// // $Id$ // // SPConstants.h // sequel-pro // // Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on October 16, 2009 // Copyright (c) 2009 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // More info at <http://code.google.com/p/sequel-pro/> /** * This header should be used to define constants that are used globally (i.e. among multiple classes/files). * Constants that need only be defined for a particular class should be done within the implementation file * of said class. Try to avoid the use of macros to define constants as much as possible as they do not incur * type checking when used and cannot be tested for equality. */ // View modes typedef enum { SPStructureViewMode = 1, SPContentViewMode = 2, SPRelationsViewMode = 3, SPTableInfoViewMode = 4, SPQueryEditorViewMode = 5, SPTriggersViewMode = 6 } SPViewMode; // Query modes enum { SPInterfaceQueryMode = 0, SPCustomQueryQueryMode = 1, SPImportExportQueryMode = 2 }; typedef NSUInteger SPQueryMode; // Connection types enum { SPTCPIPConnection = 0, SPSocketConnection = 1, SPSSHTunnelConnection = 2 }; typedef NSUInteger SPConnectionType; // Export type constants enum { SPSQLExport = 0, SPCSVExport = 1, SPXMLExport = 2, SPDotExport = 3, SPPDFExport = 4, SPHTMLExport = 5, SPExcelExport = 6 }; typedef NSUInteger SPExportType; // Export source constants enum { SPFilteredExport = 0, SPQueryExport = 1, SPTableExport = 2 }; typedef NSUInteger SPExportSource; // SQL export INSERT statment divider constants enum { SPSQLInsertEveryNDataBytes = 0, SPSQLInsertEveryNRows = 1 }; typedef NSUInteger SPSQLExportInsertDivider; // XML export formats enum { SPXMLExportMySQLFormat = 0, SPXMLExportPlainFormat = 1 }; typedef NSUInteger SPXMLExportFormat; // Table row count query usage levels typedef enum { SPRowCountFetchNever = 0, SPRowCountFetchIfCheap = 1, SPRowCountFetchAlways = 2 } SPRowCountQueryUsageLevels; // Database object (table list) types typedef enum { SPTableTypeNone = -1, SPTableTypeTable = 0, SPTableTypeView = 1, SPTableTypeProc = 2, SPTableTypeFunc = 3 } SPTableType; // History views typedef enum { SPTableViewStructure = 0, SPTableViewContent = 1, SPTableViewCustomQuery = 2, SPTableViewStatus = 3, SPTableViewRelations = 4, SPTableViewTriggers = 5 } SPTableViewType; // SSH tunnel password modes typedef enum { SPSSHPasswordUsesKeychain = 0, SPSSHPasswordAsksUI = 1, SPSSHPasswordNone = 2 } SPSSHTunnelPasswordMode; // Sort by constants typedef enum { SPFavoritesSortNameItem = 0, SPFavoritesSortHostItem = 1, SPFavoritesSortTypeItem = 2 } SPFavoritesSortItem; // Text and link cell draw states typedef enum { SPLinkDrawStateNormal = 0, SPLinkDrawStateHighlight = 1, SPLinkDrawStateBackgroundHighlight = 2 } SPTextAndLinkCellDrawState; // Menu tag constants typedef enum { SPMainMenuSequelPro = 0, SPMainMenuFile = 1, SPMainMenuEdit = 2, SPMainMenuView = 3, SPMainMenuDatabase = 4, SPMainMenuTable = 5, SPMainMenuBundles = 6, SPMainMenuWindow = 7, SPMainMenuHelp = 8 } SPMainMenuTags; // Encoding constants typedef enum { SPEncodingAutodetect = 0, SPEncodingUCS2 = 10, SPEncodingUTF8 = 20, SPEncodingUTF8viaLatin1 = 30, SPEncodingASCII = 40, SPEncodingLatin1 = 50, SPEncodingMacRoman = 60, SPEncodingCP1250Latin2 = 70, SPEncodingISOLatin2 = 80, SPEncodingCP1256Arabic = 90, SPEncodingGreek = 100, SPEncodingHebrew = 110, SPEncodingLatin5Turkish = 120, SPEncodingCP1257WinBaltic = 130, SPEncodingCP1251WinCyrillic = 140, SPEncodingBig5Chinese = 150, SPEncodingShiftJISJapanese = 160, SPEncodingEUCJPJapanese = 170, SPEncodingEUCKRKorean = 180 } SPEncodingTypes; // File compression formats typedef enum { SPNoCompression = 0, SPGzipCompression = 1, SPBzip2Compression = 2 } SPFileCompressionFormat; // Import SQL error handling tags/choices typedef enum { SPSQLImportAskOnError = 0, SPSQLImportIgnoreErrors = 1 } SPSQLImportErrorHandling; // Export file handle creation typedef enum { SPExportFileHandleCreated = 0, SPExportFileHandleFailed = 1, SPExportFileHandleExists = 2 } SPExportFileHandleStatus; // Predefined localisable URLs #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_HOMEPAGE NSLocalizedString(@"http://www.sequelpro.com/", @"Localized home page - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_FAQ NSLocalizedString(@"http://www.sequelpro.com/docs/Frequently_Asked_Questions", @"Localized help page for Frequently Asked Questions - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_DOCUMENTATION NSLocalizedString(@"http://www.sequelpro.com/docs/", @"Localized documentation home page - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_CONTACT NSLocalizedString(@"http://www.sequelpro.com/docs/Contact_the_developers", @"Localized contact page - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_KEYBOARDSHORTCUTS NSLocalizedString(@"http://www.sequelpro.com/docs/Keyboard_Shortcuts", @"Localized keyboard shortcuts page - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_CONNECTIONHELP NSLocalizedString(@"http://www.sequelpro.com/docs/Getting_Connected", @"Localized connection help page - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") #define SPLOCALIZEDURL_TRANSLATIONFEEDBACK NSLocalizedString(@"http://dev.sequelpro.com/translate/feedback", @"Localized translation feedback page - do not localize if no translated webpage is available") // Long running notification time for Growl messages extern const CGFloat SPLongRunningNotificationTime; // Narrow down completion max rows extern const NSUInteger SPNarrowDownCompletionMaxRows; // Kill mode constants extern NSString *SPKillProcessQueryMode; extern NSString *SPKillProcessConnectionMode; // Default monospaced font name extern NSString *SPDefaultMonospacedFontName; // Table view drag types extern NSString *SPDefaultPasteboardDragType; extern NSString *SPFavoritesPasteboardDragType; extern NSString *SPContentFilterPasteboardDragType; // File