//  RegexKitLite.m
//  http://regexkit.sourceforge.net/
//  Licensed under the terms of the BSD License, as specified below.

 Copyright (c) 2008-2009, John Engelhart
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * Neither the name of the Zang Industries nor the names of its
 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
 this software without specific prior written permission.

#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFArray.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#import <Foundation/NSArray.h>
#import <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#import <Foundation/NSError.h>
#import <Foundation/NSException.h>
#import <Foundation/NSNotification.h>
#import <Foundation/NSRunLoop.h>
#ifdef    __OBJC_GC__
#import <Foundation/NSGarbageCollector.h>
#define RKL_STRONG_REF __strong
#else  // __OBJC_GC__
#endif // __OBJC_GC__

#include <objc/runtime.h>
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h>
#include <mach-o/loader.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#import "RegexKitLite.h"

// If the gcc flag -mmacosx-version-min is used with, for example, '=10.2', give a warning that the libicucore.dylib is only available on >= 10.3.
// If you are reading this comment because of this warning, this is to let you know that linking to /usr/lib/libicucore.dylib will cause your executable to fail on < 10.3.
// You will need to build your own version of the ICU library and link to that in order for RegexKitLite to work successfully on < 10.3.  This is not simple.

#warning The ICU dynamic shared library, /usr/lib/libicucore.dylib, is only available on Mac OS X 10.3 and later.
#warning You will need to supply a version of the ICU library to use RegexKitLite on Mac OS X 10.2 and earlier.

#pragma mark Compile time tuneables

#define RKL_CACHE_SIZE (23UL)

#define RKL_FIXED_LENGTH (2048UL)

#define RKL_STACK_LIMIT (128UL * 1024UL)


#if       defined(RKL_DTRACE) && (RKL_DTRACE != 0)
#endif // defined(RKL_DTRACE) && (RKL_DTRACE != 0)

// These are internal, non-public tuneables.

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark GCC / Compiler macros

#if       defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4)
#define RKL_ATTRIBUTES(attr, ...)        __attribute__((attr, ##__VA_ARGS__))
#define RKL_EXPECTED(cond, expect)       __builtin_expect((long)(cond), (expect))
#define RKL_PREFETCH(ptr)                __builtin_prefetch(ptr)
#define RKL_PREFETCH_UNICHAR(ptr, off)   { const char *p = ((const char *)(ptr)) + ((off) * sizeof(UniChar)) + RKL_CACHE_LINE_SIZE; RKL_PREFETCH(p); RKL_PREFETCH(p + RKL_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); }
#define RKL_CLEANUP(func)                __attribute__((cleanup(func)))
#else  // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) 
#define RKL_ATTRIBUTES(attr, ...)
#define RKL_EXPECTED(cond, expect)       cond
#define RKL_PREFETCH(ptr)
#define RKL_PREFETCH_UNICHAR(ptr, off)
#define RKL_CLEANUP(func)
#endif // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) 

#define RKL_STATIC_INLINE                         static __inline__ RKL_ATTRIBUTES(always_inline)
#define RKL_UNUSED_ARG                                              RKL_ATTRIBUTES(unused)
#define RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(arg, ...)                                  RKL_ATTRIBUTES(nonnull(arg, ##__VA_ARGS__))
#define RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(arg, ...)                      RKL_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, nonnull(arg, ##__VA_ARGS__))

#if       defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
#define RKL_ALLOC_SIZE_NON_NULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(as, nn, ...) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, nonnull(nn, ##__VA_ARGS__), alloc_size(as))
#else  // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)
#define RKL_ALLOC_SIZE_NON_NULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(as, nn, ...) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result, nonnull(nn, ##__VA_ARGS__))
#endif // defined (__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3)

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Assertion macros

// These macros are nearly identical to their NSCParameterAssert siblings.
// This is required because nearly everything is done while cacheSpinLock is locked.
// We need to safely unlock before throwing any of these exceptions.
// @try {} @finally {} significantly slows things down so it's not used.

#define RKLCAssertDictionary(d, ...) rkl_makeAssertDictionary(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (d), ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define RKLCDelayedHardAssert(c, e, g) do { id *_e=(e); int _c=(c); if(RKL_EXPECTED(_e == NULL, 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(*_e != NULL, 0L)) { goto g; } if(RKL_EXPECTED(!_c, 0L)) { *_e = RKLCAssertDictionary(@"Invalid parameter not satisfying: %s", #c); goto g; } } while(0)

#define RKLCDelayedAssert(c, e, g)
#define RKLCDelayedAssert(c, e, g) RKLCDelayedHardAssert(c, e, g)

#define RKL_EXCEPTION(e, f, ...)       [NSException exceptionWithName:(e) reason:rkl_stringFromClassAndMethod((self), (_cmd), (f), ##__VA_ARGS__) userInfo:NULL]
#define RKL_RAISE_EXCEPTION(e, f, ...) [RKL_EXCEPTION(e, f, ##__VA_ARGS__) raise]

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Utility functions and macros

RKL_STATIC_INLINE BOOL NSRangeInsideRange(NSRange cin, NSRange win) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE BOOL NSRangeInsideRange(NSRange cin, NSRange win) { return((((cin.location - win.location) <= win.length) && ((NSMaxRange(cin) - win.location) <= win.length)) ? YES : NO); }

#define NSMakeRange(loc, len) ((NSRange){.location=(NSUInteger)(loc), .length=(NSUInteger)(len)})
#define CFMakeRange(loc, len) ((CFRange){.location=   (CFIndex)(loc), .length=   (CFIndex)(len)})
#define NSNotFoundRange       ((NSRange){.location=       NSNotFound, .length=              0UL})
#define NSMaxiumRange         ((NSRange){.location=              0UL, .length=    NSUIntegerMax})

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Exported NSString symbols for exception names, error domains, error keys, etc

NSString * const RKLICURegexException            = @"RKLICURegexException";

NSString * const RKLICURegexErrorDomain          = @"RKLICURegexErrorDomain";

NSString * const RKLICURegexErrorCodeErrorKey    = @"RKLICURegexErrorCode";
NSString * const RKLICURegexErrorNameErrorKey    = @"RKLICURegexErrorName";
NSString * const RKLICURegexLineErrorKey         = @"RKLICURegexLine";
NSString * const RKLICURegexOffsetErrorKey       = @"RKLICURegexOffset";
NSString * const RKLICURegexPreContextErrorKey   = @"RKLICURegexPreContext";
NSString * const RKLICURegexPostContextErrorKey  = @"RKLICURegexPostContext";
NSString * const RKLICURegexRegexErrorKey        = @"RKLICURegexRegex";
NSString * const RKLICURegexRegexOptionsErrorKey = @"RKLICURegexRegexOptions";

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Type / struct definitions

// In general, the ICU bits and pieces here must exactly match the definition in the ICU sources.

#define U_ZERO_ERROR              0

#define U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN       16

typedef struct uregex uregex; // Opaque ICU regex type.

typedef struct UParseError { // This must be exactly the same as the 'real' ICU declaration.
  int32_t line;
  int32_t offset;
  UniChar preContext[U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN];
  UniChar postContext[U_PARSE_CONTEXT_LEN];
} UParseError;

// For use with GCC's cleanup() __attribute__.
#define  RKLLockedCacheSpinLock   ((NSUInteger)(1UL<<0))
#define  RKLUnlockedCacheSpinLock ((NSUInteger)(1UL<<1))

enum {
  RKLSplitOp           = 1,
  RKLReplaceOp         = 2,
  RKLRangeOp           = 3,
  RKLArrayOfStringsOp  = 4,
  RKLArrayOfCapturesOp = 5,
  RKLCapturesArrayOp   = 6,
  RKLMaskOp            = 0xf,
  RKLReplaceMutable    = 1 << 4,
  RKLSubcapturesArray  = 1 << 5,
typedef NSUInteger RKLRegexOp;

typedef struct {
                 NSRange    *ranges, findInRange;
                 NSInteger   capacity, found, findUpTo, capture;
                 size_t      size, stackUsed;
                 void      **rangesScratchBuffer;
  RKL_STRONG_REF void      **stringsScratchBuffer;
  RKL_STRONG_REF void      **arraysScratchBuffer;
} RKLFindAll;

typedef struct {
                 CFStringRef  string;
                 CFHashCode   hash;
                 CFIndex      length;
  RKL_STRONG_REF UniChar     *uniChar;
} RKLBuffer;

typedef struct {
  CFStringRef      regexString;
  RKLRegexOptions  options;
  uregex          *icu_regex;
  NSInteger        captureCount;
  CFStringRef      setToString;
  CFHashCode       setToHash;
  CFIndex          setToLength;
  NSUInteger       setToIsImmutable:1;
  NSUInteger       setToNeedsConversion:1;
  const UniChar   *setToUniChar;
  NSRange          setToRange, lastFindRange, lastMatchRange;
#ifndef   __LP64__
  NSUInteger       pad[1]; // For 32 bits, this makes the struct 64 bytes exactly, which is good for cache line alignment.
#endif // __LP64__
} RKLCacheSlot;

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Translation unit scope global variables

static UniChar              fixedUniChar[(RKL_FIXED_LENGTH)];     // This is the fixed sized UTF-16 conversion buffer.
static RKLCacheSlot         rkl_cacheSlots[(RKL_CACHE_SIZE)], *lastCacheSlot;
static OSSpinLock           cacheSpinLock = OS_SPINLOCK_INIT;
static RKLBuffer            dynamicBuffer, fixedBuffer = {NULL, 0UL, 0L, &fixedUniChar[0]};
static const UniChar        emptyUniCharString[1];                // For safety, icu_regexes are 'set' to this when the string they were searched is cleared.
static RKL_STRONG_REF void *scratchBuffer[(RKL_SCRATCH_BUFFERS)]; // Used to hold temporary allocations that are allocated via reallocf().

