// $Id$
// SPExportController.m
// sequel-pro
// Created by Ben Perry (benperry.com.au) on 21/02/09.
// Modified by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com)
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
// More info at
#import "SPExportController.h"
#import "SPExportInitializer.h"
#import "SPTablesList.h"
#import "SPTableData.h"
#import "SPTableContent.h"
#import "SPGrowlController.h"
#import "SPExportFile.h"
#import "SPAlertSheets.h"
#import "SPExportFilenameUtilities.h"
#import "SPExportFileNameTokenObject.h"
#import "SPDatabaseDocument.h"
// Constants
static const NSUInteger SPExportUIPadding = 20;
static const NSString *SPTableViewStructureColumnID = @"structure";
static const NSString *SPTableViewContentColumnID = @"content";
static const NSString *SPTableViewDropColumnID = @"drop";
static const NSString *SPSQLExportStructureEnabled = @"SQLExportStructureEnabled";
static const NSString *SPSQLExportContentEnabled = @"SQLExportContentEnabled";
static const NSString *SPSQLExportDropEnabled = @"SQLExportDropEnabled";
@interface SPExportController (PrivateAPI)
- (void)_switchTab;
- (void)_checkForDatabaseChanges;
- (void)_displayExportTypeOptions:(BOOL)display;
- (void)_updateExportFormatInformation;
- (void)_updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel;
- (void)_setPreviousExportFilenameAndPath;
- (void)_toggleExportButton:(id)uiStateDict;
- (void)_toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread;
- (void)_toggleExportButtonWithBool:(NSNumber *)enable;
- (void)_toggleSQLExportTableNameTokenAvailability;
- (void)_resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:(NSInteger)delta;
- (void)_resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:(NSInteger)delta;
@implementation SPExportController
@synthesize connection;
@synthesize exportToMultipleFiles;
@synthesize exportCancelled;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Initialization
* Initializes an instance of SPExportController.
- (id)init
if ((self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"ExportDialog"])) {
[self setExportCancelled:NO];
[self setExportToMultipleFiles:YES];
mainNibLoaded = NO;
exportType = SPSQLExport;
exportSource = SPTableExport;
exportTableCount = 0;
currentTableExportIndex = 0;
exportFilename = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
exportTypeLabel = @"";
createCustomFilename = NO;
sqlPreviousConnectionEncodingViaLatin1 = NO;
tables = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
exporters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
exportFiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
operationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
showAdvancedView = NO;
showCustomFilenameView = NO;
serverLowerCaseTableNameValue = NSNotFound;
heightOffset1 = 0;
heightOffset2 = 0;
windowMinWidth = [[self window] minSize].width;
windowMinHeigth = [[self window] minSize].height;
prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
return self;
* Upon awakening select the first toolbar item
- (void)awakeFromNib
// As this controller also loads its own nib, it may call awakeFromNib multiple times; perform setup only once.
if (mainNibLoaded) return;
mainNibLoaded = YES;
// Select the 'selected tables' option
[exportInputPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:SPTableExport];
// Select the SQL tab
[[exportTypeTabBar tabViewItemAtIndex:0] setView:exporterView];
// By default a new SQL INSERT statement should be created every 250KiB of data
[exportSQLInsertNValueTextField setIntegerValue:250];
// Prevents the background colour from changing when clicked
[[exportCustomFilenameViewLabelButton cell] setHighlightsBy:NSNoCellMask];
// Set the progress indicator's max value
[exportProgressIndicator setMaxValue:(NSInteger)[exportProgressIndicator bounds].size.width];
// Empty the tokenizing character set for the filename field
[exportCustomFilenameTokenField setTokenizingCharacterSet:[NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@""]];
// Accept Core Animation
[exportOptionsTabBar wantsLayer];
[exportTablelistScrollView wantsLayer];
[exportTableListButtonBar wantsLayer];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Export methods
* Displays the export window with the supplied tables and export type/format selected.
* @param exportTables The array of table names to be exported
* @param format The export format to be used. See SPExportType constants.
* @param source The source of the export. See SPExportSource constants.
