// $Id$
// SPExporterInitializer.m
// sequel-pro
// Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on March 31, 2010
// Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// More info at
#import "SPExportInitializer.h"
#import "SPStringAdditions.h"
#import "SPTableData.h"
#import "SPDatabaseDocument.h"
#import "SPTablesList.h"
#import "SPGrowlController.h"
#import "SPMainThreadTrampoline.h"
#import "SPDatabaseDocument.h"
#import "CustomQuery.h"
#import "SPFileHandle.h"
#import "SPAlertSheets.h"
#import "SPCSVExporter.h"
#import "SPSQLExporter.h"
#import "SPXMLExporter.h"
#import "SPDotExporter.h"
@implementation SPExportController (SPExportInitializer)
* Initializes the export process by analysing the selected criteria.
- (void)initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions
NSArray *dataArray = nil;
// Get rid of the cached connection encoding
if (sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding) [sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding release], sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding = nil;
createCustomFilename = ([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] length] > 0);
NSMutableArray *exportTables = [NSMutableArray array];
// Set whether or not we are to export to multiple files
[self setExportToMultipleFiles:[exportFilePerTableCheck state]];
// Get the data depending on the source
switch (exportSource)
case SPFilteredExport:
dataArray = [tableContentInstance currentResult];
case SPQueryExport:
dataArray = [customQueryInstance currentResult];
case SPTableExport:
// Create an array of tables to export
for (NSMutableArray *table in tables)
if (exportType == SPSQLExport) {
if ([[table objectAtIndex:1] boolValue] || [[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue] || [[table objectAtIndex:3] boolValue]) {
// Check the overall export settings
if ([[table objectAtIndex:1] boolValue] && [exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOffState)
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
if ([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue] && [exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state] == NSOffState)
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
if ([[table objectAtIndex:3] boolValue] && [exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state] == NSOffState)
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
[exportTables addObject:table];
else if (exportType == SPDotExport) {
[exportTables addObject:[table objectAtIndex:0]];
else {
if ([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]) {
[exportTables addObject:[table objectAtIndex:0]];
// Set the export type label
switch (exportType)
case SPSQLExport:
exportTypeLabel = @"SQL";
case SPCSVExport:
exportTypeLabel = @"CSV";
case SPXMLExport:
exportTypeLabel = @"XML";
case SPDotExport:
exportTypeLabel = @"Dot";
// Begin the export based on the source
switch (exportSource)
case SPFilteredExport:
case SPQueryExport:
[self exportTables:nil orDataArray:dataArray];
case SPTableExport:
[self exportTables:exportTables orDataArray:nil];
* Exports the contents of the supplied array of tables or data array.
- (void)exportTables:(NSArray *)exportTables orDataArray:(NSArray *)dataArray
NSUInteger i;
SPFileHandle *singleFileHandle = nil;
BOOL singleFileHeaderHasBeenWritten = NO;
// Change query logging mode
[tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPImportExportQueryMode];
// Start the notification timer to allow notifications to be shown even if frontmost for long queries
[[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] setVisibilityForNotificationName:@"Export Finished"];
// Reset the progress interface
[exportProgressTitle setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Exporting %@", @"text showing that the application is importing a supplied format"), exportTypeLabel]];
[exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Writing...", @"text showing that app is writing text file")];
[exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:0];
// Open the progress sheet
[NSApp beginSheet:exportProgressWindow
modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow]
// CSV export
if (exportType == SPCSVExport) {
SPCSVExporter *csvExporter = nil;
// If the user has selected to only export to a single file or this is a filtered or custom query
// export, create the single file now and assign it to all subsequently created exporters.