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CFArray call backs

// These are used when running under manual memory management for the array that rkl_splitArray creates.
// The split strings are created, but not autoreleased.  The (immutable) array is created using these callbacks, which skips the CFRetain() call, effectively transferring ownership to the CFArray object.
// For each split string this saves the overhead of an autorelease, then an array retain, then an NSAutoreleasePool release. This is good for a ~30% speed increase.

static void             RKLCFArrayRelease                 (CFAllocatorRef allocator RKL_UNUSED_ARG, const void *ptr) { CFRelease((CFTypeRef)ptr);                                       }
static CFArrayCallBacks transferOwnershipArrayCallBacks =                                                            { (CFIndex)0L, NULL, RKLCFArrayRelease, CFCopyDescription, CFEqual };

#if defined(__OBJC_GC__) || defined(RKL_FORCE_GC)
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Low-level Garbage Collection aware memory/resource allocation utilities
// If compiled with Garbage Collection, we need to be able to do a few things slightly differently.
// The basic premiss is that under GC we use a trampoline function pointer which is set to a _start function to catch the first invocation.
// The _start function checks if GC is running and then overwrites the function pointer with the appropriate routine.  Think of it as 'lazy linking'.

enum { RKLScannedOption = NSScannedOption };

// rkl_collectingEnabled uses objc_getClass() to get the NSGarbageCollector class, which doesn't exist on earlier systems.
// This allows for graceful failure should we find ourselves running on an earlier version of the OS without NSGarbageCollector.
static BOOL  rkl_collectingEnabled_first (void);
static BOOL  rkl_collectingEnabled_yes   (void) { return(YES); }
static BOOL  rkl_collectingEnabled_no    (void) { return(NO); }
static BOOL(*rkl_collectingEnabled)      (void) = rkl_collectingEnabled_first;
static BOOL  rkl_collectingEnabled_first (void) {
  BOOL gcEnabled = ([objc_getClass("NSGarbageCollector") defaultCollector] != NULL) ? YES : NO;
  if(gcEnabled == YES) {
    // This section of code is required due to what I consider to be a fundamental design flaw in Cocoas GC system.
    // Earlier versions of "Garbage Collection Programming Guide" stated that (paraphrased) "all globals are automatically roots".
    // Current versions of the guide now include the following warning:
    //    "You may pass addresses of strong globals or statics into routines expecting pointers to object pointers (such as id* or NSError**)
    //     only if they have first been assigned to directly, rather than through a pointer dereference."
    // This is a surprisingly non-trivial condition to actually meet in practice and is a recipe for impossible to debug race condition bugs.
    // We just happen to be very, very, very lucky in the fact that we can initilize our root set before the first use.
    int x;
    for(x = 0; x < (int)(RKL_SCRATCH_BUFFERS); x++) { scratchBuffer[x] = NSAllocateCollectable(16UL, 0UL); scratchBuffer[x] = NULL; }
    dynamicBuffer.uniChar = (RKL_STRONG_REF UniChar *)NSAllocateCollectable(16UL, 0UL); dynamicBuffer.uniChar = NULL;
  return((rkl_collectingEnabled = (gcEnabled == YES) ? rkl_collectingEnabled_yes : rkl_collectingEnabled_no)());

// rkl_realloc()
static void   *rkl_realloc_first (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags);
static void   *rkl_realloc_std   (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags RKL_UNUSED_ARG) { return((*ptr = reallocf(*ptr, size))); }
static void   *rkl_realloc_gc    (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags)                { return((*ptr = NSReallocateCollectable(*ptr, (NSUInteger)size, flags))); }
static void *(*rkl_realloc)      (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags) RKL_ALLOC_SIZE_NON_NULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(2,1) = rkl_realloc_first;
static void   *rkl_realloc_first (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags)                { return((rkl_realloc = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_realloc_gc : rkl_realloc_std)(ptr, size, flags)); }

// rkl_free()
static void *  rkl_free_first (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr);
static void *  rkl_free_std   (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr) { if(*ptr != NULL) { free(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; } return(NULL); }
static void *  rkl_free_gc    (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr) { if(*ptr != NULL) { *ptr = NULL; } return(NULL); }
static void *(*rkl_free)      (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1) = rkl_free_first;
static void *  rkl_free_first (RKL_STRONG_REF void **ptr) { return((rkl_free = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_free_gc : rkl_free_std)(ptr)); }

// rkl_CFAutorelease()
static id  rkl_CFAutorelease_first (CFTypeRef obj);
static id  rkl_CFAutorelease_std   (CFTypeRef obj) { return([(id)obj autorelease]); }
static id  rkl_CFAutorelease_gc    (CFTypeRef obj) { return(NSMakeCollectable(obj)); }
static id(*rkl_CFAutorelease)      (CFTypeRef obj) = rkl_CFAutorelease_first;
static id  rkl_CFAutorelease_first (CFTypeRef obj) { return((rkl_CFAutorelease = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_CFAutorelease_gc : rkl_CFAutorelease_std)(obj)); }

// rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring()
static id  rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_first (id string, NSRange range);
static id  rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_std   (id string, NSRange range) { return((id)CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, (CFStringRef)string, CFMakeRange((CFIndex)range.location, (CFIndex)range.length))); }
static id  rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_gc    (id string, NSRange range) { return([string substringWithRange:range]); }
static id(*rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring)      (id string, NSRange range) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1) = rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_first;
static id  rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_first (id string, NSRange range) { return((rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_gc : rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring_std)(string, range)); }

// rkl_ReleaseObject()
static id   rkl_ReleaseObject_first (id obj);
static id   rkl_ReleaseObject_std   (id obj)                { CFRelease((CFTypeRef)obj); return(NULL); }
static id   rkl_ReleaseObject_gc    (id obj RKL_UNUSED_ARG) { return(NULL); }
static id (*rkl_ReleaseObject)      (id obj) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1) = rkl_ReleaseObject_first;
static id   rkl_ReleaseObject_first (id obj)                { return((rkl_ReleaseObject = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_ReleaseObject_gc : rkl_ReleaseObject_std)(obj)); }

// rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects()
static id  rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_first (void **objects, NSUInteger count);
static id  rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_std   (void **objects, NSUInteger count) { return((id)CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)objects, (CFIndex)count, &transferOwnershipArrayCallBacks)); }
static id  rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_gc    (void **objects, NSUInteger count) { return([NSArray arrayWithObjects:(const id *)objects count:count]); }
static id(*rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects)      (void **objects, NSUInteger count) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1) = rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_first;
static id  rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_first (void **objects, NSUInteger count) { return((rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_gc : rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects_std)(objects, count)); }

// rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray()
static id  rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_first (void **objects, NSUInteger count);
static id  rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_std   (void **objects, NSUInteger count) { return((id)rkl_CFAutorelease(rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects(objects, count))); }
static id  rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_gc    (void **objects, NSUInteger count) { return(rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects(objects, count)); }
static id(*rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray)      (void **objects, NSUInteger count) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1) = rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_first;
static id  rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_first (void **objects, NSUInteger count) { return((rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray = (rkl_collectingEnabled()==YES) ? rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_gc : rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray_std)(objects, count)); }

#else  // __OBJC_GC__ not defined
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Low-level explicit memory/resource allocation utilities

enum { RKLScannedOption = 0 };

#define rkl_collectingEnabled() (NO)

RKL_STATIC_INLINE void *rkl_realloc                   (void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags) RKL_ALLOC_SIZE_NON_NULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(2,1);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE void *rkl_free                      (void **ptr)                                RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CFAutorelease             (CFTypeRef obj);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray   (void **objects, NSUInteger count)          RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects    (void **objects, NSUInteger count)          RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring (id string, NSRange range)                  RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_ReleaseObject             (id obj)                                    RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1);

