// $Id$
// SPConnectionHandler.m
// sequel-pro
// Created by Stuart Connolly (stuconnolly.com) on November 15, 2010.
// Copyright (c) 2010 Stuart Connolly. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
// conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// More info at
#import "SPConnectionController.h"
#import "SPConnectionHandler.h"
#import "SPDatabaseDocument.h"
#ifndef SP_REFACTOR /* headers */
#import "SPAppController.h"
#import "SPPreferenceController.h"
#import "ImageAndTextCell.h"
#import "RegexKitLite.h"
#import "SPAlertSheets.h"
#import "SPKeychain.h"
#import "SPSSHTunnel.h"
#import "SPTableTextFieldCell.h"
#import "SPFavoritesController.h"
#import "SPFavoriteNode.h"
#import "SPGeneralPreferencePane.h"
#import "SPDatabaseViewController.h"
#import "SPTreeNode.h"
#import "SPFavoritesExporter.h"
#import "SPFavoritesImporter.h"
#import "SPThreadAdditions.h"
// Constants
static NSString *SPRemoveNode = @"RemoveNode";
static NSString *SPImportFavorites = @"ImportFavorites";
static NSString *SPExportFavorites = @"ExportFavorites";
static NSString *SPExportFavoritesFilename = @"SequelProFavorites.plist";
@interface NSSavePanel (NSSavePanel_unpublishedUntilSnowLeopardAPI)
- (void)setShowsHiddenFiles:(BOOL)flag;
@interface SPConnectionController ()
// Privately redeclare as read/write to get the synthesized setter
@property (readwrite, assign) BOOL isEditingConnection;
- (void)_saveCurrentDetailsCreatingNewFavorite:(BOOL)createNewFavorite validateDetails:(BOOL)validateDetails;
- (BOOL)_checkHost;
- (void)_sortFavorites;
- (void)_sortTreeNode:(SPTreeNode *)node usingKey:(NSString *)key;
- (void)_favoriteTypeDidChange;
- (void)_reloadFavoritesViewData;
- (void)_updateFavoriteFirstResponder;
- (void)_restoreConnectionInterface;
- (void)_selectNode:(SPTreeNode *)node;
- (void)_scrollToSelectedNode;
- (void)_removeNode:(SPTreeNode *)node;
- (void)_removeAllPasswordsForNode:(SPTreeNode *)node;
- (NSNumber *)_createNewFavoriteID;
- (SPTreeNode *)_favoriteNodeForFavoriteID:(NSInteger)favoriteID;
- (NSString *)_stripInvalidCharactersFromString:(NSString *)subject;
- (NSString *)_generateNameForConnection;
- (void)_startEditingConnection;
- (void)_documentWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification;
static NSComparisonResult _compareFavoritesUsingKey(id favorite1, id favorite2, void *key);
@interface SPConnectionController (SPConnectionControllerDelegate)
- (void)_stopEditingConnection;
@implementation SPConnectionController
@synthesize delegate;
@synthesize type;
@synthesize name;
@synthesize host;
@synthesize user;
@synthesize password;
@synthesize database;
@synthesize socket;
@synthesize port;
@synthesize useSSL;
@synthesize sslKeyFileLocationEnabled;
@synthesize sslKeyFileLocation;
@synthesize sslCertificateFileLocationEnabled;
@synthesize sslCertificateFileLocation;
@synthesize sslCACertFileLocationEnabled;
@synthesize sslCACertFileLocation;
@synthesize sshHost;
@synthesize sshUser;
@synthesize sshPassword;
@synthesize sshKeyLocationEnabled;
@synthesize sshKeyLocation;
@synthesize sshPort;
@synthesize dbDocument;
@synthesize connectionKeychainItemName;
@synthesize connectionKeychainItemAccount;
@synthesize connectionSSHKeychainItemName;
@synthesize connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount;
@synthesize isConnecting;
@synthesize isEditingConnection;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Connection processes
* Starts the connection process; invoked when user hits the connect button
* or double-clicks on a favourite.
* Error-checks fields as required, and triggers connection of MySQL or any
* connection proxies in use.
- (IBAction)initiateConnection:(id)sender
// If this action was triggered via a double-click on the favorites outline view,
// ensure that one of the connections was double-clicked, not the area above or below
if (sender == favoritesOutlineView && [favoritesOutlineView clickedRow] <= 0) return;
// If triggered via the "Test Connection" button, set the state - otherwise clear it
isTestingConnection = (sender == testConnectButton);
// Ensure that host is not empty if this is a TCP/IP or SSH connection
if (([self type] == SPTCPIPConnection || [self type] == SPSSHTunnelConnection) && ![[self host] length]) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient connection details", @"insufficient details message"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient details provided to establish a connection. Please enter at least the hostname.", @"insufficient details informative message"));
// If SSH is enabled, ensure that the SSH host is not nil
if ([self type] == SPSSHTunnelConnection && ![[self sshHost] length]) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient connection details", @"insufficient details message"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient details provided to establish a connection. Please enter the hostname for the SSH Tunnel, or disable the SSH Tunnel.", @"insufficient SSH tunnel details informative message"));
// If an SSH key has been provided, verify it exists
if ([self type] == SPSSHTunnelConnection && sshKeyLocationEnabled && sshKeyLocation) {
if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[sshKeyLocation stringByExpandingTildeInPath]]) {
[self setSshKeyLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"SSH Key not found", @"SSH key check error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"A SSH key location was specified, but no file was found in the specified location. Please re-select the key and try again.", @"SSH key not found message"));
// Ensure that a socket connection is not inadvertently used
if (![self _checkHost]) return;
// If SSL keys have been supplied, verify they exist
if (([self type] == SPTCPIPConnection || [self type] == SPSocketConnection) && [self useSSL]) {
if (sslKeyFileLocationEnabled && sslKeyFileLocation &&
![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[sslKeyFileLocation stringByExpandingTildeInPath]])
[self setSslKeyFileLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSslKeyFileLocation:nil];
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"SSL Key File not found", @"SSL key file check error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"A SSL key file location was specified, but no file was found in the specified location. Please re-select the key file and try again.", @"SSL key file not found message"));
if (sslCertificateFileLocationEnabled && sslCertificateFileLocation &&
![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[sslCertificateFileLocation stringByExpandingTildeInPath]])
[self setSslCertificateFileLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSslCertificateFileLocation:nil];
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"SSL Certificate File not found", @"SSL certificate file check error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"A SSL certificate location was specified, but no file was found in the specified location. Please re-select the certificate and try again.", @"SSL certificate file not found message"));
if (sslCACertFileLocationEnabled && sslCACertFileLocation &&
![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[sslCACertFileLocation stringByExpandingTildeInPath]])
[self setSslCACertFileLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSslCACertFileLocation:nil];
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"SSL Certificate Authority File not found", @"SSL certificate authority file check error"), NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], self, nil, nil, NSLocalizedString(@"A SSL Certificate Authority certificate location was specified, but no file was found in the specified location. Please re-select the Certificate Authority certificate and try again.", @"SSL CA certificate file not found message"));
// Basic details have validated - start the connection process animating
isConnecting = YES;
cancellingConnection = NO;
// Disable the favorites outline view to prevent further connections attempts
[favoritesOutlineView setEnabled:NO];
[helpButton setHidden:YES];
[connectButton setEnabled:NO];
[testConnectButton setEnabled:NO];
[progressIndicator startAnimation:self];
[progressIndicatorText setHidden:NO];
// Start the current tab's progress indicator
[dbDocument setIsProcessing:YES];
// If the password(s) are marked as having been originally sourced from a keychain, check whether they
// have been changed or not; if not, leave the mark in place and remove the password from the field
// for increased security.