extensions extern NSString *SPFileExtensionDefault; extern NSString *SPFileExtensionSQL; extern NSString *SPBundleFileExtension; extern NSString *SPColorThemeFileExtension; extern NSString *SPUserBundleFileExtension; // File names extern NSString *SPFavoritesDataFile; extern NSString *SPHTMLPrintTemplate; extern NSString *SPHTMLTableInfoPrintTemplate; extern NSString *SPHTMLHelpTemplate; // Folder names extern NSString *SPThemesSupportFolder; extern NSString *SPBundleSupportFolder; extern NSString *SPDataSupportFolder; // Preference key constants // // General Prefpane extern NSString *SPDefaultFavorite; extern NSString *SPSelectLastFavoriteUsed; extern NSString *SPLastFavoriteIndex; extern NSString *SPAutoConnectToDefault; extern NSString *SPDefaultViewMode; extern NSString *SPLastViewMode; extern NSString *SPDefaultEncoding; extern NSString *SPUseMonospacedFonts; extern NSString *SPDisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryMaxHistoryItems; // Tables Prefpane extern NSString *SPReloadAfterAddingRow; extern NSString *SPReloadAfterEditingRow; extern NSString *SPReloadAfterRemovingRow; extern NSString *SPLoadBlobsAsNeeded; extern NSString *SPTableRowCountQueryLevel; extern NSString *SPTableRowCountCheapSizeBoundary; extern NSString *SPNewFieldsAllowNulls; extern NSString *SPLimitResults; extern NSString *SPLimitResultsValue; extern NSString *SPNullValue; extern NSString *SPGlobalResultTableFont; extern NSString *SPFilterTableDefaultOperator; extern NSString *SPFilterTableDefaultOperatorLastItems; // Favorites Prefpane extern NSString *SPFavorites; // Notifications Prefpane extern NSString *SPGrowlEnabled; extern NSString *SPShowNoAffectedRowsError; extern NSString *SPConsoleEnableLogging; extern NSString *SPConsoleEnableInterfaceLogging; extern NSString *SPConsoleEnableCustomQueryLogging; extern NSString *SPConsoleEnableImportExportLogging; extern NSString *SPConsoleEnableErrorLogging; // Network Prefpane extern NSString *SPConnectionTimeoutValue; extern NSString *SPUseKeepAlive; extern NSString *SPKeepAliveInterval; // Editor Prefpane extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorFont; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorTextColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorBackgroundColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorCaretColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorCommentColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorSQLKeywordColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorNumericColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorQuoteColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorBacktickColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorVariableColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorHighlightQueryColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorSelectionColor; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryAutoIndent; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryAutoPairCharacters; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryAutoUppercaseKeywords; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryAutoHelpDelay; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryHighlightCurrentQuery; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorTabStopWidth; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryAutoComplete; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryAutoCompleteDelay; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryFunctionCompletionInsertsArguments; extern NSString *SPCustomQueryEditorThemeName; // AutoUpdate Prefpane extern NSString *SPLastUsedVersion; // GUI Prefs extern NSString *SPConsoleShowTimestamps; extern NSString *SPConsoleShowConnections; extern NSString *SPConsoleShowSelectsAndShows; extern NSString *SPConsoleShowHelps; extern NSString *SPEditInSheetEnabled; extern NSString *SPTableInformationPanelCollapsed; extern NSString *SPTableColumnWidths; extern NSString *SPProcessListTableColumnWidths; extern NSString *SPProcessListShowProcessID; extern NSString *SPProcessListEnableAutoRefresh; extern NSString *SPProcessListAutoRrefreshInterval; extern NSString *SPFavoritesSortedBy; extern NSString *SPFavoritesSortedInReverse; extern NSString *SPAlwaysShowWindowTabBar; extern NSString *SPResetAutoIncrementAfterDeletionOfAllRows; // Hidden Prefs extern NSString *SPPrintWarningRowLimit; extern NSString *SPDisplayServerVersionInWindowTitle; // Import and export extern NSString *SPCSVImportFieldTerminator; extern NSString *SPCSVImportLineTerminator; extern NSString *SPCSVImportFieldEnclosedBy; extern NSString *SPCSVImportFieldEscapeCharacter; extern NSString *SPCSVImportFirstLineIsHeader; extern NSString *SPCSVFieldImportMappingAlignment; extern NSString *SPImportClipboardTempFileNamePrefix; extern NSString *SPSQLExportUseCompression; extern NSString *SPNoBOMforSQLdumpFile; // Misc extern NSString *SPContentFilters; extern NSString *SPDocumentTaskEndNotification; extern NSString *SPDocumentTaskStartNotification; extern NSString *SPActivitiesUpdateNotification; extern NSString *SPFieldEditorSheetFont; extern NSString *SPLastSQLFileEncoding; extern NSString *SPPrintBackground; extern NSString *SPPrintImagePreviews; extern NSString *SPQueryFavorites; extern NSString *SPQueryFavoriteReplacesContent; extern NSString *SPQueryHistory; extern NSString *SPQueryHistoryReplacesContent; extern NSString *SPQuickLookTypes; extern NSString *SPTableChangedNotification; extern NSString *SPBlobTextEditorSpellCheckingEnabled; extern NSString *SPUniqueSchemaDelimiter; extern NSString *SPLastImportIntoNewTableEncoding; extern NSString *SPLastImportIntoNewTableType; extern NSString *SPGlobalValueHistory; // URLs extern NSString *SPDonationsURL; extern NSString *SPMySQLSearchURL; extern NSString *SPDevURL; // Toolbar constants // // Main window toolbar extern NSString *SPMainToolbarDatabaseSelection; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarHistoryNavigation; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarShowConsole; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarClearConsole; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarTableStructure; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarTableContent; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarCustomQuery; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarTableInfo; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarTableRelations; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarTableTriggers; extern NSString *SPMainToolbarUserManager; extern NSString **SPViewModeToMainToolbarMap[]; // Preferences toolbar extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarGeneral; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarTables; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarFavorites; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarNotifications; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarAutoUpdate; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarNetwork; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarEditor; extern NSString *SPPreferenceToolbarShortcuts; // Connection favorite keys extern NSString *SPFavoritesRootKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteChildrenKey; extern NSString *SPFavoritesGroupNameKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteIDKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteNameKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteDatabaseKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteHostKey; extern NSString *SPFavoritePortKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteUserKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteTypeKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSocketKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSHHostKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSHPortKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSHUserKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationEnabledKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteUseSSLKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationEnabledKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationEnabledKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationEnabledKey; extern NSString *SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationKey; // Bundle Files and Bundle Editor extern NSString *SPBundleScopeQueryEditor; extern NSString *SPBundleScopeDataTable; extern NSString *SPBundleScopeInputField; extern NSString *SPBundleScopeGeneral; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceSelectedText; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceEntireContent; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceCurrentWord; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceCurrentQuery; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceCurrentLine; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceSelectedTableRowsAsTab; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceSelectedTableRowsAsCsv; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceSelectedTableRowsAsSqlInsert; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceTableRowsAsTab; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceTableRowsAsCsv; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceTableRowsAsSqlInsert; extern NSString *SPBundleInputSourceNone; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionNone; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionInsertAsText; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionInsertAsSnippet; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionReplaceSelection; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionReplaceContent; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionShowAsTextTooltip; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionShowAsHTMLTooltip; extern NSString *SPBundleOutputActionShowAsHTML; extern NSString *SPBundleTriggerActionNone; extern NSString *SPBundleTriggerActionDatabaseChanged; extern NSString *SPBundleTriggerActionTableChanged; extern NSString *SPBundleTriggerActionTableRowChanged; extern NSString *SPBundleFileCommandKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileScopeKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileNameKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileCategoryKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileInputSourceKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileInputSourceFallBackKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileOutputActionKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileKeyEquivalentKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileInternalKeyEquivalentKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileTooltipKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileDisabledKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileAuthorKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileContactKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileUUIDKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileDescriptionKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileTriggerKey; extern NSString *SPBundleInternLabelKey; extern NSString *SPBundleInternPathToFileKey; extern NSString *SPBundleInternKeyEquivalentKey; extern NSString *SPBundleFileName; extern NSString *SPBundleTaskInputFilePath; extern NSString *SPBundleTaskScriptCommandFilePath; // sequel URL scheme extern NSString *SPURLSchemeQueryInputPathHeader; extern NSString *SPURLSchemeQueryResultPathHeader; extern NSString *SPURLSchemeQueryResultStatusPathHeader; extern NSString *SPURLSchemeQueryResultMetaPathHeader;