RKL_STATIC_INLINE void *rkl_realloc                   (void **ptr, size_t size, NSUInteger flags RKL_UNUSED_ARG) { return((*ptr = reallocf(*ptr, size))); }
RKL_STATIC_INLINE void *rkl_free                      (void **ptr)                                               { if(*ptr != NULL) { free(*ptr); *ptr = NULL; } return(NULL); }
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CFAutorelease             (CFTypeRef obj)                                            { return([(id)obj autorelease]); }
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects    (void **objects, NSUInteger count)                         { return((id)CFArrayCreate(NULL, (const void **)objects, (CFIndex)count, &transferOwnershipArrayCallBacks)); }
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray   (void **objects, NSUInteger count)                         { return(rkl_CFAutorelease(rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects(objects, count))); }
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring (id string, NSRange range)                                 { return((id)CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, (CFStringRef)string, CFMakeRange((CFIndex)range.location, (CFIndex)range.length))); }
RKL_STATIC_INLINE id    rkl_ReleaseObject             (id obj)                                                   { CFRelease((CFTypeRef)obj); return(NULL); }

#endif // __OBJC_GC__

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark ICU function prototypes

// ICU functions.  See http://www.icu-project.org/apiref/icu4c/uregex_8h.html Tweaked slightly from the originals, but functionally identical.
const char *RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_errorName)              (int32_t status)   RKL_ATTRIBUTES(pure);
int32_t     RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_strlen)                 (const UniChar *s) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(nonnull(1), pure);
int32_t     RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_appendReplacement) (uregex *regexp, const UniChar *replacementText, int32_t replacementLength, UniChar **destBuf, int32_t *destCapacity, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2,4,5,6);
int32_t     RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_appendTail)        (uregex *regexp, UniChar **destBuf, int32_t *destCapacity, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2,3,4);
void        RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_close)             (uregex *regexp) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1);
int32_t     RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_end)               (uregex *regexp, int32_t groupNum, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,3);
BOOL        RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_find)              (uregex *regexp, int32_t location, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,3);
BOOL        RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_findNext)          (uregex *regexp, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2);
int32_t     RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_groupCount)        (uregex *regexp, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2);
uregex     *RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_open)              (const UniChar *pattern, int32_t patternLength, RKLRegexOptions flags, UParseError *parseError, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,4,5);
void        RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_reset)             (uregex *regexp, int32_t newIndex, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,3);
void        RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_setText)           (uregex *regexp, const UniChar *text, int32_t textLength, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2,4);
int32_t     RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_start)             (uregex *regexp, int32_t groupNum, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,3);

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark RegexKitLite internal, private function prototypes

static RKLCacheSlot *rkl_getCachedRegex            (NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, NSError **error, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG)                                                                                                   RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,4);
static NSUInteger    rkl_setCacheSlotToString      (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, const NSRange *range, int32_t *status, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG)                                                                                                    RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,3,4);
static RKLCacheSlot *rkl_getCachedRegexSetToString (NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, NSString *matchString, NSUInteger *matchLengthPtr, NSRange *matchRange, NSError **error, id *exception, int32_t *status)                                   RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,3,4,5,7,8);
static id            rkl_performRegexOp            (id self, SEL _cmd, RKLRegexOp regexOp, NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, NSInteger capture, id matchString, NSRange *matchRange, NSString *replacementString, NSError **error, void *result) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2);
static void          rkl_handleDelayedAssert       (id self, SEL _cmd, id exception)                                                                                                                                                                           RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2,3);

static NSUInteger    rkl_search                    (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, NSRange *searchRange, NSUInteger updateSearchRange, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG, int32_t *status)                        RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,4,5);

static BOOL          rkl_findRanges                (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, RKLRegexOp regexOp,      RKLFindAll *findAll, id *exception, int32_t *status)                                                       RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,3,4,5);
static NSUInteger    rkl_growFindRanges            (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, NSUInteger lastLocation, RKLFindAll *findAll, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG)                                               RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,3,4);
static NSArray      *rkl_makeArray                 (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, RKLRegexOp regexOp,      RKLFindAll *findAll, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG)                                               RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,3,4);

static NSString     *rkl_replaceString             (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, id searchString, NSUInteger searchU16Length, NSString *replacementString, NSUInteger replacementU16Length, NSUInteger *replacedCount, NSUInteger replaceMutable, id *exception, int32_t *status)            RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,4,8,9);
static int32_t       rkl_replaceAll                (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, const UniChar *replacementUniChar, int32_t replacementU16Length, UniChar *replacedUniChar, int32_t replacedU16Capacity, NSUInteger *replacedCount, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG, int32_t *status) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,4,7,8);

static NSUInteger    rkl_isRegexValid              (id self, SEL _cmd, NSString *regex, RKLRegexOptions options, NSInteger *captureCountPtr, NSError **error) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1,2);

static void          rkl_clearStringCache          (void);
static void          rkl_clearBuffer               (RKLBuffer *buffer, NSUInteger freeDynamicBuffer) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1);
static void          rkl_clearCacheSlotRegex       (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot)                         RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1);
static void          rkl_clearCacheSlotSetTo       (RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot)                         RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(1);

static NSDictionary *rkl_userInfoDictionary        (NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, const UParseError *parseError, int32_t status, ...) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(sentinel, nonnull(1), warn_unused_result);
static NSError      *rkl_NSErrorForRegex           (NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, const UParseError *parseError, int32_t status)      RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1);
static NSException  *rkl_NSExceptionForRegex       (NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, const UParseError *parseError, int32_t status)      RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1);
static NSDictionary *rkl_makeAssertDictionary      (const char *function, const char *file, int line, NSString *format, ...)                            RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,4);
static NSString     *rkl_stringFromClassAndMethod  (id object, SEL selector, NSString *format, ...)                                                     RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,3);

RKL_STATIC_INLINE int32_t rkl_getRangeForCapture(RKLCacheSlot *cs, int32_t *s, int32_t c, NSRange *r) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS_WARN_UNUSED(1,2,4);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE int32_t rkl_getRangeForCapture(RKLCacheSlot *cs, int32_t *s, int32_t c, NSRange *r) { uregex *re = cs->icu_regex; int32_t start = RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_start)(re, c, s); if(RKL_EXPECTED((*s > U_ZERO_ERROR), 0L) || (start == -1)) { *r = NSNotFoundRange; } else { r->location = (NSUInteger)start; r->length = (NSUInteger)RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_end)(re, c, s) - r->location; r->location += cs->setToRange.location; } return(*s); }

RKL_STATIC_INLINE RKLFindAll rkl_makeFindAll(NSRange *r, NSRange fir, NSInteger c, size_t s, size_t su, void **rsb, RKL_STRONG_REF void **ssb, RKL_STRONG_REF void **asb, NSInteger f, NSInteger cap, NSInteger fut) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(warn_unused_result);
RKL_STATIC_INLINE RKLFindAll rkl_makeFindAll(NSRange *r, NSRange fir, NSInteger c, size_t s, size_t su, void **rsb, RKL_STRONG_REF void **ssb, RKL_STRONG_REF void **asb, NSInteger f, NSInteger cap, NSInteger fut) { return(((RKLFindAll){ .ranges=r, .findInRange=fir, .capacity=c, .found=f, .findUpTo=fut, .capture=cap, .size=s, .stackUsed=su, .rangesScratchBuffer=rsb, .stringsScratchBuffer=ssb, .arraysScratchBuffer=asb})); }

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark RKL_FAST_MUTABLE_CHECK implementation

// We use a trampoline function pointer to check at run time if the function __CFStringIsMutable is available.
// If it is, the trampoline function pointer is replaced with the address of that function.
// Otherwise, we assume the worst case that every string is mutable.
// This hopefully helps to protect us since we're using an undocumented, non-public API call.
// We will keep on working if it ever does go away, just with a bit less performance due to the overhead of mutable checks.

static BOOL  rkl_CFStringIsMutable_first (CFStringRef str);
static BOOL  rkl_CFStringIsMutable_yes   (CFStringRef str RKL_UNUSED_ARG) { return(YES); }
static BOOL(*rkl_CFStringIsMutable)      (CFStringRef str) = rkl_CFStringIsMutable_first;
static BOOL  rkl_CFStringIsMutable_first (CFStringRef str)                { if((rkl_CFStringIsMutable = (BOOL(*)(CFStringRef))dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "__CFStringIsMutable")) == NULL) { rkl_CFStringIsMutable = rkl_CFStringIsMutable_yes; } return(rkl_CFStringIsMutable(str)); }
#else  // RKL_FAST_MUTABLE_CHECK is not defined.  Assume that all strings are potentially mutable.
#define rkl_CFStringIsMutable(s) (YES)

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark iPhone / iPod touch low memory notification handler


