// // SPCharsetCollationHelper.h // sequel-pro // // Created by Max Lohrmann on March 20, 2013. // Copyright (c) 2013 Max Lohrmann. All rights reserved. // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person // obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation // files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without // restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, // copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the // Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following // conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT // HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, // WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING // FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR // OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // More info at #import "SPCharsetCollationHelper.h" #import "SPServerSupport.h" #import "SPDatabaseData.h" @interface SPCharsetCollationHelper (Hidden) - (void)charsetButtonClicked:(id)sender; - (void)collationButtonClicked:(id)sender; - (void)refreshCharsets; - (void)refreshCollations; @end @implementation SPCharsetCollationHelper @synthesize databaseData; @synthesize serverSupport; @synthesize promoteUTF8; @synthesize defaultCharset; @synthesize defaultCollation; @synthesize selectedCharset; @synthesize selectedCollation; @synthesize defaultCharsetFormatString; @synthesize defaultCollationFormatString; @synthesize _oldCharset; - (id)initWithCharsetButton:(NSPopUpButton *)aCharsetButton CollationButton:(NSPopUpButton *)aCollationButton { NSAssert((aCharsetButton != nil),@"aCharsetButton != nil"); NSAssert((aCollationButton != nil),@"aCollationButton != nil"); self = [super init]; if (self != nil) { [self setPromoteUTF8:YES]; [self setDefaultCharsetFormatString:NSLocalizedString(@"Default (%@)",@"Charset Dropdown : Default item ($1 = charset name)")]; [self setDefaultCollationFormatString:NSLocalizedString(@"Default (%@)",@"Collation Dropdown : Default collation for given charset ($1 = collation name)")]; charsetButton = aCharsetButton; collationButton = aCollationButton; //connect the charset button with ourselves [charsetButton setTarget:self]; [charsetButton setAction:@selector(charsetButtonClicked:)]; //connect the collation button with ourselves [collationButton setTarget:self]; [collationButton setAction:@selector(collationButtonClicked:)]; } return self; } - (void)charsetButtonClicked:(id)sender { if(!_enabled) return; //update selectedCharset if(defaultCharset && [charsetButton indexOfSelectedItem] == 0) { //this is the default item, which means nil for selectedCollation [self setSelectedCharset:nil]; } else { //this is an actual item NSString *charsetId = [[charsetButton selectedItem] representedObject]; [self setSelectedCharset:charsetId]; } //update collations if there actually was a change in charset if((selectedCharset == nil && _oldCharset == nil) || (selectedCharset && [selectedCharset isEqualToString:_oldCharset])) { //same charset. (NOP - just for readability of the if statement) } else { //reset the selected collation. that was only valid as long as the same charset was selected [self setSelectedCollation:nil]; [self refreshCollations]; [self set_oldCharset:selectedCharset]; } } - (void)collationButtonClicked:(id)sender { if(!_enabled) return; //update selectedCollation if([collationButton indexOfSelectedItem] == 0) { //this is the default item, which means nil for selectedCollation [self setSelectedCollation:nil]; } else { //this is an actual item [self setSelectedCollation:[collationButton titleOfSelectedItem]]; } } - (void)refreshCharsets { //reset [charsetButton removeAllItems]; // Retrieve the server-supported encodings and add them to the menu NSArray *encodings = [databaseData getDatabaseCharacterSetEncodings]; [charsetButton setEnabled:NO]; NSMenuItem *selectedRef = nil; if (([encodings count] > 0) && [serverSupport supportsPost41CharacterSetHandling]) { NSUInteger utf8encounters = 0; for (NSDictionary *encoding in encodings) { NSString *charsetId = [encoding objectForKey:@"CHARACTER_SET_NAME"]; NSString *description = [encoding objectForKey:@"DESCRIPTION"]; NSString *menuItemTitle = (![description length]) ? charsetId : [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ (%@)", description, charsetId]; NSMenuItem *menuItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:menuItemTitle action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; [menuItem setRepresentedObject:charsetId]; //store the menu item that we want to select (we'll do that when the list is stable) if(selectedCharset && [charsetId isEqualToString:selectedCharset]) selectedRef = menuItem; // If an UTF8 entry has been encountered, promote it to the top of the list if (promoteUTF8 && [charsetId hasPrefix:@"utf8"]) { [[charsetButton menu] insertItem:[menuItem autorelease] atIndex:(utf8encounters++)]; } else { [[charsetButton