// // $Id$ // // SPConnectionHandler.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on November 15, 2010 // Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA // // More info at #import "SPConnectionHandler.h" #import "SPAlertSheets.h" @implementation SPConnectionController (SPConnectionHandler) /* * Initiate the SSH connection process. * This should only be called as part of initiateConnection:, and will indirectly * call initiateMySQLConnection if it's successful. */ - (void)initiateSSHTunnelConnection { [progressIndicatorText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"SSH connecting...", @"SSH connecting very short status message")]; [progressIndicatorText display]; // Trim whitespace and newlines from the SSH host field before attempting to connect [self setSshHost:[[self sshHost] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]]; // Set up the tunnel details sshTunnel = [[SPSSHTunnel alloc] initToHost:[self sshHost] port:[[self sshPort] integerValue] login:[self sshUser] tunnellingToPort:([[self port] length]?[[self port] integerValue]:3306) onHost:[self host]]; [sshTunnel setParentWindow:[dbDocument parentWindow]]; // Add keychain or plaintext password as appropriate - note the checks in initiateConnection. if (connectionSSHKeychainItemName) { [sshTunnel setPasswordKeychainName:connectionSSHKeychainItemName account:connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount]; } else if (sshPassword) { [sshTunnel setPassword:[self sshPassword]]; } // Set the public key path if appropriate if (sshKeyLocationEnabled && sshKeyLocation) { [sshTunnel setKeyFilePath:sshKeyLocation]; } // Set the callback function on the tunnel [sshTunnel setConnectionStateChangeSelector:@selector(sshTunnelCallback:) delegate:self]; // Ask the tunnel to connect. This will call the callback below on success or failure, passing // itself as an argument - retain count should be one at this point. [sshTunnel connect]; } /* * Cancel connection. * Currently only cleans up the SSH connection (MySQL connection isn't threaded) */ - (void)cancelConnection { if (!sshTunnel) return; cancellingConnection = YES; [sshTunnel disconnect]; [sshTunnel release]; sshTunnel = nil; } /* * A callback function for the SSH Tunnel setup process - will be called on a connection * state change, allowing connection to fail or proceed as appropriate. If successful, * will call initiateMySQLConnection. */ - (void)sshTunnelCallback:(SPSSHTunnel *)theTunnel { if (cancellingConnection) return; NSInteger newState = [theTunnel state]; if (newState == PROXY_STATE_IDLE) { [dbDocument setTitlebarStatus:NSLocalizedString(@"SSH Disconnected", @"SSH disconnected titlebar marker")]; [self failConnectionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"SSH connection failed!", @"SSH connection failed title") errorMessage:[theTunnel lastError] detail:[sshTunnel debugMessages]]; } else if (newState == PROXY_STATE_CONNECTED) { [dbDocument setTitlebarStatus:NSLocalizedString(@"SSH Connected", @"SSH connected titlebar marker")]; [self initiateMySQLConnection]; } else { [dbDocument setTitlebarStatus:NSLocalizedString(@"SSH Connecting…", @"SSH connecting titlebar marker")]; } } /* * Set up the MySQL connection, either through a successful tunnel or directly in the background. */ - (void)initiateMySQLConnection { // Disable the favorites table view to prevent further connections attempts [favoritesOutlineView setEnabled:NO]; if (sshTunnel) { [progressIndicatorText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"MySQL connecting...", @"MySQL connecting very short status message")]; } else { [progressIndicatorText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Connecting...", @"Generic connecting very short status message")]; } [progressIndicatorText display]; [connectButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button")]; [connectButton setAction:@selector(cancelMySQLConnection:)]; [connectButton setEnabled:YES]; [connectButton display]; [NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(_initiateMySQLConnectionInBackground) toTarget:self withObject:nil]; } /* * Ends a connection attempt by stopping the connection animation and * displaying a specified error message. */ - (void)failConnectionWithTitle:(NSString *)theTitle errorMessage:(NSString *)theErrorMessage