// // SPGeneralPreferencePane.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on October 29, 2010. // Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // More info at #import "SPGeneralPreferencePane.h" #import "SPFavoritesController.h" #import "SPTreeNode.h" #import "SPFavoriteNode.h" #import "SPGroupNode.h" static NSString *SPDatabaseImage = @"database-small"; @interface SPGeneralPreferencePane () - (NSArray *)_constructMenuItemsForNode:(SPTreeNode *)node atLevel:(NSUInteger)level; @end @implementation SPGeneralPreferencePane #pragma mark - #pragma mark Initialisation - (void)awakeFromNib { // Generic folder image for use in the outline view's groups folderImage = [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFileType:NSFileTypeForHFSTypeCode(kGenericFolderIcon)] retain]; [folderImage setSize:NSMakeSize(16, 16)]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark IB action methods /** * Updates the default favorite. */ - (IBAction)updateDefaultFavorite:(id)sender { for (NSMenuItem *item in [defaultFavoritePopup itemArray]) { [item setState:NSOffState]; } [sender setState:NSOnState]; [defaultFavoritePopup setTitle:[sender title]]; [prefs setBool:([defaultFavoritePopup indexOfSelectedItem] == 0) forKey:SPSelectLastFavoriteUsed]; [prefs setInteger:[sender tag] forKey:SPDefaultFavorite]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Public API /** * (Re)builds the default favorite popup button. */ - (void)updateDefaultFavoritePopup { [defaultFavoritePopup removeAllItems]; [defaultFavoritePopup addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Last Used", @"Last Used entry in favorites menu")]; [[defaultFavoritePopup menu] addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; NSArray *favorites = [[[[[SPFavoritesController sharedFavoritesController] favoritesTree] childNodes] objectAtIndex:0] childNodes]; if ([favorites count] > 0) { // Add all favorites to the menu for (SPTreeNode *node in favorites) { NSArray *items = [self _constructMenuItemsForNode:node atLevel:0]; for (NSMenuItem *item in items) { [[defaultFavoritePopup menu] addItem:item]; } } } else { [defaultFavoritePopup addItemWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"No Favorties", @"No favorites entry in favorites menu")]; [[defaultFavoritePopup itemAtIndex:2] setEnabled:NO]; } // Select the default favorite from prefs [defaultFavoritePopup selectItemWithTag:[prefs boolForKey:SPSelectLastFavoriteUsed] ? 0 : [prefs integerForKey:SPDefaultFavorite]]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private API /** * Builds a menu item and sub-menu (if required) of the supplied tree node. * * @param node The node to build the menu item for * * @return The menu item */ - (NSArray *)_constructMenuItemsForNode:(SPTreeNode *)node atLevel:(NSUInteger)level { NSMutableArray *items = [NSMutableArray array]; if ([node isGroup]) { level++; SPGroupNode *groupNode = (SPGroupNode *)[node representedObject]; NSMenuItem *groupItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[groupNode nodeName] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; NSUInteger groupLevel = level - 1; [groupItem setEnabled:NO]; [groupItem setImage:folderImage]; [groupItem setIndentationLevel:groupLevel]; [items addObject:groupItem]; [groupItem release]; for (SPTreeNode *childNode in [node childNodes]) { NSArray *innerItems = [self _constructMenuItemsForNode:childNode atLevel:level]; [items addObjectsFromArray:innerItems]; } } else { NSDictionary *favorite = [(SPFavoriteNode *)[node representedObject] nodeFavorite]; NSMenuItem *menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] action:@selector(updateDefaultFavorite:) keyEquivalent:@""]; [menuItem setTag:[[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue]]; [menuItem setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:SPDatabaseImage]]; [menuItem setIndentationLevel:level]; [menuItem setTarget:self]; [items addObject:menuItem]; [menuItem release]; } return items; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Preference pane protocol methods - (NSView *)preferencePaneView { return [self view]; } - (NSImage *)preferencePaneIcon { return [NSImage imageNamed:@"toolbar-preferences-general"]; } - (NSString *)preferencePaneName { return NSLocalizedString(@"General", @"general preference pane name"); } - (NSString *)preferencePaneIdentifier { return SPPreferenceToolbarGeneral; } - (NSString *)preferencePaneToolTip { return NSLocalizedString(@"General Preferences", @"general preference pane tooltip"); } - (BOOL)preferencePaneAllowsResizing { return NO; } #pragma mark - - (void)dealloc { [folderImage release], folderImage = nil; [super dealloc]; } @end