// The next few lines are specifically for the iPhone to catch low memory conditions.
// The basic idea is that rkl_RegisterForLowMemoryNotifications() is set to be run once by the linker at load time via __attribute((constructor)).
// rkl_RegisterForLowMemoryNotifications() tries to find the iPhone low memory notification symbol.  If it can find it,
// it registers with the default NSNotificationCenter to call the RKLLowMemoryWarningObserver class method +lowMemoryWarning:.
// rkl_RegisterForLowMemoryNotifications() uses an atomic compare and swap to guarantee that it initalizes exactly once.
// +lowMemoryWarning tries to acquire the cache lock.  If it gets the lock, it clears the cache.  If it can't, it calls performSelector:
// with a delay of half a second to try again.  This will hopefully prevent any deadlocks, such as a RegexKitLite request for
// memory triggering a notifcation while the lock is held.

static void rkl_RegisterForLowMemoryNotifications(void) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(used);

@interface      RKLLowMemoryWarningObserver : NSObject +(void)lowMemoryWarning:(id)notification; @end
@implementation RKLLowMemoryWarningObserver
+(void)lowMemoryWarning:(id)notification {
  if(OSSpinLockTry(&cacheSpinLock)) { rkl_clearStringCache(); OSSpinLockUnlock(&cacheSpinLock); }
  else { [[RKLLowMemoryWarningObserver class] performSelector:@selector(lowMemoryWarning:) withObject:NULL afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)0.1]; }

static int rkl_HaveRegisteredForLowMemoryNotifications = 0;

__attribute__((constructor)) static void rkl_RegisterForLowMemoryNotifications(void) {
  void **memoryWarningNotification = NULL;
  if(OSAtomicCompareAndSwapIntBarrier(0, 1, &rkl_HaveRegisteredForLowMemoryNotifications)) {
    if((memoryWarningNotification = (void **)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "UIApplicationDidReceiveMemoryWarningNotification")) != NULL) {
      [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:[RKLLowMemoryWarningObserver class] selector:@selector(lowMemoryWarning:) name:(NSString *)*memoryWarningNotification object:NULL];



// compiledRegexCache(unsigned long eventID, const char *regexUTF8, int options, int captures, int hitMiss, int icuStatusCode, const char *icuErrorMessage, double *hitRate);
// utf16ConversionCache(unsigned long eventID, unsigned int lookupResultFlags, double *hitRate, const void *string, unsigned long NSRange.location, unsigned long NSRange.length, long length);

provider RegexKitLite {
 probe compiledRegexCache(unsigned long, const char *, unsigned int, int, int, int, const char *, double *);
 probe utf16ConversionCache(unsigned long, unsigned int, double *, const void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, long);
#pragma D attributes Unstable/Unstable/Common provider RegexKitLite provider
#pragma D attributes Private/Private/Common   provider RegexKitLite module
#pragma D attributes Private/Private/Common   provider RegexKitLite function
#pragma D attributes Unstable/Unstable/Common provider RegexKitLite name
#pragma D attributes Unstable/Unstable/Common provider RegexKitLite args

#define REGEXKITLITE_STABILITY "___dtrace_stability$RegexKitLite$v1$4_4_5_1_1_5_1_1_5_4_4_5_4_4_5"
#define REGEXKITLITE_TYPEDEFS  "___dtrace_typedefs$RegexKitLite$v1"
#define REGEXKITLITE_COMPILEDREGEXCACHE(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) { __asm__ volatile(".reference " REGEXKITLITE_TYPEDEFS); __dtrace_probe$RegexKitLite$compiledRegexCache$v1$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$63686172202a$756e7369676e656420696e74$696e74$696e74$696e74$63686172202a$646f75626c65202a(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7); __asm__ volatile(".reference " REGEXKITLITE_STABILITY); }
#define REGEXKITLITE_COMPILEDREGEXCACHE_ENABLED() __dtrace_isenabled$RegexKitLite$compiledRegexCache$v1()
#define	REGEXKITLITE_CONVERTEDSTRINGU16CACHE(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) { __asm__ volatile(".reference " REGEXKITLITE_TYPEDEFS); __dtrace_probe$RegexKitLite$utf16ConversionCache$v1$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$756e7369676e656420696e74$646f75626c65202a$766f6964202a$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$6c6f6e67(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6); __asm__ volatile(".reference " REGEXKITLITE_STABILITY); }
#define	REGEXKITLITE_CONVERTEDSTRINGU16CACHE_ENABLED() __dtrace_isenabled$RegexKitLite$utf16ConversionCache$v1()

extern void __dtrace_probe$RegexKitLite$compiledRegexCache$v1$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$63686172202a$756e7369676e656420696e74$696e74$696e74$696e74$63686172202a$646f75626c65202a(unsigned long, const char *, unsigned int, int, int, int, const char *, double *);
extern int  __dtrace_isenabled$RegexKitLite$compiledRegexCache$v1(void);
extern void __dtrace_probe$RegexKitLite$utf16ConversionCache$v1$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$756e7369676e656420696e74$646f75626c65202a$766f6964202a$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$756e7369676e6564206c6f6e67$6c6f6e67(unsigned long, unsigned int, double *, const void *, unsigned long, unsigned long, long);
extern int  __dtrace_isenabled$RegexKitLite$utf16ConversionCache$v1(void);


enum {
  RKLCacheHitLookupFlag           = 1 << 0,
  RKLConversionRequiredLookupFlag = 1 << 1,
  RKLSetTextLookupFlag            = 1 << 2,
  RKLDynamicBufferLookupFlag      = 1 << 3,
  RKLErrorLookupFlag              = 1 << 4,

#define rkl_dtrace_addLookupFlag(a,b) do { a |= (unsigned int)(b); } while(0)

static char rkl_dtrace_regexUTF8[(RKL_CACHE_SIZE) + 1][(RKL_DTRACE_REGEXUTF8_SIZE)];
static NSUInteger rkl_dtrace_eventID, rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheLookups, rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheHits, rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferLookups, rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferHits;

#define rkl_dtrace_incrementEventID() do { rkl_dtrace_eventID++; } while(0)
#define rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) do { int _a3 = (a3); rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheLookups++; if(_a3 == 1) { rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheHits++; } if(RKL_EXPECTED(REGEXKITLITE_COMPILEDREGEXCACHE_ENABLED(), 0L)) { double hitRate = 0.0; if(rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheLookups > 0UL) { hitRate = ((double)rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheHits / (double)rkl_dtrace_compiledCacheLookups) * 100.0; } REGEXKITLITE_COMPILEDREGEXCACHE(rkl_dtrace_eventID, a0, a1, a2, _a3, a4, a5, &hitRate); } } while(0)
#define rkl_dtrace_utf16ConversionCache(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) do { unsigned int _a0 = (a0); if((_a0 & RKLConversionRequiredLookupFlag) != 0U) { rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferLookups++; if((_a0 & RKLCacheHitLookupFlag) != 0U) { rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferHits++; } } if(RKL_EXPECTED(REGEXKITLITE_CONVERTEDSTRINGU16CACHE_ENABLED(), 0L)) { double hitRate = 0.0; if(rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferLookups > 0UL) { hitRate = ((double)rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferHits / (double)rkl_dtrace_conversionBufferLookups) * 100.0; } REGEXKITLITE_CONVERTEDSTRINGU16CACHE(rkl_dtrace_eventID, _a0, &hitRate, a1, a2, a3, a4); } } while(0)

// \342\200\246 == UTF8 for HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, aka triple dots '...'
#define RKL_UTF8_ELLIPSE "\342\200\246"

// rkl_dtrace_getRegexUTF8 will copy the str argument to utf8Buffer using UTF8 as the string encoding.
// If the utf8 encoding would take up more bytes than the utf8Buffers length, then the unicode character 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' ('...') is appened to indicate truncation occured.
static void rkl_dtrace_getRegexUTF8(CFStringRef str, char *utf8Buffer) RKL_NONNULL_ARGS(2);
static void rkl_dtrace_getRegexUTF8(CFStringRef str, char *utf8Buffer) {
  if((str == NULL) || (utf8Buffer == NULL)) { return; }
  CFIndex maxLength = ((CFIndex)(RKL_DTRACE_REGEXUTF8_SIZE) - 2L), maxBytes = (maxLength - (CFIndex)sizeof(RKL_UTF8_ELLIPSE) - 1L), stringU16Length = CFStringGetLength(str), usedBytes = 0L;
  CFStringGetBytes(str, CFMakeRange(0L, ((stringU16Length < maxLength) ? stringU16Length : maxLength)), kCFStringEncodingUTF8, (UInt8)'?', (Boolean)0, (UInt8 *)utf8Buffer, maxBytes, &usedBytes);
  if(usedBytes == maxBytes) { strncpy(utf8Buffer + usedBytes, RKL_UTF8_ELLIPSE, ((size_t)(RKL_DTRACE_REGEXUTF8_SIZE) - (size_t)usedBytes) - 2UL); } else { utf8Buffer[usedBytes] = (char)0; }


