// // SPExportController.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Ben Perry (benperry.com.au) on February 12, 2009. // Copyright (c) 2010 Ben Perry. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // More info at #import "SPExportController.h" #import "SPTablesList.h" #import "SPTableData.h" #import "SPTableContent.h" #import "SPGrowlController.h" #import "SPExportFile.h" #import "SPAlertSheets.h" #import "SPExportFileNameTokenObject.h" #import "SPDatabaseDocument.h" #import "SPThreadAdditions.h" #import "SPCustomQuery.h" #import "SPCSVExporter.h" #import "SPSQLExporter.h" #import "SPXMLExporter.h" #import "SPDotExporter.h" #import "SPConnectionControllerDelegateProtocol.h" #import "SPExporter.h" #import "SPCSVExporterProtocol.h" #import "SPSQLExporterProtocol.h" #import "SPXMLExporterProtocol.h" #import "SPDotExporterProtocol.h" #import "SPPDFExporterProtocol.h" #import "SPHTMLExporterProtocol.h" #import // Constants static const NSUInteger SPExportUIPadding = 20; static NSString * const SPTableViewStructureColumnID = @"structure"; static NSString * const SPTableViewContentColumnID = @"content"; static NSString * const SPTableViewDropColumnID = @"drop"; static const NSString *SPSQLExportStructureEnabled = @"SQLExportStructureEnabled"; static const NSString *SPSQLExportContentEnabled = @"SQLExportContentEnabled"; static const NSString *SPSQLExportDropEnabled = @"SQLExportDropEnabled"; typedef enum { SPExportErrorCancelExport = 0, SPExportErrorReplaceFiles = 1, SPExportErrorSkipErrorFiles = 2 } SPExportErrorChoice; static inline BOOL IS_TOKEN(id x); static inline BOOL IS_STRING(id x); /** * converts a ([obj state] == NSOnState) to @YES / @NO * (because doing @([obj state] == NSOnState) will result in an integer 0/1) */ static inline NSNumber *IsOn(id obj); /** * Sets the state of obj to NSOnState or NSOffState based on the value of ref */ static inline void SetOnOff(NSNumber *ref,id obj); @interface SPExportController () - (void)_switchTab; - (void)_checkForDatabaseChanges; - (void)_displayExportTypeOptions:(BOOL)display; - (void)_updateExportFormatInformation; - (void)_updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel; - (void)_toggleExportButton:(id)uiStateDict; - (void)_toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread; - (void)_toggleExportButtonWithBool:(NSNumber *)enable; - (void)_resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:(NSInteger)delta; - (void)_resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:(NSInteger)delta; - (void)_waitUntilQueueIsEmptyAfterCancelling:(id)sender; - (void)_queueIsEmptyAfterCancelling:(id)sender; #pragma mark - SPExportFileUtilitiesPrivateAPI - (void)_reopenExportSheet; #pragma mark - SPExportControllerDelegate - (NSArray *)_updateTokensForMixedContent:(NSArray *)tokens; - (void)_tokenizeCustomFilenameTokenField; #pragma mark - SPExportSettingsPersistence // those methods will convert the name of a C enum constant to a NSString + (NSString *)describeExportSource:(SPExportSource)es; + (NSString *)describeExportType:(SPExportType)et; + (NSString *)describeCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)cf; + (NSString *)describeXMLExportFormat:(SPXMLExportFormat)xf; + (NSString *)describeSQLExportInsertDivider:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider)eid; // these will store the C enum constant named by NSString in dst and return YES, // if a valid mapping exists. Otherwise will just return NO and not modify dst. + (BOOL)copyExportSourceForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPExportSource *)dst; + (BOOL)copyCompressionFormatForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPFileCompressionFormat *)dst; + (BOOL)copyExportTypeForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPExportType *)dst; + (BOOL)copyXMLExportFormatForDescription:(NSString *)xfd to:(SPXMLExportFormat *)dst; + (BOOL)copySQLExportInsertDividerForDescription:(NSString *)xfd to:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider *)dst; - (NSDictionary *)exporterSettings; - (NSDictionary *)csvSettings; - (NSDictionary *)dotSettings; - (NSDictionary *)xmlSettings; - (NSDictionary *)sqlSettings; - (void)applyExporterSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applyCsvSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applyDotSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applyXmlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (void)applySqlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings; - (id)exporterSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)dotSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)xmlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)csvSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (id)sqlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyExporterSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyDotSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyXmlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applyCsvSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; - (void)applySqlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type; #pragma mark - Shared Private - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo; - (void)_hideExportProgress; @end @implementation SPExportController @synthesize connection; @synthesize serverSupport = serverSupport; @synthesize exportToMultipleFiles; @synthesize exportCancelled; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Initialisation /** * Initializes an instance of SPExportController. */ - (id)init { if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"ExportDialog"])) { [self setExportCancelled:NO]; [self setExportToMultipleFiles:YES]; mainNibLoaded = NO; exportType = SPSQLExport; exportSource = SPTableExport; exportTableCount = 0; currentTableExportIndex = 0; exportFilename = [[NSMutableString alloc] init]; exportTypeLabel = @""; createCustomFilename = NO; previousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1 = NO; tables = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; exporters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; exportFiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; operationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; showAdvancedView = NO; showCustomFilenameView = NO; serverLowerCaseTableNameValue = NSNotFound; heightOffset1 = 0; heightOffset2 = 0; prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; localizedTokenNames = [@{ SPFileNameHostTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Host", @"export filename host token"), SPFileNameDatabaseTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Database", @"export filename database token"), SPFileNameTableTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Table", @"table"), SPFileNameDateTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Date", @"export filename date token"), SPFileNameYearTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Year", @"export filename date token"), SPFileNameMonthTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Month", @"export filename date token"), SPFileNameDayTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Day", @"export filename date token"), SPFileNameTimeTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Time", @"export filename time token"), SPFileName24HourTimeTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"24-Hour Time", @"export filename time token"), SPFileNameFavoriteTokenName: NSLocalizedString(@"Favorite", @"export filename favorite name token") } retain]; } return self; } /** * Upon awakening select the first toolbar item */ - (void)awakeFromNib { // As this controller also loads its own nib, it may call awakeFromNib multiple times; perform setup only once. if (mainNibLoaded) return; mainNibLoaded = YES; windowMinWidth = [[self window] minSize].width; windowMinHeigth = [[self window] minSize].height; // Select the 'selected tables' option [exportInputPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:SPTableExport]; // Select the SQL tab [[exportTypeTabBar tabViewItemAtIndex:0] setView:exporterView]; [exportTypeTabBar selectTabViewItemAtIndex:0]; // By default a new SQL INSERT statement should be created every 250KiB of data [exportSQLInsertNValueTextField setIntegerValue:250]; // Prevents the background colour from changing when clicked [[exportCustomFilenameViewLabelButton cell] setHighlightsBy:NSNoCellMask]; // Set the progress indicator's max value [exportProgressIndicator setMaxValue:(NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width]; // Empty the tokenizing character set for the filename field [exportCustomFilenameTokenField setTokenizingCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@""]]; // Accept Core Animation [exportOptionsTabBar wantsLayer]; [exportTablelistScrollView wantsLayer]; [exportTableListButtonBar wantsLayer]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Export methods /** * Displays the export window with the supplied tables and export type/format selected. * * @param exportTables The array of table names to be exported * @param format The export format to be used. See SPExportType constants. * @param source The source of the export. See SPExportSource constants. */ - (void)exportTables:(NSArray *)exportTables asFormat:(SPExportType)format usingSource:(SPExportSource)source { // set some defaults [exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:[prefs stringForKey:SPNullValue]]; [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:[prefs stringForKey:SPNullValue]]; if(![[exportPathField stringValue] length]) { NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSAllDomainsMask, YES); // If found the set the default path to the user's desktop, otherwise use their home directory [exportPathField setStringValue:([paths count] > 0) ? [paths objectAtIndex:0] : NSHomeDirectory()]; } // initially popuplate the tables list [self refreshTableList:nil]; // overwrite defaults with user settings from last export [self applySettingsFromDictionary:[prefs objectForKey:SPLastExportSettings] error:NULL]; // overwrite those with settings for the current export // Select the correct tab if(format != SPAnyExportType) [exportTypeTabBar selectTabViewItemAtIndex:format]; [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; [exporters removeAllObjects]; [exportFiles removeAllObjects]; // If tables were supplied, select them if (exportTables) { // Disable all tables for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@NO]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@NO]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:@NO]; } // Select the supplied tables for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { for (NSString *exportTable in exportTables) { if ([exportTable isEqualToString:[table objectAtIndex:0]]) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@YES]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@YES]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:@YES]; } } } [exportTableList reloadData]; } // Ensure interface validation [self _switchTab]; [self _updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel]; [self setExportInput:source]; [NSApp beginSheet:[self window] modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil]; } /** * Opens the errors sheet and displays the supplied errors string. * * @param errors The errors string to be displayed */ - (void)openExportErrorsSheetWithString:(NSString *)errors { [errorsTextView setString:@""]; [errorsTextView setString:errors]; [NSApp beginSheet:errorsWindow modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil]; } /** * Displays the export finished Growl notification. */ - (void)displayExportFinishedGrowlNotification { // Export finished Growl notification [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Export Finished" description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Finished exporting to %@", @"description for finished exporting growl notification"), exportFilename] document:tableDocumentInstance notificationName:@"Export Finished"]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark IB action methods /** * Opens the export dialog selecting the appropriate export type and source based on the current context. * For example, if either the table content view or custom query editor views are active and there is * data available, these options will be selected as the export source ('Filtered' or 'Query Result'). If * either of these views are not active then the default source are the currently selected tables. If no * tables are currently selected then all tables are checked. Note that in this instance the default export * type is SQL where as in the case of filtered or query result export the default type is CSV. * * @param sender The caller (can be anything or nil as it is not currently used). */ - (IBAction)export:(id)sender { SPExportType selectedExportType = SPAnyExportType; SPExportSource selectedExportSource = SPTableExport; NSArray *selectedTables = [tablesListInstance selectedTableItems]; BOOL isCustomQuerySelected = ([tableDocumentInstance isCustomQuerySelected] && ([[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 1)); BOOL isContentSelected = ([[tableDocumentInstance selectedToolbarItemIdentifier] isEqualToString:SPMainToolbarTableContent] && ([[tableContentInstance currentResult] count] > 1)); if (isContentSelected) { selectedTables = nil; selectedExportType = SPCSVExport; selectedExportSource = SPFilteredExport; } else if (isCustomQuerySelected) { selectedTables = nil; selectedExportType = SPCSVExport; selectedExportSource = SPQueryExport; } else { selectedTables = ([selectedTables count]) ? selectedTables : nil; } [self exportTables:selectedTables asFormat:selectedExportType usingSource:selectedExportSource]; } /** * Closes the export dialog. */ - (IBAction)closeSheet:(id)sender { if ([sender window] == [self window]) { // Close the advanced options view if it's open [exportAdvancedOptionsView setHidden:YES]; [exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton setState:NSOffState]; showAdvancedView = NO; // Close the customize filename view if it's open [exportCustomFilenameView setHidden:YES]; [exportCustomFilenameViewButton setState:NSOffState]; showCustomFilenameView = NO; // If open close the advanced options view and custom filename view [self _resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:0]; [self _resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:0]; } [NSApp endSheet:[sender window] returnCode:[sender tag]]; [[sender window] orderOut:self]; } - (BOOL)setExportInput:(SPExportSource)input { SPExportSource actualInput = input; // Dot will always be a TableExport if(exportType == SPDotExport) { actualInput = SPTableExport; } //check if the type actually is valid else if(![[exportInputPopUpButton itemAtIndex:input] isEnabled]) { //...no, pick a valid one instead for (NSMenuItem *item in [exportInputPopUpButton itemArray]) { if([item isEnabled]) { actualInput = [exportInputPopUpButton indexOfItem:item]; goto set_input; } } // nothing found (should not happen) SPLog(@"did not find any valid export input!?"); return NO; } set_input: exportSource = actualInput; [exportInputPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:exportSource]; BOOL isSelectedTables = (exportSource == SPTableExport); [exportFilePerTableCheck setHidden:(!isSelectedTables) || (exportType == SPSQLExport)]; [exportTableList setEnabled:isSelectedTables]; [exportSelectAllTablesButton setEnabled:isSelectedTables]; [exportDeselectAllTablesButton setEnabled:isSelectedTables]; [exportRefreshTablesButton setEnabled:isSelectedTables]; [self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens]; // will also update the filename itself return (actualInput == input); } /** * Enables/disables and shows/hides various interface controls depending on the selected item. */ - (IBAction)switchInput:(id)sender { [self setExportInput:(SPExportSource)[exportInputPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]]; } /** * Cancel's the export operation by stopping the current table export loop and marking any current SPExporter * NSOperation subclasses as cancelled. */ - (IBAction)cancelExport:(id)sender { [self setExportCancelled:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; [exportProgressTitle setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancelling...", @"cancelling task status message")]; [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Cleaning up...", @"cancelling export cleaning up message")]; // Disable the cancel button [sender