// // SPConnectionControllerDelegate.m // sequel-pro // // Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on October 29, 2010. // Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // More info at #import "SPConnectionControllerDelegate.h" #ifndef SP_CODA #import "SPFavoritesController.h" #import "SPTableTextFieldCell.h" #import "SPFavoriteTextFieldCell.h" #import "SPPreferenceController.h" #import "SPGeneralPreferencePane.h" #import "SPAppController.h" #import "SPFavoriteNode.h" #import "SPGroupNode.h" #import "SPTreeNode.h" #import "SPFavoritesOutlineView.h" #import "SPFavoriteColorSupport.h" #endif #ifndef SP_CODA static NSString *SPDatabaseImage = @"database-small"; static NSString *SPQuickConnectImage = @"quick-connect-icon.pdf"; static NSString *SPQuickConnectImageWhite = @"quick-connect-icon-white.pdf"; #endif @interface SPConnectionController (SPConnectionControllerDelegate_Private_API) // Privately redeclare as read/write to get the synthesized setter @property (readwrite, assign) BOOL isEditingConnection; - (void)_checkHost; - (void)_sortFavorites; - (void)_favoriteTypeDidChange; - (void)_reloadFavoritesViewData; - (void)_scrollToSelectedNode; - (NSString *)_stripInvalidCharactersFromString:(NSString *)subject; - (void)_startEditingConnection; - (void)_stopEditingConnection; - (void)_setNodeIsExpanded:(BOOL)expanded fromNotification:(NSNotification *)notification; - (NSString *)_generateNameForConnection; @end @implementation SPConnectionController (SPConnectionControllerDelegate) #pragma mark - #pragma mark SplitView delegate methods #ifndef SP_CODA /** * When the split view is resized, trigger a resize in the hidden table * width as well, to keep the connection view and connected view in sync. */ - (void)splitViewDidResizeSubviews:(NSNotification *)notification { if (initComplete) { [databaseConnectionView setPosition:[[[connectionSplitView subviews] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width ofDividerAtIndex:0]; } } - (CGFloat)splitView:(NSSplitView *)splitView constrainMinCoordinate:(CGFloat)proposedMax ofSubviewAt:(NSInteger)dividerIndex { return 145.f; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Outline view delegate methods #ifndef SP_CODA - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isGroupItem:(id)item { return ([[(SPTreeNode *)item parentNode] parentNode] == nil); } - (void)outlineViewSelectionIsChanging:(NSNotification *)notification { if (isEditingConnection) { [self _stopEditingConnection]; [[notification object] setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } } - (void)outlineViewSelectionDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { NSInteger selected = [favoritesOutlineView numberOfSelectedRows]; if (isEditingConnection) { [self _stopEditingConnection]; [[notification object] setNeedsDisplay:YES]; } if (selected == 1) { [self updateFavoriteSelection:self]; favoriteNameFieldWasAutogenerated = NO; [connectionResizeContainer setHidden:NO]; [connectionInstructionsTextField setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Enter connection details below, or choose a favorite", @"enter connection details label")]; } else if (selected > 1) { [connectionResizeContainer setHidden:YES]; [connectionInstructionsTextField setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Please choose a favorite", @"please choose a favorite connection view label")]; } } - (NSCell *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView dataCellForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item { if (item == quickConnectItem) { return (NSCell *)quickConnectCell; } return [tableColumn dataCellForRow:[outlineView rowForItem:item]]; } - (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item { SPTreeNode *node = (SPTreeNode *)item; SPFavoriteTextFieldCell *favoriteCell = (SPFavoriteTextFieldCell *)cell; // Draw entries with the small system font by default [cell setFont:[NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]]]; // Set an image as appropriate; the quick connect image for that entry, no image for other // top-level items, the folder image for group nodes, or the database image for other nodes. if (![[node parentNode] parentNode]) { if (node == quickConnectItem) { if ([outlineView rowForItem:item] == [outlineView selectedRow]) { [favoriteCell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:SPQuickConnectImageWhite]]; } else { [favoriteCell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:SPQuickConnectImage]]; } } else { [favoriteCell setImage:nil]; } [favoriteCell setLabelColor:nil]; } else { if ([node isGroup]) { [favoriteCell setImage:folderImage]; [favoriteCell setLabelColor:nil]; } else { [favoriteCell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:SPDatabaseImage]]; NSColor *bgColor = nil; NSNumber *colorIndexObj = [[[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteColorIndexKey]; if(colorIndexObj != nil) { bgColor = [[SPFavoriteColorSupport sharedInstance] colorForIndex:[colorIndexObj integerValue]]; } [favoriteCell setLabelColor:bgColor]; } } // If a favourite item is being edited, draw the text in bold to show state if (isEditingConnection && ![node isGroup] && [outlineView rowForItem:item] == [outlineView selectedRow]) { NSMutableAttributedString *editedCellString = [[cell attributedStringValue] mutableCopy]; [editedCellString addAttribute:NSForegroundColorAttributeName value:[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.25f alpha:1.f] range:NSMakeRange(0, [editedCellString length])]; [cell setAttributedStringValue:editedCellString]; [editedCellString release]; } } - (CGFloat)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView heightOfRowByItem:(id)item { if (item == quickConnectItem) { return 24.f; } return ([[item parentNode] parentNode]) ? 17.f : 22.f; } - (NSString *)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView toolTipForCell:(NSCell *)cell rect:(NSRectPointer)rect tableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item mouseLocation:(NSPoint)mouseLocation { NSString *toolTip = nil; SPTreeNode *node = (SPTreeNode *)item; if (![node isGroup]) { NSString *favoriteName = [[[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey]; NSString *favoriteHostname = [[[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey]; toolTip = ([favoriteHostname length]) ? [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", favoriteName, favoriteHostname] : favoriteName; } // Only display a tooltip for group nodes that are a descendant of the root node else if ([[node parentNode] parentNode]) { NSUInteger favCount = 0; NSUInteger groupCount = 0; for (SPTreeNode *eachNode in [node childNodes]) { if ([eachNode isGroup]) { groupCount++; } else { favCount++; } } NSMutableArray *tooltipParts = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:2]; if (favCount || !groupCount) { [tooltipParts addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:((favCount == 1) ? NSLocalizedString(@"%d favorite", @"favorite singular label (%d == 1)") : NSLocalizedString(@"%d favorites", @"favorites plural label (%d != 1)")), favCount]]; } if (groupCount) { [tooltipParts addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:((groupCount == 1) ? NSLocalizedString(@"%d group", @"favorite group singular label (%d == 1)") : NSLocalizedString(@"%d groups", @"favorite groups plural label (%d != 1)")), groupCount]]; } toolTip = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ - %@", [[node representedObject] nodeName], [tooltipParts componentsJoinedByString:@", "]]; } return toolTip; } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldSelectItem:(id)item { // If this is a top level item, only allow the "Quick Connect" item to be selectable if (![[item parentNode] parentNode]) { return item == quickConnectItem; } // Otherwise allow all items to be selectable return YES; } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView isItemExpandable:(id)item { return (item != quickConnectItem && ![item isLeaf]); } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldShowOutlineCellForItem:(id)item { return ([[item parentNode] parentNode] != nil); } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldCollapseItem:(id)item { return ([[item parentNode] parentNode] != nil); } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldEditTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item { NSEvent *event = [NSApp currentEvent]; BOOL shiftTabbedIn = ([event type] == NSKeyDown && [[event characters] length] && [[event characters] characterAtIndex:0] == NSBackTabCharacter); if (shiftTabbedIn && [(SPFavoritesOutlineView *)outlineView justGainedFocus]) { return NO; } return item != quickConnectItem; } - (void)outlineViewItemDidCollapse:(NSNotification *)notification { [self _setNodeIsExpanded:NO fromNotification:notification]; } - (void)outlineViewItemDidExpand:(NSNotification *)notification { [self _setNodeIsExpanded:YES fromNotification:notification]; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Outline view drag & drop #ifndef SP_CODA - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView writeItems:(NSArray *)items toPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard { // Prevent a drag which includes the outline title group from taking place for (id item in items) { if (![[item parentNode] parentNode]) return NO; } // If the user is in the process of changing a node's name, trigger a save and prevent dragging. if (isEditingItemName) { [favoritesController saveFavorites]; [self _reloadFavoritesViewData]; isEditingItemName = NO; return NO; } [pboard declareTypes:@[SPFavoritesPasteboardDragType] owner:self]; BOOL result = [pboard setData:[NSData data] forType:SPFavoritesPasteboardDragType]; draggedNodes = items; return result; } - (NSDragOperation)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView validateDrop:(id )info proposedItem:(id)item proposedChildIndex:(NSInteger)childIndex { NSDragOperation result = NSDragOperationNone; // Prevent the top level or the quick connect item from being a target if (!item || item == quickConnectItem) return result; // Prevent dropping favorites on other favorites (non-groups) if ((childIndex == NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex) && (![item isGroup])) return result; // Ensure that none of the dragged nodes are being dragged into children of themselves; if they are, // prevent the drag. id itemToCheck = item; do { if ([draggedNodes containsObject:itemToCheck]) { return result; } } while ((itemToCheck = [itemToCheck parentNode])); if ([info draggingSource] == outlineView) { [outlineView setDropItem:item dropChildIndex:childIndex]; result = NSDragOperationMove; } return result; } - (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView acceptDrop:(id )info item:(id)item childIndex:(NSInteger)childIndex { BOOL acceptedDrop = NO; if ((!item) || ([info draggingSource] != outlineView)) return acceptedDrop; SPTreeNode *node = item ? item : [[[[favoritesRoot childNodes] objectAtIndex:0] childNodes] objectAtIndex:0]; // Cache the selected nodes for selection restoration afterwards NSArray *preDragSelection = [self selectedFavoriteNodes]; // Disable all automatic sorting currentSortItem = -1; reverseFavoritesSort = NO; [prefs setInteger:currentSortItem forKey:SPFavoritesSortedBy]; [prefs setBool:NO forKey:SPFavoritesSortedInReverse]; // Uncheck sort by menu items for (NSMenuItem *menuItem in [[favoritesSortByMenuItem submenu] itemArray]) { [menuItem setState:NSOffState]; } if (![draggedNodes count]) return acceptedDrop; if ([node isGroup]) { if (childIndex == NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex) { childIndex = 0; } [outlineView expandItem:node]; } else { if (childIndex == NSOutlineViewDropOnItemIndex) { childIndex = 0; } } if (![[node representedObject] nodeName]) { node = [[favoritesRoot childNodes] objectAtIndex:0]; } NSMutableArray *childNodeArray = [node mutableChildNodes]; for (SPTreeNode *treeNode in draggedNodes) { // Remove the node from its old location NSInteger oldIndex = [childNodeArray indexOfObject:treeNode]; NSInteger newIndex = childIndex; if (oldIndex != NSNotFound) { [childNodeArray removeObjectAtIndex:oldIndex]; if (childIndex > oldIndex) { newIndex--; } } else { [[[treeNode parentNode] mutableChildNodes] removeObject:treeNode]; } [childNodeArray insertObject:treeNode atIndex:newIndex]; newIndex++; } [favoritesController saveFavorites]; [self _reloadFavoritesViewData]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SPConnectionFavoritesChangedNotification object:self]; [[[SPAppDelegate preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup]; // Update the selection to account for rearranged faourites NSMutableIndexSet *restoredSelection = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet]; for (SPTreeNode *eachNode in preDragSelection) { [restoredSelection addIndex:[favoritesOutlineView rowForItem:eachNode]]; } [favoritesOutlineView selectRowIndexes:restoredSelection byExtendingSelection:NO]; acceptedDrop = YES; return