- (void)exportTables:(NSArray *)exportTables asFormat:(SPExportType)format usingSource:(SPExportSource)source
// Select the correct tab
[exportTypeTabBar selectTabViewItemAtIndex:format];
[self _setPreviousExportFilenameAndPath];
[self updateDisplayedExportFilename];
[self refreshTableList:nil];
[exporters removeAllObjects];
[exportFiles removeAllObjects];
// Select the 'selected tables' source option
[exportInputPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:source];
// If tables were supplied, select them
if (exportTables) {
// Disable all tables
for (NSMutableArray *table in tables)
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO]];
// Select the supplied tables
for (NSMutableArray *table in tables)
for (NSString *exportTable in exportTables)
if ([exportTable isEqualToString:[table objectAtIndex:0]]) {
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]];
[exportTableList reloadData];
// Ensure interface validation
[self _switchTab];
[self _updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel];
[NSApp beginSheet:[self window]
modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow]
* Opens the errors sheet and displays the supplied errors string.
* @param errors The errors string to be displayed
- (void)openExportErrorsSheetWithString:(NSString *)errors
[errorsTextView setString:@""];
[errorsTextView setString:errors];
[NSApp beginSheet:errorsWindow
modalForWindow:[tableDocumentInstance parentWindow]
* Displays the export finished Growl notification.
- (void)displayExportFinishedGrowlNotification
// Export finished Growl notification
[[SPGrowlController sharedGrowlController] notifyWithTitle:@"Export Finished"
description:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Finished exporting to %@", @"description for finished exporting growl notification"), exportFilename]
notificationName:@"Export Finished"];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark IB action methods
* Opens the export dialog selecting the appropriate export type and source based on the current context.
* For example, if either the table content view or custom query editor views are active and there is
* data available, these options will be selected as the export source ('Filtered' or 'Query Result'). If
* either of these views are not active then the default source are the currently selected tables. If no
* tables are currently selected then all tables are checked. Note that in this instance the default export
* type is SQL where as in the case of filtered or query result export the default type is CSV.
* @param sender The caller (can be anything or nil as it is not currently used).
- (IBAction)export:(id)sender
SPExportType selectedExportType = SPSQLExport;
SPExportSource selectedExportSource = SPTableExport;
NSArray *selectedTables = [tablesListInstance selectedTableItems];
BOOL isCustomQuerySelected = ([tableDocumentInstance isCustomQuerySelected] && ([[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 1));
BOOL isContentSelected = ([[tableDocumentInstance selectedToolbarItemIdentifier] isEqualToString:SPMainToolbarTableContent] && ([[tableContentInstance currentResult] count] > 1));
if (isContentSelected) {
selectedTables = nil;
selectedExportType = SPCSVExport;
selectedExportSource = SPFilteredExport;
else if (isCustomQuerySelected) {
selectedTables = nil;
selectedExportType = SPCSVExport;
selectedExportSource = SPQueryExport;
else {
selectedTables = ([selectedTables count]) ? selectedTables : nil;
[self exportTables:selectedTables asFormat:selectedExportType usingSource:selectedExportSource];
// Ensure UI validation
[self switchInput:exportInputPopUpButton];
* Closes the export dialog.
- (IBAction)closeSheet:(id)sender
if ([sender window] == [self window]) {
// Close the advanced options view if it's open
[exportAdvancedOptionsView setHidden:YES];
[exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton setState:NSOffState];
showAdvancedView = NO;
// Close the customize filename view if it's open
[exportCustomFilenameView setHidden:YES];
[exportCustomFilenameViewButton setState:NSOffState];
showCustomFilenameView = NO;
// If open close the advanced options view and custom filename view
[self _resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:0];
[self _resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:0];
[NSApp endSheet:[sender window] returnCode:[sender tag]];
[[sender window] orderOut:self];
* Enables/disables and shows/hides various interface controls depending on the selected item.
- (IBAction)switchInput:(id)sender
if ([sender isKindOfClass:[NSPopUpButton class]]) {
// Determine what data to use (filtered result, custom query result or selected table(s)) for the export operation
exportSource = (exportType == SPDotExport) ? SPTableExport : [exportInputPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem];
BOOL isSelectedTables = ([sender indexOfSelectedItem] == SPTableExport);
[exportFilePerTableCheck setHidden:(!isSelectedTables) || (exportType == SPSQLExport)];
[exportTableList setEnabled:isSelectedTables];
[exportSelectAllTablesButton setEnabled:isSelectedTables];
[exportDeselectAllTablesButton setEnabled:isSelectedTables];
[exportRefreshTablesButton setEnabled:isSelectedTables];
[self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens];
[self updateDisplayedExportFilename];
* Cancel's the export operation by stopping the current table export loop and marking any current SPExporter
* NSOperation subclasses as cancelled.