if (connectionKeychainItemName && !isTestingConnection) {
if ([[keychain getPasswordForName:connectionKeychainItemName account:connectionKeychainItemAccount] isEqualToString:[self password]]) {
[self setPassword:[[NSString string] stringByPaddingToLength:[[self password] length] withString:@"sp" startingAtIndex:0]];
[[standardPasswordField undoManager] removeAllActionsWithTarget:standardPasswordField];
[[socketPasswordField undoManager] removeAllActionsWithTarget:socketPasswordField];
[[sshPasswordField undoManager] removeAllActionsWithTarget:sshPasswordField];
else {
[connectionKeychainItemName release], connectionKeychainItemName = nil;
[connectionKeychainItemAccount release], connectionKeychainItemAccount = nil;
if (connectionSSHKeychainItemName && !isTestingConnection) {
if ([[keychain getPasswordForName:connectionSSHKeychainItemName account:connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount] isEqualToString:[self sshPassword]]) {
[self setSshPassword:[[NSString string] stringByPaddingToLength:[[self sshPassword] length] withString:@"sp" startingAtIndex:0]];
[[sshSSHPasswordField undoManager] removeAllActionsWithTarget:sshSSHPasswordField];
else {
[connectionSSHKeychainItemName release], connectionSSHKeychainItemName = nil;
[connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount release], connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount = nil;
// Inform the delegate that we are starting the connection process
if (delegate && [delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(connectionControllerInitiatingConnection:)]) {
[delegate connectionControllerInitiatingConnection:self];
// Trim whitespace and newlines from the host field before attempting to connect
[self setHost:[[self host] stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]];
// Initiate the SSH connection process for tunnels
if ([self type] == SPSSHTunnelConnection) {
[self performSelector:@selector(initiateSSHTunnelConnection) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
// ...or start the MySQL connection process directly
[self performSelector:@selector(initiateMySQLConnection) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
* Cancels the current connection - both SSH and MySQL.
- (IBAction)cancelConnection:(id)sender
[connectButton setEnabled:NO];
[progressIndicatorText setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancelling...", @"cancelling task status message")];
[progressIndicatorText display];
cancellingConnection = YES;
// Cancel the MySQL connection - handing it off to a background thread - if one is present
if (mySQLConnection) {
[mySQLConnection setDelegate:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadWithName:@"SPConnectionController cancellation background disconnect" target:mySQLConnection selector:@selector(disconnect) object:nil];
[mySQLConnection autorelease];
mySQLConnection = nil;
// Cancel the SSH tunnel if present
if (sshTunnel) {
[sshTunnel disconnect];
[sshTunnel release];
sshTunnel = nil;
// Restore the connection interface
[self _restoreConnectionInterface];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Interface interaction
* Registered to be the double click action of the favorites outline view.
- (IBAction)nodeDoubleClicked:(id)sender
SPTreeNode *node = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
if (node) {
if (node == quickConnectItem) {
// Only proceed to initiate a connection if a leaf node (i.e. a favorite and not a group) was double clicked.
if (![node isGroup]) {
[self initiateConnection:self];
// Otherwise start editing the group node's name
else {
[favoritesOutlineView editColumn:0 row:[favoritesOutlineView selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
* Opens the SSH/SSL key selection window, ready to select a key file.
- (IBAction)chooseKeyLocation:(NSButton *)sender
NSString *directoryPath = nil;
NSString *filePath = nil;
NSArray *permittedFileTypes = nil;
keySelectionPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[keySelectionPanel setShowsHiddenFiles:[prefs boolForKey:SPHiddenKeyFileVisibilityKey]];
// If the button was toggled off, ensure editing is ended
if ([sender state] == NSOffState) {
[self _startEditingConnection];
// Switch details by sender.
// First, SSH keys:
if (sender == sshSSHKeyButton) {
// If the custom key location is currently disabled - after the button
// action - leave it disabled and return without showing the sheet.
if (!sshKeyLocationEnabled) {
// Otherwise open a panel at the last or default location
if (sshKeyLocation && [sshKeyLocation length]) {
filePath = [sshKeyLocation lastPathComponent];
directoryPath = [sshKeyLocation stringByDeletingLastPathComponent];
permittedFileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"pem", @"key", @"", nil];
[keySelectionPanel setAccessoryView:sshKeyLocationHelp];
// SSL key file location:
else if (sender == standardSSLKeyFileButton || sender == socketSSLKeyFileButton) {
if ([sender state] == NSOffState) {
[self setSslKeyFileLocation:nil];
permittedFileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"pem", @"key", @"", nil];
[keySelectionPanel setAccessoryView:sslKeyFileLocationHelp];
// SSL certificate file location:
else if (sender == standardSSLCertificateButton || sender == socketSSLCertificateButton) {
if ([sender state] == NSOffState) {
[self setSslCertificateFileLocation:nil];
permittedFileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"pem", @"cert", @"crt", @"", nil];
[keySelectionPanel setAccessoryView:sslCertificateLocationHelp];
// SSL CA certificate file location:
else if (sender == standardSSLCACertButton || sender == socketSSLCACertButton) {
if ([sender state] == NSOffState) {
[self setSslCACertFileLocation:nil];
permittedFileTypes = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"pem", @"cert", @"crt", @"", nil];
[keySelectionPanel setAccessoryView:sslCACertLocationHelp];
[keySelectionPanel beginSheetForDirectory:directoryPath
modalForWindow:[dbDocument parentWindow]
* Show connection help webpage.
- (IBAction)showHelp:(id)sender
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:SPLOCALIZEDURL_CONNECTIONHELP]];
* Resize parts of the interface to reflect SSL status.
- (IBAction)updateSSLInterface:(id)sender
[self resizeTabViewToConnectionType:[self type] animating:YES];
[self _startEditingConnection];
* Toggle hidden file visiblity in response to accessory view changes
- (IBAction)updateKeyLocationFileVisibility:(id)sender
[keySelectionPanel setShowsHiddenFiles:[prefs boolForKey:SPHiddenKeyFileVisibilityKey]];
* Update the interface in response to external split view size changes.
