//  SPSQLParsing.m
//  sequel-pro
//  Created by Rowan Beentje on 18/01/2009.
//  Copyright 2009 Rowan Beentje. All rights reserved.
//  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
//  (at your option) any later version.
//  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//  GNU General Public License for more details.
//  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
//  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
//  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
//  More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/>

#import "SPSQLParser.h"

 * Please see the header files for a general description of the purpose of this class,
 * and increased overview detail for the functions below.
@implementation SPSQLParser : NSMutableString

 * Removes comments within the current string, trimming "#", "--[/s]", and "/* * /" style strings.
- (void) deleteComments
	long currentStringIndex, commentEndIndex, quotedStringEndIndex;
	unichar currentCharacter;
	long stringLength = [string length];
	// Walk along the string, processing characters.
	for (currentStringIndex = 0; currentStringIndex < stringLength; currentStringIndex++) {
		currentCharacter = [string characterAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
		switch (currentCharacter) {

			// When quote characters are encountered walk to the end of the quoted string.
			case '\'':
			case '"':
			case '`':
				quotedStringEndIndex = [self endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:currentCharacter startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex+1];
				if (quotedStringEndIndex == NSNotFound) {
				currentStringIndex = quotedStringEndIndex;

			// For comments starting "--[\s]", ensure the start syntax is valid before proceeding.
			case '-':
				if (stringLength < currentStringIndex + 2) break;
				if ([string characterAtIndex:currentStringIndex+1] != '-') break;
				if (![[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet] characterIsMember:[string characterAtIndex:currentStringIndex+2]]) break;
				commentEndIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPDoubleDashComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
				// Remove the comment
				[self deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(currentStringIndex, commentEndIndex - currentStringIndex + 1)];
				stringLength -= commentEndIndex - currentStringIndex + 1;

			case '#':
				commentEndIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPHashComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
				// Remove the comment
				[self deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(currentStringIndex, commentEndIndex - currentStringIndex + 1)];
				stringLength -= commentEndIndex - currentStringIndex + 1;

			// For comments starting "/*", ensure the start syntax is valid before proceeding.
			case '/':
				if (stringLength < currentStringIndex + 1) break;
				if ([string characterAtIndex:currentStringIndex+1] != '*') break;
				commentEndIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPCStyleComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];
				// Remove the comment
				[self deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(currentStringIndex, commentEndIndex - currentStringIndex + 1)];
				stringLength -= commentEndIndex - currentStringIndex + 1;

 * Removes quotes surrounding the string if present, and un-escapes internal occurrences of the quote character before returning.
- (NSString *) unquotedString
	NSMutableString *returnString;
	long stringEndIndex;
	unichar quoteCharacter;

	if (![string length]) return nil;

	// If the first character is not a quote character, return the entire string.
	quoteCharacter = [string characterAtIndex:0];
	if (quoteCharacter != '`' && quoteCharacter != '"' && quoteCharacter != '\'') {
		return [NSString stringWithString:string];

	// Get the end of the string
	stringEndIndex = [self endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:quoteCharacter startingAtIndex:1];
	if (stringEndIndex == NSNotFound) {
		return [NSString stringWithString:string];

	// Trim the string appropriately
	returnString = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, stringEndIndex-1)]];
	// Remove escaped characters and escaped strings as appropriate
	if (quoteCharacter == '`' || quoteCharacter == '"' || quoteCharacter == '\'') {
		[returnString replaceOccurrencesOfString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C%C", quoteCharacter, quoteCharacter] withString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%C", quoteCharacter] options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [returnString length])];
	if (quoteCharacter == '"') {
		[returnString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\\"" withString:@"\"" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [returnString length])];
		[returnString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\\\" withString:@"\\" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [returnString length])];
	} else	if (quoteCharacter == '\'') {
		[returnString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\'" withString:@"'" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [returnString length])];
		[returnString replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\\\" withString:@"\\" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [returnString length])];

	return returnString;

