//  $Id$
//  SPServerSupport.h
//  sequel-pro
//  Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on September 23, 2010
//  Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
//  More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>

 * @class SPServerSupport SPServerSupport.h
 * @author Stuart Connolly http://stuconnolly.com/
 * This class is provided as a convenient method of determining what features/functionality the MySQL server
 * with the supplied version numbers supports. Note that this class has no direct connection to the server,
 * all of it's information is simply determined by way of version comparisons using hard coded values of known
 * versions and the functionality they support.
 * Every new MySQL connection that is established should create an instance of this class and make it globally
 * accessible to the rest of the application to remove the need of manual version comparisons. Calling it's 
 * designated initializer (initWithMajorVersion:major:minor:release:) causes the determination of what 
 * functionality is supported, and so other initializtion is required.
 * See the method evaluate for information regarding adding additional functionality checks.
@interface SPServerSupport : NSObject 
	// Convenience vars
	// General
	BOOL supportsInformationSchema;
	BOOL supportsSpatialExtensions;
	// Encoding
	BOOL supportsShowCharacterSet;
	BOOL supportsCharacterSetDatabaseVar;
	BOOL supportsPost41CharacterSetHandling;
	// User account related
	BOOL supportsCreateUser;
	BOOL supportsDropUser;
	BOOL supportsFullDropUser;
	BOOL supportsUserMaxVars;
	BOOL supportsShowPrivileges;
	// Storage engines
	NSString *engineTypeQueryName;
	BOOL supportsInformationSchemaEngines;
	BOOL supportsPre41StorageEngines;
	BOOL supportsBlackholeStorageEngine;
	BOOL supportsArchiveStorageEngine;
	BOOL supportsCSVStorageEngine;
	BOOL supportsQuotingEngineTypeInCreateSyntax;
	// Triggers
	BOOL supportsTriggers;
	// Indexes
	BOOL supportsIndexKeyBlockSize;
	// Server versions
	NSInteger serverMajorVersion;
	NSInteger serverMinorVersion;
	NSInteger serverReleaseVersion;

 * @property serverMajorVersion
@property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger serverMajorVersion;

 * @property serverMinorVersion
@property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger serverMinorVersion;

 * @property serverReleaseVersion
@property (readwrite, assign) NSInteger serverReleaseVersion;

 * @property isMySQL3 Indicates if the server is MySQL version 3
@property (readonly) BOOL isMySQL3;

 * @property isMySQL4 Indicates if the server is MySQL version 4
@property (readonly) BOOL isMySQL4;

 * @property isMySQL5 Indicates if the server is MySQL version 5
@property (readonly) BOOL isMySQL5;

 * @property isMySQL6 Indicates if the server is MySQL version 6
@property (readonly) BOOL isMySQL6;

 * @property supportsInformationSchema Indicates if the server supports the information_schema database
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsInformationSchema;

 * @property supportsSpatialExtensions Indicates if the server supports spatial extensions
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsSpatialExtensions;

 * @property supportsShowCharacterSet Indicates if the server supports the SHOW CHARACTER SET statement
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsShowCharacterSet;

 * @property supportsCharacterSetDatabaseVar Indicates if the server supports the 'character_set_database'
 *                                           variable.
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsCharacterSetDatabaseVar;

 * @property supportsPost41CharacterSetHandling Indicates whether the server supports post 4.1 character set
 *                                              handling.
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsPost41CharacterSetHandling;

 * @property supportsCreateUser Indicates if the server supports the CREATE USER statement
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsCreateUser;

 * @property supportsDropUser Indicates if the server supports the DROP USER statement
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsDropUser;

 * @property supportsFullDropUser Indicates if the server supports deleting a user's priveleges when issueing
 *                                the DROP USER statement.
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsFullDropUser;

 * @property supportsUserMaxVars Indicates if the server supports setting a user's maximum variables
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsUserMaxVars;

 * @property supportsShowPrivileges Indicates if the server supports the SHOW PRIVILEGES statement
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsShowPrivileges;

 * @property engineTypeQueryName Returns the appropriate query part for specifying table engine - ENGINE or TYPE
@property (readonly) NSString *engineTypeQueryName;

 * @property supportsInformationSchemaEngines Indicates if the server supports the information_schema.engines table
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsInformationSchemaEngines;

 * @property supportsPre41StorageEngines Indicates if the server supports storage engines available prior 
 *                                       to MySQL 4.1 
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsPre41StorageEngines;

 * @property supportsBlackholeStorageEngine Indicates if the server supports the BLACKHOLE storage engine
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsBlackholeStorageEngine;

 * @property supportsArchiveStorageEngine Indicates if the server supports the ARCHIVE storage engine
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsArchiveStorageEngine;

 * @property supportsCSVStorageEngine Indicates if the server supports the CSV storage engine
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsCSVStorageEngine;

 * @property supportsTriggers Indicates if the server supports table triggers
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsTriggers;

 * @property supportsIndexKeyBlockSize Indicates if the server supports specifying an index's key block size
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsIndexKeyBlockSize;

 * @property supportsQuotingEngineTypeInCreateSyntax Indicates whether the server supports quoting the engine
 *                                                   type in the create syntax.
@property (readonly) BOOL supportsQuotingEngineTypeInCreateSyntax;

- (id)initWithMajorVersion:(NSInteger)majorVersion minor:(NSInteger)minorVersion release:(NSInteger)releaseVersion;

- (void)evaluate;
- (BOOL)isEqualToOrGreaterThanMajorVersion:(NSInteger)majorVersion minor:(NSInteger)minorVersion release:(NSInteger)releaseVersion;
