// // SPQueryController.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on Jan 30, 2009 // Copyright (c) 2009 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // More info at #import "SPQueryController.h" #import "SPConsoleMessage.h" #import "SPCustomQuery.h" #import "SPAppController.h" #import "pthread.h" #ifndef SP_CODA NSString *SPQueryConsoleWindowAutoSaveName = @"QueryConsole"; NSString *SPTableViewDateColumnID = @"messageDate"; NSString *SPTableViewConnectionColumnID = @"messageConnection"; NSString *SPTableViewDatabaseColumnID = @"messageDatabase"; static NSString *SPCompletionTokensFilename = @"CompletionTokens.plist"; static NSString *SPCompletionTokensKeywordsKey = @"core_keywords"; static NSString *SPCompletionTokensFunctionsKey = @"core_builtin_functions"; static NSString *SPCompletionTokensSnippetsKey = @"function_argument_snippets"; #endif static NSUInteger SPMessageTruncateCharacterLength = 256; @interface SPQueryController () - (void)_updateFilterState; - (void)_allowFilterClearOrSave:(NSNumber *)enabled; - (BOOL)_messageMatchesCurrentFilters:(NSString *)message; - (NSString *)_getConsoleStringWithTimeStamps:(BOOL)timeStamps connections:(BOOL)connections databases:(BOOL)databases; - (void)_addMessageToConsole:(NSString *)message connection:(NSString *)connection isError:(BOOL)error database:(NSString *)database; @end static SPQueryController *sharedQueryController = nil; @implementation SPQueryController #ifndef SP_CODA @synthesize consoleFont; #endif /** * Returns the shared query console. */ + (SPQueryController *)sharedQueryController { @synchronized(self) { if (sharedQueryController == nil) { sharedQueryController = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init]; } } return sharedQueryController; } + (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { @synchronized(self) { return [[self sharedQueryController] retain]; } return nil; } - (id)init { if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"Console"])) { #ifndef SP_CODA messagesFullSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; messagesFilteredSet = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; showSelectStatementsAreDisabled = NO; showHelpStatementsAreDisabled = NO; filterIsActive = NO; activeFilterString = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; // Weak reference to active messages set - starts off as full set messagesVisibleSet = messagesFullSet; untitledDocumentCounter = 1; numberOfMaxAllowedHistory = 100; allowConsoleUpdate = YES; favoritesContainer = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; historyContainer = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; contentFilterContainer = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; #endif completionKeywordList = nil; completionFunctionList = nil; functionArgumentSnippets = nil; #ifndef SP_CODA pthread_mutex_init(&consoleLock, NULL); #endif NSError *error = [self loadCompletionLists]; // Trigger a load of the nib to prevent problems if it's lazy-loaded on first console message // on a bckground thread [[[self onMainThread] window] displayIfNeeded]; if (error) { NSLog(@"Error loading completion tokens data: %@", [error localizedDescription]); } } return self; } /** * The following base protocol methods are implemented to ensure the singleton status of this class. */ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return self; } - (id)retain { return self; } - (NSUInteger)retainCount { return NSUIntegerMax; } - (id)autorelease { return self; } - (oneway void)release { } #pragma mark - #pragma mark QueryConsoleController /** * Copy implementation for console table view. */ - (void)copy:(id)sender { NSResponder *firstResponder = [[self window] firstResponder]; if ((firstResponder == consoleTableView) && ([consoleTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0)) { NSIndexSet *rows = [consoleTableView selectedRowIndexes]; NSString *string = [self sqlStringForRowIndexes:rows]; NSPasteboard *pasteBoard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; // Copy the string to the pasteboard [pasteBoard declareTypes:@[NSStringPboardType] owner:nil]; [pasteBoard setString:string forType:NSStringPboardType]; } } - (NSString *)sqlStringForRowIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)rows { if(![rows count]) return @""; NSMutableString *string = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; BOOL includeTimestamps = ![[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDateColumnID] isHidden]; BOOL includeConnections = ![[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewConnectionColumnID] isHidden]; BOOL includeDatabases = ![[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDatabaseColumnID] isHidden]; [rows