// // SPExportSettingsPersistence.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Max Lohrmann on 09.10.15. // Copyright (c) 2015 Max Lohrmann. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // More info at #import "SPExportSettingsPersistence.h" #import "SPExportFileNameTokenObject.h" #import "SPExportFilenameUtilities.h" #import "SPExportController+SharedPrivateAPI.h" /** * converts a ([obj state] == NSOnState) to @YES / @NO * (because doing @([obj state] == NSOnState) will result in an integer 0/1) */ static inline NSNumber *IsOn(id obj); /** * Sets the state of obj to NSOnState or NSOffState based on the value of ref */ static inline void SetOnOff(NSNumber *ref,id obj); @interface SPExportController (Private) - (void)_updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel; @end @interface SPExportController (SPExportSettingsPersistence_Private) // those methods will convert the name of a C enum constant to a NSString + (NSString *)describeExportSource:(SPExportSource)es; + (NSString *)describeExportType:(SPExportType)et; + (NSString *)describeCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)cf; + (NSString *)describeXMLExportFormat:(SPXMLExportFormat)xf; + (NSString *)describeSQLExportInsertDivider:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider)eid; // these will store the C enum constant named by NSString in dst and return YES, // if a valid mapping exists. Otherwise will just return NO and not modify dst. + (BOOL)copyExportSourceForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPExportSource *)dst; + (BOOL)copyCompressionFormatForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPFileCompressionFormat *)dst; + (BOOL)copyExportTypeForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPExportType *)dst; + (BOOL)copyXMLExportFormatForDescription:(NSString *)xfd to:(SPXMLExportFormat *)dst; + (BOOL)copySQLExportInsertDividerForDescription:(NSString *)xfd to:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider *)dst; - (NSDictionary *)exporterSettings; - (NSDictionary *)csvSettings; - (NSDictionary *)dotSettings; - (NSDictionary *)xmlSettings; - (NSDictionary *)sqlSettings; - (void)applyExporterSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applyCsvSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applyDotSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applyXmlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applySqlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (id)exporterSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)dotSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)xmlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)csvSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)sqlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyExporterSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyDotSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyXmlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyCsvSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applySqlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; @end #pragma mark - @implementation SPExportController (SPExportSettingsPersistence) #define NAMEOF(x) case x: return @#x #define VALUEOF(x,y,dst) if([y isEqualToString:@#x]) { *dst = x; return YES; } + (NSString *)describeExportSource:(SPExportSource)es { switch (es) { NAMEOF(SPFilteredExport); NAMEOF(SPQueryExport); NAMEOF(SPTableExport); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyExportSourceForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPExportSource *)dst { VALUEOF(SPFilteredExport, esd,dst); VALUEOF(SPQueryExport, esd,dst); VALUEOF(SPTableExport, esd,dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeExportType:(SPExportType)et { switch (et) { NAMEOF(SPSQLExport); NAMEOF(SPCSVExport); NAMEOF(SPXMLExport); NAMEOF(SPDotExport); NAMEOF(SPPDFExport); NAMEOF(SPHTMLExport); NAMEOF(SPExcelExport); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyExportTypeForDescription:(NSString *)etd to:(SPExportType *)dst { VALUEOF(SPSQLExport, etd, dst); VALUEOF(SPCSVExport, etd, dst); VALUEOF(SPXMLExport, etd, dst); VALUEOF(SPDotExport, etd, dst); //VALUEOF(SPPDFExport, etd, dst); //VALUEOF(SPHTMLExport, etd, dst); //VALUEOF(SPExcelExport, etd, dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)cf { switch (cf) { NAMEOF(SPNoCompression); NAMEOF(SPGzipCompression); NAMEOF(SPBzip2Compression); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyCompressionFormatForDescription:(NSString *)cfd to:(SPFileCompressionFormat *)dst { VALUEOF(SPNoCompression, cfd, dst); VALUEOF(SPGzipCompression, cfd, dst); VALUEOF(SPBzip2Compression, cfd, dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeXMLExportFormat:(SPXMLExportFormat)xf { switch (xf) { NAMEOF(SPXMLExportMySQLFormat); NAMEOF(SPXMLExportPlainFormat); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyXMLExportFormatForDescription:(NSString *)xfd to:(SPXMLExportFormat *)dst { VALUEOF(SPXMLExportMySQLFormat, xfd, dst); VALUEOF(SPXMLExportPlainFormat, xfd, dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeSQLExportInsertDivider:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider)eid { switch (eid) { NAMEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNDataBytes); NAMEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNRows); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copySQLExportInsertDividerForDescription:(NSString *)eidd to:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider *)dst { VALUEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNDataBytes, eidd, dst); VALUEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNRows, eidd, dst); return NO; } #undef NAMEOF #undef VALUEOF - (IBAction)importCurrentSettings:(id)sender { //show open file dialog NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:@[SPFileExtensionDefault]]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) { if(result != NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) return; [panel orderOut:nil]; // Panel is still on screen. Hide it first. (This is Apple's recommended way) NSError *err = nil; NSData *plist = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[panel URL] options:0 error:&err]; NSDictionary *settings = nil; if(!err) { settings = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:plist options:NSPropertyListImmutable format:NULL error:&err]; } if(!err) { [self applySettingsFromDictionary:settings error:&err]; if(!err) return; } // give an explanation for some errors if([[err