setEnabled:NO]; // Cancel all of the currently running operations [operationQueue cancelAllOperations]; // async call [NSThread detachNewThreadWithName:SPCtxt(@"SPExportController cancelExport: waiting for empty queue", tableDocumentInstance) target:self selector:@selector(_waitUntilQueueIsEmptyAfterCancelling:) object:sender]; } - (void)_waitUntilQueueIsEmptyAfterCancelling:(id)sender { [sender retain]; [operationQueue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished]; [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_queueIsEmptyAfterCancelling:) withObject:sender waitUntilDone:NO]; [sender release]; } - (void)_queueIsEmptyAfterCancelling:(id)sender { // Loop the cached export file paths and remove them from disk if they exist for (SPExportFile *file in exportFiles) { [file delete]; } [self _hideExportProgress]; // Restore the connection encoding to it's pre-export value [tableDocumentInstance setConnectionEncoding:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", previousConnectionEncoding, (previousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1) ? @"-" : @""] reloadingViews:NO]; // Re-enable the cancel button for future exports [sender setEnabled:YES]; // Finally get rid of all the exporters and files [exportFiles removeAllObjects]; [exporters removeAllObjects]; } - (void)_hideExportProgress { // Close the progress sheet [NSApp endSheet:exportProgressWindow returnCode:0]; [exportProgressWindow orderOut:self]; // Stop the progress indicator [exportProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO]; } /** * Opens the open panel when user selects to change the output path. */ - (IBAction)changeExportOutputPath:(id)sender { NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [panel setCanChooseFiles:NO]; [panel setCanChooseDirectories:YES]; [panel setCanCreateDirectories:YES]; [panel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[exportPathField stringValue]]]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode) { if (returnCode == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) { NSString *path = [[panel directoryURL] path]; if(!path) { @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"File panel ended with OK, but returned nil for path!? directoryURL=%@,isFileURL=%d",[panel directoryURL],[[panel directoryURL] isFileURL]] userInfo:nil]; } [exportPathField setStringValue:path]; } }]; } /** * Refreshes the table list. */ - (IBAction)refreshTableList:(id)sender { NSMutableDictionary *tableDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // Before refreshing the list, preserve the user's table selection, but only if it was triggered by the UI. if (sender) { for (NSMutableArray *item in tables) { [tableDict setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects: [item objectAtIndex:1], [item objectAtIndex:2], [item objectAtIndex:3], [item objectAtIndex:4], nil] forKey:[item objectAtIndex:0]]; } } [tables removeAllObjects]; // For all modes, retrieve table and view names { NSArray *tablesAndViews = [tablesListInstance allTableAndViewNames]; for (id itemName in tablesAndViews) { [tables addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: itemName, @YES, @YES, @YES, [NSNumber numberWithInt:SPTableTypeTable], nil]]; } } // The purpose of this extra { } is to limit visibility and thus catch copy&paste errors // For SQL only, add procedures and functions if (exportType == SPSQLExport) { // Procedures { NSArray *procedures = [tablesListInstance allProcedureNames]; for (id procName in procedures) { [tables addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: procName, @YES, @YES, @YES, [NSNumber numberWithInt:SPTableTypeProc], nil]]; } } // Functions { NSArray *functions = [tablesListInstance allFunctionNames]; for (id funcName in functions) { [tables addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: funcName, @YES, @YES, @YES, [NSNumber numberWithInt:SPTableTypeFunc], nil]]; } } } if (sender) { // Restore the user's table selection for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [tables count]; i++) { NSMutableArray *oldSelection = [tableDict objectForKey:[[tables objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0]]; if (oldSelection) { NSMutableArray *newItem = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:oldSelection]; [newItem insertObject:[[tables objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0] atIndex:0]; [tables replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:newItem]; [newItem release]; } } } [exportTableList reloadData]; [tableDict release]; } /** * Selects or de-selects all tables. */ - (IBAction)selectDeselectAllTables:(id)sender { BOOL toggleStructure = NO; BOOL toggleDropTable = NO; [self refreshTableList:nil]; // Determine whether the structure and drop items should also be toggled if (exportType == SPSQLExport) { if ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state]) toggleStructure = YES; if ([exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state]) toggleDropTable = YES; } for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if (toggleStructure) [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[sender tag]]]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[sender tag]]]; if (toggleDropTable) [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[sender tag]]]; } [exportTableList reloadData]; [self _updateExportFormatInformation]; [self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread]; } /** * Updates the default filename extenstion based on the selected output compression format. */ - (IBAction)changeExportCompressionFormat:(id)sender { [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; } /** * Toggles the state of the custom filename format token fields. */ - (IBAction)toggleCustomFilenameFormatView:(id)sender { showCustomFilenameView = (!showCustomFilenameView); [exportCustomFilenameViewButton setState:showCustomFilenameView]; [exportFilenameDividerBox setHidden:showCustomFilenameView]; [exportCustomFilenameView setHidden:(!showCustomFilenameView)]; [self _resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:(showCustomFilenameView) ? [exportCustomFilenameView frame].size.height : 0]; } /** * Toggles the options available depending on the selected XML output format. */ - (IBAction)toggleXMLOutputFormat:(id)sender { if ([sender indexOfSelectedItem] == SPXMLExportMySQLFormat) { [exportXMLIncludeStructure setEnabled:YES]; [exportXMLIncludeContent setEnabled:YES]; [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setEnabled:NO]; } else if ([sender indexOfSelectedItem] == SPXMLExportPlainFormat) { [exportXMLIncludeStructure setEnabled:NO]; [exportXMLIncludeContent setEnabled:NO]; [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setEnabled:YES]; } } /** * Toggles the display of the advanced options box. */ - (IBAction)toggleAdvancedExportOptionsView:(id)sender { showAdvancedView = (!showAdvancedView); [exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton setState:showAdvancedView]; [exportAdvancedOptionsView setHidden:(!showAdvancedView)]; [self _updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel]; [self _resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:(showAdvancedView) ? ([exportAdvancedOptionsView frame].size.height + 10) : 0]; } /** * Toggles the export button when choosing to include or table structures in an SQL export. */ - (IBAction)toggleSQLIncludeStructure:(NSButton *)sender { if (![sender state]) { [exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck setState:NSOffState]; } [exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck setEnabled:[sender state]]; [exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton setEnabled:[sender state]]; [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDropColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])]; [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewStructureColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])]; [self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread]; } /** * Toggles the export button when choosing to include or exclude table contents in an SQL export. */ - (IBAction)toggleSQLIncludeContent:(NSButton *)sender { [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewContentColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])]; [self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread]; } /** * Toggles the export button when choosing to include or exclude table drop syntax in an SQL export. */ - (IBAction)toggleSQLIncludeDropSyntax:(NSButton *)sender { [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDropColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])]; [self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread]; } /** * Toggles whether XML and CSV files should be combined into a single file. */ - (IBAction)toggleNewFilePerTable:(NSButton *)sender { [self _updateExportFormatInformation]; [self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens]; } /** * Opens the export sheet, selecting custom query as the export source. */ - (IBAction)exportCustomQueryResultAsFormat:(id)sender { [self exportTables:nil asFormat:[sender tag] usingSource:SPQueryExport]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Other /** * Invoked when the user dismisses the export dialog. Starts the export process if required. */ - (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { // Perform the export if (returnCode == NSOKButton) { [prefs setObject:[self currentSettingsAsDictionary] forKey:SPLastExportSettings]; // If we are about to perform a table export, cache the current number of tables within the list, // refresh the list and then compare the numbers to accommodate situations where new tables are // added by external applications. if ((exportSource == SPTableExport) && (exportType != SPDotExport)) { // Give the export sheet a chance to close [self performSelector:@selector(_checkForDatabaseChanges) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5]; } else { // Initialize the export after a short delay to give the alert a chance to close [self performSelector:@selector(initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5]; } } } - (void)tableListChangedAlertDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { // Perform the export ignoring the new tables if (returnCode == NSOKButton) { // Initialize the export after a short delay to give the alert a chance to close [self performSelector:@selector(initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5]; } else { // Cancel the export and redisplay the export dialog after a short delay [self performSelector:@selector(export:) withObject:self afterDelay:0.5]; } } /** * Menu item validation. */ - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { if ([menuItem action] == @selector(exportCustomQueryResultAsFormat:)) { return (([customQueryInstance currentResultRowCount] > 0) && (![tableDocumentInstance isProcessing])); } return YES; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private API /** * Changes the selected export format and updates the UI accordingly. */ - (void)_switchTab { // Selected export format NSString *type = [[[exportTypeTabBar selectedTabViewItem] identifier] lowercaseString]; // Determine the export type exportType = [exportTypeTabBar indexOfTabViewItemWithIdentifier:type]; // Determine what data to use (filtered result, custom query result or selected table(s)) for the export operation exportSource = (exportType == SPDotExport) ? SPTableExport : [exportInputPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]; [exportOptionsTabBar selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:type]; BOOL isSQL = (exportType == SPSQLExport); BOOL isCSV = (exportType == SPCSVExport); BOOL isXML = (exportType == SPXMLExport); //BOOL isHTML = (exportType == SPHTMLExport); //BOOL isPDF = (exportType == SPPDFExport); BOOL isDot = (exportType == SPDotExport); BOOL enable = (isCSV || isXML /* || isHTML || isPDF */ || isDot); [exportFilePerTableCheck setHidden:(isSQL || isDot)]; [exportTableList setEnabled:(!isDot)]; [exportSelectAllTablesButton setEnabled:(!isDot)]; [exportDeselectAllTablesButton setEnabled:(!isDot)]; [exportRefreshTablesButton setEnabled:(!isDot)]; [[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPTableExport] setEnabled:(!isDot)]; [exportInputPopUpButton setEnabled:(!isDot)]; // When exporting to SQL, only the selected tables option should be enabled if (isSQL) { // Programmatically changing the selected item of a popup button does not fire it's action, so update // the selected export source manually. exportSource = SPTableExport; [exportInputPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:SPTableExport]; [[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPFilteredExport] setEnabled:NO]; [[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPQueryExport] setEnabled:NO]; } else { // Enable/disable the 'filtered result' and 'query result' options // Note that the result count check is always greater than one as the first row is always the field names [[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPFilteredExport] setEnabled:((enable) && ([[tableContentInstance currentResult] count] > 1))]; [[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPQueryExport] setEnabled:((enable) && ([[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 1))]; } [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewStructureColumnID] setHidden:(isSQL) ? (![exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state]) : YES]; [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDropColumnID] setHidden:(isSQL) ? (![exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state]) : YES]; [[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewContentColumnID] headerCell] setStringValue:(enable) ? @"" : @"C"]; // Set the tooltip [[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewContentColumnID] setHeaderToolTip:(enable) ? @"" : NSLocalizedString(@"Include content", @"include content table column tooltip")]; // When switching to Dot export, ensure the server's lower_case_table_names value is checked the first time // to set the export's link case sensitivity setting if (isDot && serverLowerCaseTableNameValue == NSNotFound) { SPMySQLResult *caseResult = [connection queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'"]; [caseResult setReturnDataAsStrings:YES]; if ([caseResult numberOfRows] == 1) { serverLowerCaseTableNameValue = [[[caseResult getRowAsDictionary] objectForKey:@"Value"] integerValue]; } else { serverLowerCaseTableNameValue = 0; } [exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck setState:(serverLowerCaseTableNameValue == 0)?NSOffState:NSOnState]; } [self _displayExportTypeOptions:(isSQL || isCSV || isXML || isDot)]; [self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens]; [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; [self _updateExportFormatInformation]; } /** * Checks for changes in the current database, by refreshing the table list and warning the user if required. */ - (void)_checkForDatabaseChanges { NSUInteger i = [tables count]; [tablesListInstance updateTables:self]; NSUInteger j = [[tablesListInstance allTableAndViewNames] count]; // If this is an SQL export, include procs and functions if (exportType == SPSQLExport) { j += ([[tablesListInstance allProcedureNames] count] + [[tablesListInstance allFunctionNames] count]); } if (j > i) { NSUInteger diff = j - i; SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"The list of tables has changed", @"table list change alert message"), NSLocalizedString(@"Continue", @"continue button"), NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button"), nil, [tableDocumentInstance parentWindow], self, @selector(tableListChangedAlertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:), NULL, [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The number of tables in this database has changed since the export dialog was opened. There are now %d additional table(s), most likely added by an external application.