 * Removes characters from the string up to the first occurrence of the supplied character.
- (BOOL) trimToCharacter:(unichar)character inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive
	return [self trimToCharacter:character inclusively:inclusive ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As trimToCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether characters within quoted
 * strings are ignored.
- (BOOL) trimToCharacter:(unichar)character inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	long stringIndex;
	// Get the first occurrence of the specified character, returning NO if not found
	stringIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (stringIndex == NSNotFound) return NO;
	// If it has been found, trim the string appropriately and return YES
	[self deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, stringIndex + (inclusive?1:0))];
	return YES;

 * Returns an NSString containing characters from the string up to the first occurrence of the supplied character.
- (NSString *) stringToCharacter:(unichar)character inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive
	return [self stringToCharacter:character inclusively:inclusive ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As stringToCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether characters within quoted strings
 * are ignored.
- (NSString *) stringToCharacter:(unichar)character inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings {
	long stringIndex;
	// Get the first occurrence of the specified character, returning nil if not found
	stringIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (stringIndex == NSNotFound) return nil;
	// If it has been found, return the appropriate string range
	return [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, stringIndex + (inclusive?1:0))];

 * Returns an NSString containing characters from the string up to the first occurrence of the supplied
 * character, also removing them from the string.
- (NSString *) trimAndReturnStringToCharacter:(unichar)character trimmingInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveReturn
	return [self trimAndReturnStringToCharacter:character trimmingInclusively:inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:inclusiveReturn ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As trimAndReturnStringToCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether characters within quoted
 * strings are ignored.
- (NSString *) trimAndReturnStringToCharacter:(unichar)character trimmingInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveReturn ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	long stringIndex;
	NSString *resultString;
	// Get the first occurrence of the specified character, returning nil if it could not be found
	stringIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (stringIndex == NSNotFound) return nil;
	// Select the appropriate string range, truncate the current string, and return the selected string
	resultString = [NSString stringWithString:[string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(0, stringIndex + (inclusiveReturn?1:0))]];
	[self deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(0, stringIndex + (inclusiveTrim?1:0))];
	return resultString;

 * Returns characters from the string up to and from the first occurrence of the supplied opening character
 * to the appropriate occurrence of the supplied closing character. "inclusively" controls whether the supplied
 * characters should also be returned.
- (NSString *) stringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive
	return [self stringFromCharacter:fromCharacter toCharacter:toCharacter inclusively:inclusive skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As stringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether to skip
 * over bracket-enclosed characters, as in subqueries, enums, definitions or groups
- (NSString *) stringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets
	return [self stringFromCharacter:fromCharacter toCharacter:toCharacter inclusively:inclusive skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As stringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether characters within quoted
 * strings are ignored.
- (NSString *) stringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	return [self stringFromCharacter:fromCharacter toCharacter:toCharacter inclusively:inclusive skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];

 * As stringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but allows control over both bracketing and quoting.
- (NSString *) stringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter inclusively:(BOOL)inclusive skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	long fromCharacterIndex, toCharacterIndex;

	// Look for the first occurrence of the from: character
	fromCharacterIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:fromCharacter afterIndex:-1 skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (fromCharacterIndex == NSNotFound) return nil;
	// Look for the first/balancing occurrence of the to: character
	toCharacterIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:toCharacter afterIndex:fromCharacterIndex skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (toCharacterIndex == NSNotFound) return nil;
	// Return the correct part of the string.
	return [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(fromCharacterIndex + (inclusive?0:1), toCharacterIndex + (inclusive?1:-1) - fromCharacterIndex)];

 * As stringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but also trims the string up to the "to" character and
 * up to or including the "from" character, depending on whether "trimmingInclusively" is set.
- (NSString *) trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter trimmingInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveReturn
	return [self trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:fromCharacter toCharacter:toCharacter trimmingInclusively:inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:inclusiveReturn skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether to
 * skip over bracket-enclosed characters, as in subqueries, enums, definitions or groups.
- (NSString *) trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter trimmingInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveReturn skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets
	return [self trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:fromCharacter toCharacter:toCharacter trimmingInclusively:inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:inclusiveReturn skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether characters
 * within quoted strings are ignored.
- (NSString *) trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter trimmingInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveReturn ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	return [self trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:fromCharacter toCharacter:toCharacter trimmingInclusively:inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:inclusiveReturn skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];