domain] isEqualToString:SPErrorDomain]) { if([err code] == SPErrorWrongTypeOrNil) { NSDictionary *info = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Invalid file supplied!", @"export : import settings : file error title"), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(@"The selected file is either not a valid SPF file or severely corrupted.", @"export : import settings : file error description"), }; err = [NSError errorWithDomain:[err domain] code:[err code] userInfo:info]; } else if([err code] == SPErrorWrongContentType) { NSDictionary *info = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Wrong SPF content type!", @"export : import settings : spf content type error title"), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The selected file contains data of type “%1$@”, but type “%2$@” is needed. Please choose a different file.", @"export : import settings : spf content type error description"),[[err userInfo] objectForKey:@"isType"],[[err userInfo] objectForKey:@"expectedType"]], }; err = [NSError errorWithDomain:[err domain] code:[err code] userInfo:info]; } } NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:err]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; }]; } - (IBAction)exportCurrentSettings:(id)sender { //show save file dialog NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:@[SPFileExtensionDefault]]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:NO]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; [panel setCanCreateDirectories:YES]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode) { if(returnCode != NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) return; // Panel is still on screen. Hide it first. (This is Apple's recommended way) [panel orderOut:nil]; NSError *err = nil; NSData *plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataWithPropertyList:[self currentSettingsAsDictionary] format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 options:0 error:&err]; if(!err) { [plist writeToURL:[panel URL] options:NSAtomicWrite error:&err]; if(!err) return; } NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:err]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; }]; } - (NSArray *)currentCustomFilenameAsArray { NSArray *tokenListIn = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]; NSMutableArray *tokenListOut = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[tokenListIn count]]; for (id obj in tokenListIn) { if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [tokenListOut addObject:obj]; } else if([obj isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]) { NSDictionary *tokenProperties = @{@"tokenId": [obj tokenId]}; // in the future the dict can be used to store per-token settings [tokenListOut addObject:tokenProperties]; } else { SPLog(@"unknown object in token list: %@",obj); } } return tokenListOut; } - (void)setCustomFilenameFromArray:(NSArray *)tokenList { NSMutableArray *tokenListOut = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[tokenList count]]; NSArray *allowedTokens = [self currentAllowedExportFilenameTokens]; for (id obj in tokenList) { if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [tokenListOut addObject:obj]; } else if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { //there must be at least a non-empty tokenId that is also in the token pool NSString *tokenId = [obj objectForKey:@"tokenId"]; if([tokenId length]) { SPExportFileNameTokenObject *token = [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:tokenId]; if([allowedTokens containsObject:token]) { [tokenListOut addObject:token]; continue; } } SPLog(@"Ignoring an invalid or unknown token with tokenId=%@",tokenId); } else { SPLog(@"unknown object in import token list: %@",obj); } } [exportCustomFilenameTokenField setObjectValue:tokenListOut]; [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; } - (NSDictionary *)currentSettingsAsDictionary { NSMutableDictionary *root = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [root setObject:SPFExportSettingsContentType forKey:SPFFormatKey]; [root setObject:@1 forKey:SPFVersionKey]; [root setObject:[exportPathField stringValue] forKey:@"exportPath"]; [root setObject:[[self class] describeExportSource:exportSource] forKey:@"exportSource"]; [root setObject:[[self class] describeExportType:exportType] forKey:@"exportType"]; if([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] length] > 0) { [root setObject:[self currentCustomFilenameAsArray] forKey:@"customFilename"]; } [root setObject:[self exporterSettings] forKey:@"settings"]; if(exportSource == SPTableExport) { NSMutableDictionary *perObjectSettings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[tables count]]; for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { NSString *key = [table objectAtIndex:0]; id settings = [self exporterSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:key ofType:SPTableTypeTable]; if(settings) [perObjectSettings setObject:settings forKey:key]; } [root setObject:perObjectSettings forKey:@"schemaObjects"]; } [root setObject:IsOn(exportProcessLowMemoryButton) forKey:@"lowMemoryStreaming"]; [root setObject:[[self class] describeCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)[exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem]] forKey:@"compressionFormat"]; return root; } - (BOOL)applySettingsFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict error:(NSError **)err { //check for dict/nil if(![dict isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { if(err) { *err = [NSError errorWithDomain:SPErrorDomain code:SPErrorWrongTypeOrNil userInfo:nil]; // we don't know where data came from, so we can't provide meaningful help to the user } return NO; } //check for export settings NSString *ctype = [dict objectForKey:SPFFormatKey]; if (![SPFExportSettingsContentType isEqualToString:ctype]) { if(err) { NSDictionary *errInfo = @{ @"isType": ctype, @"expectedType": SPFExportSettingsContentType }; *err = [NSError errorWithDomain:SPErrorDomain code:SPErrorWrongContentType userInfo:errInfo]; } return NO; } //check for version NSInteger version = [[dict objectForKey:SPFVersionKey] integerValue]; if(version != 1) { if(err) { NSDictionary *errInfo = @{ @"isVersion": @(version), NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Unsupported version for export settings!", @"export : import settings : file version error title"), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The selected export settings were stored with version\u00A0%1$ld, but only settings with the following versions can be imported: %2$@.