\n\nHow would you like to proceed?", @"table list change alert informative message"), diff]); } else { [self initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions]; } } /** * Toggles the display of the export type options view. * * @param display A BOOL indicating whether or not the view should be visible */ - (void)_displayExportTypeOptions:(BOOL)display { NSRect windowFrame = [[exportTablelistScrollView window] frame]; NSRect viewFrame = [exportTablelistScrollView frame]; NSRect barFrame = [exportTableListButtonBar frame]; NSUInteger padding = (2 * SPExportUIPadding); CGFloat width = (!display) ? (windowFrame.size.width - (padding + 2)) : (windowFrame.size.width - ([exportOptionsTabBar frame].size.width + (padding + 4))); [NSAnimationContext beginGrouping]; [[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:0.3]; [[exportOptionsTabBar animator] setHidden:(!display)]; [[exportTablelistScrollView animator] setFrame:NSMakeRect(viewFrame.origin.x, viewFrame.origin.y, width, viewFrame.size.height)]; [[exportTableListButtonBar animator] setFrame:NSMakeRect(barFrame.origin.x, barFrame.origin.y, width, barFrame.size.height)]; [NSAnimationContext endGrouping]; } /** * Updates the information note in the window based on the current export settings. */ - (void)_updateExportFormatInformation { NSString *noteText = @""; // If the selected format is XML, Dot, or multiple tables in one CSV file, display a warning note. switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: if ([exportFilePerTableCheck state]) break; NSUInteger numberOfTables = 0; for (NSMutableArray *eachTable in tables) { if ([[eachTable objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]) numberOfTables++; } if (numberOfTables <= 1) break; case SPXMLExport: case SPDotExport: noteText = NSLocalizedString(@"Import of the selected data is currently not supported.", @"Export file format cannot be imported warning"); break; default: break; } [exportFormatInfoText setStringValue:noteText]; } /** * Update the export advanced options label to show a summary if the options are hidden. */ - (void)_updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel { if (showAdvancedView) { [exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Advanced", @"Advanced options short title")]; return; } NSMutableArray *optionsSummary = [NSMutableArray array]; if ([exportProcessLowMemoryButton state]) { [optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Low memory", @"Low memory export summary")]; } else { [optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Standard memory", @"Standard memory export summary")]; } if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPNoCompression) { [optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"no compression", @"No compression export summary - within a sentence")]; } else if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPGzipCompression) { [optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Gzip compression", @"Gzip compression export summary - within a sentence")]; } else if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPBzip2Compression) { [optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"bzip2 compression", @"bzip2 compression export summary - within a sentence")]; } [exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", NSLocalizedString(@"Advanced", @"Advanced options short title"), [optionsSummary componentsJoinedByString:@", "]]]; } /** * Enables or disables the export button based on the state of various interface controls. * * @param uiStateDict A dictionary containing the state of various UI controls. */ - (void)_toggleExportButton:(id)uiStateDict { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; BOOL enable = NO; BOOL isSQL = (exportType == SPSQLExport); BOOL isCSV = (exportType == SPCSVExport); BOOL isXML = (exportType == SPXMLExport); BOOL isHTML = (exportType == SPHTMLExport); BOOL isPDF = (exportType == SPPDFExport); BOOL structureEnabled = [[uiStateDict objectForKey:SPSQLExportStructureEnabled] boolValue]; BOOL contentEnabled = [[uiStateDict objectForKey:SPSQLExportContentEnabled] boolValue]; BOOL dropEnabled = [[uiStateDict objectForKey:SPSQLExportDropEnabled] boolValue]; if (isCSV || isXML || isHTML || isPDF || (isSQL && ((!structureEnabled) || (!dropEnabled)))) { enable = NO; // Only enable the button if at least one table is selected for (NSArray *table in tables) { if ([NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 2) boolValue]) { enable = YES; break; } } } else if (isSQL) { // Disable if all are unchecked if ((!contentEnabled) && (!structureEnabled) && (!dropEnabled)) { enable = NO; } // If they are all checked, check to see if any of the tables are checked else if (contentEnabled && structureEnabled && dropEnabled) { // Only enable the button if at least one table is selected for (NSArray *table in tables) { if ([NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 1) boolValue] || [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 2) boolValue] || [NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 3) boolValue]) { enable = YES; break; } } } // Disable if structure is unchecked, but content and drop are as dropping a // table then trying to insert into it is obviously an error. else if (contentEnabled && (!structureEnabled) && (dropEnabled)) { enable = NO; } else { enable = (contentEnabled || (structureEnabled || dropEnabled)); } } [self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_toggleExportButtonWithBool:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:enable] waitUntilDone:NO]; [pool release]; } /** * Calls the above method on a background thread to determine whether or not the export button should be enabled. */ - (void)_toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread { NSMutableDictionary *uiStateDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [uiStateDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state]] forKey:SPSQLExportStructureEnabled]; [uiStateDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state]] forKey:SPSQLExportContentEnabled]; [uiStateDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state]] forKey:SPSQLExportDropEnabled]; [NSThread detachNewThreadWithName:SPCtxt(@"SPExportController export button updater",tableDocumentInstance) target:self selector:@selector(_toggleExportButton:) object:uiStateDict]; [uiStateDict release]; } /** * Enables or disables the export button based on the supplied number (boolean). * * @param enable A boolean indicating the state. */ - (void)_toggleExportButtonWithBool:(NSNumber *)enable { [exportButton setEnabled:[enable boolValue]]; } #pragma mark - SPExportInitializer /** * Starts the export process by placing the first exporter on the operation queue. Also opens the progress * sheet if it's not already visible. */ - (void)startExport { // Start progress indicator [exportProgressTitle setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Exporting %@", @"text showing that the application is importing a supplied format"), exportTypeLabel]]; [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Writing...", @"text showing that app is writing text file")]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:NO]; [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:0]; // If it's not already displayed, open the progress sheet if (![exportProgressWindow isVisible]) { [NSApp beginSheet:exportProgressWindow modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; } // cache the current connection encoding so the exporter can do what it wants. previousConnectionEncoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:[connection encoding]]; previousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1 = [connection encodingUsesLatin1Transport]; // Add the first exporter to the operation queue [operationQueue addOperation:[exporters objectAtIndex:0]]; // Remove the exporter we just added to the operation queue from our list of exporters // so we know it's already been done. [exporters removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } /** * @see _queueIsEmptyAfterCancelling: */ - (void)exportEnded { [self _hideExportProgress]; // Restore query mode [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPInterfaceQueryMode]; // Display Growl notification [self displayExportFinishedGrowlNotification]; // Restore the connection encoding to it's pre-export value [tableDocumentInstance setConnectionEncoding:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", previousConnectionEncoding, (previousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1) ? @"-" : @""] reloadingViews:NO]; } /** * Initializes the export process by analysing the selected criteria. */ - (void)initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions { NSArray *dataArray = nil; // Get rid of the cached connection encoding if (previousConnectionEncoding) SPClear(previousConnectionEncoding); createCustomFilename = ([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] length] > 0); NSMutableArray *exportTables = [NSMutableArray array]; // Set whether or not we are to export to multiple files [self setExportToMultipleFiles:[exportFilePerTableCheck state]]; // Get the data depending on the source switch (exportSource) { case SPFilteredExport: dataArray = [tableContentInstance currentDataResultWithNULLs:YES hideBLOBs:NO]; break; case SPQueryExport: dataArray = [customQueryInstance currentDataResultWithNULLs:YES truncateDataFields:NO]; break; case SPTableExport: // Create an array of tables to export for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if (exportType == SPSQLExport) { if ([[table objectAtIndex:1] boolValue] || [[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue] || [[table objectAtIndex:3] boolValue]) { // Check the overall export settings if ([[table objectAtIndex:1] boolValue] && (![exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state])) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@NO]; } if ([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue] && (![exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state])) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@NO]; } if ([[table objectAtIndex:3] boolValue] && (![exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state])) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:@NO]; } [exportTables addObject:table]; } } else if (exportType == SPDotExport) { [exportTables addObject:[table objectAtIndex:0]]; } else { if ([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]) { [exportTables addObject:[table objectAtIndex:0]]; } } } break; } // Set the export type label switch (exportType) { case SPSQLExport: exportTypeLabel = @"SQL"; break; case SPCSVExport: exportTypeLabel = @"CSV"; break; case SPXMLExport: exportTypeLabel = @"XML"; break; case SPDotExport: exportTypeLabel = @"Dot"; break; case SPPDFExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPExcelExport: default: [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"unsupported exportType=%lu",exportType]; return; } // Begin the export based on the source switch (exportSource) { case SPFilteredExport: case SPQueryExport: [self exportTables:nil orDataArray:dataArray]; break; case SPTableExport: [self exportTables:exportTables orDataArray:nil]; break; } } /** * Exports the contents of the supplied array of tables or data array. * * Note that at least one of these parameters must not be nil. * * @param exportTables An array of table/view names to be exported (can be nil). * @param dataArray A MySQL result set array to be exported (can be nil). */ - (void)exportTables:(NSArray *)exportTables orDataArray:(NSArray *)dataArray { BOOL singleFileHandleSet = NO; SPExportFile *singleExportFile = nil, *file = nil; // Change query logging mode [tableDocumentInstance setQueryMode:SPImportExportQueryMode]; // Start the notification timer to allow notifications to be shown even if frontmost for long queries [[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] setVisibilityForNotificationName:@"Export Finished"]; // Setup the progress sheet [exportProgressTitle setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Exporting %@", @"text showing that the application is importing a supplied format"), exportTypeLabel]]; [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Initializing...", @"initializing export label")]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; // Open the progress sheet [NSApp beginSheet:exportProgressWindow modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil]; // CSV export if (exportType == SPCSVExport) { SPCSVExporter *csvExporter = nil; // If the user has selected to only export to a single file or this is a filtered or custom query // export, create the single file now and assign it to all subsequently created exporters. if ((![self exportToMultipleFiles]) || (exportSource == SPFilteredExport) || (exportSource == SPQueryExport)) { NSString *selectedTableName = nil; if (exportSource == SPTableExport && [exportTables count] == 1) selectedTableName = [exportTables objectAtIndex:0]; [exportFilename setString:createCustomFilename ? [self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:selectedTableName] : [self generateDefaultExportFilename]]; // Only append the extension if necessary if (![[exportFilename pathExtension] length]) { [exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:[self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]]]; } singleExportFile = [SPExportFile exportFileAtPath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]]; } // Start the export process depending on the data source if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { // Cache the number of tables being exported exportTableCount = [exportTables count]; // Loop through the tables, creating an exporter for each for (NSString *table in exportTables) { csvExporter = [self initializeCSVExporterForTable:table orDataArray:nil]; // If required create a single file handle for all CSV exports if (![self exportToMultipleFiles]) { if (!singleFileHandleSet) { [singleExportFile setExportFileNeedsCSVHeader:YES]; [exportFiles addObject:singleExportFile]; singleFileHandleSet = YES; } [csvExporter setExportOutputFile:singleExportFile]; } [exporters addObject:csvExporter]; } } else { csvExporter = [self initializeCSVExporterForTable:nil orDataArray:dataArray]; [exportFiles addObject:singleExportFile]; [csvExporter setExportOutputFile:singleExportFile]; [exporters addObject:csvExporter]; } } // SQL export else if (exportType == SPSQLExport) { // Cache the number of tables being exported exportTableCount = [exportTables count]; SPSQLExporter *sqlExporter = [[SPSQLExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; [sqlExporter setSqlDatabaseHost:[tableDocumentInstance host]]; [sqlExporter setSqlDatabaseName:[tableDocumentInstance database]]; [sqlExporter setSqlDatabaseVersion:[tableDocumentInstance mySQLVersion]]; [sqlExporter setSqlOutputIncludeUTF8BOM:[exportUseUTF8BOMButton state]]; [sqlExporter setSqlOutputEncodeBLOBasHex:[exportSQLBLOBFieldsAsHexCheck state]]; [sqlExporter setSqlOutputIncludeErrors:[exportSQLIncludeErrorsCheck state]]; [sqlExporter setSqlOutputIncludeAutoIncrement:([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] && [exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton state])]; [sqlExporter setSqlInsertAfterNValue:[exportSQLInsertNValueTextField integerValue]]; [sqlExporter setSqlInsertDivider:[exportSQLInsertDividerPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]]; [sqlExporter setSqlExportTables:exportTables]; // Create custom filename if required NSString *selectedTableName = (exportSource == SPTableExport && [exportTables count] == 1)? [[exportTables objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:0] : nil; [exportFilename setString:(createCustomFilename) ? [self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:selectedTableName] : [self generateDefaultExportFilename]]; // Only append the extension if necessary if (![[exportFilename pathExtension] length]) { [exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:[self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]]]; } file = [SPExportFile exportFileAtPath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]]; [exportFiles addObject:file]; [sqlExporter setExportOutputFile:file]; [exporters addObject:sqlExporter]; [sqlExporter release]; } // XML export else if (exportType == SPXMLExport) { SPXMLExporter *xmlExporter = nil; // If the user has selected to only export to a single file or this is a filtered or custom query // export, create the single file now and assign it to all subsequently created exporters. if ((![self exportToMultipleFiles]) || (exportSource == SPFilteredExport) || (exportSource == SPQueryExport)) { NSString *selectedTableName = nil; if (exportSource == SPTableExport && [exportTables count] == 1) selectedTableName = [exportTables objectAtIndex:0]; [exportFilename setString:(createCustomFilename) ? [self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:selectedTableName] : [self generateDefaultExportFilename]]; // Only append the extension