- (void)updateSplitViewSize
if ([dbDocument getConnection]) {
[connectionSplitView setDelegate:nil];
[connectionSplitView setPosition:[[[databaseConnectionView subviews] objectAtIndex:0] frame].size.width ofDividerAtIndex:0];
[connectionSplitView setDelegate:self];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Connection details interaction and display
* Control tab view resizing based on the supplied connection type,
* with an option defining whether it should be animated or not.
- (void)resizeTabViewToConnectionType:(NSUInteger)theType animating:(BOOL)animate
NSRect frameRect, targetResizeRect;
// Use a magic number which needs to be added to the form when calculating resizes -
// including the height of the button areas below.
NSInteger additionalFormHeight = 92;
frameRect = [connectionResizeContainer frame];
switch (theType) {
case SPTCPIPConnection:
targetResizeRect = [standardConnectionFormContainer frame];
if ([self useSSL]) additionalFormHeight += [standardConnectionSSLDetailsContainer frame].size.height;
case SPSocketConnection:
targetResizeRect = [socketConnectionFormContainer frame];
if ([self useSSL]) additionalFormHeight += [socketConnectionSSLDetailsContainer frame].size.height;
case SPSSHTunnelConnection:
targetResizeRect = [sshConnectionFormContainer frame];
frameRect.size.height = targetResizeRect.size.height + additionalFormHeight;
if (animate && initComplete) {
[[connectionResizeContainer animator] setFrame:frameRect];
else {
[connectionResizeContainer setFrame:frameRect];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Favorites interaction
* Sorts the favorites table view based on the selected sort by item.
- (void)sortFavorites:(id)sender
SPFavoritesSortItem previousSortItem = currentSortItem;
currentSortItem = (SPFavoritesSortItem)[[sender menu] indexOfItem:sender];
[prefs setInteger:currentSortItem forKey:SPFavoritesSortedBy];
// Perform sorting
[self _sortFavorites];
if (previousSortItem > SPFavoritesSortUnsorted) [[[sender menu] itemAtIndex:previousSortItem] setState:NSOffState];
[[[sender menu] itemAtIndex:currentSortItem] setState:NSOnState];
* Reverses the favorites table view sorting based on the selected criteria.
- (void)reverseSortFavorites:(NSMenuItem *)sender
reverseFavoritesSort = (![sender state]);
[prefs setBool:reverseFavoritesSort forKey:SPFavoritesSortedInReverse];
// Perform re-sorting
[self _sortFavorites];
[(NSMenuItem *)sender setState:reverseFavoritesSort];
* Sets fields for the chosen favorite.
- (void)updateFavoriteSelection:(id)sender
// Clear the keychain referral items as appropriate
if (connectionKeychainID) [connectionKeychainID release], connectionKeychainID = nil;
if (connectionKeychainItemName) [connectionKeychainItemName release], connectionKeychainItemName = nil;
if (connectionKeychainItemAccount) [connectionKeychainItemAccount release], connectionKeychainItemAccount = nil;
if (connectionSSHKeychainItemName) [connectionSSHKeychainItemName release], connectionSSHKeychainItemName = nil;
if (connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount) [connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount release], connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount = nil;
SPTreeNode *node = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
if ([node isGroup]) node = nil;
// Update key-value properties from the selected favourite, using empty strings where not found
NSDictionary *fav = [[node representedObject] nodeFavorite];
// Keep a copy of the favorite as it currently stands
if (currentFavorite) [currentFavorite release], currentFavorite = nil;
currentFavorite = [fav copy];
[connectionResizeContainer setHidden:NO];
[self _stopEditingConnection];
// Set up the type, also storing it in the previous type store to prevent type "changes" triggering actions
NSUInteger connectionType = ([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteTypeKey] ? [[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteTypeKey] integerValue] : SPTCPIPConnection);
previousType = connectionType;
[self setType:connectionType];
// Standard details
[self setName:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] : @"")];
[self setHost:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey] : @"")];
[self setSocket:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSocketKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSocketKey] : @"")];
[self setUser:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteUserKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteUserKey] : @"")];
[self setPort:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoritePortKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoritePortKey] : @"")];
[self setDatabase:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey] : @"")];
// SSL details
[self setUseSSL:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteUseSSLKey] ? [[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteUseSSLKey] intValue] : NSOffState)];
[self setSslKeyFileLocationEnabled:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationEnabledKey] ? [[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationEnabledKey] intValue] : NSOffState)];
[self setSslKeyFileLocation:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationKey] : @"")];
[self setSslCertificateFileLocationEnabled:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationEnabledKey] ? [[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationEnabledKey] intValue] : NSOffState)];
[self setSslCertificateFileLocation:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationKey] : @"")];
[self setSslCACertFileLocationEnabled:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationEnabledKey] ? [[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationEnabledKey] intValue] : NSOffState)];
[self setSslCACertFileLocation:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationKey] : @"")];
// SSH details
[self setSshHost:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey] : @"")];
[self setSshUser:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey] : @"")];
[self setSshKeyLocationEnabled:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationEnabledKey] ? [[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationEnabledKey] intValue] : NSOffState)];
[self setSshKeyLocation:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationKey] : @"")];
[self setSshPort:([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHPortKey] ? [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHPortKey] : @"")];
// Trigger an interface update
[self resizeTabViewToConnectionType:[self type] animating:(sender == self)];
// Check whether the password exists in the keychain, and if so add it; also record the
// keychain details so we can pass around only those details if the password doesn't change
connectionKeychainItemName = [[keychain nameForFavoriteName:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]] retain];
connectionKeychainItemAccount = [[keychain accountForUser:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteUserKey] host:(([self type] == SPSocketConnection) ? @"localhost" : [fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey]) database:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey]] retain];
[self setPassword:[keychain getPasswordForName:connectionKeychainItemName account:connectionKeychainItemAccount]];
if (![[self password] length]) {
[self setPassword:nil];
[connectionKeychainItemName release], connectionKeychainItemName = nil;
[connectionKeychainItemAccount release], connectionKeychainItemAccount = nil;
// Store the selected favorite ID for use with the document on connection
if ([fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]) connectionKeychainID = [[[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] stringValue] retain];
// And the same for the SSH password
connectionSSHKeychainItemName = [[keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]] retain];
connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount = [[keychain accountForSSHUser:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey] sshHost:[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey]] retain];
[self setSshPassword:[keychain getPasswordForName:connectionSSHKeychainItemName account:connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount]];
if (![[self sshPassword] length]) {
[self setSshPassword:nil];
[connectionSSHKeychainItemName release], connectionSSHKeychainItemName = nil;
[connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount release], connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount = nil;
[prefs setInteger:[[fav objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue] forKey:SPLastFavoriteID];
// Set first responder to password field if it is empty
[self performSelector:@selector(_updateFavoriteFirstResponder) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
* Returns the selected favorite data dictionary or nil if nothing is selected.