#define rkl_dtrace_incrementEventID()
#define rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
#define rkl_dtrace_utf16ConversionCache(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4)
#define rkl_dtrace_getRegexUTF8(str, buf)
#define rkl_dtrace_addLookupFlag(a,b)


#pragma mark -
#pragma mark RegexKitLite low-level internal functions

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called with cacheSpinLock already locked!
//  ----------

static RKLCacheSlot *rkl_getCachedRegex(NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, NSError **error, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG) {
  RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot = NULL;
  CFHashCode    regexHash = 0UL;
  int32_t       status    = 0;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSpinLock != 0) && (regexString != NULL), exception, exitNow);
  // Fast path the common case where this regex is exactly the same one used last time.
  // The pointer equality test is valid under these circumstances since the cacheSlot->regexString is an immutable copy.
  // If the regexString argument is mutable, this test will fail, and we'll use the the slow path cache check below.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot != NULL, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot->options == options, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot->icu_regex != NULL, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot->regexString != NULL, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot->regexString == (CFStringRef)regexString, 1L)) {
    rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(&rkl_dtrace_regexUTF8[(lastCacheSlot - &rkl_cacheSlots[0])][0], lastCacheSlot->options, (int)lastCacheSlot->captureCount, 1, 0, NULL);
  regexHash = CFHash((CFTypeRef)regexString);
  cacheSlot = &rkl_cacheSlots[(regexHash % (CFHashCode)(RKL_CACHE_SIZE))]; // Retrieve the cache slot for this regex.
  // Return the cached entry if it's a match, otherwise clear the slot and create a new ICU regex in its place.
  // If regexString is mutable, the pointer equality test will fail, and CFEqual() is used to determine true
  // equality with the immutable cacheSlot copy.  CFEqual() performs a slow character by character check.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->options == options, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->icu_regex != NULL, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->regexString != NULL, 1L) && (RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->regexString == (CFStringRef)regexString, 1L) || RKL_EXPECTED(CFEqual((CFTypeRef)regexString, (CFTypeRef)cacheSlot->regexString) == YES, 1L))) {
    lastCacheSlot = cacheSlot;
    rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(&rkl_dtrace_regexUTF8[(lastCacheSlot - &rkl_cacheSlots[0])][0], lastCacheSlot->options, (int)lastCacheSlot->captureCount, 1, 0, NULL);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSlot->regexString = CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, (CFStringRef)regexString)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } ; // Get a cheap immutable copy.
  rkl_dtrace_getRegexUTF8(cacheSlot->regexString, &rkl_dtrace_regexUTF8[(cacheSlot - &rkl_cacheSlots[0])][0]);
  cacheSlot->options = options;
  CFIndex        regexStringU16Length = CFStringGetLength(cacheSlot->regexString); // In UTF16 code units.
  UParseError    parseError           = (UParseError){-1, -1, {0}, {0}};
  const UniChar *regexUniChar         = NULL;
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(regexStringU16Length >= (CFIndex)INT_MAX, 0L)) { *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:NSRangeException reason:@"Regex string length exceeds INT_MAX" userInfo:NULL]; goto exitNow; }

  // Try to quickly obtain regexString in UTF16 format.
  if((regexUniChar = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cacheSlot->regexString)) == NULL) { // We didn't get the UTF16 pointer quickly and need to perform a full conversion in a temp buffer.
    UniChar *uniCharBuffer = NULL;
    if(((size_t)regexStringU16Length * sizeof(UniChar)) < (size_t)(RKL_STACK_LIMIT)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((uniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)alloca(                        (size_t)regexStringU16Length * sizeof(UniChar)     )) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } } // Try to use the stack.
    else {                                                                             if(RKL_EXPECTED((uniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)rkl_realloc(&scratchBuffer[0], (size_t)regexStringU16Length * sizeof(UniChar), 0UL)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } } // Otherwise use the heap.
    CFStringGetCharacters(cacheSlot->regexString, CFMakeRange(0L, regexStringU16Length), uniCharBuffer); // Convert regexString to UTF16.
    regexUniChar = uniCharBuffer;
  // Create the ICU regex.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSlot->icu_regex = RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_open)(regexUniChar, (int32_t)regexStringU16Length, options, &parseError, &status)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(status <= U_ZERO_ERROR, 1L)) { cacheSlot->captureCount = (NSInteger)RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_groupCount)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, &status); }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(status <= U_ZERO_ERROR, 1L)) { lastCacheSlot           = cacheSlot; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(scratchBuffer[0] != NULL,         0L)) { scratchBuffer[0] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[0]); }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(status            > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { cacheSlot = NULL; if(error != NULL) { *error = rkl_NSErrorForRegex(regexString, options, &parseError, status); } }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot != NULL, 1L)) { rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(&rkl_dtrace_regexUTF8[(cacheSlot - &rkl_cacheSlots[0])][0], cacheSlot->options, (int)cacheSlot->captureCount, 0, status, NULL); }
  else { char regexUTF8[(RKL_DTRACE_REGEXUTF8_SIZE)]; const char *err = NULL; if(status != U_ZERO_ERROR) { err = RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_errorName)(status); } rkl_dtrace_getRegexUTF8((CFStringRef)regexString, regexUTF8); rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(regexUTF8, options, -1, -1, status, err); }

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called with cacheSpinLock already locked!
//  ----------

static NSUInteger rkl_setCacheSlotToString(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, const NSRange *range, int32_t *status, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG) {
  RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot != NULL) && (cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) && ((range != NULL) && (NSEqualRanges(*range, NSNotFoundRange) == NO)) && (status != NULL), exception, exitNow);
  const UniChar *stringUniChar = NULL;
  unsigned int lookupResultFlags = 0U;
  if(cacheSlot->setToNeedsConversion == 0U) {
    if(RKL_EXPECTED((stringUniChar = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cacheSlot->setToString)) == NULL, 0L)) { cacheSlot->setToNeedsConversion = 1U; }
    else { if(RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->setToUniChar != stringUniChar, 0L)) { cacheSlot->setToRange = NSNotFoundRange; cacheSlot->setToUniChar = stringUniChar; } goto setRegexText; }
  rkl_dtrace_addLookupFlag(lookupResultFlags, RKLConversionRequiredLookupFlag);
  NSUInteger  useFixedBuffer = (cacheSlot->setToLength < (CFIndex)(RKL_FIXED_LENGTH)) ? 1UL : 0UL;
  RKLBuffer  *buffer         = useFixedBuffer ? &fixedBuffer : &dynamicBuffer;
  rkl_dtrace_addLookupFlag(lookupResultFlags, (useFixedBuffer ? 0U : RKLDynamicBufferLookupFlag));
  if((cacheSlot->setToUniChar != NULL) && ((cacheSlot->setToString == buffer->string) || ((cacheSlot->setToLength == buffer->length) && (cacheSlot->setToHash == buffer->hash)))) { rkl_dtrace_addLookupFlag(lookupResultFlags, RKLCacheHitLookupFlag); goto setRegexText; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((stringUniChar = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cacheSlot->setToString)) != NULL, 0L)) { cacheSlot->setToNeedsConversion = 0U; cacheSlot->setToRange = NSNotFoundRange; cacheSlot->setToUniChar = stringUniChar; goto setRegexText; }

  rkl_clearBuffer(buffer, 0UL);
  if(useFixedBuffer == 0U) {
    RKLCDelayedAssert(buffer == &dynamicBuffer, exception, exitNow);
    RKL_STRONG_REF void *p = (RKL_STRONG_REF void *)dynamicBuffer.uniChar;
    if(RKL_EXPECTED((dynamicBuffer.uniChar = (RKL_STRONG_REF UniChar *)rkl_realloc(&p, ((size_t)cacheSlot->setToLength * sizeof(UniChar)), 0UL)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } // Resize the buffer.
  RKLCDelayedAssert(buffer->uniChar != NULL, exception, exitNow);
  CFStringGetCharacters(cacheSlot->setToString, CFMakeRange(0L, cacheSlot->setToLength), (UniChar *)buffer->uniChar); // Convert to a UTF16 string.
  RKLCDelayedAssert(buffer->string == NULL, exception, exitNow);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((buffer->string = (CFStringRef)CFRetain((CFTypeRef)cacheSlot->setToString)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
  buffer->hash            = cacheSlot->setToHash;
  buffer->length          = cacheSlot->setToLength;
  cacheSlot->setToUniChar = buffer->uniChar;
  cacheSlot->setToRange   = NSNotFoundRange;
  if(NSEqualRanges(cacheSlot->setToRange, *range) == NO) {
    RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot->icu_regex != NULL) && (cacheSlot->setToUniChar != NULL) && (NSMaxRange(*range) <= (NSUInteger)cacheSlot->setToLength) && (cacheSlot->setToRange.length <= INT_MAX), exception, exitNow);
    cacheSlot->lastFindRange = cacheSlot->lastMatchRange = NSNotFoundRange;
    cacheSlot->setToRange    = *range;
    RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_setText)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, cacheSlot->setToUniChar + cacheSlot->setToRange.location, (int32_t)cacheSlot->setToRange.length, status);
    rkl_dtrace_addLookupFlag(lookupResultFlags, RKLSetTextLookupFlag);
    if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
  rkl_dtrace_utf16ConversionCache(lookupResultFlags, cacheSlot->setToString, cacheSlot->setToRange.location, cacheSlot->setToRange.length, cacheSlot->setToLength);