- (IBAction)cancelExport:(id)sender
[self setExportCancelled:YES];
[exportProgressIndicator setIndeterminate:YES];
[exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:YES];
[exportProgressIndicator startAnimation:self];
[exportProgressTitle setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancelling...", @"cancelling task status message")];
[exportProgressText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Cleaning up...", @"cancelling export cleaning up message")];
// Disable the cancel button
[sender setEnabled:NO];
// Cancel all of the currently running operations
[operationQueue cancelAllOperations];
// Loop the cached export file paths and remove them from disk if they exist
for (SPExportFile *file in exportFiles)
[file delete];
// Close the progress sheet
[NSApp endSheet:exportProgressWindow returnCode:0];
[exportProgressWindow orderOut:self];
// Stop the progress indicator
[exportProgressIndicator stopAnimation:self];
[exportProgressIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
// Re-enable the cancel button for future exports
[sender setEnabled:YES];
// Finally get rid of all the exporters and files
[exportFiles removeAllObjects];
[exporters removeAllObjects];
* Opens the open panel when user selects to change the output path.
- (IBAction)changeExportOutputPath:(id)sender
NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setCanChooseFiles:NO];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories:YES];
[panel setCanCreateDirectories:YES];
[panel beginSheetForDirectory:[exportPathField stringValue]
modalForWindow:[self window]
* Refreshes the table list.
- (IBAction)refreshTableList:(id)sender
NSMutableDictionary *tableDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
// Before refreshing the list, preserve the user's table selection, but only if it was triggered by the UI.
if (sender) {
for (NSMutableArray *item in tables)
[tableDict setObject:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[item objectAtIndex:1],
[item objectAtIndex:2],
[item objectAtIndex:3],
forKey:[item objectAtIndex:0]];
[tables removeAllObjects];
// For all modes, retrieve table and view names
NSArray *tablesAndViews = [tablesListInstance allTableAndViewNames];
for (id itemName in tablesAndViews) {
[tables addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:SPTableTypeTable],
// For SQL only, add procedures and functions
if (exportType == SPSQLExport) {
NSArray *procedures = [tablesListInstance allProcedureNames];
for (id procName in procedures)
[tables addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:SPTableTypeProc],
NSArray *functions = [tablesListInstance allFunctionNames];
for (id funcName in functions)
[tables addObject:[NSMutableArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:SPTableTypeFunc],
if (sender) {
// Restore the user's table selection
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < [tables count]; i++)
NSMutableArray *oldSelection = [tableDict objectForKey:[[tables objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0]];
if (oldSelection) {
NSMutableArray *newItem = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:oldSelection];
[newItem insertObject:[[tables objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0] atIndex:0];
[tables replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:newItem];
[newItem release];
[exportTableList reloadData];
[tableDict release];
* Selects or de-selects all tables.
- (IBAction)selectDeselectAllTables:(id)sender
BOOL toggleStructure = NO;
BOOL toggleDropTable = NO;
[self refreshTableList:nil];
// Determine whether the structure and drop items should also be toggled
if (exportType == SPSQLExport) {
if ([exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state]) toggleStructure = YES;
if ([exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state]) toggleDropTable = YES;
for (NSMutableArray *table in tables)
if (toggleStructure) [table replaceObjectAtIndex:1 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[sender tag]]];
[table replaceObjectAtIndex:2 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[sender tag]]];
if (toggleDropTable) [table replaceObjectAtIndex:3 withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:[sender tag]]];
[exportTableList reloadData];
[self _updateExportFormatInformation];
[self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread];
* Updates the default filename extenstion based on the selected output compression format.
- (IBAction)changeExportCompressionFormat:(id)sender
[self updateDisplayedExportFilename];
* Toggles the state of the custom filename format token fields.