if ((![self exportToMultipleFiles]) || (exportSource == SPFilteredExport) || (exportSource == SPQueryExport)) {
// Create custom filename if required
if (createCustomFilename) {
[exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatFromString:[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] usingTableName:nil]];
else {
// Determine what the file name should be
switch (exportSource)
case SPFilteredExport:
[exportFilename setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_view", [tableDocumentInstance table]]];
case SPQueryExport:
[exportFilename setString:@"query_result"];
case SPTableExport:
[exportFilename setString:[tableDocumentInstance database]];
singleFileHandle = [self getFileHandleForFilePath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]];
// Start the export process depending on the data source
if (exportSource == SPTableExport) {
// Cache the number of tables being exported
exportTableCount = [exportTables count];
// Loop through the tables, creating an exporter for each
for (NSString *table in exportTables)
csvExporter = [self initializeCSVExporterForTable:table orDataArray:nil];
// If required create a single file handle for all CSV exports
if (![self exportToMultipleFiles]) {
[csvExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:singleFileHandle];
if (!singleFileHeaderHasBeenWritten) {
NSMutableString *lineEnding = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[exportCSVLinesTerminatedField stringValue]];
// Escape tabs, line endings and carriage returns
[lineEnding replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\t" withString:@"\t"
range:NSMakeRange(0, [lineEnding length])];
[lineEnding replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\n" withString:@"\n"
range:NSMakeRange(0, [lineEnding length])];
[lineEnding replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\r" withString:@"\r"
range:NSMakeRange(0, [lineEnding length])];
// Write the file header and the first table name
[singleFileHandle writeData:[[NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@ %@: %@ %@: %@%@%@%@ %@%@%@",
NSLocalizedString(@"Host", @"csv export host heading"),
[tableDocumentInstance host],
NSLocalizedString(@"Database", @"csv export database heading"),
[tableDocumentInstance database],
NSLocalizedString(@"Generation Time", @"csv export generation time heading"),
[NSDate date],
NSLocalizedString(@"Table", @"csv export table heading"),
lineEnding] dataUsingEncoding:[connection encoding]]];
singleFileHeaderHasBeenWritten = YES;
[exporters addObject:csvExporter];
else {
csvExporter = [self initializeCSVExporterForTable:nil orDataArray:dataArray];
[csvExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:singleFileHandle];
[exporters addObject:csvExporter];
// SQL export
else if (exportType == SPSQLExport) {
// Cache the number of tables being exported
exportTableCount = [exportTables count];
SPSQLExporter *sqlExporter = [[SPSQLExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[sqlExporter setSqlDatabaseHost:[tableDocumentInstance host]];
[sqlExporter setSqlDatabaseName:[tableDocumentInstance database]];
[sqlExporter setSqlDatabaseVersion:[tableDocumentInstance mySQLVersion]];
[sqlExporter setSqlOutputIncludeUTF8BOM:[exportUseUTF8BOMButton state]];
[sqlExporter setSqlOutputEncodeBLOBasHex:[exportSQLBLOBFieldsAsHexCheck state]];
[sqlExporter setSqlOutputCompressFile:[exportCompressOutputFile state]];
[sqlExporter setSqlOutputIncludeErrors:[exportSQLIncludeErrorsCheck state]];
// Set generic properties
[sqlExporter setConnection:connection];
[sqlExporter setExportOutputEncoding:[connection encoding]];
[sqlExporter setExportUsingLowMemoryBlockingStreaming:[exportProcessLowMemoryButton state]];
// Cache the current connection encoding then change it to UTF-8 to allow SQL dumps to work
sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[tableDocumentInstance connectionEncoding]];
sqlPreviousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1 = [tableDocumentInstance connectionEncodingViaLatin1:nil];
[tableDocumentInstance setConnectionEncoding:@"utf8" reloadingViews:NO];
[sqlExporter setSqlExportTables:exportTables];
// Set the exporter's max progress
[sqlExporter setExportMaxProgress:((NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width)];
// Set the progress bar's max value
[exportProgressIndicator setMaxValue:[sqlExporter exportMaxProgress]];
// Create custom filename if required
[exportFilename setString:(createCustomFilename) ? [self expandCustomFilenameFormatFromString:[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] usingTableName:nil] : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", [tableDocumentInstance database], [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%Y-%m-%d" timeZone:nil locale:nil]]];
[exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:([exportCompressOutputFile state]) ? @"sql.gz" : @"sql"]];
SPFileHandle *fileHandle = [self getFileHandleForFilePath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]];
[sqlExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:fileHandle];
[exporters addObject:sqlExporter];
[sqlExporter release];
// XML export
else if (exportType == SPXMLExport) {
SPXMLExporter *xmlExporter = nil;
// If the user has selected to only export to a single file or this is a filtered or custom query
// export, create the single file now and assign it to all subsequently created exporters.