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called with cacheSpinLock already locked!
//  ----------

static RKLCacheSlot *rkl_getCachedRegexSetToString(NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, NSString *matchString, NSUInteger *matchLengthPtr, NSRange *matchRange, NSError **error, id *exception, int32_t *status) {
  RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot = NULL;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((regexString != NULL) && (exception != NULL) && (status != NULL) && (matchLengthPtr != NULL), exception, exitNow);
  // Fast path the common case where this regex is exactly the same one used last time.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot != NULL, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot->regexString == (CFStringRef)regexString, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(lastCacheSlot->options == options, 1L)) { cacheSlot = lastCacheSlot; rkl_dtrace_compiledRegexCache(&rkl_dtrace_regexUTF8[(cacheSlot - &rkl_cacheSlots[0])][0], cacheSlot->options, (int)cacheSlot->captureCount, 1, 0, NULL); }
  else { if(RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSlot = rkl_getCachedRegex(regexString, options, error, exception)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
  // Optimize the case where the string to search (matchString) is immutable and the setToString immutable copy is the same string with its reference count incremented.
  NSUInteger isSetTo     = ((cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) && (cacheSlot->setToString      == (CFStringRef)matchString)) ? 1UL : 0UL;
  CFIndex    matchLength = ((isSetTo                == 1UL)  && (cacheSlot->setToIsImmutable == 1U))                       ? cacheSlot->setToLength : CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)matchString);
  *matchLengthPtr = (NSUInteger)matchLength;
  if(matchRange->length == NSUIntegerMax) { matchRange->length = (NSUInteger)matchLength; } // For convenience, allow NSUIntegerMax == string length.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((NSUInteger)matchLength < NSMaxRange(*matchRange), 0L)) { goto exitNow; } // The match range is out of bounds for the string.  performRegexOp will catch and report the problem.
  if((cacheSlot->setToIsImmutable == 0U) && (cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) && ((cacheSlot->setToLength != CFStringGetLength(cacheSlot->setToString)) || (cacheSlot->setToHash != CFHash((CFTypeRef)cacheSlot->setToString)))) { isSetTo = 0UL; }
  else { // If the first pointer equality check failed, check the hash and length.
    if(((isSetTo == 0UL) || (cacheSlot->setToIsImmutable == 0U)) && (cacheSlot->setToString != NULL)) { isSetTo = ((cacheSlot->setToLength == matchLength) && (cacheSlot->setToHash == CFHash((CFTypeRef)matchString))) ? 1UL : 0UL; }
    if(isSetTo == 1UL) { if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_setCacheSlotToString(cacheSlot, matchRange, status, exception) == 0UL, 0L)) { cacheSlot = NULL; if(*exception == NULL) { *exception = (id)RKLCAssertDictionary(@"Failed to set up UTF16 buffer."); } } goto exitNow; }
  // Sometimes the range that the regex is set to isn't right, in which case we don't want to clear the cache slot.  Otherwise, flush it out.
  if((cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) && (isSetTo == 0UL)) { rkl_clearCacheSlotSetTo(cacheSlot); }
  if(cacheSlot->setToString == NULL) {
    cacheSlot->setToString          = (CFStringRef)CFRetain((CFTypeRef)matchString);
    RKLCDelayedAssert(cacheSlot->setToString != NULL, exception, exitNow);
    cacheSlot->setToUniChar         = CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cacheSlot->setToString);
    cacheSlot->setToNeedsConversion = (cacheSlot->setToUniChar == NULL) ? 1U : 0U;
    cacheSlot->setToIsImmutable     = (rkl_CFStringIsMutable(cacheSlot->setToString) == YES) ? 0U : 1U; // If RKL_FAST_MUTABLE_CHECK is not defined then setToIsImmutable will always be set to '0', or in other words mutable..
    cacheSlot->setToHash            = CFHash((CFTypeRef)cacheSlot->setToString);
    cacheSlot->setToRange           = NSNotFoundRange;
    cacheSlot->setToLength          = matchLength;
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_setCacheSlotToString(cacheSlot, matchRange, status, exception) == 0UL, 0L)) { cacheSlot = NULL; if(*exception == NULL) { *exception = (id)RKLCAssertDictionary(@"Failed to set up UTF16 buffer."); } goto exitNow; }


// rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus takes advantage of GCC's 'cleanup' variable attribute.  When an 'auto' variable with the 'cleanup' attribute goes out of scope,
// GCC arranges to have the designated function called.  In this case, we make sure that if rkl_cacheSpinLock was locked that it was also unlocked.
// If rkl_cacheSpinLock was locked, but the cacheSpinLockStatus unlocked flag was not set, we force cacheSpinLock unlocked with a call to OSSpinLockUnlock.
// This is not a panacea for preventing mutex usage errors.  Old style ObjC exceptions will bypass the cleanup call, but newer C++ style ObjC exceptions should cause the cleanup function to be called during the stack unwind.

// We do not depend on this cleanup function being called.  It is used only as an extra safety net.  It is probably a bug in RegexKitLite if it is ever invoked and forced to take some kind of protective action.

volatile NSUInteger rkl_debugCacheSpinLockCount = 0UL;

void        rkl_debugCacheSpinLock          (void)                                        RKL_ATTRIBUTES(used, noinline, visibility("default"));
static void rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus (volatile NSUInteger *cacheSpinLockStatusPtr) RKL_ATTRIBUTES(used);

void rkl_debugCacheSpinLock(void) {
  rkl_debugCacheSpinLockCount++; // This is here primarily to prevent the optimizer from optimizing away the function.

static void rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus(volatile NSUInteger *cacheSpinLockStatusPtr) {
  static NSUInteger didPrintForcedUnlockWarning = 0UL, didPrintNotLockedWarning = 0UL;
  NSUInteger        cacheSpinLockStatus         = *cacheSpinLockStatusPtr;
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSpinLockStatus & RKLUnlockedCacheSpinLock) == 0UL, 0L) && RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSpinLockStatus & RKLLockedCacheSpinLock) != 0UL, 1L)) {
    if(cacheSpinLock != 0) {
      if(didPrintForcedUnlockWarning == 0UL) { didPrintForcedUnlockWarning = 1UL; NSLog(@"[RegexKitLite] Unusual condition detected: Recorded that cacheSpinLock was locked, but for some reason it was not unlocked.  Forcibly unlocking cacheSpinLock. Set a breakpoint at rkl_debugCacheSpinLock to debug. This warning is only printed once."); }
      rkl_debugCacheSpinLock(); // Since this is an unusual condition, offer an attempt to catch it before we unlock.
    } else {
      if(didPrintNotLockedWarning    == 0UL) { didPrintNotLockedWarning    = 1UL; NSLog(@"[RegexKitLite] Unusual condition detected: Recorded that cacheSpinLock was locked, but for some reason it was not unlocked, yet cacheSpinLock is currently not locked? Set a breakpoint at rkl_debugCacheSpinLock to debug. This warning is only printed once."); }