- (IBAction)toggleCustomFilenameFormatView:(id)sender
showCustomFilenameView = (!showCustomFilenameView);
[exportCustomFilenameViewButton setState:showCustomFilenameView];
[exportFilenameDividerBox setHidden:showCustomFilenameView];
[exportCustomFilenameView setHidden:(!showCustomFilenameView)];
[self _resizeWindowForCustomFilenameViewByHeightDelta:(showCustomFilenameView) ? [exportCustomFilenameView frame].size.height : 0];
* Toggles the options available depending on the selected XML output format.
- (IBAction)toggleXMLOutputFormat:(id)sender
if ([sender indexOfSelectedItem] == SPXMLExportMySQLFormat) {
[exportXMLIncludeStructure setEnabled:YES];
[exportXMLIncludeContent setEnabled:YES];
[exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setEnabled:NO];
else if ([sender indexOfSelectedItem] == SPXMLExportPlainFormat) {
[exportXMLIncludeStructure setEnabled:NO];
[exportXMLIncludeContent setEnabled:NO];
[exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setEnabled:YES];
* Toggles the display of the advanced options box.
- (IBAction)toggleAdvancedExportOptionsView:(id)sender
showAdvancedView = (!showAdvancedView);
[exportAdvancedOptionsViewButton setState:showAdvancedView];
[exportAdvancedOptionsView setHidden:(!showAdvancedView)];
[self _updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel];
[self _resizeWindowForAdvancedOptionsViewByHeightDelta:(showAdvancedView) ? ([exportAdvancedOptionsView frame].size.height + 10) : 0];
* Toggles the export button when choosing to include or table structures in an SQL export.
- (IBAction)toggleSQLIncludeStructure:(NSButton *)sender
if (![sender state])
[exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck setState:NSOffState];
[exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck setEnabled:[sender state]];
[exportSQLIncludeAutoIncrementValueButton setEnabled:[sender state]];
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDropColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])];
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewStructureColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])];
[self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread];
* Toggles the export button when choosing to include or exclude table contents in an SQL export.
- (IBAction)toggleSQLIncludeContent:(NSButton *)sender
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewContentColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])];
[self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread];
* Toggles the export button when choosing to include or exclude table drop syntax in an SQL export.
- (IBAction)toggleSQLIncludeDropSyntax:(NSButton *)sender
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDropColumnID] setHidden:(![sender state])];
[self _toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread];
* Toggles whether XML and CSV files should be combined into a single file.
- (IBAction)toggleNewFilePerTable:(NSButton *)sender
[self _updateExportFormatInformation];
[self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens];
* Opens the export sheet, selecting custom query as the export source.
- (IBAction)exportCustomQueryResultAsFormat:(id)sender
[self exportTables:nil asFormat:[sender tag] usingSource:SPQueryExport];
// Ensure UI validation
[self switchInput:exportInputPopUpButton];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Other
* Invoked when the user dismisses the export dialog. Starts the export process if required.
- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
// Perform the export
if (returnCode == NSOKButton) {
// Check whether to save the export filename. Save it if it's not blank and contains at least one
// token - this suggests it's not a one-off filename
if ([[exportCustomFilenameTokenField stringValue] length] < 1) {
[prefs removeObjectForKey:SPExportFilenameFormat];
else {
BOOL saveFilename = NO;
NSArray *representedObjects = [exportCustomFilenameTokenField objectValue];
for (id aToken in representedObjects)
if ([aToken isKindOfClass:[SPExportFileNameTokenObject class]]) saveFilename = YES;
if (saveFilename) [prefs setObject:[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:representedObjects] forKey:SPExportFilenameFormat];
// If we are about to perform a table export, cache the current number of tables within the list,
// refresh the list and then compare the numbers to accommodate situations where new tables are
// added by external applications.
if ((exportSource == SPTableExport) && (exportType != SPDotExport)) {
// Give the export sheet a chance to close
[self performSelector:@selector(_checkForDatabaseChanges) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5];
else {
// Initialize the export after a short delay to give the alert a chance to close
[self performSelector:@selector(initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5];
- (void)tableListChangedAlertDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
// Perform the export ignoring the new tables
if (returnCode == NSOKButton) {
// Initialize the export after a short delay to give the alert a chance to close
[self performSelector:@selector(initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.5];
else {
// Cancel the export and redisplay the export dialog after a short delay
[self performSelector:@selector(export:) withObject:self afterDelay:0.5];
* Invoked when the user dismisses the save panel. Updates the selected directory if they clicked OK.