 * As trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter: toCharacter: ..., but allows control over both bracketing
 * and quoting.
- (NSString *) trimAndReturnStringFromCharacter:(unichar)fromCharacter toCharacter:(unichar)toCharacter trimmingInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveTrim returningInclusively:(BOOL)inclusiveReturn skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	long fromCharacterIndex, toCharacterIndex;
	NSString *resultString;

	// Look for the first occurrence of the from: character
	fromCharacterIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:fromCharacter afterIndex:-1 skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (fromCharacterIndex == NSNotFound) return nil;

	// Look for the first/balancing occurrence of the to: character
	toCharacterIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:toCharacter afterIndex:fromCharacterIndex skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
	if (toCharacterIndex == NSNotFound) return nil;
	// Select the correct part of the string, truncate the current string, and return the selected string.
	resultString = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(fromCharacterIndex + (inclusiveReturn?0:1), toCharacterIndex + (inclusiveReturn?1:-1) - fromCharacterIndex)];
	[self deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(fromCharacterIndex + (inclusiveTrim?0:1), toCharacterIndex + (inclusiveTrim?1:-1) - fromCharacterIndex)];
	return resultString;

 * Split a string on the boundaries formed by the supplied character, returning an array of strings.
- (NSArray *) splitStringByCharacter:(unichar)character
	return [self splitStringByCharacter:character skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As splitStringByCharacter: ..., but allows control over whether to skip over bracket-enclosed
 * characters, as in subqueries, enums, definitions or groups.
- (NSArray *) splitStringByCharacter:(unichar)character skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets
	return [self splitStringByCharacter:character skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:YES];

 * As splitStringByCharacter:, but allows control over whether characters
 * within quoted strings are ignored.
- (NSArray *) splitStringByCharacter:(unichar)character ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	return [self splitStringByCharacter:character skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];

 * As splitStringByCharacter: ..., but allows control over both bracketing and quoting.
- (NSArray *) splitStringByCharacter:(unichar)character skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	NSMutableArray *resultsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
	long stringIndex = -1, nextIndex = 0;
	// Walk through the string finding the character to split by, and add all strings to the array.
	while (1) {
		nextIndex = [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character afterIndex:stringIndex skippingBrackets:skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];
		if (nextIndex == NSNotFound) {
		[resultsArray addObject:[string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(stringIndex+1, nextIndex - stringIndex - 1)]];
		stringIndex = nextIndex;
	// Add the end of the string after the previously matched character where appropriate.
	if (stringIndex + 1 < [string length]) {
		[resultsArray addObject:[string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(stringIndex+1, [string length] - stringIndex - 1)]];
	return resultsArray;

 * A method intended for use by the functions above.
- (long) firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:(unichar)character ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	return [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character afterIndex:-1 skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];

 * A method intended for use by the functions above.
- (long) firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:(unichar)character afterIndex:(long)startIndex ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	return [self firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:character afterIndex:startIndex skippingBrackets:NO ignoringQuotedStrings:ignoreQuotedStrings];

 * A method intended for use by the functions above.
- (long) firstOccurrenceOfCharacter:(unichar)character afterIndex:(long)startIndex skippingBrackets:(BOOL)skipBrackets ignoringQuotedStrings:(BOOL)ignoreQuotedStrings
	long currentStringIndex, quotedStringEndIndex;
	unichar currentCharacter;
	long stringLength = [string length];
	int bracketingLevel = 0;

	// Cache frequently used selectors, avoiding dynamic binding overhead
	IMP charAtIndex = [self methodForSelector:@selector(charAtIndex:)];
	IMP endIndex = [self methodForSelector:@selector(endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:startingAtIndex:)];

	// Sanity check inputs
	if (startIndex < -1) startIndex = -1;

	// Walk along the string, processing characters
	for (currentStringIndex = startIndex + 1; currentStringIndex < stringLength; currentStringIndex++) {
		currentCharacter = (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex);