if ((![self exportToMultipleFiles]) || (exportSource == SPFilteredExport) || (exportSource == SPQueryExport)) {
// Create custom filename if required
if (createCustomFilename) {
[exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatFromString:[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] usingTableName:nil]];
else {
// Determine what the file name should be
switch (exportSource)
case SPFilteredExport:
[exportFilename setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_view", [tableDocumentInstance table]]];
case SPQueryExport:
[exportFilename setString:@"query_result"];
case SPTableExport:
[exportFilename setString:[tableDocumentInstance database]];
[exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"xml"]];
singleFileHandle = [self getFileHandleForFilePath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]];
// Start the export process depending on the data source
if (exportSource == SPTableExport) {
// Cache the number of tables being exported
exportTableCount = [exportTables count];
// Loop through the tables, creating an exporter for each
for (NSString *table in exportTables)
xmlExporter = [self initializeXMLExporterForTable:table orDataArray:nil];
// If required create a single file handle for all XML exports
if (![self exportToMultipleFiles]) {
[xmlExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:singleFileHandle];
if (!singleFileHeaderHasBeenWritten) {
// Write the file header
[self writeXMLHeaderToFileHandle:singleFileHandle];
singleFileHeaderHasBeenWritten = YES;
[exporters addObject:xmlExporter];
else {
xmlExporter = [self initializeXMLExporterForTable:nil orDataArray:dataArray];
[xmlExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:singleFileHandle];
[exporters addObject:xmlExporter];
// Dot export
else if (exportType == SPDotExport) {
// Cache the number of tables being exported
exportTableCount = [exportTables count];
SPDotExporter *dotExporter = [[SPDotExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[dotExporter setDotTableData:tableDataInstance];
[dotExporter setDotDatabaseHost:[tableDocumentInstance host]];
[dotExporter setDotDatabaseName:[tableDocumentInstance database]];
[dotExporter setDotDatabaseVersion:[tableDocumentInstance mySQLVersion]];
// Set generic properties
[dotExporter setConnection:connection];
[dotExporter setExportOutputEncoding:[connection encoding]];
[dotExporter setExportUsingLowMemoryBlockingStreaming:[exportProcessLowMemoryButton state]];
// Cache the current connection encoding then change it to UTF-8 to allow SQL dumps to work
sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[tableDocumentInstance connectionEncoding]];
sqlPreviousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1 = [tableDocumentInstance connectionEncodingViaLatin1:nil];
[tableDocumentInstance setConnectionEncoding:@"utf8" reloadingViews:NO];
[dotExporter setDotExportTables:exportTables];
// Set the exporter's max progress
[dotExporter setExportMaxProgress:(NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width];
// Set the progress bar's max value
[exportProgressIndicator setMaxValue:[dotExporter exportMaxProgress]];
// Create custom filename if required
if (createCustomFilename) {
[exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatFromString:[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] usingTableName:nil]];
else {
[exportFilename setString:[tableDocumentInstance database]];
[exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"dot"]];
SPFileHandle *fileHandle = [self getFileHandleForFilePath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]];
[dotExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:fileHandle];
[exporters addObject:dotExporter];
[dotExporter release];
// Add the first exporter to the operation queue
[operationQueue addOperation:[exporters objectAtIndex:0]];
// Remove the exporter we just added to the operation queue from our list of exporters
// so we know it's already been done.
[exporters removeObjectAtIndex:0];
* Initialises a CSV exporter for the supplied table name or data array.
- (SPCSVExporter *)initializeCSVExporterForTable:(NSString *)table orDataArray:(NSArray *)dataArray
SPFileHandle *fileHandle = nil;
SPCSVExporter *csvExporter = [[SPCSVExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// Depeding on the export source, set the table name or data array
if (exportSource == SPTableExport) {
[csvExporter setCsvTableName:table];
else {
[csvExporter setCsvDataArray:dataArray];
[csvExporter setCsvTableData:tableDataInstance];
[csvExporter setCsvOutputFieldNames:[exportCSVIncludeFieldNamesCheck state]];
[csvExporter setCsvFieldSeparatorString:[exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField stringValue]];
[csvExporter setCsvEnclosingCharacterString:[exportCSVFieldsWrappedField stringValue]];
[csvExporter setCsvLineEndingString:[exportCSVLinesTerminatedField stringValue]];
[csvExporter setCsvEscapeString:[exportCSVFieldsEscapedField stringValue]];
[csvExporter setCsvNULLString:[exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue]];
// If required create separate files
if ([self exportToMultipleFiles]) {
if (createCustomFilename) {
// Create custom filename based on the selected format
[exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatFromString:[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] usingTableName:table]];
// If the user chose to use a custom filename format and we exporting to multiple files, make
// sure the table name is included to ensure the output files are unique.