- (void)savePanelDidEnd:(NSSavePanel *)panel returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSOKButton) {
[exportPathField setStringValue:[panel directory]];
[prefs setObject:[panel directory] forKey:SPExportLastDirectory];
* Menu item validation.
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
if ([menuItem action] == @selector(exportCustomQueryResultAsFormat:)) {
return (([[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 1) && (![tableDocumentInstance isProcessing]));
return YES;
#pragma mark -
* Dealloc
- (void)dealloc
[tables release], tables = nil;
[exporters release], exporters = nil;
[exportFiles release], exportFiles = nil;
[operationQueue release], operationQueue = nil;
[exportFilename release], exportFilename = nil;
if (sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding) [sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding release], sqlPreviousConnectionEncoding = nil;
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Private API
* Changes the selected export format and updates the UI accordingly.
- (void)_switchTab
// Selected export format
NSString *type = [[[exportTypeTabBar selectedTabViewItem] identifier] lowercaseString];
// Determine the export type
exportType = [exportTypeTabBar indexOfTabViewItemWithIdentifier:type];
// Determine what data to use (filtered result, custom query result or selected table(s)) for the export operation
exportSource = (exportType == SPDotExport) ? SPTableExport : [exportInputPopUpButton indexOfSelectedItem];
[exportOptionsTabBar selectTabViewItemWithIdentifier:type];
BOOL isSQL = (exportType == SPSQLExport);
BOOL isCSV = (exportType == SPCSVExport);
BOOL isXML = (exportType == SPXMLExport);
BOOL isHTML = (exportType == SPHTMLExport);
BOOL isPDF = (exportType == SPPDFExport);
BOOL isDot = (exportType == SPDotExport);
BOOL enable = (isCSV || isXML || isHTML || isPDF || isDot);
[exportFilePerTableCheck setHidden:(isSQL || isDot)];
[exportTableList setEnabled:(!isDot)];
[exportSelectAllTablesButton setEnabled:(!isDot)];
[exportDeselectAllTablesButton setEnabled:(!isDot)];
[exportRefreshTablesButton setEnabled:(!isDot)];
[[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPTableExport] setEnabled:(!isDot)];
[exportInputPopUpButton setEnabled:(!isDot)];
// When exporting to SQL, only the selected tables option should be enabled
if (isSQL) {
// Programmatically changing the selected item of a popup button does not fire it's action, so update
// the selected export source manually.
exportSource = SPTableExport;
[exportInputPopUpButton selectItemAtIndex:SPTableExport];
[[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPFilteredExport] setEnabled:NO];
[[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPQueryExport] setEnabled:NO];
else {
// Enable/disable the 'filtered result' and 'query result' options
// Note that the result count check is always greater than one as the first row is always the field names
[[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPFilteredExport] setEnabled:((enable) && ([[tableContentInstance currentResult] count] > 1))];
[[[exportInputPopUpButton menu] itemAtIndex:SPQueryExport] setEnabled:((enable) && ([[customQueryInstance currentResult] count] > 1))];
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewStructureColumnID] setHidden:(isSQL) ? (![exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state]) : YES];
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewDropColumnID] setHidden:(isSQL) ? (![exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state]) : YES];
[[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewContentColumnID] headerCell] setStringValue:(enable) ? @"" : @"C"];
// Set the tooltip
[[exportTableList tableColumnWithIdentifier:SPTableViewContentColumnID] setHeaderToolTip:(enable) ? @"" : NSLocalizedString(@"Include content", @"include content table column tooltip")];
// When switching to Dot export, ensure the server's lower_case_table_names value is checked the first time
// to set the export's link case sensitivity setting
if (isDot && serverLowerCaseTableNameValue == NSNotFound) {
SPMySQLResult *caseResult = [connection queryString:@"SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'"];
[caseResult setReturnDataAsStrings:YES];
if ([caseResult numberOfRows] == 1) {
serverLowerCaseTableNameValue = [[[caseResult getRowAsDictionary] objectForKey:@"Value"] integerValue];
else {
serverLowerCaseTableNameValue = 0;
[exportDotForceLowerTableNamesCheck setState:(serverLowerCaseTableNameValue == 0)?NSOffState:NSOnState];
[exportCSVNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:[prefs stringForKey:SPNullValue]];
[exportXMLNULLValuesAsTextField setStringValue:[prefs stringForKey:SPNullValue]];
[self _displayExportTypeOptions:(isSQL || isCSV || isXML || isDot)];
[self updateAvailableExportFilenameTokens];
[self updateDisplayedExportFilename];
[self _updateExportFormatInformation];
* Checks for changes in the current database, by refreshing the table list and warning the user if required.