- (NSMutableDictionary *)selectedFavorite
SPTreeNode *node = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
return (![node isGroup]) ? [[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] : nil;
* Returns the selected favorite node or nil if nothing is selected.
- (SPTreeNode *)selectedFavoriteNode
NSArray *nodes = [self selectedFavoriteNodes];
return ([nodes count]) ? (SPTreeNode *)[nodes objectAtIndex:0] : nil;
* Returns an array of selected favorite nodes.
- (NSArray *)selectedFavoriteNodes
NSMutableArray *nodes = [NSMutableArray array];
NSIndexSet *indexes = [favoritesOutlineView selectedRowIndexes];
NSUInteger currentIndex = [indexes firstIndex];
while (currentIndex != NSNotFound)
[nodes addObject:[favoritesOutlineView itemAtRow:currentIndex]];
currentIndex = [indexes indexGreaterThanIndex:currentIndex];
return nodes;
* Saves the current connection favorite.
- (IBAction)saveFavorite:(id)sender
[self _saveCurrentDetailsCreatingNewFavorite:NO validateDetails:YES];
* Adds a new connection favorite.
- (IBAction)addFavorite:(id)sender
NSNumber *favoriteID = [self _createNewFavoriteID];
NSArray *objects = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:NSLocalizedString(@"New Favorite", @"new favorite name"),
[NSNumber numberWithInteger:0], @"", @"", @"", @"",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSOffState],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSOffState],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSOffState],
[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSOffState], @"", @"", @"",
[NSNumber numberWithInt:NSOffState], @"", @"", favoriteID, nil];
NSArray *keys = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
// Create default favorite
NSMutableDictionary *favorite = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:objects forKeys:keys];
SPTreeNode *selectedNode = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
SPTreeNode *parent = ([selectedNode isGroup] && selectedNode != quickConnectItem) ? selectedNode : (SPTreeNode *)[selectedNode parentNode];
SPTreeNode *node = [favoritesController addFavoriteNodeWithData:favorite asChildOfNode:parent];
//[self _reloadFavoritesViewData];
// Ensure the parent is expanded
[favoritesOutlineView expandItem:parent];
[self _sortFavorites];
[self _selectNode:node];
[[[[NSApp delegate] preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup];
favoriteNameFieldWasAutogenerated = YES;
[favoritesOutlineView editColumn:0 row:[favoritesOutlineView selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
* Adds the current details as a new connection favorite, selects it, and scrolls the selected
* row to be visible.
- (IBAction)addFavoriteUsingCurrentDetails:(id)sender
[self _saveCurrentDetailsCreatingNewFavorite:YES validateDetails:YES];
* Adds a new group node to the favorites tree with a default name. Once added it is selected for editing.
- (IBAction)addGroup:(id)sender
SPTreeNode *selectedNode = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
SPTreeNode *parent = ([selectedNode isGroup]) ? selectedNode : (SPTreeNode *)[selectedNode parentNode];
// Ensure the parent is expanded
[favoritesOutlineView expandItem:parent];
SPTreeNode *node = [favoritesController addGroupNodeWithName:NSLocalizedString(@"New Folder", @"new folder placeholder name") asChildOfNode:parent];
[self _reloadFavoritesViewData];
[self _selectNode:node];
[favoritesOutlineView editColumn:0 row:[favoritesOutlineView selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
* Removes the selected node.
- (IBAction)removeNode:(id)sender
if ([favoritesOutlineView numberOfSelectedRows] == 1) {
BOOL suppressWarning = NO;
SPTreeNode *node = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
NSString *message = @"";
NSString *informativeMessage = @"";
if (![node isGroup]) {
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete favorite '%@'?", @"delete database message"), [[[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey]];
informativeMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to delete the favorite '%@'? This operation cannot be undone.", @"delete database informative message"), [[[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey]];
else if ([[node childNodes] count] > 0) {
message = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete group '%@'?", @"delete database message"), [[node representedObject] nodeName]];
informativeMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to delete the group '%@'? All groups and favorites within this group will also be deleted. This operation cannot be undone.", @"delete database informative message"), [[node representedObject] nodeName]];
else {
suppressWarning = YES;
if (!suppressWarning) {
NSAlert *alert = [NSAlert alertWithMessageText:message
defaultButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Delete", @"delete button")
alternateButton:NSLocalizedString(@"Cancel", @"cancel button")
NSArray *buttons = [alert buttons];
// Change the alert's cancel button to have the key equivalent of return
[[buttons objectAtIndex:0] setKeyEquivalent:@"d"];
[[buttons objectAtIndex:0] setKeyEquivalentModifierMask:NSCommandKeyMask];
[[buttons objectAtIndex:1] setKeyEquivalent:@"\r"];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[dbDocument parentWindow]
[self _removeNode:node];
* Duplicates the selected connection favorite.
- (IBAction)duplicateFavorite:(id)sender
if ([favoritesOutlineView numberOfSelectedRows] == 1) {
NSMutableDictionary *favorite = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[self selectedFavorite]];
NSNumber *favoriteID = [self _createNewFavoriteID];
NSInteger duplicatedFavoriteType = [[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteTypeKey] integerValue];
// Update the unique ID
[favorite setObject:favoriteID forKey:SPFavoriteIDKey];
// Alter the name for clarity
[favorite setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@ Copy", @"Initial favourite name after duplicating a previous favourite"), [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey]] forKey:SPFavoriteNameKey];
// Create new keychain items if appropriate
if (password && [password length]) {
NSString *oldKeychainName = [keychain nameForFavoriteName:[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
NSString *newKeychainName = [keychain nameForFavoriteName:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
NSString *keychainAccount = [keychain accountForUser:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteUserKey] host:((duplicatedFavoriteType == SPSocketConnection) ? @"localhost" : [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey]) database:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey]];
NSString *favoritePassword = [keychain getPasswordForName:oldKeychainName account:keychainAccount];
[keychain addPassword:favoritePassword forName:newKeychainName account:keychainAccount];
favoritePassword = nil;
if (sshPassword && [sshPassword length]) {
NSString *oldKeychainSSHName = [keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
NSString *newKeychainSSHName = [keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
NSString *keychainSSHAccount = [keychain accountForSSHUser:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey] sshHost:[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey]];
NSString *favoriteSSHPassword = [keychain getPasswordForName:oldKeychainSSHName account:keychainSSHAccount];
[keychain addPassword:favoriteSSHPassword forName:newKeychainSSHName account:keychainSSHAccount];
favoriteSSHPassword = nil;
SPTreeNode *selectedNode = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
SPTreeNode *parent = ([selectedNode isGroup]) ? selectedNode : (SPTreeNode *)[selectedNode parentNode];
SPTreeNode *node = [favoritesController addFavoriteNodeWithData:favorite asChildOfNode:parent];
[self _reloadFavoritesViewData];
[self _selectNode:node];
[[(SPPreferenceController *)[[NSApp delegate] preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup];
* Switches the selected favorite/group to editing mode so it can be renamed.
