; linkAction = theAction; if (!hasLink) { hasLink = YES; linkButton = [[NSButtonCell alloc] init]; [linkButton setButtonType:NSMomentaryChangeButton]; [linkButton setImagePosition:NSImageRight]; [linkButton setTitle:@""]; [linkButton setBordered:NO]; [linkButton setShowsBorderOnlyWhileMouseInside:YES]; [linkButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow"]]; [linkButton setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow-clicked"]]; } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Drawing and interaction /** * Redraw the table cell, altering super draw behavior to leave space * for the link if necessary. */ - (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)aRect inView:(NSView *)controlView { // Fast case for no arrow if (!hasLink) { [super drawInteriorWithFrame:aRect inView:controlView]; return; } // Set up new rects NSRect textRect = NSMakeRect(aRect.origin.x, aRect.origin.y, aRect.size.width - 18, aRect.size.height); NSRect linkRect = SPTextLinkRectFromCellRect(aRect); // Draw the text [super drawInteriorWithFrame:textRect inView:controlView]; // Get the new link state int newDrawState = ([self isHighlighted])? ((([(NSTableView *)[self controlView] editedColumn] != -1 || [[[self controlView] window] firstResponder] == [self controlView]) && [[[self controlView] window] isKeyWindow])?SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_HIGHLIGHT:SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_BACKGROUNDHIGHLIGHT): SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_NORMAL; // Update the link arrow style if the state has changed if (drawState != newDrawState) { drawState = newDrawState; switch (drawState) { case SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_NORMAL: [linkButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow"]]; [linkButton setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow-clicked"]]; break; case SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_HIGHLIGHT: [linkButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow-highlighted"]]; [linkButton setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow-highlighted-clicked"]]; break; case SP_LINKDRAWSTATE_BACKGROUNDHIGHLIGHT: [linkButton setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow-clicked"]]; [linkButton setAlternateImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"link-arrow"]]; break; } } [linkButton drawInteriorWithFrame:linkRect inView:controlView]; } /** * Allow hit tracking for link functionality */ - (NSUInteger) hitTestForEvent:(NSEvent *)event inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame ofView:(NSView *)controlView { // Fast case for no link - make entire cell editable click area if (!hasLink) return NSCellHitContentArea | NSCellHitEditableTextArea; NSPoint p = [[[NSApp mainWindow] contentView] convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] toView:controlView]; NSRect linkRect = SPTextLinkRectFromCellRect(cellFrame); // Hit the link if it falls within the link rectangle for this cell, set when drawing if (p.x > linkRect.origin.x && p.x < (linkRect.origin.x + linkRect.size.width)) { // Capture the clicked row and cell NSTableView *tableView = (NSTableView *)[self controlView]; p = [[[NSApp mainWindow] contentView] convertPoint:[event locationInWindow] toView:tableView]; lastLinkColumn = [tableView columnAtPoint:p]; lastLinkRow = [tableView rowAtPoint:p]; // Return a trackable hit return NSCellHitContentArea | NSCellHitTrackableArea; // Otherwise return an editable hit - this allows the entire cell to be clicked to edit the contents. } else { return NSCellHitContentArea | NSCellHitEditableTextArea; } } /** * Allow mouse tracking within the button cell, to support expected click * behaviour in the button cell. */ - (BOOL)trackMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame ofView:(NSView *)controlView untilMouseUp:(BOOL)untilMouseUp { // Fast case for no link if (!hasLink) return [super trackMouse:theEvent inRect:cellFrame ofView:controlView untilMouseUp:untilMouseUp]; NSPoint p = [controlView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; NSRect linkRect = SPTextLinkRectFromCellRect(cellFrame); // Fast path for if not in button rect - just pass to super if (!NSMouseInRect(p, linkRect, [controlView isFlipped])) return [super trackMouse:theEvent inRect:cellFrame ofView:controlView untilMouseUp:untilMouseUp]; // Continue tracking the mouse while it's down, updating the state as it enters and leaves the cell, // until it is released; if still within the cell, follow the link. BOOL mouseInButton = YES; while (1) { if (mouseInButton) { // Highlight the button [linkButton highlight:YES withFrame:linkRect inView:controlView]; // Continue to track until mouse completes a click or exits the cell while still down BOOL mouseClicked = [linkButton trackMouse:theEvent inRect:linkRect ofView:controlView untilMouseUp:NO]; if (mouseClicked) { // Remove highlight, and follow the link [linkButton highlight:NO withFrame:linkRect inView:controlView]; [linkTarget performSelector:linkAction withObject:self]; return YES; } // Mouse has exited the cell. Remove highlight. mouseInButton = NO; [linkButton highlight:NO withFrame:linkRect inView:controlView]; } // Keep tracking the mouse outside the button, until the mouse button is released or it reenters the button theEvent = [[controlView window] nextEventMatchingMask: NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask]; p = [controlView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil]; mouseInButton = NSMouseInRect(p, linkRect, [controlView isFlipped]); // If the event is a mouse release, break the loop. if ([theEvent type] == NSLeftMouseUp) break; } return YES; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Information getters /** * Retrieve the last column that recorded a click with the link cell */ - (int) getClickedColumn { return lastLinkColumn; } /** * Retrieve the last row that recorded a click with the link cell */ - (int) getClickedRow { return lastLinkRow; } @end