acceptedDrop; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Textfield delegate methods #ifndef SP_CODA /** * React to control text changes in the connection interface */ - (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { id field = [notification object]; // Ignore changes in the outline view edit fields if ([field isKindOfClass:[NSOutlineView class]]) { return; } // If a 'name' field was edited, and is now of zero length, trigger a replacement // with a standard suggestion if (((field == standardNameField) || (field == socketNameField) || (field == sshNameField)) && [self selectedFavoriteNode]) { if (![[self _stripInvalidCharactersFromString:[field stringValue]] length]) { [self controlTextDidEndEditing:notification]; } } [self _startEditingConnection]; if (favoriteNameFieldWasAutogenerated && (field != standardNameField && field != socketNameField && field != sshNameField)) { [self setName:[self _generateNameForConnection]]; } } /** * React to the end of control text changes in the connection interface. */ - (void)controlTextDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification { id field = [notification object]; // Handle updates to the 'name' field of the selected favourite. The favourite name should // have leading or trailing spaces removed at the end of editing, and if it's left empty, // should have a default name set. if (((field == standardNameField) || (field == socketNameField) || (field == sshNameField)) && [self selectedFavoriteNode]) { NSString *favoriteName = [self _stripInvalidCharactersFromString:[field stringValue]]; if (![favoriteName length]) { favoriteName = [self _generateNameForConnection]; if (favoriteName) { [self setName:favoriteName]; } // Enable user@host update in reaction to other UI changes favoriteNameFieldWasAutogenerated = YES; } else if (![[field stringValue] isEqualToString:[self _generateNameForConnection]]) { favoriteNameFieldWasAutogenerated = NO; [self setName:favoriteName]; } } // When a host field finishes editing, ensure that it hasn't been set to "localhost" to // ensure that socket connections don't inadvertently occur. if (field == standardSQLHostField || field == sshSQLHostField) { [self _checkHost]; } } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Tab bar delegate methods #ifndef SP_CODA /** * Trigger a resize action whenever the tab view changes. The connection * detail forms are held within container views, which are of a fixed width; * the tabview and buttons are contained within a resizable view which * is set to dimensions based on the container views, allowing the view * to be sized according to the detail type. */ - (void)tabView:(NSTabView *)tabView didSelectTabViewItem:(NSTabViewItem *)tabViewItem { NSInteger selectedTabView = [tabView indexOfTabViewItem:tabViewItem]; if (selectedTabView == previousType) return; [self _startEditingConnection]; [self resizeTabViewToConnectionType:selectedTabView animating:YES]; // Update the host as appropriate if ((selectedTabView != SPSocketConnection) && [[self host] isEqualToString:@"localhost"]) { [self setHost:@""]; } previousType = selectedTabView; [self _favoriteTypeDidChange]; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Color Selector delegate - (void)colorSelectorDidChange:(SPColorSelectorView *)sel { [self _startEditingConnection]; } #pragma mark - #pragma mark Scroll view notifications #ifndef SP_CODA /** * As the scrollview resizes, keep the details centered within it if * the detail frame is larger than the scrollview size; otherwise, pin * the detail frame to the top of the scrollview. */ - (void)scrollViewFrameChanged:(NSNotification *)aNotification { NSRect scrollViewFrame = [connectionDetailsScrollView frame]; NSRect scrollDocumentFrame = [[connectionDetailsScrollView documentView] frame]; NSRect connectionDetailsFrame = [connectionResizeContainer frame]; // Scroll view is smaller than contents - keep positioned at top. if (scrollViewFrame.size.height < connectionDetailsFrame.size.height + 10) { if (connectionDetailsFrame.origin.y != 0) { connectionDetailsFrame.origin.y = 0; [connectionResizeContainer setFrame:connectionDetailsFrame]; scrollDocumentFrame.size.height = connectionDetailsFrame.size.height + 10; [[connectionDetailsScrollView documentView] setFrame:scrollDocumentFrame]; } } // Otherwise, center else { connectionDetailsFrame.origin.y = (scrollViewFrame.size.height - connectionDetailsFrame.size.height)/3; [connectionResizeContainer setFrame:connectionDetailsFrame]; scrollDocumentFrame.size.height = scrollViewFrame.size.height; [[connectionDetailsScrollView documentView] setFrame:scrollDocumentFrame]; } } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Menu Validation #ifndef SP_CODA /** * Menu item validation. */ - (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem { SEL action = [menuItem action]; SPTreeNode *node = [self selectedFavoriteNode]; NSInteger selectedRows = [favoritesOutlineView numberOfSelectedRows]; if ((action == @selector(sortFavorites:)) || (action == @selector(reverseSortFavorites:))) { if ([[favoritesRoot allChildLeafs] count] < 2) return NO; // Loop all the items in the sort by menu only checking the currently selected one for (NSMenuItem *item in [[menuItem menu] itemArray]) { [item setState:([[menuItem menu] indexOfItem:item] == currentSortItem)]; } // Check or uncheck the reverse sort item if (action == @selector(reverseSortFavorites:)) { [menuItem setState:reverseFavoritesSort]; } return YES; } // import does not depend on a selection if(action == @selector(importFavorites:)) return YES; if (node == quickConnectItem) return NO; // Remove/rename the selected node if (action == @selector(removeNode:) || action == @selector(renameNode:)) { return selectedRows == 1; } // Duplicate and make the selected favorite the default if (action == @selector(duplicateFavorite:)) { return ((selectedRows == 1) && (![node isGroup])); } // Make selected favorite the default if (action == @selector(makeSelectedFavoriteDefault:)) { NSInteger favoriteID = [[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue]; return ((selectedRows == 1) && (![node isGroup]) && (favoriteID != [prefs integerForKey:SPDefaultFavorite])); } // Favorites export if (action == @selector(exportFavorites:)) { if ([[favoritesRoot allChildLeafs] count] == 0 || selectedRows == 0) { return NO; } else if (selectedRows > 1) { [menuItem setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Export Selected...", @"export selected favorites menu item")]; } } return YES; } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Favorites import/export delegate methods #ifndef SP_CODA /** * Called by the favorites importer when the imported data is available. */ - (void)favoritesImportData:(NSArray *)data { SPTreeNode *newNode; NSMutableArray *importedNodes = [NSMutableArray array]; NSMutableIndexSet *importedIndexSet = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet]; // Add each of the imported favorites to the root node for (NSMutableDictionary *favorite in data) { newNode = [favoritesController addFavoriteNodeWithData:favorite asChildOfNode:nil]; [importedNodes addObject:newNode]; } if (currentSortItem > SPFavoritesSortUnsorted) { [self _sortFavorites]; } [self _reloadFavoritesViewData]; // Select the new nodes and scroll into view for (SPTreeNode *eachNode in importedNodes) { [importedIndexSet addIndex:[favoritesOutlineView rowForItem:eachNode]]; } [favoritesOutlineView selectRowIndexes:importedIndexSet byExtendingSelection:NO]; [self _scrollToSelectedNode]; } /** * Called by the favorites importer when the import completes. */ - (void)favoritesImportCompletedWithError:(NSError *)error { if (error) { NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Favorites import error", @"favorites import error message") defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK") alternateButton:nil otherButton:nil informativeTextWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The following error occurred during the import process:\n\n%@", @"favorites import error informative message"), [error localizedDescription]]; [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[dbDocument parentWindow] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL]; } } #endif #pragma mark - #pragma mark Private API #ifndef SP_CODA /** * Sets the expanded state of the node from the supplied outline view notification. * * @param expanded The state of the node * @param notification The notification genrated from the state change */ - (void)_setNodeIsExpanded:(BOOL)expanded fromNotification:(NSNotification *)notification { SPGroupNode *node = [[[notification userInfo] valueForKey:@"NSObject"] representedObject]; [node setNodeIsExpanded:expanded]; } #endif @end