- (IBAction)renameNode:(id)sender
if ([favoritesOutlineView numberOfSelectedRows] == 1) {
[favoritesOutlineView editColumn:0 row:[favoritesOutlineView selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
* Marks the selected favorite as the default.
- (IBAction)makeSelectedFavoriteDefault:(id)sender
NSInteger favoriteID = [[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue];
[prefs setInteger:favoriteID forKey:SPDefaultFavorite];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Import/export favorites
* Displays an open panel, allowing the user to import their favorites.
- (IBAction)importFavorites:(id)sender
NSOpenPanel *openPanel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[openPanel beginSheetForDirectory:nil
types:[NSArray arrayWithObject:@"plist"]
modalForWindow:[dbDocument parentWindow]
* Displays a save panel, allowing the user to export their favorites.
- (IBAction)exportFavorites:(id)sender
NSSavePanel *savePanel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
NSString *fileName = [[self selectedFavoriteNodes] count] > 1 ? SPExportFavoritesFilename : [[[self selectedFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"plist"];
[savePanel setAccessoryView:exportPanelAccessoryView];
[savePanel beginSheetForDirectory:nil
modalForWindow:[dbDocument parentWindow]
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Accessors
* Returns the main outline view instance.
- (SPFavoritesOutlineView *)favoritesOutlineView
return favoritesOutlineView;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Key Value Observing
* This method is called as part of Key Value Observing.
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Sheet methods
* Called when the user dismisses the remove node sheet.
- (void)sheetDidEnd:(id)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(NSString *)contextInfo
// Remove the current favorite/group node
if ([contextInfo isEqualToString:SPRemoveNode]) {
if (returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn) {
[self _removeNode:[self selectedFavoriteNode]];
* Called after closing the SSH/SSL key selection sheet.
- (void)chooseKeyLocationSheetDidEnd:(NSOpenPanel *)openPanel returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
NSString *abbreviatedFileName = [[openPanel filename] stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath];
// SSH key file selection
if (contextInfo == sshSSHKeyButton) {
if (returnCode == NSCancelButton) {
[self setSshKeyLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSshKeyLocation:abbreviatedFileName];
// SSL key file selection
else if (contextInfo == standardSSLKeyFileButton || contextInfo == socketSSLKeyFileButton) {
if (returnCode == NSCancelButton) {
[self setSslKeyFileLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSslKeyFileLocation:nil];
[self setSslKeyFileLocation:abbreviatedFileName];
// SSL certificate file selection
else if (contextInfo == standardSSLCertificateButton || contextInfo == socketSSLCertificateButton) {
if (returnCode == NSCancelButton) {
[self setSslCertificateFileLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSslCertificateFileLocation:nil];
[self setSslCertificateFileLocation:abbreviatedFileName];
// SSL CA certificate file selection
else if (contextInfo == standardSSLCACertButton || contextInfo == socketSSLCACertButton) {
if (returnCode == NSCancelButton) {
[self setSslCACertFileLocationEnabled:NSOffState];
[self setSslCACertFileLocation:nil];
[self setSslCACertFileLocation:abbreviatedFileName];
[self _startEditingConnection];
* Called when the user dismisses either the import of export favorites panels.
- (void)importExportFavoritesSheetDidEnd:(NSOpenPanel *)panel returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(NSString *)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSOKButton) {
if (contextInfo == SPExportFavorites) {
SPFavoritesExporter *exporter = [[[SPFavoritesExporter alloc] init] autorelease];
[exporter setDelegate:self];
[exporter writeFavorites:[self selectedFavoriteNodes] toFile:[panel filename]];
else if (contextInfo == SPImportFavorites) {
SPFavoritesImporter *importer = [[SPFavoritesImporter alloc] init];
[importer setDelegate:self];
[importer importFavoritesFromFileAtPath:[panel filename]];
* Alert sheet callback method - invoked when the error sheet is closed.
- (void)localhostErrorSheetDidEnd:(NSAlert *)alert returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
if (returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn) {
[self setType:SPSocketConnection];
[self setHost:@""];
else {
[self setHost:@""];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Private API
* Take the current details and either save them to the currently selected
* favourite, or create a new connection favourite using them.
* If creating a new favourite, also select it and ensure the selected
* favourite is visible.
- (void)_saveCurrentDetailsCreatingNewFavorite:(BOOL)createNewFavorite validateDetails:(BOOL)validateDetails
// Complete any active editing
if ([[connectionView window] firstResponder]) {
[[connectionView window] endEditingFor:[[connectionView window] firstResponder]];
// Ensure that host is not empty if this is a TCP/IP or SSH connection
if (validateDetails && ([self type] == SPTCPIPConnection || [self type] == SPSSHTunnelConnection) && ![[self host] length]) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient connection details", @"insufficient details message"),
NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], nil, nil, nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient details provided to establish a connection. Please provide at least a host.", @"insufficient details informative message"));
// If SSH is enabled, ensure that the SSH host is not nil
if (validateDetails && [self type] == SPSSHTunnelConnection && ![[self sshHost] length]) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"Insufficient connection details", @"insufficient details message"),
NSLocalizedString(@"OK", @"OK button"), nil, nil, [dbDocument parentWindow], nil, nil, nil,
NSLocalizedString(@"Please enter the hostname for the SSH Tunnel, or disable the SSH Tunnel.", @"message of panel when ssh details are incomplete"));
// Ensure that a socket connection is not inadvertently used
if (![self _checkHost]) return;
// Set up the favourite, or get the mutable dictionary for the current favourite.
NSMutableDictionary *theFavorite;
if (createNewFavorite) {
theFavorite = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[theFavorite setObject:[self _createNewFavoriteID] forKey:SPFavoriteIDKey];
} else {
if (!currentFavorite) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Tried to save a current favourite with no currentFavorite"];
theFavorite = [self selectedFavorite];
// Set the name - either taking the provided name, or generating one.