\n\nEither save the settings in a backwards compatible way or update your version of Sequel Pro.", @"export : import settings : file version error description ($1 = is version, $2 = list of supported versions); note: the u00A0 is a non-breaking space, do not add more whitespace."),version,@"1"], }; *err = [NSError errorWithDomain:SPErrorDomain code:SPErrorWrongContentVersion userInfo:errInfo]; } return NO; } //ok, we can try to import that... [exporters removeAllObjects]; [exportFiles removeAllObjects]; id o; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"exportPath"])) [exportPathField setStringValue:o]; SPExportType et; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"exportType"]) && [[self class] copyExportTypeForDescription:o to:&et]) { [exportTypeTabBar selectTabViewItemAtIndex:et]; } //exportType should be changed first, as exportSource depends on it SPExportSource es; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"exportSource"]) && [[self class] copyExportSourceForDescription:o to:&es]) { [self setExportInput:es]; //try to set it. might fail e.g. if the settings were saved with "query result" but right now no custom query result exists } // set exporter specific settings [self applyExporterSettings:[dict objectForKey:@"settings"]]; // load schema object settings if(exportSource == SPTableExport) { NSDictionary *perObjectSettings = [dict objectForKey:@"schemaObjects"]; for (NSString *table in [perObjectSettings allKeys]) { id settings = [perObjectSettings objectForKey:table]; [self applyExporterSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:table ofType:SPTableTypeTable]; } [exportTableList reloadData]; } if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"lowMemoryStreaming"])) [exportProcessLowMemoryButton setState:([o boolValue] ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; SPFileCompressionFormat cf; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"compressionFormat"]) && [[self class] copyCompressionFormatForDescription:o to:&cf]) [exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton selectItemAtIndex:cf]; // might have changed [self _updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel]; // token pool is only valid once the schema object selection is done [self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens]; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"customFilename"]) && [o isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) [self setCustomFilenameFromArray:o]; return YES; } - (NSDictionary *)exporterSettings { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self csvSettings]; case SPSQLExport: return [self sqlSettings]; case SPXMLExport: return [self xmlSettings]; case SPDotExport: return [self dotSettings]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (void)applyExporterSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self applyCsvSettings:settings]; case SPSQLExport: return [self applySqlSettings:settings]; case SPXMLExport: return [self applyXmlSettings:settings]; case SPDotExport: return [self applyDotSettings:settings]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (NSDictionary *)csvSettings { return @{ @"exportToMultipleFiles": IsOn(exportFilePerTableCheck), @"CSVIncludeFieldNames": IsOn(exportCSVIncludeFieldNamesCheck), @"CSVFieldsTerminated": [exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField stringValue], @"CSVFieldsWrapped": [exportCSVFieldsWrappedField stringValue], @"CSVLinesTerminated": [exportCSVLinesTerminatedField stringValue], @"CSVFieldsEscaped": [exportCSVFieldsEscapedField stringValue], @"CSVNULLValuesAsText": [exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue] }; } - (void)applyCsvSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"exportToMultipleFiles"])) SetOnOff(o,exportFilePerTableCheck); [self toggleNewFilePerTable:nil]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVIncludeFieldNames"])) SetOnOff(o, exportCSVIncludeFieldNamesCheck); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVFieldsTerminated"])) [exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVFieldsWrapped"])) [exportCSVFieldsWrappedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVLinesTerminated"])) [exportCSVLinesTerminatedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVFieldsEscaped"])) [exportCSVFieldsEscapedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVNULLValuesAsText"])) [exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:o]; } - (NSDictionary *)dotSettings { return @{@"DotForceLowerTableNames": IsOn(exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck)}; } - (void)applyDotSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"DotForceLowerTableNames"])) SetOnOff(o, exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck); } - (NSDictionary *)xmlSettings { return @{ @"exportToMultipleFiles": IsOn(exportFilePerTableCheck), @"XMLFormat": [[self class] describeXMLExportFormat:(SPXMLExportFormat)[exportXMLFormatPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]], @"XMLOutputIncludeStructure": IsOn(exportXMLIncludeStructure), @"XMLOutputIncludeContent": IsOn(exportXMLIncludeContent), @"XMLNULLString": [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue] }; } - (void)applyXmlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; SPXMLExportFormat xmlf; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"exportToMultipleFiles"])) SetOnOff(o, exportFilePerTableCheck); [self toggleNewFilePerTable:nil]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLFormat"]) && [[self class] copyXMLExportFormatForDescription:o to:&xmlf]) [exportXMLFormatPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:xmlf]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLOutputIncludeStructure"])) SetOnOff(o, exportXMLIncludeStructure); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLOutputIncludeContent"])) SetOnOff(o, exportXMLIncludeContent); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLNULLString"])) [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:o]; [self toggleXMLOutputFormat:exportXMLFormatPopUpButton]; } - (NSDictionary *)sqlSettings { BOOL includeStructure = ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState); NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"SQLIncludeStructure": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck), @"SQLIncludeContent": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeContentCheck), @"SQLIncludeErrors": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeErrorsCheck), @"SQLIncludeDROP": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck), @"SQLUseUTF8BOM": IsOn(exportUseUTF8BOMButton), @"SQLBLOBFieldsAsHex": IsOn(exportSQLBLOBFieldsAsHexCheck), @"SQLInsertNValue": @([exportSQLInsertNValueTextField