if necessary if (![[exportFilename pathExtension] length]) { [exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:[self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]]]; } singleExportFile = [SPExportFile exportFileAtPath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]]; } // Start the export process depending on the data source if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { // Cache the number of tables being exported exportTableCount = [exportTables count]; // Loop through the tables, creating an exporter for each for (NSString *table in exportTables) { xmlExporter = [self initializeXMLExporterForTable:table orDataArray:nil]; // If required create a single file handle for all XML exports if (![self exportToMultipleFiles]) { if (!singleFileHandleSet) { [singleExportFile setExportFileNeedsXMLHeader:YES]; [exportFiles addObject:singleExportFile]; singleFileHandleSet = YES; } [xmlExporter setExportOutputFile:singleExportFile]; } [exporters addObject:xmlExporter]; } } else { xmlExporter = [self initializeXMLExporterForTable:nil orDataArray:dataArray]; [singleExportFile setExportFileNeedsXMLHeader:YES]; [exportFiles addObject:singleExportFile]; [xmlExporter setExportOutputFile:singleExportFile]; [exporters addObject:xmlExporter]; } } // Dot export else if (exportType == SPDotExport) { // Cache the number of tables being exported exportTableCount = [exportTables count]; SPDotExporter *dotExporter = [[SPDotExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; [dotExporter setDotTableData:tableDataInstance]; [dotExporter setDotForceLowerTableNames:[exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck state]]; [dotExporter setDotDatabaseHost:[tableDocumentInstance host]]; [dotExporter setDotDatabaseName:[tableDocumentInstance database]]; [dotExporter setDotDatabaseVersion:[tableDocumentInstance mySQLVersion]]; [dotExporter setDotExportTables:exportTables]; // Create custom filename if required if (createCustomFilename) { [exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:nil]]; } else { [exportFilename setString:[tableDocumentInstance database]]; } // Only append the extension if necessary if (![[exportFilename pathExtension] length]) { [exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:[self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]]]; } file = [SPExportFile exportFileAtPath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]]; [exportFiles addObject:file]; [dotExporter setExportOutputFile:file]; [exporters addObject:dotExporter]; [dotExporter release]; } // For each of the created exporters, set their generic properties for (SPExporter *exporter in exporters) { [exporter setConnection:connection]; [exporter setServerSupport:[self serverSupport]]; [exporter setExportOutputEncoding:[connection stringEncoding]]; [exporter setExportMaxProgress:(NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width]; [exporter setExportUsingLowMemoryBlockingStreaming:([exportProcessLowMemoryButton state] == NSOnState)]; [exporter setExportOutputCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)[exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem]]; [exporter setExportOutputCompressFile:([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] != SPNoCompression)]; } NSMutableArray *problemFiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // Create the actual file handles while dealing with errors (e.g. file already exists, etc) during creation for (SPExportFile *exportFile in exportFiles) { if ([exportFile createExportFileHandle:NO] == SPExportFileHandleCreated) { [exportFile setCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)[exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem]]; if ([exportFile exportFileNeedsCSVHeader]) { [self writeCSVHeaderToExportFile:exportFile]; } else if ([exportFile exportFileNeedsXMLHeader]) { [self writeXMLHeaderToExportFile:exportFile]; } } else { [problemFiles addObject:exportFile]; } } // Deal with any file handles that we failed to create for whatever reason if ([problemFiles count] > 0) { [self errorCreatingExportFileHandles:problemFiles]; } else { [self startExport]; } [problemFiles release]; } /** * Initialises a CSV exporter for the supplied table name or data array. * * @param table The table name for which the exporter should be cerated for (can be nil). * @param dataArray The MySQL result data array for which the exporter should be created for (can be nil). */ - (SPCSVExporter *)initializeCSVExporterForTable:(NSString *)table orDataArray:(NSArray *)dataArray { SPCSVExporter *csvExporter = [[SPCSVExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; // Depeding on the export source, set the table name or data array if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { [csvExporter setCsvTableName:table]; } else { [csvExporter setCsvDataArray:dataArray]; } [csvExporter setCsvTableData:tableDataInstance]; [csvExporter setCsvOutputFieldNames:[exportCSVIncludeFieldNamesCheck state]]; [csvExporter setCsvFieldSeparatorString:[exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField stringValue]]; [csvExporter setCsvEnclosingCharacterString:[exportCSVFieldsWrappedField stringValue]]; [csvExporter setCsvLineEndingString:[exportCSVLinesTerminatedField stringValue]]; [csvExporter setCsvEscapeString:[exportCSVFieldsEscapedField stringValue]]; [csvExporter setCsvNULLString:[exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue]]; // If required create separate files if (exportSource == SPTableExport && [self exportToMultipleFiles]) { if (createCustomFilename) { // Create custom filename based on the selected format [exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:table]]; // If the user chose to use a custom filename format and we exporting to multiple files, make // sure the table name is included to ensure the output files are unique. if (exportTableCount > 1) { BOOL tableNameInTokens = NO; NSArray *representedObjects = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]; for (id representedObject in representedObjects) { if ([representedObject isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]] && [[representedObject tokenId] isEqualToString:SPFileNameTableTokenName]) tableNameInTokens = YES; } [exportFilename setString:(tableNameInTokens ? exportFilename : [exportFilename stringByAppendingFormat:@"_%@", table])]; } } else { [exportFilename setString:(dataArray) ? [tableDocumentInstance database] : table]; } // Only append the extension if necessary if (![[exportFilename pathExtension] length]) { [exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:[self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]]]; } SPExportFile *file = [SPExportFile exportFileAtPath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]]; [exportFiles addObject:file]; [csvExporter setExportOutputFile:file]; } return [csvExporter autorelease]; } /** * Initialises a XML exporter for the supplied table name or data array. * * @param table The table name for which the exporter should be cerated for (can be nil). * @param dataArray The MySQL result data array for which the exporter should be created for (can be nil). */ - (SPXMLExporter *)initializeXMLExporterForTable:(NSString *)table orDataArray:(NSArray *)dataArray { SPXMLExporter *xmlExporter = [[SPXMLExporter alloc] initWithDelegate:self]; // if required set the data array if (exportSource != SPTableExport) { [xmlExporter setXmlDataArray:dataArray]; } // Regardless of the export source, set exporter's table name as it's used in the output // of table and table content exports. [xmlExporter setXmlTableName:table]; [xmlExporter setXmlFormat:[exportXMLFormatPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]]; [xmlExporter setXmlOutputIncludeStructure:[exportXMLIncludeStructure state]]; [xmlExporter setXmlOutputIncludeContent:[exportXMLIncludeContent state]]; [xmlExporter setXmlNULLString:[exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue]]; // If required create separate files if ((exportSource == SPTableExport) && exportToMultipleFiles && (exportTableCount > 0)) { if (createCustomFilename) { // Create custom filename based on the selected format [exportFilename setString:[self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:table]]; // If the user chose to use a custom filename format and we exporting to multiple files, make // sure the table name is included to ensure the output files are unique. if (exportTableCount > 1) { BOOL tableNameInTokens = NO; NSArray *representedObjects = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]; for (id representedObject in representedObjects) { if ([representedObject isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]] && [[representedObject tokenId] isEqualToString:SPFileNameTableTokenName]) tableNameInTokens = YES; } [exportFilename setString:(tableNameInTokens ? exportFilename : [exportFilename stringByAppendingFormat:@"_%@", table])]; } } else { [exportFilename setString:(dataArray) ? [tableDocumentInstance database] : table]; } // Only append the extension if necessary if (![[exportFilename pathExtension] length]) { [exportFilename setString:[exportFilename stringByAppendingPathExtension:[self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]]]; } SPExportFile *file = [SPExportFile exportFileAtPath:[[exportPathField stringValue] stringByAppendingPathComponent:exportFilename]]; [file setExportFileNeedsXMLHeader:YES]; [exportFiles addObject:file]; [xmlExporter setExportOutputFile:file]; } return [xmlExporter autorelease]; } #pragma mark - SPExportFileUtilitiesPrivateAPI /** * Writes the CSV file header to the supplied export file. * * @param file The export file to write the header to. */ - (void)writeCSVHeaderToExportFile:(SPExportFile *)file { NSMutableString *lineEnding = [NSMutableString stringWithString:[exportCSVLinesTerminatedField stringValue]]; // Escape tabs, line endings and carriage returns [lineEnding replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\t" withString:@"\t" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [lineEnding length])]; [lineEnding replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\n" withString:@"\n" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [lineEnding length])]; [lineEnding replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"\\r" withString:@"\r" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [lineEnding length])]; // Write the file header and the first table name [file writeData:[[NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%@: %@ %@: %@ %@: %@%@%@%@ %@%@%@", NSLocalizedString(@"Host", @"export header host label"), [tableDocumentInstance host], NSLocalizedString(@"Database", @"export header database label"), [tableDocumentInstance database], NSLocalizedString(@"Generation Time", @"export header generation time label"), [NSDate date], lineEnding, lineEnding, NSLocalizedString(@"Table", @"csv export table heading"), [[tables objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:0], lineEnding, lineEnding] dataUsingEncoding:[connection stringEncoding]]]; } /** * Writes the XML file header to the supplied export file. * * @param file The export file to write the header to. */ - (void)writeXMLHeaderToExportFile:(SPExportFile *)file { NSMutableString *header = [NSMutableString string]; [header setString:@"\n\n"]; [header appendString:@"\n\n"]; if ([exportXMLFormatPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPXMLExportMySQLFormat) { NSString *tag; if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { tag = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n\n\n", [tableDocumentInstance database]]; } else { tag = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n\n", (exportSource == SPFilteredExport) ? [tableContentInstance usedQuery] : [customQueryInstance usedQuery]]; } [header appendString:tag]; } else { [header appendFormat:@"<%@>\n\n", [[tableDocumentInstance database] HTMLEscapeString]]; } [file writeData:[header dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; } /** * Indicates that one or more errors occurred while attempting to create the export file handles. Asks the * user how to proceed. * * @param files An array of export files (SPExportFile) that failed to be created. */ - (void)errorCreatingExportFileHandles:(NSArray *)files { // We don't know where "files" came from, but we know 2 things: // - NSAlert will NOT retain it as contextInfo // - This method continues execution after [alert beginSheet:...], thus even if files was retained before, it could be released before the alert ends [files retain]; // Get the number of files that already exist as well as couldn't be created because of other reasons NSUInteger filesAlreadyExisting = 0; NSUInteger parentFoldersMissing = 0; NSUInteger parentFoldersNotWritable = 0; NSUInteger filesFailed = 0; for (SPExportFile *file in files) { if ([file exportFileHandleStatus] == SPExportFileHandleExists) { filesAlreadyExisting++; } // For file handles that we failed to create for some unknown reason, ignore them and remove any // exporters that are associated with them. else if ([file exportFileHandleStatus] == SPExportFileHandleFailed) { filesFailed++; NSMutableArray *exportersToRemove = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; for (SPExporter *exporter in exporters) { if ([[exporter exportOutputFile] isEqualTo:file]) { [exportersToRemove addObject:exporter]; } } [exporters removeObjectsInArray:exportersToRemove]; [exportersToRemove release]; // Check the parent folder to see if it still is present BOOL parentIsFolder = NO; if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[[[file exportFilePath] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByExpandingTildeInPath] isDirectory:&parentIsFolder] || !parentIsFolder) { parentFoldersMissing++; } else if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] isWritableFileAtPath:[[[file exportFilePath] stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] stringByExpandingTildeInPath]]) { parentFoldersNotWritable++; } } } NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; // If files failed because they already existed, show a OS-like dialog. if (filesAlreadyExisting) { // Set up a string for use if files had to be skipped. NSString *additionalErrors = filesFailed ? NSLocalizedString(@"\n\n(In addition, one or more errors occurred while attempting to create the export files: %lu could not be created. These files will be ignored.)", @"Additional export file errors") : @""; if (filesAlreadyExisting == 1) { [alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"“%@” already exists. Do you want to replace it?", @"Export file already exists message"), [[[files objectAtIndex:0] exportFilePath] lastPathComponent]]]; [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", NSLocalizedString(@"A file with the same name already exists in the target folder. Replacing it will overwrite its current contents.", @"Export file already exists explanatory text"), additionalErrors]]; } else if (filesAlreadyExisting == [exportFiles count]) { [alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"All the export files already exist. Do you want to replace them?", @"All export files already exist message")]]; [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", NSLocalizedString(@"Files with the same names already exist in the target folder. Replacing them will overwrite their current contents.", @"All export files already exist explanatory text"), additionalErrors]]; } else { [alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%lu files already exist. Do you want to replace them?", @"Export file already exists message"), filesAlreadyExisting]]; [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@", [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%lu files with the same names already exist in the target folder. Replacing them will overwrite their current contents.", @"Some export files already exist explanatory text"), filesAlreadyExisting], additionalErrors]]; } [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Replace", @"Replace button")]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:0] setTag:SPExportErrorReplaceFiles]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:0] setKeyEquivalent:@"r"]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:0] setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSCommandKeyMask]; [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button")]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:1] setTag:SPExportErrorCancelExport]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:1] setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"]; if ((filesAlreadyExisting + filesFailed) != [exportFiles count]) { [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Skip existing", @"skip existing button")]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:2] setTag:SPExportErrorSkipErrorFiles]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:2] setKeyEquivalent:@"s"]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:2] setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSCommandKeyMask]; } } // If one or multiple files failed, but only due to unhandled errors, show a short dialog else { if (filesFailed == 1) { [alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"“%@” could not be created", @"Export file creation error title"), [[[files objectAtIndex:0] exportFilePath] lastPathComponent]]]; if (parentFoldersMissing) { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The target export folder no longer exists. Please select a new export location and try again.", @"Export folder missing explanatory text")]; } else if (parentFoldersNotWritable) { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The target export folder is not writable. Please select a new export location and try again.", @"Export folder not writable explanatory text")]; } else { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"An unhandled error occurred when attempting to create the export file. Please check the details and try again.", @"Export file creation error explanatory text")]; } } else if (filesFailed == [exportFiles count]) { [alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"No files could be created", @"All export files creation error title")]]; if (parentFoldersMissing == [exportFiles count]) { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"The target export folder no longer exists. Please select a new export location and try again.", @"Export folder missing explanatory text")]; } else if (parentFoldersMissing) { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"Some of the target export folders no longer exist. Please select a new export location and try again.", @"Some export folders missing explanatory text")]; } else if (parentFoldersNotWritable) { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"Some of the target export folders are not writable. Please select a new export location and try again.", @"Some export folders not writable explanatory text")]; } else { [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"An unhandled error occurred when attempting to create each of the export files. Please check the details and try again.", @"All export files creation error explanatory text")]; } } else { [alert setMessageText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%lu files could not be created", @"Export files creation error title"), filesFailed]]; if (parentFoldersMissing) { [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%lu of the export files could not be created because their target export folder no longer exists; please select a new export location and try again.", @"Export folder missing for some files explanatory text"), parentFoldersMissing]]; } else if (parentFoldersNotWritable) { [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%lu of the export files could not be created because their target export folder is not writable; please select a new export location and try again.", @"Export folder not writable for some files explanatory text"), parentFoldersNotWritable]]; } else { [alert setInformativeText:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"An unhandled error occurred when attempting to create %lu of the export files. Please check the details and try again.", @"Export files creation error explanatory text"), filesFailed]]; } } [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button")]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:0] setTag:SPExportErrorCancelExport]; if (filesFailed != [exportFiles count]) { [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Skip problems", @"skip problems button")]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:1] setTag:SPExportErrorSkipErrorFiles]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:1] setKeyEquivalent:@"s"]; [[[alert buttons] objectAtIndex:1] setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSCommandKeyMask]; } } [self _hideExportProgress]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(alertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:files]; [alert autorelease]; } /** * NSAlert didEnd method. */ - (void)alertDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { NSArray *files = (NSArray *)contextInfo; // Ignore the files that exist and remove the associated exporters if (returnCode == SPExportErrorSkipErrorFiles) { for (SPExportFile *file in files) { // Use a numerically controlled loop to avoid mutating the collection while enumerating NSUInteger i; for (i = 0; i < [exporters count]; i++) { SPExporter *exporter = [exporters objectAtIndex:i]; if ([[exporter exportOutputFile] isEqualTo:file]) { [exporters removeObjectAtIndex:i]; i--; } } } [files release]; // If we're now left with no exporters, cancel the export operation if ([exporters count] == 0) { [exportFiles removeAllObjects]; // Trigger restoration of the export interface [self performSelector:@selector(_reopenExportSheet) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1]; } else { // Start the export after a short delay to give this sheet a chance to close [self performSelector:@selector(startExport) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1]; } } // Overwrite the files and continue else if (returnCode == SPExportErrorReplaceFiles) { for (SPExportFile *file in files) { if ([file exportFileHandleStatus] == SPExportFileHandleExists) { if ([file createExportFileHandle:YES] == SPExportFileHandleCreated) { [file setCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)[exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem]]; if ([file exportFileNeedsCSVHeader]) { [self writeCSVHeaderToExportFile:file]; } else if ([file exportFileNeedsXMLHeader]) { [self writeXMLHeaderToExportFile:file]; } } } } [files release]; // Start the export after a short delay to give this sheet a chance to close [self performSelector:@selector(startExport) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1]; } // Cancel the entire export operation else if (returnCode == SPExportErrorCancelExport) { // Loop the cached export files and remove those we've already created for (SPExportFile *file in exportFiles) { [file delete]; } [files release]; // Finally get rid of all the exporters and files [exportFiles removeAllObjects]; [exporters removeAllObjects]; // Trigger restoration of the export interface [self performSelector:@selector(_reopenExportSheet) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1]; } } /** * Re-open the export sheet without resetting the interface - for use on error. */ - (void)_reopenExportSheet { [NSApp beginSheet:[self window] modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil]; } #pragma mark - SPExportFilenameUtilities /** * Updates the displayed export filename, either custom or default. */ - (void)updateDisplayedExportFilename { NSString *filename = @""; if ([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] length] > 0) { // Get the current export file extension NSString *extension = [self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]; //note that there will be no tableName if the export is done from a query result without a database selected (or empty). filename = [self expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:[[tablesListInstance tables] objectOrNilAtIndex:1]]; if (![[self customFilenamePathExtension] length] && [extension length] > 0) filename = [filename stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension]; } else { filename = [self generateDefaultExportFilename]; } [exportCustomFilenameViewLabelButton setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Customize Filename (%@)", @"customize file name label"), filename]]; } - (NSString *)customFilenamePathExtension { NSMutableString *flatted = [NSMutableString string]; // This time we replace every token with "/a". This has the following effect: // "{host}.{database}" -> "/a./a" -> extension="" // "{database}_{date}.sql" -> "/a_/a.sql" -> extension="sql" // That seems to be the easiest way to let NSString correctly determine if an extension is present for (id filenamePart in [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]) { if([filenamePart isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) [flatted appendString:filenamePart]; else if([filenamePart isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]) [flatted appendString:@"/a"]; else [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"unknown object in token list: %@",filenamePart]; } return [flatted pathExtension]; } - (BOOL)isTableTokenAllowed { NSUInteger i = 0; BOOL removeTable = NO; BOOL isSQL = exportType == SPSQLExport; BOOL isCSV = exportType == SPCSVExport; BOOL isDot = exportType == SPDotExport; BOOL isXML = exportType == SPXMLExport; // Determine whether to remove the table from the tokens list if (exportSource == SPQueryExport || isDot) { removeTable = YES; } else if (isSQL || isCSV || isXML) { for (NSArray *table in tables) { if ([NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 2) boolValue]) { i++; if (i == 2) break; } } if (i > 1) { removeTable = isSQL ? YES : ![exportFilePerTableCheck state]; } } return (removeTable == NO); } /** * Updates the available export filename tokens based on the currently selected options. */ - (void)updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens { SPExportFileNameTokenObject *tableObject; NSMutableArray *exportTokens = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects: [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameDatabaseTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameHostTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameDateTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameYearTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameMonthTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameDayTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameTimeTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileName24HourTimeTokenName], [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameFavoriteTokenName], (tableObject = [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:SPFileNameTableTokenName]), nil ]; if (![self isTableTokenAllowed]) { [exportTokens removeObject:tableObject]; NSArray *tokenParts = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]; for (id token in tokenParts) { if([token isEqual:tableObject]) { NSMutableArray *newTokens = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:tokenParts]; [newTokens removeObject:tableObject]; //removes all occurances [exportCustomFilenameTokenField setObjectValue:newTokens]; break; } } } [exportCustomFilenameTokenPool setObjectValue:exportTokens]; //update preview name as programmatically changing the exportCustomFilenameTokenField does not fire a notification [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; } - (NSArray *)currentAllowedExportFilenameTokens { NSArray *mixed = [exportCustomFilenameTokenPool objectValue]; NSMutableArray *tokens = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[mixed count]]; // ...or less for (id obj in mixed) { if([obj isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]) [tokens addObject:obj]; } return tokens; } /** * Generates the default export filename based on the selected export options. * * @return The default filename. */ - (NSString *)generateDefaultExportFilename { NSString *filename = @""; NSString *extension = [self currentDefaultExportFileExtension]; // Determine what the file name should be switch (exportSource) { case SPFilteredExport: filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_view", [tableDocumentInstance table]]; break; case SPQueryExport: filename = @"query_result"; break; case SPTableExport: filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@_%@", [tableDocumentInstance database], [[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%Y-%m-%d" timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; break; } return ([extension length] > 0) ? [filename stringByAppendingPathExtension:extension] : filename; } /** * Returns the current default export file extension based on the selected export type. * * @return The default filename extension. */ - (NSString *)currentDefaultExportFileExtension { NSString *extension = @""; switch (exportType) { case SPSQLExport: extension = SPFileExtensionSQL; break; case SPCSVExport: // If the tab character (\t) is selected as the feild separator return the extension as .tsv extension = ([exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField indexOfSelectedItem] == 2) ? @"tsv" : @"csv"; break; case SPXMLExport: extension = @"xml"; break; case SPDotExport: extension = @"dot"; break; case SPPDFExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPExcelExport: default: [NSException raise:NSInvalidArgumentException format:@"unsupported exportType=%lu",exportType]; return nil; } if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] != SPNoCompression) { SPFileCompressionFormat compressionFormat = (SPFileCompressionFormat)[exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem]; if ([extension length] > 0) { extension = [extension stringByAppendingPathExtension:(compressionFormat == SPGzipCompression) ? @"gz" : @"bz2"]; } else { extension = (compressionFormat == SPGzipCompression) ? @"gz" : @"bz2"; } } return extension; } /** * Expands the custom filename format based on the selected tokens. * Uses the current custom filename field as a data source. * * @param table A table name to be used within the expanded filename. * Can be nil. * * @return The expanded filename. */ - (NSString *)expandCustomFilenameFormatUsingTableName:(NSString *)table { NSMutableString *string = [NSMutableString string]; NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4]; // Walk through the token field, appending token replacements or strings NSArray *representedFilenameParts = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]; for (id filenamePart in representedFilenameParts) { if ([filenamePart isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]) { NSString *tokenContent = [filenamePart tokenId]; if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameHostTokenName]) { [string appendStringOrNil:[tableDocumentInstance host]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameDatabaseTokenName]) { [string appendStringOrNil:[tableDocumentInstance database]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameTableTokenName]) { [string appendStringOrNil:table]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameDateTokenName]) { [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle]; [dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle]; [string appendString:[dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameYearTokenName]) { [string appendString:[[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%Y" timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameMonthTokenName]) { [string appendString:[[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%m" timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameDayTokenName]) { [string appendString:[[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%d" timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameTimeTokenName]) { [dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle]; [dateFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle]; [string appendString:[dateFormatter stringFromDate:[NSDate date]]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileName24HourTimeTokenName]) { [string appendString:[[NSDate date] descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%H:%M:%S" timeZone:nil locale:nil]]; } else if ([tokenContent isEqualToString:SPFileNameFavoriteTokenName]) { [string appendStringOrNil:[tableDocumentInstance name]]; } } else { [string appendString:filenamePart]; } } // Replace colons with hyphens [string replaceOccurrencesOfString:@":" withString:@"-" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])]; // Replace forward slashes with hyphens [string replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"/" withString:@"-" options:NSLiteralSearch range:NSMakeRange(0, [string length])]; [dateFormatter release]; // Don't