if ([[self name] length]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self name] forKey:SPFavoriteNameKey];
} else {
NSString *favoriteName = [self _generateNameForConnection];
if (!favoriteName) {
favoriteName = NSLocalizedString(@"Untitled", @"Name for an untitled connection");
[theFavorite setObject:favoriteName forKey:SPFavoriteNameKey];
// Set standard details for the connection
[theFavorite setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self type]] forKey:SPFavoriteTypeKey];
if ([self host]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self host] forKey:SPFavoriteHostKey];
if ([self socket]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self socket] forKey:SPFavoriteSocketKey];
if ([self user]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self user] forKey:SPFavoriteUserKey];
if ([self port]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self port] forKey:SPFavoritePortKey];
if ([self database]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self database] forKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey];
// SSL details
if ([self useSSL]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self useSSL]] forKey:SPFavoriteUseSSLKey];
[theFavorite setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self sslKeyFileLocationEnabled]] forKey:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationEnabledKey];
if ([self sslKeyFileLocation]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sslKeyFileLocation] forKey:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationKey];
[theFavorite setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self sslCertificateFileLocationEnabled]] forKey:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationEnabledKey];
if ([self sslCertificateFileLocation]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sslCertificateFileLocation] forKey:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationKey];
[theFavorite setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self sslCACertFileLocationEnabled]] forKey:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationEnabledKey];
if ([self sslCACertFileLocation]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sslCACertFileLocation] forKey:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationKey];
// SSH details
if ([self sshHost]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sshHost] forKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey];
if ([self sshUser]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sshUser] forKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey];
if ([self sshPort]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sshPort] forKey:SPFavoriteSSHPortKey];
[theFavorite setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInteger:[self sshKeyLocationEnabled]] forKey:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationEnabledKey];
if ([self sshKeyLocation]) {
[theFavorite setObject:[self sshKeyLocation] forKey:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationKey];
* Password handling for the SQL connection
NSString *oldKeychainName, *oldKeychainAccount, *newKeychainName, *newKeychainAccount;;
NSString *oldHostnameForPassword = ([[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteTypeKey] integerValue] == SPSocketConnection) ? @"localhost" : [currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey];
NSString *newHostnameForPassword = ([self type] == SPSocketConnection) ? @"localhost" : [self host];
// Grab the password for this connection
// Add the password to keychain as appropriate
NSString *sqlPassword = [self password];
if (mySQLConnection && connectionKeychainItemName) {
sqlPassword = [keychain getPasswordForName:connectionKeychainItemName account:connectionKeychainItemAccount];
// If creating a new favourite, always add the password to the keychain if it's set
if (createNewFavorite && [sqlPassword length]) {
[keychain addPassword:sqlPassword
forName:[keychain nameForFavoriteName:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]]
account:[keychain accountForUser:[self user] host:newHostnameForPassword database:[self database]]];
// If not creating a new favourite...
if (!createNewFavorite) {
// Get the old keychain name and account strings
oldKeychainName = [keychain nameForFavoriteName:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
oldKeychainAccount = [keychain accountForUser:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteUserKey] host:oldHostnameForPassword database:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey]];
// If there's no new password, remove the old item from the keychain
if (![sqlPassword length]) {
[keychain deletePasswordForName:oldKeychainName account:oldKeychainAccount];
// Otherwise, set up the new keychain name and account strings and create or edit the item
} else {
newKeychainName = [keychain nameForFavoriteName:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
newKeychainAccount = [keychain accountForUser:[self user] host:newHostnameForPassword database:[self database]];
if ([keychain passwordExistsForName:oldKeychainName account:oldKeychainAccount]) {
[keychain updateItemWithName:oldKeychainName account:oldKeychainAccount toName:newKeychainName account:newKeychainAccount password:sqlPassword];
} else {
[keychain addPassword:sqlPassword forName:newKeychainName account:newKeychainAccount];
sqlPassword = nil;
* Password handling for the SSH connection
NSString *theSSHPassword = [self sshPassword];
if (mySQLConnection && connectionSSHKeychainItemName) {
theSSHPassword = [keychain getPasswordForName:connectionSSHKeychainItemName account:connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount];
// If creating a new favourite, always add the password if it's set
if (createNewFavorite && [theSSHPassword length]) {
[keychain addPassword:theSSHPassword
forName:[keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]]
account:[keychain accountForSSHUser:[self sshUser] sshHost:[self sshHost]]];
// If not creating a new favourite...
if (!createNewFavorite) {
// Get the old keychain name and account strings
oldKeychainName = [keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
oldKeychainAccount = [keychain accountForSSHUser:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey] sshHost:[currentFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey]];
// If there's no new password, remove the old item from the keychain
if (![theSSHPassword length]) {
[keychain deletePasswordForName:oldKeychainName account:oldKeychainAccount];
// Otherwise, set up the new keychain name and account strings and create or edit the item
} else {
newKeychainName = [keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey] id:[theFavorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey]];
newKeychainAccount = [keychain accountForSSHUser:[self sshUser] sshHost:[self sshHost]];
if ([keychain passwordExistsForName:oldKeychainName account:oldKeychainAccount]) {
[keychain updateItemWithName:oldKeychainName account:oldKeychainAccount toName:newKeychainName account:newKeychainAccount password:theSSHPassword];
} else {
[keychain addPassword:theSSHPassword forName:newKeychainName account:newKeychainAccount];
theSSHPassword = nil;
* Saving the connection
// If creating the connection, add to the favourites tree.
if (createNewFavorite) {
SPTreeNode *selectedNode = [self selectedFavoriteNode];
SPTreeNode *parentNode = nil;
// If the current node is a group node, create the favorite as a child of it
if ([selectedNode isGroup] && selectedNode != quickConnectItem) {
parentNode = selectedNode;
// Otherwise, create the new node as a sibling of the selected node if possible
} else if ([selectedNode parentNode] && [selectedNode parentNode] != favoritesRoot) {
parentNode = (SPTreeNode *)[selectedNode parentNode];
// Ensure the parent is expanded
[favoritesOutlineView expandItem:parentNode];
// Add the new node and select it
SPTreeNode *newNode = [favoritesController addFavoriteNodeWithData:theFavorite asChildOfNode:parentNode];
[self _sortFavorites];
[self _selectNode:newNode];
// Update the favorites popup button in the preferences
[[[[NSApp delegate] preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup];
// Otherwise, if editing the favourite, update it
} else {
[[[self selectedFavoriteNode] representedObject] setNodeFavorite:theFavorite];
// Save the new data to disk
[favoritesController saveFavorites];
[self _stopEditingConnection];
if (currentFavorite) [currentFavorite release], currentFavorite = nil;
currentFavorite = [theFavorite copy];
[self _sortFavorites];
[self _scrollToSelectedNode];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SPConnectionFavoritesChangedNotification object:self];
* Check the host field and ensure it isn't set to 'localhost' for non-socket connections.
- (BOOL)_checkHost
if ([self type] != SPSocketConnection && [[self host] isEqualToString:@"localhost"]) {
SPBeginAlertSheet(NSLocalizedString(@"You have entered 'localhost' for a non-socket connection", @"title of error when using 'localhost' for a network connection"),
NSLocalizedString(@"Use", @"Use button"), // Main button
NSLocalizedString(@"Connect via socket", @"Connect via socket button"), // Alternate button
nil, // Other button
[dbDocument parentWindow], // Window to attach to
self, // Modal delegate
@selector(localhostErrorSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:), // Did end selector
nil, // Contextual info for selectors
NSLocalizedString(@"To MySQL, 'localhost' is a special host and means that a socket connection should be used.\n\nDid you mean to use a socket connection, or to connect to the local machine via a port? If you meant to connect via a port, '' should be used instead of 'localhost'.", @"message of error when using 'localhost' for a network connection"));
return NO;
return YES;
* Sorts the connection favorites based on the selected criteria.