detail:(NSString *)errorDetail { BOOL isSSHTunnelBindError = NO; // Clean up the interface [progressIndicator stopAnimation:self]; [progressIndicator display]; [progressIndicatorText setHidden:YES]; [progressIndicatorText display]; [addToFavoritesButton setHidden:NO]; [addToFavoritesButton display]; [connectButton setEnabled:YES]; [dbDocument clearStatusIcon]; // Release as appropriate if (sshTunnel) { [sshTunnel disconnect], [sshTunnel release], sshTunnel = nil; // If the SSH tunnel connection failed because the port it was trying to bind to was already in use take note // of it so we can give the user the option of connecting via standard connection and use the existing tunnel. if ([theErrorMessage rangeOfString:@"bind"].location != NSNotFound) { isSSHTunnelBindError = YES; } } if (errorDetail) [errorDetailText setString:errorDetail]; // Inform the delegate that the connection attempt failed if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(connectionControllerConnectAttemptFailed:)]) { [delegate connectionControllerConnectAttemptFailed:self]; } // Only display the connection error message if there is a window visible and the connection attempt // wasn't cancelled even though it failed. if ([[dbDocument parentWindow] isVisible] && (!mySQLConnectionCancelled)) { SPBeginAlertSheet(theTitle, NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), (errorDetail) ? NSLocalizedString(@"Show Detail", @"Show detail button") : nil, (isSSHTunnelBindError) ? NSLocalizedString(@"Use Standard Connection", @"use standard connection button") : nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, @selector(connectionFailureSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:), @"connect", theErrorMessage); } } /** * Alert sheet callback method - invoked when an error sheet is closed. */ - (void)connectionFailureSheetDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { // Restore the passwords from keychain for editing if appropriate if (connectionKeychainItemName) { [self setPassword:[keychain getPasswordForName:connectionKeychainItemName account:connectionKeychainItemAccount]]; } if (connectionSSHKeychainItemName) { [self setSshPassword:[keychain getPasswordForName:connectionSSHKeychainItemName account:connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount]]; } if (returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn) { [errorDetailText setFont:[NSFont userFontOfSize:12]]; [errorDetailText setAlignment:NSLeftTextAlignment]; [errorDetailWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]; } // Currently only SSH port bind errors offer a 3rd option in the error dialog, but if this ever changes // this will definitely need to be updated. else if (returnCode == NSAlertOtherReturn) { // Extract the local port number that SSH attempted to bind to from the debug output NSString *tunnelPort = [[[errorDetailText string] componentsMatchedByRegex:@"LOCALHOST:([0-9]+)" capture:1L] lastObject]; // Change the connection type to standard TCP/IP [self setType:SPTCPIPConnection]; // Change connection details [self setPort:tunnelPort]; [self setHost:@""]; // Change to standard TCP/IP connection view [self resizeTabViewToConnectionType:SPTCPIPConnection animating:YES]; // Initiate the connection after half a second to give the connection view a chance to resize [self performSelector:@selector(initiateConnection:) withObject:self afterDelay:0.5]; } } /** * Add the connection to the parent document and restore the * interface, allowing the application to run as normal. */ - (void)addConnectionToDocument { // Hide the connection view and restore the main view [connectionView removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay]; [databaseConnectionView setHidden:NO]; // Restore the toolbar icons NSArray *toolbarItems = [[[dbDocument parentWindow] toolbar] items]; for (NSInteger i = 0; i < [toolbarItems count]; i++) [[toolbarItems objectAtIndex:i] setEnabled:YES]; // Set keychain id for saving SPF files if ([self valueForKeyPath:@"selectedFavorite.id"]) { [dbDocument setKeychainID:[[self valueForKeyPath:@"selectedFavorite.id"] stringValue]]; } else { [dbDocument setKeychainID:@""]; } // Pass the connection to the table document, allowing it to set // up the other classes and the rest of the interface. [dbDocument setConnection:mySQLConnection]; } @end