		// Check for the ending character, and if it has been found and quoting/brackets is valid, return.
		if (currentCharacter == character) {
			if (!skipBrackets || bracketingLevel <= 0) {
				return currentStringIndex;

		// Process strings and comments as appropriate
		switch (currentCharacter) {

			// When quote characters are encountered and strings are not being ignored, walk to the end of the quoted string.
			case '\'':
			case '"':
			case '`':
				if (!ignoreQuotedStrings) break;
				quotedStringEndIndex = (long)(*endIndex)(self, @selector(endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:startingAtIndex:), currentCharacter, currentStringIndex+1);
				if (quotedStringEndIndex == NSNotFound) {
					return NSNotFound;
				currentStringIndex = quotedStringEndIndex;

			// For opening brackets increment the bracket count
			case '(':

			// For closing brackets decrement the bracket count
			case ')':

			// For comments starting "--[\s]", ensure the start syntax is valid before proceeding.
			case '-':
				if (stringLength < currentStringIndex + 2) break;
				if ((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1) != '-') break;
				if (![[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet] characterIsMember:(unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+2)]) break;
				currentStringIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPDoubleDashComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];

			case '#':
				currentStringIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPHashComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];

			// For comments starting "/*", ensure the start syntax is valid before proceeding.
			case '/':
				if (stringLength < currentStringIndex + 1) break;
				if ((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1) != '*') break;
				currentStringIndex = [self endIndexOfCommentOfType:SPCStyleComment startingAtIndex:currentStringIndex];

	// If no matches have been made in this string, return NSNotFound.
	return NSNotFound;

 * A method intended for use by the functions above.
- (long) endIndexOfStringQuotedByCharacter:(unichar)quoteCharacter startingAtIndex:(long)index
	long currentStringIndex, stringLength, i, quotedStringLength;
	BOOL characterIsEscaped;
	unichar currentCharacter;

	// Cache the charAtIndex selector, avoiding dynamic binding overhead
	IMP charAtIndex = [self methodForSelector:@selector(charAtIndex:)];

	stringLength = [string length];

	// Walk the string looking for the string end
	for ( currentStringIndex = index; currentStringIndex < stringLength; currentStringIndex++) {
		currentCharacter = (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex);

		// If the string end is a backtick and one has been encountered, treat it as end of string
		if (quoteCharacter == '`' && currentCharacter == '`') {
			// ...as long as the next character isn't also a backtick, in which case it's being quoted.  Skip both.
			if ((currentStringIndex + 1) < stringLength && (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1) == '`') {
			return currentStringIndex;

		// Otherwise, prepare to treat the string as ended when meeting the correct boundary character....
		} else if (currentCharacter == quoteCharacter) {

			// ...but only if the string end isn't escaped with an *odd* number of escaping characters...
			characterIsEscaped = NO;
			i = 1;
			quotedStringLength = currentStringIndex - 1;
			while ((quotedStringLength - i) > 0 && (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex - i) == '\\') {
				characterIsEscaped = !characterIsEscaped;

			// If an even number have been found, it may be the end of the string - as long as the subsequent character
			// isn't also the same character, in which case it's another form of escaping.
			if (!characterIsEscaped) {
				if ((currentStringIndex + 1) < stringLength && (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), currentStringIndex+1) == quoteCharacter) {

				// Really is the end of the string.
				return currentStringIndex;

	return NSNotFound;

 * A method intended for use by the functions above.
- (long) endIndexOfCommentOfType:(SPCommentType)commentType startingAtIndex:(long)index
	long stringLength = [string length];
	unichar currentCharacter;

	// Cache the charAtIndex selector, avoiding dynamic binding overhead
	IMP charAtIndex = [self methodForSelector:@selector(charAtIndex:)];

	switch (commentType) {
		// For comments of type "--[\s]", start the comment processing two characters in to match the start syntax,
		// then flow into the Hash comment handling (looking for first newline).
		case SPDoubleDashComment:
			index = index+2;
		// For comments starting "--[\s]" and "#", continue until the first newline.
		case SPHashComment:
			for ( ; index < stringLength; index++ ) {
				currentCharacter = (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), index);
				if (currentCharacter == '\r' || currentCharacter == '\n') {
					return index-1;