integerValue]), @"SQLInsertDivider": [[self class] describeSQLExportInsertDivider:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider)[exportSQLInsertDividerPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]] }]; if(includeStructure) { [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:@{ @"SQLIncludeAutoIncrementValue": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton), @"SQLIncludeDropSyntax": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck) }]; } return dict; } - (void)applySqlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; SPSQLExportInsertDivider div; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeContent"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeContentCheck); [self toggleSQLIncludeContent:exportSQLIncludeContentCheck]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeDROP"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck); [self toggleSQLIncludeDropSyntax:exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeStructure"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck); [self toggleSQLIncludeStructure:exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeErrors"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeErrorsCheck); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLUseUTF8BOM"])) SetOnOff(o, exportUseUTF8BOMButton); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLBLOBFieldsAsHex"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLBLOBFieldsAsHexCheck); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLInsertNValue"])) [exportSQLInsertNValueTextField setIntegerValue:[o integerValue]]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLInsertDivider"]) && [[self class] copySQLExportInsertDividerForDescription:o to:&div]) [exportSQLInsertDividerPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:div]; if([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState) { if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeAutoIncrementValue"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeDropSyntax"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck); } } - (id)exporterSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self csvSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPSQLExport: return [self sqlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPXMLExport: return [self xmlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPDotExport: return [self dotSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (void)applyExporterSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self applyCsvSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPSQLExport: return [self applySqlSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPXMLExport: return [self applyXmlSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPDotExport: return [self applyDotSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (id)dotSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // Dot is a graph of the whole database - nothing to pick from return nil; } - (void)applyDotSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { //should never be called } - (id)xmlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // XML per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the current checkbox value... for (NSArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { return @([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]); } } } return nil; } - (void)applyXmlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // XML per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the appropriate table... for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@([settings boolValue])]; return; } } } } - (id)csvSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // CSV per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views rows to find the current checkbox value... for (NSArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { return @([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]); } } } return nil; } - (void)applyCsvSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // CSV per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the appropriate table... for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@([settings boolValue])]; return; } } } } - (id)sqlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { BOOL structure = ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL content = ([exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL drop = ([exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state] == NSOnState); // SQL allows per table setting of structure/content/drop table if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views rows to find the current checkbox value... for (NSArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { NSMutableArray *flags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:3]; if (structure && [[table objectAtIndex:1] boolValue]) { [flags addObject:@"structure"]; } if (content && [[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]) { [flags addObject:@"content"]; } if (drop && [[table objectAtIndex:3] boolValue]) { [flags addObject:@"drop"]; } return flags; } } } return nil; } - (void)applySqlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { BOOL structure = ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL content = ([exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL drop = ([exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state] == NSOnState); // SQL allows per table setting of structure/content/drop table if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the appropriate table... for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { NSArray *flags = settings; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@((structure && [flags containsObject:@"structure"]))]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@((content && [flags containsObject:@"content"]))]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:@((drop && [flags containsObject:@"drop"]))]; return; } } } } @end #pragma mark - NSNumber *IsOn(id obj) { return (([obj state] == NSOnState)? @YES : @NO); } void SetOnOff(NSNumber *ref,id obj) { [obj setState:([ref boolValue] ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; }