[exportFilename setString:([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] rangeOfString:@"table" options:NSLiteralSearch].location == NSNotFound) ? [exportFilename stringByAppendingFormat:@"_%@", table] : exportFilename];
else {
[exportFilename setString:table];
fileHandle = [self getFileHandleForFilePath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]];
[csvExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:fileHandle];
// Set generic properties
[csvExporter setConnection:connection];
[csvExporter setExportOutputEncoding:[connection encoding]];
[csvExporter setExportMaxProgress:((NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width)];
[csvExporter setExportUsingLowMemoryBlockingStreaming:[exportProcessLowMemoryButton state]];
// Set the progress bar's max value
[exportProgressIndicator setMaxValue:[csvExporter exportMaxProgress]];
return [csvExporter autorelease];
* Initialises a XML exporter for the supplied table name or data array.
- (SPXMLExporter *)initializeXMLExporterForTable:(NSString *)table orDataArray:(NSArray *)dataArray
SPFileHandle *fileHandle = nil;
SPXMLExporter *xmlExporter = [[SPXMLExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
// Depeding on the export source, set the table name or data array
if (exportSource == SPTableExport) {
[xmlExporter setXmlTableName:table];
else {
[xmlExporter setXmlDataArray:dataArray];
// Regardless of the export source, set exporter's table name as it's used in the output
// of table and table content exports.
[xmlExporter setXmlTableName:[tablesListInstance tableName]];
[xmlExporter setXmlNULLString:[exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue]];
// If required create separate files
if ((exportSource == SPTableExport) && exportToMultipleFiles && (exportTableCount > 0)) {
[exportFilename setString:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:table]];
[exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"xml"]];
fileHandle = [self getFileHandleForFilePath:exportFilename];
// Write the file header
[self writeXMLHeaderToFileHandle:fileHandle];
[xmlExporter setExportOutputFileHandle:fileHandle];
// Set generic properties
[xmlExporter setConnection:connection];
[xmlExporter setExportOutputEncoding:[connection encoding]];
[xmlExporter setExportMaxProgress:((NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width)];
[xmlExporter setExportUsingLowMemoryBlockingStreaming:[exportProcessLowMemoryButton state]];
// Set the progress bar's max value
[exportProgressIndicator setMaxValue:[xmlExporter exportMaxProgress]];
return [xmlExporter autorelease];
* Writes the XML file header to the supplied file handle.
- (void)writeXMLHeaderToFileHandle:(SPFileHandle *)fileHandle
NSMutableString *header = [NSMutableString string];
[header setString:@"\n\n"];
[header appendString:@"\n\n"];
if (exportSource == SPTableExport) {
[header appendString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@>\n\n", [[tableDocumentInstance database] HTMLEscapeString]]];
[fileHandle writeData:[header dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
* Returns a file handle for writing at the supplied path.
- (SPFileHandle *)getFileHandleForFilePath:(NSString *)path
SPFileHandle *fileHandle = nil;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
if ([fileManager fileExistsAtPath:path]) {
if ((![fileManager isWritableFileAtPath:path]) || (!(fileHandle = [SPFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:path]))) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [tableDocumentInstance parentWindow], self, nil, nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't replace the file. Be sure that you have the necessary privileges.", @"message of panel when file cannot be replaced"));
return nil;
// Otherwise attempt to create a file
else {
if (![fileManager createFileAtPath:path contents:[NSData data] attributes:nil]) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [tableDocumentInstance parentWindow], self, nil, nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't write to file. Be sure that you have the necessary privileges.", @"message of panel when file cannot be written"));
return nil;
// Retrieve a filehandle for the file, attempting to delete it on failure.
fileHandle = [SPFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:path];
if (!fileHandle) {
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeFileAtPath:path handler:nil];
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Error", @"error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [tableDocumentInstance parentWindow], self, nil, nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"Couldn't write to file. Be sure that you have the necessary privileges.", @"message of panel when file cannot be written"));
return nil;
// Keep a record of the file handle's path in case the user cancels the export then we need to remove
// it from disk.
[exportFiles addObject:path];
return fileHandle;