menu] addItem:[menuItem autorelease]]; } } //only add a separator if there actually are more items other than utf8 (might not be true for mysql forks) if(utf8encounters && [encodings count] > utf8encounters) [[charsetButton menu] insertItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex:utf8encounters]; [charsetButton setEnabled:YES]; } // Populate the table encoding popup button with a default menu item (if set) // This is down here so it is put even before the utf8 item. if(defaultCharset) { NSMenuItem *defaultItem = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:[NSString stringWithFormat:defaultCharsetFormatString,defaultCharset] action:NULL keyEquivalent:@""]; [defaultItem setRepresentedObject:defaultCharset]; [[charsetButton menu] insertItem:[defaultItem autorelease] atIndex:0]; if([encodings count] > 0) [[charsetButton menu] insertItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem] atIndex: 1]; } //inserting items can have strange effects on the lists selectedItem, so we reset that. [charsetButton selectItemAtIndex:0]; //honor selectedCharset if(selectedRef) [charsetButton selectItem:selectedRef]; //reload the collations for the selected charset [self refreshCollations]; } - (void)refreshCollations { NSString *fmtStrDefaultId = NSLocalizedString(@"Default (%@)",@"Collation Dropdown : Default ($1 = collation name)"); NSString *fmtStrDefaultUnknown = NSLocalizedString(@"Default",@"Collation Dropdown : Default (unknown)"); // MySQL < 4.1.0 //throw out all items [collationButton removeAllItems]; //we'll enable that later if the user can actually change the selection. [collationButton setEnabled:NO]; //add the unknown default item - we will remove that once we have a real default, //which can come from two sources: // a) it was explicitly set in defaultCollation (only applies when defaultCharset == selectedCharset) // b) the server told us which was the default //if neither works (old mysql / forks ?) we at least have the dummy default. [collationButton addItemWithTitle:fmtStrDefaultUnknown]; //if the server actually has support for charsets & collations we will now get a list of all collations //for the current charset. Even if the default charset is kept by the user he can change the default collation //so we search in that case, too. if(![serverSupport supportsPost41CharacterSetHandling]) return; //get the charset id NSString *charsetId = [[charsetButton selectedItem] representedObject]; BOOL charsetIsInherited = ([self selectedCharset] == nil); //now let's get the list of collations for the selected charset id NSArray *applicableCollations = [databaseData getDatabaseCollationsForEncoding:charsetId]; //got something? if (![applicableCollations count]) return; //add a separator [[collationButton menu] addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; // there are two kinds of default collations: // - the inherited default (which is only used if NEITHER charset NOR collation is explicitly set), and // - the charset default (which is used if charset is explicitly set, but collation is not) // - that even applies if the selectedCharset is the same as the defaultCharset! if(charsetIsInherited) { // implies [charsetId isEqualToString:defaultCharset] NSString *userInheritedCollateTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:defaultCollationFormatString,defaultCollation]; //remove the dummy default item. [collationButton removeItemAtIndex:0]; //add it to the top of the list [collationButton insertItemWithTitle:userInheritedCollateTitle atIndex:0]; } //add the real items for (NSDictionary *collation in applicableCollations) { NSString *collationName = [collation objectForKey:@"COLLATION_NAME"]; [collationButton addItemWithTitle:collationName]; //is this the default collation for this charset and charset was given explicitly (ie. breaking inheritance)? if(!charsetIsInherited && [[collation objectForKey:@"IS_DEFAULT"] isEqualToString:@"Yes"]) { NSString *defaultCollateTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:fmtStrDefaultId,collationName]; //remove the dummy default item. [collationButton removeItemAtIndex:0]; //add it to the top of the list [collationButton insertItemWithTitle:defaultCollateTitle atIndex:0]; } } //reset selection to first item (it may have moved when adding the default item) [collationButton selectItemAtIndex:0]; //honor selectedCollation if(selectedCollation) [collationButton selectItemWithTitle:selectedCollation]; //yay, now there is actually something not the Default item, so we can enable the button [collationButton setEnabled:YES]; } - (BOOL)enabled { return _enabled; } - (void)setEnabled:(BOOL)value { if(value == YES) { NSAssert((databaseData != nil),@"No valid SPDatabaseData object given!"); NSAssert((serverSupport != nil),@"No valid SPServerSupport object given!"); [self set_oldCharset:selectedCharset]; //initialise to the initial selected charset [self refreshCharsets]; } _enabled = value; } @end