- (void)_sortFavorites
NSString *sortKey = SPFavoriteNameKey;
switch (currentSortItem)
case SPFavoritesSortNameItem:
sortKey = SPFavoriteNameKey;
case SPFavoritesSortHostItem:
sortKey = SPFavoriteHostKey;
case SPFavoritesSortTypeItem:
sortKey = SPFavoriteTypeKey;
case SPFavoritesSortUnsorted:
// Store a copy of the selected nodes for re-selection
NSArray *preSortSelection = [self selectedFavoriteNodes];
[self _sortTreeNode:[[favoritesRoot childNodes] objectAtIndex:0] usingKey:sortKey];
[favoritesController saveFavorites];
[self _reloadFavoritesViewData];
// Update the selection to account for sorted favourites
NSMutableIndexSet *restoredSelection = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
for (SPTreeNode *eachNode in preSortSelection) {
[restoredSelection addIndex:[favoritesOutlineView rowForItem:eachNode]];
[favoritesOutlineView selectRowIndexes:restoredSelection byExtendingSelection:NO];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SPConnectionFavoritesChangedNotification object:self];
* Sorts the supplied tree node using the supplied sort key.
* @param node The tree node to sort
* @param key The sort key to sort by
- (void)_sortTreeNode:(SPTreeNode *)node usingKey:(NSString *)key
NSMutableArray *nodes = [[node mutableChildNodes] mutableCopy];
// If this node only has one child and it's not another group node, don't bother proceeding
if (([nodes count] == 1) && (![[nodes objectAtIndex:0] isGroup])) {
[nodes release];
for (SPTreeNode *treeNode in nodes)
if ([treeNode isGroup]) {
[self _sortTreeNode:treeNode usingKey:key];
NSMutableIndexSet *indexes = [[NSMutableIndexSet alloc] init];
NSUInteger i = [indexes lastIndex];
while (i != NSNotFound)
[nodes removeObjectAtIndex:i];
i = [indexes indexLessThanIndex:i];
[indexes release];
[nodes sortUsingFunction:_compareFavoritesUsingKey context:key];
if (reverseFavoritesSort) [nodes reverse];
[[node mutableChildNodes] setArray:nodes];
[nodes release];
* Sort function used by NSMutableArray's sortUsingFunction:
* @param favorite1 The first of the favorites to compare (and determine sort order)
* @param favorite2 The second of the favorites to compare
* @param key The sort key to perform the comparison by
* @return An integer (NSComparisonResult) indicating the order of the comparison
static NSComparisonResult _compareFavoritesUsingKey(id favorite1, id favorite2, void *key)
NSString *dictKey = (NSString *)key;
id value1, value2;
if ([favorite1 isGroup]) {
if ([dictKey isEqualToString:SPFavoriteNameKey] || [favorite2 isGroup]) {
value1 = [[favorite1 representedObject] nodeName];
} else {
value1 = nil;
} else {
value1 = [[(SPFavoriteNode *)[(SPTreeNode *)favorite1 representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:dictKey];
if ([favorite2 isGroup]) {
if ([dictKey isEqualToString:SPFavoriteNameKey] || [favorite1 isGroup]) {
value2 = [[favorite2 representedObject] nodeName];
} else {
value2 = nil;
} else {
value2 = [[(SPFavoriteNode *)[(SPTreeNode *)favorite2 representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:dictKey];
if ([value1 isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
return [value1 caseInsensitiveCompare:value2];
return [value1 compare:value2];
* Updates the favorite's host when the type changes.
- (void)_favoriteTypeDidChange
NSDictionary *favorite = [self selectedFavorite];
// If either socket or host is localhost, clear.
if ((previousType != SPSocketConnection) && [[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey] isEqualToString:@"localhost"]) {
[self setHost:@""];
// Update the name for newly added favorites if not already touched by the user, by triggering a KVO update
if (![[self name] length] || favoriteNameFieldWasAutogenerated) {
NSString *favoriteName = [self _generateNameForConnection];
if (favoriteName) {
[self setName:favoriteName];
* Convenience method for reloading the outline view, expanding the root item and scrolling to the selected item.
- (void)_reloadFavoritesViewData
[favoritesOutlineView reloadData];
[favoritesOutlineView expandItem:[[favoritesRoot childNodes] objectAtIndex:0] expandChildren:NO];
[self _scrollToSelectedNode];
* Update the first responder status on password fields if they are empty and
* some host details are set, usually as a response to favourite selection changes.
- (void)_updateFavoriteFirstResponder
// Skip auto-selection changes if there is no user set
if (![[self user] length]) return;
switch ([self type])
case SPTCPIPConnection:
if (![[standardPasswordField stringValue] length]) {
[[dbDocument parentWindow] makeFirstResponder:standardPasswordField];
case SPSocketConnection:
if (![[socketPasswordField stringValue] length]) {
[[dbDocument parentWindow] makeFirstResponder:socketPasswordField];
case SPSSHTunnelConnection:
if (![[sshPasswordField stringValue] length]) {
[[dbDocument parentWindow] makeFirstResponder:sshPasswordField];
* Restores the connection interface to its original state.
- (void)_restoreConnectionInterface
// Must be performed on the main thread
if (![NSThread isMainThread]) return [[self onMainThread] _restoreConnectionInterface];
// Reset the window title
[[dbDocument parentWindow] setTitle:[dbDocument displayName]];
// Stop the current tab's progress indicator
[dbDocument setIsProcessing:NO];
// Reset the UI
[helpButton setHidden:NO];
[helpButton display];
[connectButton setTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Connect", @"connect button")];
[connectButton setEnabled:YES];
[connectButton display];
[testConnectButton setEnabled:YES];
[progressIndicator stopAnimation:self];
[progressIndicator display];
[progressIndicatorText setHidden:YES];
[progressIndicatorText display];
// Re-enable favorites table view
[favoritesOutlineView setEnabled:YES];
[(NSView *)favoritesOutlineView display];
// Revert the connect button back to its original selector
[connectButton setAction:@selector(initiateConnection:)];
* Selected the supplied node in the favorites outline view.
* @param node The node to select
- (void)_selectNode:(SPTreeNode *)node
[favoritesOutlineView selectRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:[favoritesOutlineView rowForItem:node]] byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self _scrollToSelectedNode];
* Scroll to the currently selected node.
- (void)_scrollToSelectedNode
// Don't scroll if no node is currently selected
if ([favoritesOutlineView selectedRow] == -1) return;
[favoritesOutlineView scrollRowToVisible:[favoritesOutlineView selectedRow]];
* Removes the supplied tree node.