- (void)_checkForDatabaseChanges
NSUInteger i = [tables count];
[tablesListInstance updateTables:self];
NSUInteger j = [[tablesListInstance allTableAndViewNames] count];
// If this is an SQL export, include procs and functions
if (exportType == SPSQLExport) {
j += ([[tablesListInstance allProcedureNames] count] + [[tablesListInstance allFunctionNames] count]);
if (j > i) {
NSUInteger diff = j - i;
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"The list of tables has changed", @"table list change alert message"),
NSLocalizedString(@"Continue", @"continue button"),
NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button"), nil, [tableDocumentInstance parentWindow], self,
@selector(tableListChangedAlertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:), nil,
[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The number of tables in this database has changed since the export dialog was opened. There are now %d additional table(s), most likely added by an external application.\n\nHow would you like to proceed?", @"table list change alert informative message"), diff]);
else {
[self initializeExportUsingSelectedOptions];
* Toggles the display of the export type options view.
* @param display A BOOL indicating whether or not the view should be visible
- (void)_displayExportTypeOptions:(BOOL)display
NSRect windowFrame = [[exportTablelistScrollView window] frame];
NSRect viewFrame = [exportTablelistScrollView frame];
NSRect barFrame = [exportTableListButtonBar frame];
NSUInteger padding = (2 * SPExportUIPadding);
CGFloat width = (!display) ? (windowFrame.size.width - (padding + 2)) : (windowFrame.size.width - ([exportOptionsTabBar frame].size.width + (padding + 4)));
[NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setDuration:0.3];
[[exportOptionsTabBar animator] setHidden:(!display)];
[[exportTablelistScrollView animator] setFrame:NSMakeRect(viewFrame.origin.x, viewFrame.origin.y, width, viewFrame.size.height)];
[[exportTableListButtonBar animator] setFrame:NSMakeRect(barFrame.origin.x, barFrame.origin.y, width, barFrame.size.height)];
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
* Updates the information note in the window based on the current export settings.
- (void)_updateExportFormatInformation
NSString *noteText = @"";
// If the selected format is XML, Dot, or multiple tables in one CSV file, display a warning note.
switch (exportType) {
case SPCSVExport:
if ([exportFilePerTableCheck state]) break;
NSUInteger numberOfTables = 0;
for (NSMutableArray *eachTable in tables)
if ([[eachTable objectAtIndex:2] boolValue]) numberOfTables++;
if (numberOfTables <= 1) break;
case SPXMLExport:
case SPDotExport:
noteText = NSLocalizedString(@"Import of the selected data is currently not supported.", @"Export file format cannot be imported warning");
[exportFormatInfoText setStringValue:noteText];
* Update the export advanced options label to show a summary if the options are hidden.
- (void)_updateExportAdvancedOptionsLabel
if (showAdvancedView) {
[exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Advanced", @"Advanced options short title")];
NSMutableArray *optionsSummary = [NSMutableArray array];
if ([exportProcessLowMemoryButton state]) {
[optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Low memory", @"Low memory export summary")];
else {
[optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Standard memory", @"Standard memory export summary")];
if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPNoCompression) {
[optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"no compression", @"No compression export summary - within a sentence")];
else if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPGzipCompression) {
[optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"Gzip compression", @"Gzip compression export summary - within a sentence")];
else if ([exportOutputCompressionFormatPopupButton indexOfSelectedItem] == SPBzip2Compression) {
[optionsSummary addObject:NSLocalizedString(@"bzip2 compression", @"bzip2 compression export summary - within a sentence")];
[exportAdvancedOptionsViewLabelButton setTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", NSLocalizedString(@"Advanced", @"Advanced options short title"), [optionsSummary componentsJoinedByString:@", "]]];
* Sets the previous export filename and path if available.