enumerateIndexesUsingBlock:^(NSUInteger i, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) { if (i < [messagesVisibleSet count]) { SPConsoleMessage *message = NSArrayObjectAtIndex(messagesVisibleSet, i); if (includeTimestamps || includeConnections || includeDatabases) [string appendString:@"/* "]; NSDate *date = [message messageDate]; if (includeTimestamps && date) { [string appendString:[dateFormatter stringFromDate:date]]; [string appendString:@" "]; } NSString *connection = [message messageConnection]; if (includeConnections && connection) { [string appendString:connection]; [string appendString:@" "]; } NSString *database = [message messageDatabase]; if (includeDatabases && database) { [string appendString:database]; [string appendString:@" "]; } if (includeTimestamps || includeConnections || includeDatabases) [string appendString:@"*/ "]; [string appendString:[message message]]; [string appendString:@"\n"]; } }]; return [string autorelease]; } /** * Clears the console by removing all of its messages. */ - (IBAction)clearConsole:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA [messagesFullSet removeAllObjects]; [messagesFilteredSet removeAllObjects]; [consoleTableView reloadData]; #endif } /** * Presents the user with a save panel to the save the current console to a log file. */ - (IBAction)saveConsoleAs:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:@[SPFileExtensionSQL]]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; [panel setAccessoryView:saveLogView]; [panel setNameFieldStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"ConsoleLog", @"Console : Save as : Initial filename")]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode) { if (returnCode == NSOKButton) { [[self _getConsoleStringWithTimeStamps:[includeTimeStampsButton state] connections:[includeConnectionButton state] databases:[includeDatabaseButton state]] writeToFile:[[panel URL] path] atomically:YES encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]; } }]; #endif } /** * Toggles the display of the message time stamp column in the table view. */ - (IBAction)toggleShowTimeStamps:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA [[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDateColumnID] setHidden:[sender state]]; #endif } /** * Toggles the display of the message connections column in the table view. */ - (IBAction)toggleShowConnections:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA [[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewConnectionColumnID] setHidden:[sender state]]; #endif } /** * Toggles the display of the message databases column in the table view. */ - (IBAction)toggleShowDatabases:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA [[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDatabaseColumnID] setHidden:[sender state]]; #endif } /** * Toggles the hiding of messages containing SELECT and SHOW statements */ - (IBAction)toggleShowSelectShowStatements:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA // Store the state of the toggle for later quick reference showSelectStatementsAreDisabled = [sender state]; [self _updateFilterState]; #endif } /** * Toggles the hiding of messages containing HELP statements */ - (IBAction)toggleShowHelpStatements:(id)sender { #ifndef SP_CODA // Store the state of the toggle for later quick reference showHelpStatementsAreDisabled = [sender state]; [self _updateFilterState]; #endif } /** * Shows the supplied message from the supplied connection in the console. */ - (void)showMessageInConsole:(NSString *)message connection:(NSString *)connection database:(NSString *)database { #ifndef SP_CODA [self _addMessageToConsole:message connection:connection isError:NO database:database]; #endif } /** * Shows the supplied error from the supplied connection in the console. */ - (void)showErrorInConsole:(NSString *)error connection:(NSString *)connection database:(NSString *)database { #ifndef SP_CODA [self _addMessageToConsole:error connection:connection isError:YES database:database]; #endif } /** * Returns the number of messages currently in the console. */ - (NSUInteger)consoleMessageCount { #ifndef SP_CODA return [messagesFullSet count]; #else return 0; #endif } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Other /** * Called whenever the text within the search field changes. */ - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([[notification object] isEqualTo:consoleSearchField]) { // Store the state of the text filter and the current filter string for later quick reference [activeFilterString setString:[[[notification object] stringValue] lowercaseString]]; filterIsActive = [activeFilterString length] > 0; [self _updateFilterState]; } #endif } /** * This method is called as part of Key Value Observing which is used to watch for prefernce changes which effect the interface. */ - (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context { #ifndef SP_CODA // Show/hide logging disabled label if ([keyPath isEqualToString:SPConsoleEnableLogging]) { [loggingDisabledTextField setStringValue:([[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] boolValue]) ? @"" : NSLocalizedString(@"Query logging is currently disabled", @"query logging currently disabled label")]; } // Display table veiew vertical gridlines preference changed else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines]) { [consoleTableView setGridStyleMask:([[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] boolValue]) ? NSTableViewSolidVerticalGridLineMask : NSTableViewGridNone]; } // Use monospaced fonts preference changed else if ([keyPath isEqualToString:SPUseMonospacedFonts]) { BOOL useMonospacedFont = [[change objectForKey:NSKeyValueChangeNewKey] boolValue]; CGFloat monospacedFontSize = [prefs floatForKey:SPMonospacedFontSize] > 0 ? [prefs floatForKey:SPMonospacedFontSize] : [NSFont smallSystemFontSize]; for (NSTableColumn *column in [consoleTableView tableColumns]) { [[column dataCell] setFont:(useMonospacedFont) ? [NSFont fontWithName:SPDefaultMonospacedFontName size:monospacedFontSize] : [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; } [consoleTableView reloadData]; } #endif } /** * Menu item validation for console table view contextual menu. */ - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([menuItem action] == @selector(copy:)) { return ([consoleTableView numberOfSelectedRows] > 0); } // Clear console if ([menuItem action] == @selector(clearConsole:)) { return ([self consoleMessageCount] > 0); } #endif return [[self window] validateMenuItem:menuItem]; } - (BOOL)allowConsoleUpdate { #ifndef SP_CODA return allowConsoleUpdate; #else return NO; #endif } - (void)setAllowConsoleUpdate:(BOOL)allowUpdate { #ifndef SP_CODA allowConsoleUpdate = allowUpdate; if (allowUpdate && [[self window] isVisible]) [self updateEntries]; #endif } /** * Update the Query Console and scroll to its last line. */ - (void)updateEntries { #ifndef SP_CODA [consoleTableView reloadData]; [consoleTableView scrollRowToVisible:([messagesVisibleSet count] - 1)]; #endif } #ifndef SP_CODA /** * Return the AutoSaveName of the Query Console. */ - (NSString *)windowFrameAutosaveName { return SPQueryConsoleWindowAutoSaveName; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Privat API /** * Updates the filtered result set based on any filter string and whether or not * all SELECT nd SHOW statements should be shown within the console. */ - (void)_updateFilterState { #ifndef SP_CODA // Display start progress spinner [progressIndicator setHidden:NO]; [progressIndicator startAnimation:self]; // Don't allow clearing the console while filtering its content [self _allowFilterClearOrSave:@NO]; [messagesFilteredSet removeAllObjects]; // If filtering is disabled and all show/selects are shown, empty the filtered // result set and set the full set to visible. if (!filterIsActive && !showSelectStatementsAreDisabled && !showHelpStatementsAreDisabled) { messagesVisibleSet = messagesFullSet; [consoleTableView reloadData]; [consoleTableView scrollRowToVisible:([messagesVisibleSet count] - 1)]; [self _allowFilterClearOrSave:@YES]; [saveConsoleButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Save As...", @"save as button title")]; // Hide progress spinner [progressIndicator setHidden:YES]; [progressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; return; } // Cache frequently used selector, avoiding dynamic binding overhead IMP messageMatchesFilters = [self methodForSelector:@selector(_messageMatchesCurrentFilters:)]; // Loop through all the messages in the full set to determine which should be // added to the filtered set. for (SPConsoleMessage *message in messagesFullSet) { // Add a reference to the message to the filtered set if filters are active and the // current message matches them if ((messageMatchesFilters)(self, @selector(_messageMatchesCurrentFilters:), [message message])) { [messagesFilteredSet addObject:message]; } } // Ensure that the filtered set is marked as the currently visible set. messagesVisibleSet = messagesFilteredSet; [consoleTableView reloadData]; [consoleTableView scrollRowToVisible:([messagesVisibleSet count] - 1)]; if ([messagesVisibleSet count] > 0) { [self _allowFilterClearOrSave:@YES]; } [saveConsoleButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Save View As...", @"save view as button