//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  ----------

static id rkl_performRegexOp(id self, SEL _cmd, RKLRegexOp regexOp, NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, NSInteger capture, id matchString, NSRange *matchRange, NSString *replacementString, NSError **error, void *result) {
  volatile NSUInteger RKL_CLEANUP(rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus) cacheSpinLockStatus = 0UL;
  NSUInteger replaceMutable = 0UL;
  RKLRegexOp maskedRegexOp  = (regexOp & RKLMaskOp);
  if((error != NULL) && (*error != NULL))                            { *error = NULL; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(regexString == NULL, 0L))                          { RKL_RAISE_EXCEPTION(NSInvalidArgumentException, @"The regular expression argument is NULL."); }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(matchString == NULL, 0L))                          { RKL_RAISE_EXCEPTION(NSInternalInconsistencyException, @"The match string argument is NULL."); }
  if((maskedRegexOp == RKLReplaceOp) && (replacementString == NULL)) { RKL_RAISE_EXCEPTION(NSInvalidArgumentException, @"The replacement string argument is NULL."); }
  id            resultObject    = NULL, exception = NULL;
  int32_t       status          = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot       = NULL;
  NSUInteger    stringU16Length = 0UL;
  NSRange       stackRanges[2048];
  RKLFindAll    findAll;
  // IMPORTANT!   Once we have obtained the lock, code MUST exit via 'goto exitNow;' to unlock the lock!  NO EXCEPTIONS!
  // ----------
  OSSpinLockLock(&cacheSpinLock); // Grab the lock and get cache entry.
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLLockedCacheSpinLock;
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSlot = rkl_getCachedRegexSetToString(regexString, options, matchString, &stringU16Length, matchRange, error, &exception, &status)) == NULL, 0L)) { stringU16Length = (NSUInteger)CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)matchString); }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(matchRange->length == NSUIntegerMax, 1L)) { matchRange->length = stringU16Length; } // For convenience.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(stringU16Length  < NSMaxRange(*matchRange), 0L) && RKL_EXPECTED(exception == NULL, 1L)) { exception = (id)RKL_EXCEPTION(NSRangeException, @"Range or index out of bounds");  goto exitNow; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(stringU16Length >= (NSUInteger)INT_MAX,     0L) && RKL_EXPECTED(exception == NULL, 1L)) { exception = (id)RKL_EXCEPTION(NSRangeException, @"String length exceeds INT_MAX"); goto exitNow; }
  if(((maskedRegexOp == RKLRangeOp) || (maskedRegexOp == RKLArrayOfStringsOp)) && RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot != NULL, 1L) && (RKL_EXPECTED(capture < 0L, 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(capture > cacheSlot->captureCount, 0L)) && RKL_EXPECTED(exception == NULL, 1L)) { exception = (id)RKL_EXCEPTION(NSInvalidArgumentException, @"The capture argument is not valid."); goto exitNow; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot == NULL, 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(exception != NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
  RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot->icu_regex != NULL) && (cacheSlot->regexString != NULL) && (cacheSlot->captureCount >= 0L) && (cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) && (cacheSlot->setToLength >= 0L) && (cacheSlot->setToUniChar != NULL) && ((CFIndex)NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->setToRange) <= cacheSlot->setToLength), &exception, exitNow);
  if(cacheSlot->setToNeedsConversion == 0U) { RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot->setToUniChar == CFStringGetCharactersPtr(cacheSlot->setToString)), &exception, exitNow); }
  else {
    RKLBuffer *buffer = (cacheSlot->setToLength < (CFIndex)(RKL_FIXED_LENGTH)) ? &fixedBuffer : &dynamicBuffer;
    RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot->setToHash == buffer->hash) && (cacheSlot->setToLength == buffer->length) && (cacheSlot->setToUniChar == buffer->uniChar), &exception, exitNow);
  switch(maskedRegexOp) {
    case RKLRangeOp:
      if((rkl_search(cacheSlot, matchRange, 0UL, &exception, &status) == NO) || (RKL_EXPECTED(status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L))) { *(NSRange *)result = NSNotFoundRange; goto exitNow; }
      if(RKL_EXPECTED(capture == 0L, 1L)) { *(NSRange *)result = cacheSlot->lastMatchRange; } else { if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_getRangeForCapture(cacheSlot, &status, (int32_t)capture, (NSRange *)result) > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
    case RKLSplitOp:          // Fall-thru...
    case RKLArrayOfStringsOp: // Fall-thru...
    case RKLCapturesArrayOp:  // Fall-thru...
    case RKLArrayOfCapturesOp:
      findAll = rkl_makeFindAll(stackRanges, *matchRange, 2048L, (2048UL * sizeof(NSRange)), 0UL, (void **)&scratchBuffer[0], &scratchBuffer[1], &scratchBuffer[2], 0L, capture, ((maskedRegexOp == RKLCapturesArrayOp) ? 1L : NSIntegerMax));
      if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_findRanges(cacheSlot, regexOp, &findAll, &exception, &status) == NO, 1L)) {
        if(RKL_EXPECTED(findAll.found == 0L, 0L)) { resultObject = [NSArray array]; } else { resultObject = rkl_makeArray(cacheSlot, regexOp, &findAll, &exception); }
      if(RKL_EXPECTED(scratchBuffer[0] != NULL, 0L)) { scratchBuffer[0] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[0]); }
      if(RKL_EXPECTED(scratchBuffer[1] != NULL, 0L)) { scratchBuffer[1] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[1]); }
      if(RKL_EXPECTED(scratchBuffer[2] != NULL, 0L)) { scratchBuffer[2] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[2]); }

    case RKLReplaceOp: resultObject = rkl_replaceString(cacheSlot, matchString, stringU16Length, replacementString, (NSUInteger)CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)replacementString), (NSUInteger *)result, (replaceMutable = (((regexOp & RKLReplaceMutable) != 0) ? 1UL : 0UL)), &exception, &status); break;
    default:           exception    = RKLCAssertDictionary(@"Unknown regexOp code."); break;
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLUnlockedCacheSpinLock;
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(status     > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L) && RKL_EXPECTED(exception == NULL, 0L)) { exception = rkl_NSExceptionForRegex(regexString, options, NULL, status); } // If we had a problem, prepare an exception to be thrown.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(exception != NULL,         0L))                                        { rkl_handleDelayedAssert(self, _cmd, exception);                          } // If there is an exception, throw it at this point.
  // If we're working on a mutable string and there were successful matches/replacements, then we still have work to do.
  // This is done outside the cache lock and with the objc replaceCharactersInRange:withString: method because Core Foundation
  // does not assert that the string we are attempting to update is actually a mutable string, whereas Foundation ensures
  // the object receiving the message is a mutable string and throws an exception if we're attempting to modify an immutable string.
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(replaceMutable == 1UL, 0L) && RKL_EXPECTED(*((NSUInteger *)result) > 0UL, 1L)) { NSCParameterAssert(resultObject != NULL); [matchString replaceCharactersInRange:*matchRange withString:resultObject]; }

static void rkl_handleDelayedAssert(id self, SEL _cmd, id exception) {
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(exception != NULL, 0L)) {
    if([exception isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) { [[NSException exceptionWithName:[exception name] reason:rkl_stringFromClassAndMethod(self, _cmd, [exception reason]) userInfo:[exception userInfo]] raise]; }
    else {
      id functionString = [exception objectForKey:@"function"], fileString = [exception objectForKey:@"file"], descriptionString = [exception objectForKey:@"description"], lineNumber = [exception objectForKey:@"line"];
      NSCParameterAssert((functionString != NULL) && (fileString != NULL) && (descriptionString != NULL) && (lineNumber != NULL));
      [[NSAssertionHandler currentHandler] handleFailureInFunction:functionString file:fileString lineNumber:(NSInteger)[lineNumber longValue] description:descriptionString];

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called from rkl_performRegexOp() or rkl_findRanges().
//  ----------

static NSUInteger rkl_search(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, NSRange *searchRange, NSUInteger updateSearchRange, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG, int32_t *status) {
  NSUInteger foundMatch = 0UL, searchEqualsEndOfRange = (RKL_EXPECTED(NSEqualRanges(*searchRange, NSMakeRange(NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->setToRange), 0UL)) == YES, 0L) ? 1UL : 0UL);
  if((NSEqualRanges(*searchRange, cacheSlot->lastFindRange) == YES) || (searchEqualsEndOfRange == 1UL)) { foundMatch = (((cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.location == NSNotFound) || (searchEqualsEndOfRange == 1UL)) ? 0UL : 1UL);}
  else { // Only perform an expensive 'find' operation iff the current find range is different than the last find range.
    NSUInteger findLocation = (searchRange->location - cacheSlot->setToRange.location);
    RKLCDelayedAssert(((searchRange->location >= cacheSlot->setToRange.location)) && (NSRangeInsideRange(*searchRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES) && (findLocation < INT_MAX) && (findLocation <= cacheSlot->setToRange.length), exception, exitNow);
    RKL_PREFETCH_UNICHAR(cacheSlot->setToUniChar, searchRange->location); // Spool up the CPU caches.
    // Using uregex_findNext can be a slight performance win.
    NSUInteger useFindNext = ((searchRange->location == (NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange) + (((cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.length == 0UL) && (cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.location < NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->setToRange))) ? 1UL : 0UL))) ? 1UL : 0UL);

    cacheSlot->lastFindRange = *searchRange;
    if(RKL_EXPECTED(useFindNext == 0UL, 0L)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_find)    (cacheSlot->icu_regex, (int32_t)findLocation, status) == NO), 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto finishedFind; } }
    else {                                     if(RKL_EXPECTED((RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_findNext)(cacheSlot->icu_regex,                        status) == NO), 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto finishedFind; } }
    foundMatch = 1UL; 
    if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_getRangeForCapture(cacheSlot, status, 0, &cacheSlot->lastMatchRange) > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto finishedFind; }
    RKLCDelayedAssert(NSRangeInsideRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange, *searchRange) == YES, exception, exitNow);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { foundMatch = 0UL; cacheSlot->lastFindRange = NSNotFoundRange; }
  if(foundMatch == 0UL) { cacheSlot->lastMatchRange = NSNotFoundRange; if(updateSearchRange == 1UL) { *searchRange = NSMakeRange(NSMaxRange(*searchRange), 0UL); } }
  else {
    RKLCDelayedAssert(NSRangeInsideRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange, *searchRange) == YES, exception, exitNow);
    if(updateSearchRange == 1UL) {
      NSUInteger nextLocation = (NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange) + (((cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.length == 0UL) && (cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.location < NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->setToRange))) ? 1UL : 0UL)), locationDiff = nextLocation - searchRange->location;
      RKLCDelayedAssert((((locationDiff > 0UL) || ((locationDiff == 0UL) && (cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.location == NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->setToRange)))) && (locationDiff <= searchRange->length)), exception, exitNow);
      searchRange->location  = nextLocation;
      searchRange->length   -= locationDiff;