- (void)_setPreviousExportFilenameAndPath
// Restore the export filename if it exists, and update the display
if ([prefs objectForKey:SPExportFilenameFormat]) {
[exportCustomFilenameTokenField setObjectValue:[NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:[prefs objectForKey:SPExportFilenameFormat]]];
// If a directory has previously been selected, reselect it
if ([prefs objectForKey:SPExportLastDirectory]) {
[exportPathField setStringValue:[prefs objectForKey:SPExportLastDirectory]];
else {
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSAllDomainsMask, YES);
// If found the set the default path to the user's desktop, otherwise use their home directory
[exportPathField setStringValue:([paths count] > 0) ? [paths objectAtIndex:0] : NSHomeDirectory()];
* Enables or disables the export button based on the state of various interface controls.
* @param uiStateDict A dictionary containing the state of various UI controls.
- (void)_toggleExportButton:(id)uiStateDict
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
BOOL enable = NO;
BOOL isSQL = (exportType == SPSQLExport);
BOOL isCSV = (exportType == SPCSVExport);
BOOL isXML = (exportType == SPXMLExport);
BOOL isHTML = (exportType == SPHTMLExport);
BOOL isPDF = (exportType == SPPDFExport);
BOOL structureEnabled = [[uiStateDict objectForKey:SPSQLExportStructureEnabled] boolValue];
BOOL contentEnabled = [[uiStateDict objectForKey:SPSQLExportContentEnabled] boolValue];
BOOL dropEnabled = [[uiStateDict objectForKey:SPSQLExportDropEnabled] boolValue];
if (isCSV || isXML || isHTML || isPDF || (isSQL && ((!structureEnabled) || (!dropEnabled)))) {
enable = NO;
// Only enable the button if at least one table is selected
for (NSArray *table in tables)
if ([NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 2) boolValue]) {
enable = YES;
else if (isSQL) {
// Disable if all are unchecked
if ((!contentEnabled) && (!structureEnabled) && (!dropEnabled)) {
enable = NO;
// If they are all checked, check to see if any of the tables are checked
else if (contentEnabled && structureEnabled && dropEnabled) {
// Only enable the button if at least one table is selected
for (NSArray *table in tables)
if ([NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 1) boolValue] ||
[NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 2) boolValue] ||
[NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 3) boolValue])
enable = YES;
// Disable if structure is unchecked, but content and drop are as dropping a
// table then trying to insert into it is obviously an error.
else if (contentEnabled && (!structureEnabled) && (dropEnabled)) {
enable = NO;
else {
enable = (contentEnabled || (structureEnabled || dropEnabled));
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:@selector(_toggleExportButtonWithBool:) withObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:enable] waitUntilDone:NO];
[pool release];
* Calls the above method on a background thread to determine whether or not the export button should be enabled.
- (void)_toggleExportButtonOnBackgroundThread
NSMutableDictionary *uiStateDict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[uiStateDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[exportSQLIncludeStructureCheck state]] forKey:SPSQLExportStructureEnabled];
[uiStateDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[exportSQLIncludeContentCheck state]] forKey:SPSQLExportContentEnabled];
[uiStateDict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[exportSQLIncludeDropSyntaxCheck state]] forKey:SPSQLExportDropEnabled];
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(_toggleExportButton:) toTarget:self withObject:uiStateDict];
[uiStateDict release];
* Enables or disables the export button based on the supplied number (boolean).
* @param enable A boolean indicating the state.
- (void)_toggleExportButtonWithBool:(NSNumber *)enable
[exportButton setEnabled:[enable boolValue]];
* Toggles the available filename tokens for and SQL export.
- (void)_toggleSQLExportTableNameTokenAvailability
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (NSArray *table in tables)
if ([NSArrayObjectAtIndex(table, 2) boolValue]) {
if (i == 2) break;
[exportCustomFilenameTokensField setStringValue:(i > 1) ?
NSLocalizedString(@"host,database,date,year,month,day,time", @"custom export filename tokens without table") :
NSLocalizedString(@"host,database,table,date,year,month,day,time", @"default custom export filename tokens")];