* @param node The node to remove
- (void)_removeNode:(SPTreeNode *)node
[self _removeAllPasswordsForNode:node];
[favoritesController removeFavoriteNode:node];
[self _reloadFavoritesViewData];
// Clear the selection and update the interface to match
[favoritesOutlineView selectRowIndexes:nil byExtendingSelection:NO];
[self updateFavoriteSelection:self];
[connectionResizeContainer setHidden:NO];
[connectionInstructionsTextField setStringValue:NSLocalizedString(@"Enter connection details below, or choose a favorite", @"enter connection details label")];
[[(SPPreferenceController *)[[NSApp delegate] preferenceController] generalPreferencePane] updateDefaultFavoritePopup];
* Removes all passwords for the supplied tree node and any child nodes.
* @param node The node to remove all passwords within and for.
- (void)_removeAllPasswordsForNode:(SPTreeNode *)node
// If the supplied node is a group node, remove all passwords for any children
if ([node isGroup]) {
for (SPTreeNode *childNode in [node childNodes]) {
[self _removeAllPasswordsForNode:childNode];
// Otherwise, remove details for the supplied node.
NSDictionary *favorite = [[node representedObject] nodeFavorite];
// Get selected favorite's details
NSString *favoriteName = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteNameKey];
NSString *favoriteUser = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteUserKey];
NSString *favoriteHost = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteHostKey];
NSString *favoriteDatabase = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey];
NSString *favoriteSSHUser = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey];
NSString *favoriteSSHHost = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey];
NSString *favoriteID = [favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey];
// Remove passwords from the Keychain
[keychain deletePasswordForName:[keychain nameForFavoriteName:favoriteName id:favoriteID]
account:[keychain accountForUser:favoriteUser host:((type == SPSocketConnection) ? @"localhost" : favoriteHost) database:favoriteDatabase]];
[keychain deletePasswordForName:[keychain nameForSSHForFavoriteName:favoriteName id:favoriteID]
account:[keychain accountForSSHUser:favoriteSSHUser sshHost:favoriteSSHHost]];
// Reset last used favorite
if ([[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue] == [prefs integerForKey:SPLastFavoriteID]) {
[prefs setInteger:0 forKey:SPLastFavoriteID];
// If required, reset the default favorite
if ([[favorite objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue] == [prefs integerForKey:SPDefaultFavorite]) {
[prefs setInteger:[prefs integerForKey:SPLastFavoriteID] forKey:SPDefaultFavorite];
* Creates a new favorite ID based on the UNIX epoch time.
- (NSNumber *)_createNewFavoriteID
return [NSNumber numberWithInteger:[[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]] hash]];
* Returns the favorite node for the conection favorite with the supplied ID.
- (SPTreeNode *)_favoriteNodeForFavoriteID:(NSInteger)favoriteID
SPTreeNode *favoriteNode = nil;
if (!favoritesRoot) return favoriteNode;
if (!favoriteID) return quickConnectItem;
for (SPTreeNode *node in [favoritesRoot allChildLeafs])
if ([[[[node representedObject] nodeFavorite] objectForKey:SPFavoriteIDKey] integerValue] == favoriteID) {
favoriteNode = node;
return favoriteNode;
* Strips any invalid characters form the supplied string. Invalid is defined as any characters that should
* not be allowed to be enetered on the connection screen.
- (NSString *)_stripInvalidCharactersFromString:(NSString *)subject
NSString *result = [subject stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]];
return [result stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"\n" withString:@""];
* Generate a name for the current connection based on any other populated details.
* Currently uses the host and database fields.
* If a name cannot be generated because there are insufficient other details, returns nil.
- (NSString *)_generateNameForConnection
NSString *aName;
if ([self type] != SPSocketConnection && ![[self host] length]) {
return nil;
aName = ([self type] == SPSocketConnection) ? @"localhost" : [self host];
if ([[self database] length]) {
aName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", aName, [self database]];
return aName;
* If editing is not already active, mark editing as starting, triggering UI updates
* to match.
- (void)_startEditingConnection
// If not connecting, hide the connection status text to reflect changes
if (!isConnecting) {
[progressIndicatorText setHidden:YES];
if (isEditingConnection) return;
// Fade and move the edit button area in
[editButtonsView setAlphaValue:0.0f];
[editButtonsView setHidden:NO];
[editButtonsView setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint([editButtonsView frame].origin.x, [editButtonsView frame].origin.y - 30)];
[[editButtonsView animator] setFrameOrigin:NSMakePoint([editButtonsView frame].origin.x, [editButtonsView frame].origin.y + 30)];
[[editButtonsView animator] setAlphaValue:1.0f];
// Update the "Save" button state as appropriate
[saveFavoriteButton setEnabled:([self selectedFavorite] != nil)];
// Show the area to allow saving the changes
[self setIsEditingConnection:YES];
[favoritesOutlineView setNeedsDisplayInRect:[favoritesOutlineView rectOfRow:[favoritesOutlineView selectedRow]]];
* If editing is active, mark editing as complete, triggering UI updates to match.
- (void)_stopEditingConnection
if (!isEditingConnection) return;
[self setIsEditingConnection:NO];
[editButtonsView setHidden:YES];
[progressIndicatorText setHidden:YES];
[(NSView *)favoritesOutlineView display];
#pragma mark -
- (void)_documentWillClose:(NSNotification *)notification
cancellingConnection = YES;
dbDocument = nil;
if (mySQLConnection) {
[mySQLConnection setDelegate:nil];
[NSThread detachNewThreadWithName:@"SPConnectionController close background disconnect" target:mySQLConnection selector:@selector(disconnect) object:nil];
[mySQLConnection autorelease];
mySQLConnection = nil;
if (sshTunnel) [sshTunnel setConnectionStateChangeSelector:nil delegate:nil], [sshTunnel disconnect], [sshTunnel release];
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:self];
// Unregister observers
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteTypeKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteNameKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteHostKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteUserKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteDatabaseKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSocketKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoritePortKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteUseSSLKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSHHostKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSHUserKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSHPortKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationEnabledKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSHKeyLocationKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationEnabledKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSLKeyFileLocationKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationEnabledKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSLCertificateFileLocationKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationEnabledKey];
[self removeObserver:self forKeyPath:SPFavoriteSSLCACertFileLocationKey];
[keychain release];
[prefs release];
[folderImage release], folderImage = nil;
[quickConnectItem release], quickConnectItem = nil;
[quickConnectCell release], quickConnectCell = nil;
for (id retainedObject in nibObjectsToRelease) [retainedObject release];
[nibObjectsToRelease release];
if (connectionKeychainID) [connectionKeychainID release];
if (connectionKeychainItemName) [connectionKeychainItemName release];
if (connectionKeychainItemAccount) [connectionKeychainItemAccount release];
if (connectionSSHKeychainItemName) [connectionSSHKeychainItemName release];
if (connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount) [connectionSSHKeychainItemAccount release];
if (currentFavorite) [currentFavorite release], currentFavorite = nil;
[super dealloc];