		// For comments starting "/*", start the comment processing one character in to match the start syntax, then
		// continue until the first matching "*/".
		case SPCStyleComment:
			index = index+2;
			for ( ; index < stringLength; index++ ) {
				if ((unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), index) == '*') {
					if ((stringLength > index + 1) && (unichar)(long)(*charAtIndex)(self, @selector(charAtIndex:), index+1) == '/') {
						return (index+1);
	// If no match has been found, the comment must continue until the very end of the string.
	return (stringLength-1);

 * Provide a method to retrieve a character from the local cache.
 * Does no bounds checking on the underlying string, and so is kept
 * separate for characterAtIndex:.
- (unichar) charAtIndex:(long)index

	// If the current cache doesn't include the current character, update it.
	if (index > charCacheEnd || index < charCacheStart) {
		if (charCacheEnd > -1) {
		unsigned int remainingStringLength = [string length] - index;
		unsigned int newcachelength = (CHARACTER_CACHE_LENGTH < remainingStringLength)?CHARACTER_CACHE_LENGTH:remainingStringLength;
		stringCharCache = (unichar *)calloc(newcachelength, sizeof(unichar));
		[string getCharacters:stringCharCache range:NSMakeRange(index, newcachelength)];
		charCacheEnd = index + newcachelength - 1;
		charCacheStart = index;
	return stringCharCache[index - charCacheStart];

 * Provide a method to cleat the cache, and use it when updating the string.
- (void) clearCharCache
	if (charCacheEnd > -1) {
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	charCacheStart = 0;
- (void) deleteCharactersInRange:(NSRange)aRange
	[super deleteCharactersInRange:aRange];
	[self clearCharCache];
- (void) insertString:(NSString *)aString atIndex:(NSUInteger)anIndex
	[super insertString:aString atIndex:anIndex];
	[self clearCharCache];

/* Required and primitive methods to allow subclassing class cluster */
#pragma mark -
- (id) init {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString string] retain];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithBytes:(const void *)bytes length:(unsigned int)length encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length:length encoding:encoding];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)bytes length:(unsigned int)length encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding freeWhenDone:(BOOL)flag {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:bytes length:length encoding:encoding freeWhenDone:flag];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithCapacity:(unsigned int)capacity {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:capacity] retain];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithCharactersNoCopy:(unichar *)characters length:(unsigned int)length freeWhenDone:(BOOL)flag {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCharactersNoCopy:characters length:length freeWhenDone:flag];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithContentsOfFile:(id)path {
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return [self initWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL];
- (id) initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding error:(NSError **)error {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path encoding:encoding error:error];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithCString:(const char *)nullTerminatedCString encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCString:nullTerminatedCString encoding:encoding];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (id) initWithFormat:(NSString *)format, ... {
	va_list argList;
	va_start(argList, format);
	id str = [self initWithFormat:format arguments:argList];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return str;
- (id) initWithFormat:(NSString *)format arguments:(va_list)argList {
	if (self = [super init]) {
		string = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:argList];
	charCacheEnd = -1;
	return self;
- (unsigned int) length {
	return [string length];
- (unichar) characterAtIndex:(unsigned int)index {
	return [string characterAtIndex:index];
- (id) description {
	return [string description];
- (unsigned int) replaceOccurrencesOfString:(NSString *)target withString:(NSString *)replacement options:(unsigned)options range:(NSRange)searchRange {
	return [string replaceOccurrencesOfString:target withString:replacement options:options range:searchRange];
	[self clearCharCache];
- (void) setString:(NSString *)aString {
	[string setString:aString];
	[self clearCharCache];
- (void) replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withString:(NSString *)aString {
	[string replaceCharactersInRange:range withString:aString];
	[self clearCharCache];
- (void) dealloc {
	[string release];
	if (charCacheEnd != -1) free(stringCharCache);
	[super dealloc];