title")]; // Hide progress spinner [progressIndicator setHidden:YES]; [progressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; #endif } /** * Enable or disable console save and clear buttons */ - (void)_allowFilterClearOrSave:(NSNumber *)enabled { [saveConsoleButton setEnabled:[enabled boolValue]]; [clearConsoleButton setEnabled:[enabled boolValue]]; } /** * Checks whether the supplied message text matches the current filter text, if any, * and whether it should be hidden if the SELECT/SHOW toggle is off. */ - (BOOL)_messageMatchesCurrentFilters:(NSString *)message { BOOL messageMatchesCurrentFilters = YES; #ifndef SP_CODA // Check whether to hide the message based on the current filter text, if any if (filterIsActive && [message rangeOfString:activeFilterString options:NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location == NSNotFound) { messageMatchesCurrentFilters = NO; } // If hiding SELECTs and SHOWs is toggled to on, check whether the message is a SELECT or SHOW if (messageMatchesCurrentFilters && showSelectStatementsAreDisabled && ([[message uppercaseString] hasPrefix:@"SELECT"] || [[message uppercaseString] hasPrefix:@"SHOW"])) { messageMatchesCurrentFilters = NO; } // If hiding HELP is toggled to on, check whether the message is a HELP if (messageMatchesCurrentFilters && showHelpStatementsAreDisabled && ([[message uppercaseString] hasPrefix:@"HELP"])) { messageMatchesCurrentFilters = NO; } #endif return messageMatchesCurrentFilters; } /** * Creates and returns a string made entirely of all of the console's messages and includes the message * time stamp and connection if specified. */ - (NSString *)_getConsoleStringWithTimeStamps:(BOOL)timeStamps connections:(BOOL)connections databases:(BOOL)databases { NSMutableString *consoleString = [NSMutableString string]; #ifndef SP_CODA NSArray *messageCopy = [messagesVisibleSet copy]; for (SPConsoleMessage *message in messagesVisibleSet) { // As we are going to save the messages as an SQL file we need to comment // the timestamps and connections if included. if (timeStamps || connections) [consoleString appendString:@"/* "]; // If the timestamp column is not hidden we need to include them in the copy if (timeStamps) { [consoleString appendString:[dateFormatter stringFromDate:[message messageDate]]]; [consoleString appendString:@" "]; } // If the connection column is not hidden we need to include them in the copy if (connections) { [consoleString appendString:[message messageConnection]]; [consoleString appendString:@" "]; } if (databases && [message messageDatabase]) { [consoleString appendString:[message messageDatabase]]; [consoleString appendString:@" "]; } // Close the comment if (timeStamps || connections) [consoleString appendString:@"*/ "]; [consoleString appendFormat:@"%@\n", [message message]]; } [messageCopy release]; #endif return consoleString; } /** * Adds the supplied message to the query console. */ - (void)_addMessageToConsole:(NSString *)message connection:(NSString *)connection isError:(BOOL)error database:(NSString *)database { #ifndef SP_CODA NSString *messageTemp = [[message stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@" "]; // Only append a semi-colon (;) if the supplied message is not an error if (!error) messageTemp = [messageTemp stringByAppendingString:@";"]; SPConsoleMessage *consoleMessage = [SPConsoleMessage consoleMessageWithMessage:messageTemp date:[NSDate date] connection:connection database:database]; [consoleMessage setIsError:error]; pthread_mutex_lock(&consoleLock); [messagesFullSet addObject:consoleMessage]; // If filtering is active, determine whether to add a reference to the filtered set if ((showSelectStatementsAreDisabled || showHelpStatementsAreDisabled || filterIsActive) && [self _messageMatchesCurrentFilters:[consoleMessage message]]) { [messagesFilteredSet addObject:[messagesFullSet lastObject]]; [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_allowFilterClearOrSave:) withObject:@YES waitUntilDone:NO]; } // Reload the table and scroll to the new message if it's visible (for speed) if (allowConsoleUpdate && [[self window] isVisible]) { [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(updateEntries) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO]; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&consoleLock); #endif } #pragma mark - SPQueryControllerInitializer /** * Set the window's auto save name and initialise display. */ - (void)awakeFromNib { #ifndef SP_CODA /* init ivars */ prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; [self setWindowFrameAutosaveName:SPQueryConsoleWindowAutoSaveName]; // Show/hide table columns [[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDateColumnID] setHidden:![prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleShowTimestamps]]; [[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewConnectionColumnID] setHidden:![prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleShowConnections]]; [[consoleTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDatabaseColumnID] setHidden:![prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleShowDatabases]]; showSelectStatementsAreDisabled = ![prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleShowSelectsAndShows]; showHelpStatementsAreDisabled = ![prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleShowHelps]; [self _updateFilterState]; [loggingDisabledTextField setStringValue:([prefs boolForKey:SPConsoleEnableLogging]) ? @"" : NSLocalizedString(@"Query logging is currently disabled", @"query logging disabled label")]; // Setup data formatter dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4]; [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle]; [dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterMediumStyle]; // Set the process table view's vertical gridlines if required [consoleTableView setGridStyleMask:([prefs boolForKey:SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines]) ? NSTableViewSolidVerticalGridLineMask : NSTableViewGridNone]; // Set the strutcture and index view's font BOOL useMonospacedFont = [prefs boolForKey:SPUseMonospacedFonts]; CGFloat monospacedFontSize = [prefs floatForKey:SPMonospacedFontSize] > 0 ? [prefs floatForKey:SPMonospacedFontSize] : [NSFont smallSystemFontSize]; for (NSTableColumn *column in [consoleTableView tableColumns]) { [[column dataCell] setFont:(useMonospacedFont) ? [NSFont fontWithName:SPDefaultMonospacedFontName size:monospacedFontSize] : [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; } //allow drag-out copying of selected rows [consoleTableView setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationCopy forLocal:NO]; #endif } /** * Loads the query controller's completion tokens data. */ - (NSError *)loadCompletionLists { NSError *readError = nil; NSString *errorDescription = nil; NSString *filePath = [NSBundle pathForResource:SPCompletionTokensFilename ofType:nil inDirectory:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]; NSData *completionTokensData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath options:NSMappedRead error:&readError]; NSDictionary *completionPlist = nil; if(completionTokensData && !readError) { NSDictionary *plistDict = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:completionTokensData options:NSPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves format:NULL error:&readError]; if(plistDict && !readError) { completionPlist = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:plistDict]; } } if (completionPlist == nil || readError) { errorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Error reading '%@': %@", SPCompletionTokensFilename, readError]; } else { if ([completionPlist objectForKey:SPCompletionTokensKeywordsKey]) { completionKeywordList = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:[completionPlist objectForKey:SPCompletionTokensKeywordsKey]] retain]; } else { errorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"No '%@' array found.", SPCompletionTokensKeywordsKey]; } if ([completionPlist objectForKey:SPCompletionTokensFunctionsKey]) { completionFunctionList = [[NSArray arrayWithArray:[completionPlist objectForKey:SPCompletionTokensFunctionsKey]] retain]; } else { errorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"No '%@' array found.", SPCompletionTokensFunctionsKey]; } if ([completionPlist objectForKey:SPCompletionTokensSnippetsKey]) { functionArgumentSnippets = [[NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[completionPlist objectForKey:SPCompletionTokensSnippetsKey]] retain]; } else { errorDescription = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"No '%@' dictionary found.", SPCompletionTokensSnippetsKey]; } } return errorDescription ? [NSError errorWithDomain:NSCocoaErrorDomain code:1 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : errorDescription}] : nil; } #pragma mark - SPQueryConsoleDataSource /** * Table view delegate method. Returns the number of rows in the table veiw. */ - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)tableView { #ifndef SP_CODA return [messagesVisibleSet count]; #else return 0; #endif } /** * Table view delegate method. Returns the specific object for the requested column and row. */ - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)row { #ifndef SP_CODA NSString *returnValue = nil; NSString *identifier = [tableColumn identifier]; if (!identifier) return returnValue; id object = [[messagesVisibleSet objectAtIndex:row] valueForKey:identifier]; if ([[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:SPTableViewDateColumnID]) { returnValue = [dateFormatter stringFromDate:(NSDate *)object]; } else { if ([(NSString *)object length] > SPMessageTruncateCharacterLength) { object = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@...", [object substringToIndex:SPMessageTruncateCharacterLength]]; } returnValue = object; } if (!returnValue) return returnValue; NSMutableDictionary *stringAtributes = nil; if (consoleFont) { stringAtributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:consoleFont forKey:NSFontAttributeName]; } // If this is an error message give it a red colour if ([(SPConsoleMessage *)[messagesVisibleSet objectAtIndex:row] isError]) { if (stringAtributes) { [stringAtributes setObject:[NSColor redColor] forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; } else { stringAtributes = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:[NSColor redColor] forKey:NSForegroundColorAttributeName]; } } return [[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:returnValue attributes:stringAtributes] autorelease]; #else return nil; #endif } - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView writeRowsWithIndexes:(NSIndexSet *)rowIndexes toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { NSString *string = [self sqlStringForRowIndexes:rowIndexes]; if([string length]) { [pboard declareTypes:@[NSStringPboardType] owner:self]; return [pboard setString:string forType:NSStringPboardType]; } return NO; } #pragma mark - SPQueryDocumentsController - (NSURL *)registerDocumentWithFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL andContextInfo:(NSMutableDictionary *)contextInfo { #ifndef SP_CODA // Register a new untiled document and return its URL if (fileURL == nil) { NSURL *new = [NSURL URLWithString:[[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Untitled %ld",@"Title of a new Sequel Pro Document"), (unsigned long)untitledDocumentCounter] stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; untitledDocumentCounter++; if (![favoritesContainer objectForKey:[new absoluteString]]) { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [favoritesContainer setObject:arr forKey:[new absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } // Set the global history coming from the Prefs as default if available if (![historyContainer objectForKey:[new absoluteString]]) { if ([prefs objectForKey:SPQueryHistory]) { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [arr addObjectsFromArray:[prefs objectForKey:SPQueryHistory]]; [historyContainer setObject:arr forKey:[new absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } else { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [historyContainer setObject:[NSMutableArray array] forKey:[new absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } } // Set the doc-based content filters if (![contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[new absoluteString]]) { [contentFilterContainer setObject:[NSMutableDictionary dictionary] forKey:[new absoluteString]]; } return new; } // Register a spf file to manage all query favorites and query history items // file path based (incl. Untitled docs) in a dictionary whereby the key represents the file URL as string. if (![favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { if (contextInfo != nil && [contextInfo objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites] && [[contextInfo objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites] count]) { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [arr addObjectsFromArray:[contextInfo objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites]]; [favoritesContainer setObject:arr forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } else { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [favoritesContainer setObject:arr forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } } if (![historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { if (contextInfo != nil && [contextInfo objectForKey:SPQueryHistory] && [[contextInfo objectForKey:SPQueryHistory] count]) { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [arr addObjectsFromArray:[contextInfo objectForKey:SPQueryHistory]]; [historyContainer setObject:arr forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } else { NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [historyContainer setObject:arr forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; [arr release]; } } if (![contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { if (contextInfo != nil && [contextInfo objectForKey:SPContentFilters]) { [contentFilterContainer setObject:[contextInfo objectForKey:SPContentFilters] forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } else { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [contentFilterContainer setObject:dict forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; [dict release]; } } return fileURL; #else return nil; #endif } - (void)removeRegisteredDocumentWithFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA // Check for multiple instance of the same document. // Remove it if only one instance was registerd. NSArray *allDocs = [SPAppDelegate orderedDocuments]; NSMutableArray *allURLs = [NSMutableArray array]; for (id doc in allDocs) { if (![doc fileURL]) continue; if ([allURLs containsObject:[doc fileURL]]) { return; } else { [allURLs addObject:[doc fileURL]]; } } if ([favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { [favoritesContainer removeObjectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } if ([historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { [historyContainer removeObjectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } if ([contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { [contentFilterContainer removeObjectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } #endif } - (void)replaceContentFilterByArray:(NSArray *)contentFilterArray ofType:(NSString *)filterType forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { NSMutableDictionary *c = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [c setDictionary:[contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]]; [c setObject:contentFilterArray forKey:filterType]; [contentFilterContainer setObject:c forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; [c release]; } #endif } - (void)replaceFavoritesByArray:(NSArray *)favoritesArray forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { [favoritesContainer setObject:favoritesArray forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } #endif } /** * Remove a Query Favorite the passed file URL * * @param index The index of the to be removed favorite * * @param fileURL The NSURL of the current active SPDatabaseDocument */ - (void)removeFavoriteAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA [[favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]] removeObjectAtIndex:index]; #endif } - (void)insertFavorite:(NSDictionary *)favorite atIndex:(NSUInteger)index forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA [[favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]] insertObject:favorite atIndex:index]; #endif } - (void)replaceHistoryByArray:(NSArray *)historyArray forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { [historyContainer setObject:historyArray forKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } // Inform all opened documents to update the history list [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationOnMainThreadWithName:SPHistoryItemsHaveBeenUpdatedNotification object:self]; // User did choose to clear the global history list if (![fileURL isFileURL] && ![historyArray count]) { [prefs setObject:historyArray forKey:SPQueryHistory]; } #endif } - (void)addFavorite:(NSDictionary *)favorite forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { [[favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]] addObject:favorite]; } #endif } - (void)addHistory:(NSString *)history forFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA NSUInteger maxHistoryItems = [[prefs objectForKey:SPCustomQueryMaxHistoryItems] integerValue]; // Save each history item due to its document source if ([historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { // Remove all duplicates by using a NSPopUpButton NSPopUpButton *uniquifier = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0,0,0,0) pullsDown:YES]; [uniquifier addItemsWithTitles:[historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]]; [uniquifier insertItemWithTitle:history atIndex:0]; while ((NSUInteger)[uniquifier numberOfItems] > maxHistoryItems) { [uniquifier removeItemAtIndex:[uniquifier numberOfItems]-1]; } [self replaceHistoryByArray:[uniquifier itemTitles] forFileURL:fileURL]; [uniquifier release]; } // Save history items coming from each Untitled document in the global Preferences successively // regardingless of the source document. if (![fileURL isFileURL]) { // Remove all duplicates by using a NSPopUpButton NSPopUpButton *uniquifier = [[NSPopUpButton alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0,0,0,0) pullsDown:YES]; [uniquifier addItemsWithTitles:[prefs objectForKey:SPQueryHistory]]; [uniquifier insertItemWithTitle:history atIndex:0]; while ((NSUInteger)[uniquifier numberOfItems] > maxHistoryItems) { [uniquifier removeItemAtIndex:[uniquifier numberOfItems] - 1]; } [prefs setObject:[uniquifier itemTitles] forKey:SPQueryHistory]; [uniquifier release]; } #endif } - (NSMutableArray *)favoritesForFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { return [favoritesContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } #endif return [NSMutableArray array]; } - (NSMutableArray *)historyForFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { return [historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } #endif return [NSMutableArray array]; } - (NSArray *)historyMenuItemsForFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { NSMutableArray *returnArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[[historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]] count]]; NSMenuItem *historyMenuItem; for (NSString* history in [historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { historyMenuItem = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:([history length] > 64) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@…", [history substringToIndex:63]] : history action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""] autorelease]; [historyMenuItem setToolTip:([history length] > 256) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@…", [history substringToIndex:255]] : history]; [returnArray addObject:historyMenuItem]; } return returnArray; } #endif return @[]; } /** * Return the number of history items for the passed file URL * * @param fileURL The NSURL of the current active SPDatabaseDocument * */ - (NSUInteger)numberOfHistoryItemsForFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { return [[historyContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]] count]; } else { return 0; } #endif return 0; } /** * Return a mutable dictionary of all content filters for the passed file URL. * If no content filters were found it returns an empty mutable dictionary. * * @param fileURL The NSURL of the current active SPDatabaseDocument * */ - (NSMutableDictionary *)contentFilterForFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL { #ifndef SP_CODA if ([contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]) { return [contentFilterContainer objectForKey:[fileURL absoluteString]]; } #endif return [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; } - (NSArray *)queryFavoritesForFileURL:(NSURL *)fileURL andTabTrigger:(NSString *)tabTrigger includeGlobals:(BOOL)includeGlobals { if (![tabTrigger length]) return @[]; NSMutableArray *result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (id fav in [self favoritesForFileURL:fileURL]) { if ([fav objectForKey:@"tabtrigger"] && [[fav objectForKey:@"tabtrigger"] isEqualToString:tabTrigger]) { [result addObject:fav]; } } #ifndef SP_CODA if (includeGlobals && [prefs objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites]) { for (id fav in [prefs objectForKey:SPQueryFavorites]) { if ([fav objectForKey:@"tabtrigger"] && [[fav objectForKey:@"tabtrigger"] isEqualToString:tabTrigger]) { [result addObject:fav]; break; } } } #endif return [result autorelease]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Completion list controller /** * Return an array of all pre-defined SQL functions for completion. */ - (NSArray*)functionList { return (completionFunctionList != nil && [completionFunctionList count]) ? completionFunctionList : @[]; } /** * Return an array of all pre-defined SQL keywords for completion. */ - (NSArray*)keywordList { return (completionKeywordList != nil && [completionKeywordList count]) ? completionKeywordList : @[]; } /** * Return the parameter list as snippet of the passed SQL functions for completion. * * @param func The name of the function whose parameter list is asked for */ - (NSString*)argumentSnippetForFunction:(NSString*)func { return (functionArgumentSnippets && [functionArgumentSnippets objectForKey:[func uppercaseString]]) ? [functionArgumentSnippets objectForKey:[func uppercaseString]] : @""; } #pragma mark - - (void)dealloc { #ifndef SP_CODA messagesVisibleSet = nil; #endif [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self]; #ifndef SP_CODA SPClear(dateFormatter); SPClear(messagesFullSet); SPClear(messagesFilteredSet); SPClear(activeFilterString); SPClear(favoritesContainer); SPClear(historyContainer); SPClear(contentFilterContainer); #endif if (completionKeywordList) SPClear(completionKeywordList); if (completionFunctionList) SPClear(completionFunctionList); if (functionArgumentSnippets) SPClear(functionArgumentSnippets); #ifndef SP_CODA pthread_mutex_destroy(&consoleLock); #endif [super dealloc]; } @end