allow empty strings - if an empty string resulted, revert to the default string if (![string length]) [string setString:[self generateDefaultExportFilename]]; return string; } #pragma mark - SPExportInterfaceController /** * Resizes the export window's height by the supplied delta, while retaining the position of * all interface controls to accommodate the custom filename view. * * @param delta The height delta for which the height should be adjusted for. */ - (void)_resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:(NSInteger)delta { NSUInteger popUpMask = [exportInputPopUpButton autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger fileCheckMask = [exportFilePerTableCheck autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger scrollMask = [exportTablelistScrollView autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger buttonBarMask = [exportTableListButtonBar autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger buttonMask = [exportCustomFilenameViewButton autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger textFieldMask = [exportCustomFilenameViewLabelButton autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger customFilenameViewMask = [exportCustomFilenameView autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger tabBarMask = [exportOptionsTabBar autoresizingMask]; NSRect frame = [[self window] frame]; if (frame.size.height > 600 && delta > heightOffset1) { frame.origin.y += [exportCustomFilenameView frame].size.height; frame.size.height -= [exportCustomFilenameView frame].size.height; [[self window] setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES]; } [exportInputPopUpButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [exportFilePerTableCheck setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [exportTablelistScrollView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [exportTableListButtonBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [exportOptionsTabBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMaxYMargin]; [exportCustomFilenameViewButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportCustomFilenameViewLabelButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportCustomFilenameView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; NSInteger newMinHeight = (windowMinHeigth - heightOffset1 + delta < windowMinHeigth) ? windowMinHeigth : windowMinHeigth - heightOffset1 + delta; [[self window] setMinSize:NSMakeSize(windowMinWidth, newMinHeight)]; frame.origin.y += heightOffset1; frame.size.height -= heightOffset1; heightOffset1 = delta; frame.origin.y -= heightOffset1; frame.size.height += heightOffset1; [[self window] setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES]; [exportInputPopUpButton setAutoresizingMask:popUpMask]; [exportFilePerTableCheck setAutoresizingMask:fileCheckMask]; [exportTablelistScrollView setAutoresizingMask:scrollMask]; [exportTableListButtonBar setAutoresizingMask:buttonBarMask]; [exportCustomFilenameViewButton setAutoresizingMask:buttonMask]; [exportCustomFilenameViewLabelButton setAutoresizingMask:textFieldMask]; [exportCustomFilenameView setAutoresizingMask:customFilenameViewMask]; [exportOptionsTabBar setAutoresizingMask:tabBarMask]; } /** * Resizes the export window's height by the supplied delta, while retaining the position of * all interface controls to accommodate the advanced options view. * * @param delta The height delta for which the height should be adjusted for. */ - (void)_resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:(NSInteger)delta { NSUInteger scrollMask = [exportTablelistScrollView autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger buttonBarMask = [exportTableListButtonBar autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger tabBarMask = [exportTypeTabBar autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger optionsTabBarMask = [exportOptionsTabBar autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger buttonMask = [exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger textFieldMask = [exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton autoresizingMask]; NSUInteger advancedViewMask = [exportAdvancedOptionsView autoresizingMask]; NSRect frame = [[self window] frame]; if (frame.size.height > 600 && delta > heightOffset2) { frame.origin.y += [exportAdvancedOptionsView frame].size.height; frame.size.height -= [exportAdvancedOptionsView frame].size.height; [[self window] setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES]; } [exportTablelistScrollView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportTableListButtonBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportTypeTabBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportOptionsTabBar setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; [exportAdvancedOptionsView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewNotSizable | NSViewMinYMargin]; NSInteger newMinHeight = (windowMinHeigth - heightOffset2 + delta < windowMinHeigth) ? windowMinHeigth : windowMinHeigth - heightOffset2 + delta; [[self window] setMinSize:NSMakeSize(windowMinWidth, newMinHeight)]; frame.origin.y += heightOffset2; frame.size.height -= heightOffset2; heightOffset2 = delta; frame.origin.y -= heightOffset2; frame.size.height += heightOffset2; [[self window] setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES]; [exportTablelistScrollView setAutoresizingMask:scrollMask]; [exportTableListButtonBar setAutoresizingMask:buttonBarMask]; [exportTypeTabBar setAutoresizingMask:tabBarMask]; [exportOptionsTabBar setAutoresizingMask:optionsTabBarMask]; [exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton setAutoresizingMask:buttonMask]; [exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton setAutoresizingMask:textFieldMask]; [exportAdvancedOptionsView setAutoresizingMask:advancedViewMask]; } #pragma mark - SPExportControllerDelegate #pragma mark Table view datasource methods - (NSInteger)numberOfRowsInTableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView; { return [tables count]; } - (id)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView objectValueForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex { return NSArrayObjectAtIndex([tables objectAtIndex:rowIndex], [exportTableList columnWithIdentifier:[tableColumn identifier]]); } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView setObjectValue:(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex { [[tables objectAtIndex:rowIndex] replaceObjectAtIndex:[exportTableList columnWithIdentifier:[tableColumn identifier]] withObject:anObject]; [self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens]; [self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread]; [self _updateExportFormatInformation]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Table view delegate methods - (BOOL)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView shouldTrackCell:(NSCell *)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex { return (tableView == exportTableList); } - (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)tableView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex { [cell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Tabview delegate methods - (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView didSelectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem { [tabViewItem setView:exporterView]; [self _switchTab]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Token field delegate methods /** * Use the default token style for matched tokens, plain text for all other text. */ - (NSTokenStyle)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField styleForRepresentedObject:(id)representedObject { if (IS_TOKEN(representedObject)) return NSDefaultTokenStyle; return NSPlainTextTokenStyle; } - (BOOL)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField writeRepresentedObjects:(NSArray *)objects toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { NSMutableArray *mixed = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[objects count]]; NSMutableString *flatted = [NSMutableString string]; for(id item in objects) { if(IS_TOKEN(item)) { [mixed addObject:@{@"tokenId": [item tokenId]}]; [flatted appendFormat:@"{%@}",[item tokenId]]; } else if(IS_STRING(item)) { [mixed addObject:item]; [flatted appendString:item]; } else { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"tokenField %@ contains unexpected object %@",tokenField,item]; } } [pboard setString:flatted forType:NSPasteboardTypeString]; [pboard setPropertyList:mixed forType:SPExportCustomFileNameTokenPlistType]; return YES; } - (NSArray *)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField readFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { NSArray *items = [pboard propertyListForType:SPExportCustomFileNameTokenPlistType]; // if we have our preferred object type use it if(items) { NSMutableArray *res = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[items count]]; for (id item in items) { if (IS_STRING(item)) { [res addObject:item]; } else if([item isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { NSString *name = [item objectForKey:@"tokenId"]; if(name) { SPExportFileNameTokenObject *tok = [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:name]; [res addObject:tok]; } } else { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"pasteboard %@ contains unexpected object %@",pboard,item]; } } return res; } // if the string came from another app, paste it literal, tokenfield will take care of any conversions NSString *raw = [pboard stringForType:NSPasteboardTypeString]; if(raw) { return @[[raw stringByReplacingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet] withString:@" "]]; } return nil; } /** * Take the default suggestion of new tokens - all untokenized text, as no tokenizing character is set - and * split/recombine strings that contain tokens. This preserves all supplied characters and allows tokens to be typed. */ - (NSArray *)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField shouldAddObjects:(NSArray *)tokens atIndex:(NSUInteger)index { return [self _updateTokensForMixedContent:tokens]; } - (NSString *)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField displayStringForRepresentedObject:(id)representedObject { if (IS_TOKEN(representedObject)) { return [localizedTokenNames objectForKey:[(SPExportFileNameTokenObject *)representedObject tokenId]]; } return representedObject; } /** * Return the editing string untouched - implementing this method prevents whitespace trimming. */ - (id)tokenField:(NSTokenField *)tokenField representedObjectForEditingString:(NSString *)editingString { return editingString; } /** * During text entry into the token field, update the displayed filename and also * trigger tokenization after a short delay. */ - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { // this method can either be called by typing, or by copy&paste. // In the latter case tokenization will already be done by now. if ([notification object] == exportCustomFilenameTokenField) { [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self selector:@selector(_tokenizeCustomFilenameTokenField) object:nil]; // do not queue a call if the key causing this change was the return key. // This is to prevent a loop with _tokenizeCustomFilenameTokenField. if([[NSApp currentEvent] type] != NSKeyDown || [[NSApp currentEvent] keyCode] != 0x24) { [self performSelector:@selector(_tokenizeCustomFilenameTokenField) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5]; } } } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Combo box delegate methods - (void)comboBoxSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { if ([notification object] == exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField) { [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; } } #pragma mark - /** * Takes a mixed array of strings and tokens and converts * any valid tokens inside the strings into real tokens */ - (NSArray *)_updateTokensForMixedContent:(NSArray *)tokens { //if two consecutive tokens are strings, merge them NSMutableArray *mergedTokens = [NSMutableArray array]; for (id inputToken in tokens) { if(IS_TOKEN(inputToken)) { [mergedTokens addObject:inputToken]; } else if(IS_STRING(inputToken)) { id prev = [mergedTokens lastObject]; if(IS_STRING(prev)) { [mergedTokens removeLastObject]; [mergedTokens addObject:[prev stringByAppendingString:inputToken]]; } else { [mergedTokens addObject:inputToken]; } } } // create a mapping dict of tokenId => token NSMutableDictionary *replacement = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; for (SPExportFileNameTokenObject *realToken in [exportCustomFilenameTokenPool objectValue]) { NSString *serializedName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{%@}",[realToken tokenId]]; [replacement setObject:realToken forKey:serializedName]; } //now we can look for real tokens to convert inside the strings NSMutableArray *processedTokens = [NSMutableArray array]; for (id token in mergedTokens) { if(IS_TOKEN(token)) { [processedTokens addObject:token]; continue; } NSString *remainder = token; while(true) { NSRange openCurl = [remainder rangeOfString:@"{"]; if(openCurl.location == NSNotFound) { break; } NSString *before = [remainder substringToIndex:openCurl.location]; if([before length]) { [processedTokens addObject:before]; } remainder = [remainder substringFromIndex:openCurl.location]; NSRange closeCurl = [remainder rangeOfString:@"}"]; if(closeCurl.location == NSNotFound) { break; //we've hit an unterminated token } NSString *tokenString = [remainder substringToIndex:closeCurl.location+1]; SPExportFileNameTokenObject *tokenObject = [replacement objectForKey:tokenString]; if(tokenObject) { [processedTokens addObject:tokenObject]; } else { [processedTokens addObject:tokenString]; // no token with this name, add it as string } remainder = [remainder substringFromIndex:closeCurl.location+1]; } if([remainder length]) { [processedTokens addObject:remainder]; } } return processedTokens; } - (void)_tokenizeCustomFilenameTokenField { // if we are currently inside or at the end of a string segment we can // call for tokenization to happen by simulating a return press if ([exportCustomFilenameTokenField currentEditor] == nil) return; NSRange selectedRange = [[exportCustomFilenameTokenField currentEditor] selectedRange]; if (selectedRange.location == NSNotFound) return; if (selectedRange.location == 0) return; // the beginning of the field is not valid for tokenization if (selectedRange.length > 0) return; NSUInteger start = 0; for(id obj in [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]) { NSUInteger length; BOOL isText = NO; if(IS_STRING(obj)) { length = [obj length]; isText = YES; } else if(IS_TOKEN(obj)) { length = 1; // tokens are seen as one char by the textview } else { [NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Unknown object type in token field: %@",obj]; } NSUInteger end = start+length; if(selectedRange.location >= start && selectedRange.location <= end) { if(!isText) return; // cursor is at the end of a token break; } start += length; } // All conditions met - synthesize the return key to trigger tokenization. NSEvent *tokenizingEvent = [NSEvent keyEventWithType:NSKeyDown location:NSMakePoint(0,0) modifierFlags:0 timestamp:0 windowNumber:[[exportCustomFilenameTokenField window] windowNumber] context:[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] characters:@"" charactersIgnoringModifiers:@"" isARepeat:NO keyCode:0x24]; [NSApp postEvent:tokenizingEvent atStart:NO]; } #pragma mark - SPExportSettingsPersistence #define NAMEOF(x) case x: return @#x #define VALUEOF(x,y,dst) if([y isEqualToString:@#x]) { *dst = x; return YES; } + (NSString *)describeExportSource:(SPExportSource)es { switch (es) { NAMEOF(SPFilteredExport); NAMEOF(SPQueryExport); NAMEOF(SPTableExport); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyExportSourceForDescription:(NSString *)esd to:(SPExportSource *)dst { VALUEOF(SPFilteredExport, esd,dst); VALUEOF(SPQueryExport, esd,dst); VALUEOF(SPTableExport, esd,dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeExportType:(SPExportType)et { switch (et) { NAMEOF(SPSQLExport); NAMEOF(SPCSVExport); NAMEOF(SPXMLExport); NAMEOF(SPDotExport); NAMEOF(SPPDFExport); NAMEOF(SPHTMLExport); NAMEOF(SPExcelExport); NAMEOF(SPAnyExportType); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyExportTypeForDescription:(NSString *)etd to:(SPExportType *)dst { VALUEOF(SPSQLExport, etd, dst); VALUEOF(SPCSVExport, etd, dst); VALUEOF(SPXMLExport, etd, dst); VALUEOF(SPDotExport, etd, dst); //VALUEOF(SPPDFExport, etd, dst); //VALUEOF(SPHTMLExport, etd, dst); //VALUEOF(SPExcelExport, etd, dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)cf { switch (cf) { NAMEOF(SPNoCompression); NAMEOF(SPGzipCompression); NAMEOF(SPBzip2Compression); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyCompressionFormatForDescription:(NSString *)cfd to:(SPFileCompressionFormat *)dst { VALUEOF(SPNoCompression, cfd, dst); VALUEOF(SPGzipCompression, cfd, dst); VALUEOF(SPBzip2Compression, cfd, dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeXMLExportFormat:(SPXMLExportFormat)xf { switch (xf) { NAMEOF(SPXMLExportMySQLFormat); NAMEOF(SPXMLExportPlainFormat); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copyXMLExportFormatForDescription:(NSString *)xfd to:(SPXMLExportFormat *)dst { VALUEOF(SPXMLExportMySQLFormat, xfd, dst); VALUEOF(SPXMLExportPlainFormat, xfd, dst); return NO; } + (NSString *)describeSQLExportInsertDivider:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider)eid { switch (eid) { NAMEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNDataBytes); NAMEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNRows); } return nil; } + (BOOL)copySQLExportInsertDividerForDescription:(NSString *)eidd to:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider *)dst { VALUEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNDataBytes, eidd, dst); VALUEOF(SPSQLInsertEveryNRows, eidd, dst); return NO; } #undef NAMEOF #undef VALUEOF - (IBAction)importCurrentSettings:(id)sender { //show open file dialog NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:@[SPFileExtensionDefault]]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:YES]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) { if(result != NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) return; [panel orderOut:nil]; // Panel is still on screen. Hide it first. (This is Apple's recommended way) NSError *err = nil; NSData *plist = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[panel URL] options:0 error:&err]; NSDictionary *settings = nil; if(!err) { settings = [NSPropertyListSerialization propertyListWithData:plist options:NSPropertyListImmutable format:NULL error:&err]; } if(!err) { [self applySettingsFromDictionary:settings error:&err]; if(!err) return; } // give an explanation for some errors if([[err domain] isEqualToString:SPErrorDomain]) { if([err code] == SPErrorWrongTypeOrNil) { NSDictionary *info = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Invalid file supplied!", @"export : import settings : file error title"), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: NSLocalizedString(@"The selected file is either not a valid SPF file or severely corrupted.", @"export : import settings : file error description"), }; err = [NSError errorWithDomain:[err domain] code:[err code] userInfo:info]; } else if([err code] == SPErrorWrongContentType) { NSDictionary *info = @{ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Wrong SPF content type!", @"export : import settings : spf content type error title"), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The selected file contains data of type “%1$@”, but type “%2$@” is needed. Please choose a different file.", @"export : import settings : spf content type error description"),[[err userInfo] objectForKey:@"isType"],[[err userInfo] objectForKey:@"expectedType"]], }; err = [NSError errorWithDomain:[err domain] code:[err code] userInfo:info]; } } NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:err]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; }]; } - (IBAction)exportCurrentSettings:(id)sender { //show save file dialog NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel]; [panel setAllowedFileTypes:@[SPFileExtensionDefault]]; [panel setExtensionHidden:NO]; [panel setAllowsOtherFileTypes:NO]; [panel setCanSelectHiddenExtension:YES]; [panel setCanCreateDirectories:YES]; [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger returnCode) { if(returnCode != NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) return; // Panel is still on screen. Hide it first. (This is Apple's recommended way) [panel orderOut:nil]; NSError *err = nil; NSData *plist = [NSPropertyListSerialization dataWithPropertyList:[self currentSettingsAsDictionary] format:NSPropertyListXMLFormat_v1_0 options:0 error:&err]; if(!err) { [plist writeToURL:[panel URL] options:NSAtomicWrite error:&err]; if(!err) return; } NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithError:err]; [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle]; [alert runModal]; }]; } - (NSArray *)currentCustomFilenameAsArray { NSArray *tokenListIn = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue]; NSMutableArray *tokenListOut = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[tokenListIn count]]; for (id obj in tokenListIn) { if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [tokenListOut addObject:obj]; } else if([obj isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]) { NSDictionary *tokenProperties = @{@"tokenId": [obj tokenId]}; // in the future the dict can be used to store per-token settings [tokenListOut addObject:tokenProperties]; } else { SPLog(@"unknown object in token list: %@",obj); } } return tokenListOut; } - (void)setCustomFilenameFromArray:(NSArray *)tokenList { NSMutableArray *tokenListOut = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:[tokenList count]]; NSArray *allowedTokens = [self currentAllowedExportFilenameTokens]; for (id obj in tokenList) { if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) { [tokenListOut addObject:obj]; } else if([obj isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { //there must be at least a non-empty tokenId that is also in the token pool NSString *tokenId = [obj objectForKey:@"tokenId"]; if([tokenId length]) { SPExportFileNameTokenObject *token = [SPExportFileNameTokenObject tokenWithId:tokenId]; if([allowedTokens containsObject:token]) { [tokenListOut addObject:token]; continue; } } SPLog(@"Ignoring an invalid or unknown token with tokenId=%@",tokenId); } else { SPLog(@"unknown object in import token list: %@",obj); } } [exportCustomFilenameTokenField setObjectValue:tokenListOut]; [self updateDisplayedExportFilename]; } - (NSDictionary *)currentSettingsAsDictionary { NSMutableDictionary *root = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [root setObject:SPFExportSettingsContentType forKey:SPFFormatKey]; [root setObject:@1 forKey:SPFVersionKey]; [root setObject:[exportPathField stringValue] forKey:@"exportPath"]; [root setObject:[[self class] describeExportSource:exportSource] forKey:@"exportSource"]; [root setObject:[[self class] describeExportType:exportType] forKey:@"exportType"]; if([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] length] > 0) { [root setObject:[self currentCustomFilenameAsArray] forKey:@"customFilename"]; } [root setObject:[self exporterSettings] forKey:@"settings"]; if(exportSource == SPTableExport) { NSMutableDictionary *perObjectSettings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:[tables count]]; for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { NSString *key = [table objectAtIndex:0]; id settings = [self exporterSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:key ofType:SPTableTypeTable]; if(settings) [perObjectSettings setObject:settings forKey:key]; } [root setObject:perObjectSettings forKey:@"schemaObjects"]; } [root setObject:IsOn(exportProcessLowMemoryButton) forKey:@"lowMemoryStreaming"]; [root setObject:[[self class] describeCompressionFormat:(SPFileCompressionFormat)[exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem]] forKey:@"compressionFormat"]; return root; } - (BOOL)applySettingsFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict error:(NSError **)err { //check for dict/nil if(![dict isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { if(err) { *err = [NSError errorWithDomain:SPErrorDomain code:SPErrorWrongTypeOrNil userInfo:nil]; // we don't know where data came from, so we can't provide meaningful help to the user } return NO; } //check for export settings NSString *ctype = [dict objectForKey:SPFFormatKey]; if (![SPFExportSettingsContentType isEqualToString:ctype]) { if(err) { NSDictionary *errInfo = @{ @"isType": ctype, @"expectedType": SPFExportSettingsContentType }; *err = [NSError errorWithDomain:SPErrorDomain code:SPErrorWrongContentType userInfo:errInfo]; } return NO; } //check for version NSInteger version = [[dict objectForKey:SPFVersionKey] integerValue]; if(version != 1) { if(err) { NSDictionary *errInfo = @{ @"isVersion": @(version), NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: NSLocalizedString(@"Unsupported version for export settings!", @"export : import settings : file version error title"), NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey: [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The selected export settings were stored with version\u00A0%1$ld, but only settings with the following versions can be imported: %2$@.\n\nEither save the settings in a backwards compatible way or update your version of Sequel Pro.", @"export : import settings : file version error description ($1 = is version, $2 = list of supported versions); note: the u00A0 is a non-breaking space, do not add more whitespace."),version,@"1"], }; *err = [NSError errorWithDomain:SPErrorDomain code:SPErrorWrongContentVersion userInfo:errInfo]; } return NO; } //ok, we can try to import that... [exporters removeAllObjects]; [exportFiles removeAllObjects]; id o; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"exportPath"])) [exportPathField setStringValue:o]; SPExportType et; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"exportType"]) && [[self class] copyExportTypeForDescription:o to:&et]) { [exportTypeTabBar selectTabViewItemAtIndex:et]; } //exportType should be changed first, as exportSource depends on it SPExportSource es; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"exportSource"]) && [[self class] copyExportSourceForDescription:o to:&es]) { [self setExportInput:es]; //try to set it. might fail e.g. if the settings were saved with "query result" but right now no custom query result exists } // set exporter specific settings [self applyExporterSettings:[dict objectForKey:@"settings"]]; // load schema object settings if(exportSource == SPTableExport) { NSDictionary *perObjectSettings = [dict objectForKey:@"schemaObjects"]; for (NSString *table in [perObjectSettings allKeys]) { id settings = [perObjectSettings objectForKey:table]; [self applyExporterSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:table ofType:SPTableTypeTable]; } [exportTableList reloadData]; } if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"lowMemoryStreaming"])) [exportProcessLowMemoryButton setState:([o boolValue] ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; SPFileCompressionFormat cf; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"compressionFormat"]) && [[self class] copyCompressionFormatForDescription:o to:&cf]) [exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton selectItemAtIndex:cf]; // might have changed [self _updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel]; // token pool is only valid once the schema object selection is done [self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens]; if((o = [dict objectForKey:@"customFilename"]) && [o isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) [self setCustomFilenameFromArray:o]; return YES; } - (NSDictionary *)exporterSettings { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self csvSettings]; case SPSQLExport: return [self sqlSettings]; case SPXMLExport: return [self xmlSettings]; case SPDotExport: return [self dotSettings]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (void)applyExporterSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self applyCsvSettings:settings]; case SPSQLExport: return [self applySqlSettings:settings]; case SPXMLExport: return [self applyXmlSettings:settings]; case SPDotExport: return [self applyDotSettings:settings]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (NSDictionary *)csvSettings { return @{ @"exportToMultipleFiles": IsOn(exportFilePerTableCheck), @"CSVIncludeFieldNames": IsOn(exportCSVIncludeFieldNamesCheck), @"CSVFieldsTerminated": [exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField stringValue], @"CSVFieldsWrapped": [exportCSVFieldsWrappedField stringValue], @"CSVLinesTerminated": [exportCSVLinesTerminatedField stringValue], @"CSVFieldsEscaped": [exportCSVFieldsEscapedField stringValue], @"CSVNULLValuesAsText": [exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue] }; } - (void)applyCsvSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"exportToMultipleFiles"])) SetOnOff(o,exportFilePerTableCheck); [self toggleNewFilePerTable:nil]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVIncludeFieldNames"])) SetOnOff(o, exportCSVIncludeFieldNamesCheck); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVFieldsTerminated"])) [exportCSVFieldsTerminatedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVFieldsWrapped"])) [exportCSVFieldsWrappedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVLinesTerminated"])) [exportCSVLinesTerminatedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVFieldsEscaped"])) [exportCSVFieldsEscapedField setStringValue:o]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"CSVNULLValuesAsText"])) [exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:o]; } - (NSDictionary *)dotSettings { return @{@"DotForceLowerTableNames": IsOn(exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck)}; } - (void)applyDotSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"DotForceLowerTableNames"])) SetOnOff(o, exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck); } - (NSDictionary *)xmlSettings { return @{ @"exportToMultipleFiles": IsOn(exportFilePerTableCheck), @"XMLFormat": [[self class] describeXMLExportFormat:(SPXMLExportFormat)[exportXMLFormatPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]], @"XMLOutputIncludeStructure": IsOn(exportXMLIncludeStructure), @"XMLOutputIncludeContent": IsOn(exportXMLIncludeContent), @"XMLNULLString": [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField stringValue] }; } - (void)applyXmlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; SPXMLExportFormat xmlf; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"exportToMultipleFiles"])) SetOnOff(o, exportFilePerTableCheck); [self toggleNewFilePerTable:nil]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLFormat"]) && [[self class] copyXMLExportFormatForDescription:o to:&xmlf]) [exportXMLFormatPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:xmlf]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLOutputIncludeStructure"])) SetOnOff(o, exportXMLIncludeStructure); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLOutputIncludeContent"])) SetOnOff(o, exportXMLIncludeContent); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"XMLNULLString"])) [exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:o]; [self toggleXMLOutputFormat:exportXMLFormatPopUpButton]; } - (NSDictionary *)sqlSettings { BOOL includeStructure = ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState); NSMutableDictionary *dict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:@{ @"SQLIncludeStructure": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck), @"SQLIncludeContent": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeContentCheck), @"SQLIncludeErrors": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeErrorsCheck), @"SQLIncludeDROP": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck), @"SQLUseUTF8BOM": IsOn(exportUseUTF8BOMButton), @"SQLBLOBFieldsAsHex": IsOn(exportSQLBLOBFieldsAsHexCheck), @"SQLInsertNValue": @([exportSQLInsertNValueTextField integerValue]), @"SQLInsertDivider": [[self class] describeSQLExportInsertDivider:(SPSQLExportInsertDivider)[exportSQLInsertDividerPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem]] }]; if(includeStructure) { [dict addEntriesFromDictionary:@{ @"SQLIncludeAutoIncrementValue": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton), @"SQLIncludeDropSyntax": IsOn(exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck) }]; } return dict; } - (void)applySqlSettings:(NSDictionary *)settings { id o; SPSQLExportInsertDivider div; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeContent"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeContentCheck); [self toggleSQLIncludeContent:exportSQLIncludeContentCheck]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeDROP"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck); [self toggleSQLIncludeDropSyntax:exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeStructure"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck); [self toggleSQLIncludeStructure:exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeErrors"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeErrorsCheck); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLUseUTF8BOM"])) SetOnOff(o, exportUseUTF8BOMButton); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLBLOBFieldsAsHex"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLBLOBFieldsAsHexCheck); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLInsertNValue"])) [exportSQLInsertNValueTextField setIntegerValue:[o integerValue]]; if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLInsertDivider"]) && [[self class] copySQLExportInsertDividerForDescription:o to:&div]) [exportSQLInsertDividerPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:div]; if([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState) { if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeAutoIncrementValue"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton); if((o = [settings objectForKey:@"SQLIncludeDropSyntax"])) SetOnOff(o, exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck); } } - (id)exporterSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self csvSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPSQLExport: return [self sqlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPXMLExport: return [self xmlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPDotExport: return [self dotSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (void)applyExporterSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { switch (exportType) { case SPCSVExport: return [self applyCsvSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPSQLExport: return [self applySqlSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPXMLExport: return [self applyXmlSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPDotExport: return [self applyDotSpecificSettings:settings forSchemaObject:name ofType:type]; case SPExcelExport: case SPHTMLExport: case SPPDFExport: default: @throw [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInternalInconsistencyException reason:@"exportType not implemented!" userInfo:@{@"exportType": @(exportType)}]; } } - (id)dotSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // Dot is a graph of the whole database - nothing to pick from return nil; } - (void)applyDotSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { //should never be called } - (id)xmlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // XML per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the current checkbox value... for (NSArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { return @([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]); } } } return nil; } - (void)applyXmlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // XML per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the appropriate table... for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@([settings boolValue])]; return; } } } } - (id)csvSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // CSV per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views rows to find the current checkbox value... for (NSArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { return @([[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]); } } } return nil; } - (void)applyCsvSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { // CSV per table setting is only yes/no if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the appropriate table... for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@([settings boolValue])]; return; } } } } - (id)sqlSpecificSettingsForSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { BOOL structure = ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL content = ([exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL drop = ([exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state] == NSOnState); // SQL allows per table setting of structure/content/drop table if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views rows to find the current checkbox value... for (NSArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { NSMutableArray *flags = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:3]; if (structure && [[table objectAtIndex:1] boolValue]) { [flags addObject:@"structure"]; } if (content && [[table objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]) { [flags addObject:@"content"]; } if (drop && [[table objectAtIndex:3] boolValue]) { [flags addObject:@"drop"]; } return flags; } } } return nil; } - (void)applySqlSpecificSettings:(id)settings forSchemaObject:(NSString *)name ofType:(SPTableType)type { BOOL structure = ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL content = ([exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state] == NSOnState); BOOL drop = ([exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state] == NSOnState); // SQL allows per table setting of structure/content/drop table if(type == SPTableTypeTable) { // we have to look through the table views' rows to find the appropriate table... for (NSMutableArray *table in tables) { if([[table objectAtIndex:0] isEqualTo:name]) { NSArray *flags = settings; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:@((structure && [flags containsObject:@"structure"]))]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:@((content && [flags containsObject:@"content"]))]; [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:@((drop && [flags containsObject:@"drop"]))]; return; } } } } #pragma mark - SPCSVExporterDelegate - (void)csvExportProcessWillBegin:(SPCSVExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; // Only update the progress text if this is a table export if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { // Update the current table export index currentTableExportIndex = (exportTableCount - [exporters count]); [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Fetching data...", @"export label showing that the app is fetching data for a specific table"), currentTableExportIndex, exportTableCount, [exporter csvTableName]]]; } else { [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Fetching data...", @"export label showing that the app is fetching data")]; } [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; } - (void)csvExportProcessComplete:(SPCSVExporter *)exporter { NSUInteger exportCount = [exporters count]; // If required add the next exporter to the operation queue if ((exportCount > 0) && (exportSource == SPTableExport)) { // If we're only exporting to a single file then write a header for the next table if (!exportToMultipleFiles) { // If we're exporting multiple tables to a single file then append some space and the next table's // name, but only if there is at least 2 exportes left. [[exporter exportOutputFile] writeData:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%@%@ %@%@%@", [exporter csvLineEndingString], [exporter csvLineEndingString], NSLocalizedString(@"Table", @"csv export table heading"), [(SPCSVExporter *)[exporters objectAtIndex:0] csvTableName], [exporter csvLineEndingString], [exporter csvLineEndingString]] dataUsingEncoding:[exporter exportOutputEncoding]]]; } // Otherwise close the file handle of the exporter that just finished // ensuring it's data is written to disk. else { [[exporter exportOutputFile] close]; } [operationQueue addOperation:[exporters objectAtIndex:0]]; // Remove the exporter we just added to the operation queue from our list of exporters // so we know it's already been done. [exporters removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } // Otherwise if the exporter list is empty, close the progress sheet else { // Close the last exporter's file handle [[exporter exportOutputFile] close]; [self exportEnded]; } } - (void)csvExportProcessWillBeginWritingData:(SPCSVExporter *)exporter { // Only update the progress text if this is a table export if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Writing data...", @"export label showing app if writing data for a specific table"), currentTableExportIndex, exportTableCount, [exporter csvTableName]]]; } else { [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Writing data...", @"export label showing app is writing data")]; } [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:NO]; [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:0]; } - (void)csvExportProcessProgressUpdated:(SPCSVExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:[exporter exportProgressValue]]; } #pragma mark - SPSQLExporterDelegate - (void)sqlExportProcessWillBegin:(SPSQLExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressTitle setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Exporting SQL", @"text showing that the application is exporting SQL")]; [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Dumping...", @"text showing that app is writing dump")]; [exportProgressTitle displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; } - (void)sqlExportProcessComplete:(SPSQLExporter *)exporter { [self exportEnded]; // Check for errors and display the errors sheet if necessary if ([exporter didExportErrorsOccur]) { [self openExportErrorsSheetWithString:[exporter sqlExportErrors]]; } } - (void)sqlExportProcessProgressUpdated:(SPSQLExporter *)exporter { if ([exportProgressIndicator doubleValue] == 0) { [exportProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:NO]; } [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:[exporter exportProgressValue]]; } - (void)sqlExportProcessWillBeginFetchingData:(SPSQLExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Fetching data...", @"export label showing that the app is fetching data for a specific table"), [exporter sqlCurrentTableExportIndex], exportTableCount, [exporter sqlExportCurrentTable]]]; [exportProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:0]; } - (void)sqlExportProcessWillBeginWritingData:(SPSQLExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Writing data...", @"export label showing app if writing data for a specific table"), [exporter sqlCurrentTableExportIndex], exportTableCount, [exporter sqlExportCurrentTable]]]; } #pragma mark - SPXMLExporterDelegate - (void)xmlExportProcessWillBegin:(SPXMLExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; // Only update the progress text if this is a table export if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { // Update the current table export index currentTableExportIndex = (exportTableCount - [exporters count]); [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Fetching data...", @"export label showing that the app is fetching data for a specific table"), currentTableExportIndex, exportTableCount, [exporter xmlTableName]]]; } else { [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Fetching data...", @"export label showing that the app is fetching data")]; } [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; } - (void)xmlExportProcessComplete:(SPXMLExporter *)exporter { NSUInteger exportCount = [exporters count]; // If required add the next exporter to the operation queue if ((exportCount > 0) && (exportSource == SPTableExport)) { // If we're exporting to multiple files then close the file handle of the exporter // that just finished, ensuring its data is written to disk. if (exportToMultipleFiles) { NSString *string = @""; if ([exporter xmlFormat] == SPXMLExportMySQLFormat) { string = (exportSource == SPTableExport) ? @"\n\n" : @"\n";; } else if ([exporter xmlFormat] == SPXMLExportPlainFormat) { string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n", [[tableDocumentInstance database] HTMLEscapeString]]; } [[exporter exportOutputFile] writeData:[string dataUsingEncoding:[connection stringEncoding]]]; [[exporter exportOutputFile] close]; } [operationQueue addOperation:[exporters objectAtIndex:0]]; // Remove the exporter we just added to the operation queue from our list of exporters // so we know it's already been done. [exporters removeObjectAtIndex:0]; } // Otherwise if the exporter list is empty, close the progress sheet else { NSString *string = @""; if ([exporter xmlFormat] == SPXMLExportMySQLFormat) { string = (exportSource == SPTableExport) ? @"\n\n" : @"\n";; } else if ([exporter xmlFormat] == SPXMLExportPlainFormat) { string = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"\n", [[tableDocumentInstance database] HTMLEscapeString]]; } [[exporter exportOutputFile] writeData:[string dataUsingEncoding:[connection stringEncoding]]]; [[exporter exportOutputFile] close]; [self exportEnded]; } } - (void)xmlExportProcessProgressUpdated:(SPXMLExporter *)exporter { [[exportProgressIndicator onMainThread] setDoubleValue:[exporter exportProgressValue]]; } - (void)xmlExportProcessWillBeginWritingData:(SPXMLExporter *)exporter { // Only update the progress text if this is a table export if (exportSource == SPTableExport) { [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Writing data...", @"export label showing app if writing data for a specific table"), currentTableExportIndex, exportTableCount, [exporter xmlTableName]]]; } else { [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Writing data...", @"export label showing app is writing data")]; } [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:NO]; [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:0]; } #pragma mark - SPDotExporterDelegate - (void)dotExportProcessWillBegin:(SPDotExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressTitle setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Exporting Dot File", @"text showing that the application is exporting a Dot file")]; [exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Dumping...", @"text showing that app is writing dump")]; [exportProgressTitle displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:NO]; } - (void)dotExportProcessComplete:(SPDotExporter *)exporter { [self exportEnded]; } - (void)dotExportProcessProgressUpdated:(SPDotExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressIndicator setDoubleValue:[exporter exportProgressValue]]; } - (void)dotExportProcessWillBeginFetchingData:(SPDotExporter *)exporter forTableWithIndex:(NSUInteger)tableIndex { // Update the current table export index currentTableExportIndex = tableIndex; [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Fetching data...", @"export label showing that the app is fetching data for a specific table"), currentTableExportIndex, exportTableCount, [exporter dotExportCurrentTable]]]; [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; } - (void)dotExportProcessWillBeginFetchingRelationsData:(SPDotExporter *)exporter { [exportProgressText setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Table %lu of %lu (%@): Fetching relations data...", @"export label showing app is fetching relations data for a specific table"), currentTableExportIndex, exportTableCount, [exporter dotExportCurrentTable]]]; [exportProgressText displayIfNeeded]; [exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES]; [exportProgressIndicator startAnimation:self]; } #pragma mark - SPPDFExporterDelegate - (void)pdfExportProcessWillBegin:(SPPDFExporter *)exporter { } - (void)pdfExportProcessComplete:(SPPDFExporter *)exporter { [self exportEnded]; } - (void)pdfExportProcessWillBeginWritingData:(SPPDFExporter *)exporter { } #pragma mark - SPHTMLExporterDelegate - (void)htmlExportProcessWillBegin:(SPHTMLExporter *)exporter { } - (void)htmlExportProcessComplete:(SPHTMLExporter *)exporter { [self exportEnded]; } - (void)htmlExportProcessWillBeginWritingData:(SPHTMLExporter *)exporter { } #pragma mark - - (void)dealloc { SPClear(tables); SPClear(exporters); SPClear(exportFiles); SPClear(operationQueue); SPClear(exportFilename); SPClear(localizedTokenNames); SPClear(previousConnectionEncoding); [self setServerSupport:nil]; [super dealloc]; } @end #pragma mark - BOOL IS_TOKEN(id x) { return [x isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]; } BOOL IS_STRING(id x) { return [x isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]; } NSNumber *IsOn(id obj) { return (([obj state] == NSOnState)? @YES : @NO); } void SetOnOff(NSNumber *ref,id obj) { [obj setState:([ref boolValue] ? NSOnState : NSOffState)]; }