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called from rkl_doFindOp().
//  ----------

static BOOL rkl_findRanges(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, RKLRegexOp regexOp, RKLFindAll *findAll, id *exception, int32_t *status) {
  BOOL returnWithError = YES;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((((cacheSlot != NULL) && (cacheSlot->icu_regex != NULL) && (cacheSlot->setToUniChar != NULL) && (cacheSlot->captureCount >= 0L) && (cacheSlot->setToRange.location != NSNotFound)) && (status != NULL) && ((findAll != NULL) && (findAll->found == 0L) && ((findAll->capacity >= 0L) && (((findAll->capacity > 0L) || (findAll->size > 0UL)) ? ((findAll->ranges != NULL) && (findAll->capacity > 0L) && (findAll->size > 0UL)) : 1)) && (findAll->rangesScratchBuffer != NULL) && ((findAll->capture >= 0L) && (findAll->capture <= cacheSlot->captureCount)))), exception, exitNow);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->setToLength == 0L, 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->setToRange.length == 0UL, 0L)) { returnWithError = NO; goto exitNow; }
  NSInteger  captureCount  = cacheSlot->captureCount;
  RKLRegexOp maskedRegexOp = (regexOp & RKLMaskOp);
  NSUInteger lastLocation  = findAll->findInRange.location;
  NSRange    searchRange   = findAll->findInRange;
  for(findAll->found = 0L; (findAll->found < findAll->findUpTo) && ((findAll->found < findAll->capacity) || (findAll->found == 0L)); findAll->found++) {
    NSInteger loopCapture, shouldBreak = 0L;
    if(RKL_EXPECTED(findAll->found >= ((findAll->capacity - ((captureCount + 2L) * 4L)) - 4L), 0L)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_growFindRanges(cacheSlot, lastLocation, findAll, exception) == 0UL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
    RKLCDelayedAssert((searchRange.location != NSNotFound) && (NSRangeInsideRange(searchRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES) && (NSRangeInsideRange(findAll->findInRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES), exception, exitNow);
    // This fixes a 'bug' that is also present in ICU's uregex_split().  'Bug', in this case, means that the results of a split operation can differ from those that perl's split() creates for the same input.
    // "I|at|ice I eat rice" split using the regex "\b\s*" demonstrates the problem. ICU bug http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/6826
    // ICU : "", "I", "|", "at", "|", "ice", "", "I", "", "eat", "", "rice" <- Results that RegexKitLite used to produce.
    // PERL:     "I", "|", "at", "|", "ice",     "I",     "eat",     "rice" <- Results that RegexKitLite now produces.
    do { if((rkl_search(cacheSlot, &searchRange, 1UL, exception, status) == NO) || (RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L))) { shouldBreak = 1L; } }
    while((maskedRegexOp == RKLSplitOp) && RKL_EXPECTED(shouldBreak == 0L, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.length == 0UL, 0L) && RKL_EXPECTED((cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.location - lastLocation) == 0UL, 0L));
    if(RKL_EXPECTED(shouldBreak == 1L, 0L)) { break; }

    RKLCDelayedAssert((searchRange.location != NSNotFound) && (NSRangeInsideRange(searchRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES) && (NSRangeInsideRange(findAll->findInRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES) && (NSRangeInsideRange(searchRange, findAll->findInRange) == YES), exception, exitNow);
    RKLCDelayedAssert((NSRangeInsideRange(cacheSlot->lastFindRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES) && (NSRangeInsideRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange, cacheSlot->setToRange) == YES) && (NSRangeInsideRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange, findAll->findInRange) == YES), exception, exitNow);
    RKLCDelayedAssert((findAll->ranges != NULL) && (findAll->found >= 0L) && (findAll->capacity >= 0L) && ((findAll->found + (captureCount + 3L) + 1L) < (findAll->capacity - 2L)), exception, exitNow);
    switch(maskedRegexOp) {
      case RKLArrayOfStringsOp:
        if(findAll->capture == 0L) { findAll->ranges[findAll->found] = cacheSlot->lastMatchRange; } else { if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_getRangeForCapture(cacheSlot, status, (int32_t)findAll->capture, &findAll->ranges[findAll->found]) > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
      case RKLSplitOp:         // Fall-thru...
      case RKLCapturesArrayOp: // Fall-thru...
      case RKLArrayOfCapturesOp:
        findAll->ranges[findAll->found] = ((maskedRegexOp == RKLSplitOp) ? NSMakeRange(lastLocation, cacheSlot->lastMatchRange.location - lastLocation) : cacheSlot->lastMatchRange);
        for(loopCapture = 1L; loopCapture <= captureCount; loopCapture++) {
          RKLCDelayedAssert((findAll->found >= 0L) && (findAll->found < (findAll->capacity - 2L)) && (loopCapture < INT_MAX), exception, exitNow);
          if(RKL_EXPECTED(rkl_getRangeForCapture(cacheSlot, status, (int32_t)loopCapture, &findAll->ranges[++findAll->found]) > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
      default: if(*exception != NULL) { *exception = RKLCAssertDictionary(@"Unknown regexOp."); } goto exitNow; break;
    lastLocation = NSMaxRange(cacheSlot->lastMatchRange);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
  RKLCDelayedAssert((findAll->ranges != NULL) && (findAll->found >= 0L) && (findAll->found < (findAll->capacity - 2L)), exception, exitNow);
  if((maskedRegexOp == RKLSplitOp) && (lastLocation != NSMaxRange(findAll->findInRange))) { findAll->ranges[findAll->found++] = NSMakeRange(lastLocation, NSMaxRange(findAll->findInRange) - lastLocation); }
  RKLCDelayedAssert((findAll->ranges != NULL) && (findAll->found >= 0L) && (findAll->found < (findAll->capacity - 2L)), exception, exitNow);
  returnWithError = NO;

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called from rkl_findRanges().
//  ----------

static NSUInteger rkl_growFindRanges(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, NSUInteger lastLocation, RKLFindAll *findAll, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG) {
  NSUInteger didGrowRanges = 0UL;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((((cacheSlot != NULL) && (cacheSlot->captureCount >= 0L)) && ((findAll != NULL) && (findAll->capacity >= 0L) && (findAll->rangesScratchBuffer != NULL) && (findAll->found >= 0L) && (((findAll->capacity > 0L) || (findAll->size > 0UL) || (findAll->ranges != NULL)) ? ((findAll->capacity > 0L) && (findAll->size > 0UL) && (findAll->ranges != NULL) && (((size_t)findAll->capacity * sizeof(NSRange)) == findAll->size)) : 1))), exception, exitNow);
  // Attempt to guesstimate the required capacity based on: the total length needed to search / (length we've searched so far / ranges found so far).
  NSInteger newCapacity = (findAll->capacity + (findAll->capacity / 2L)), estimate = (NSInteger)((float)cacheSlot->setToLength / (((float)lastLocation + 1.0f) / ((float)findAll->found + 1.0f)));
  newCapacity = (((newCapacity + ((estimate > newCapacity) ? estimate : newCapacity)) / 2L) + ((cacheSlot->captureCount + 2L) * 4L) + 4L);
  NSUInteger  needToCopy = ((findAll->ranges != NULL) && (*findAll->rangesScratchBuffer != findAll->ranges)) ? 1UL : 0UL; // If findAll->ranges is set to a stack allocation then we need to manually copy the data from the stack to the new heap allocation.
  size_t      newSize    = ((size_t)newCapacity * sizeof(NSRange));
  NSRange    *newRanges  = NULL;
  if(RKL_EXPECTED((newRanges = (NSRange *)rkl_realloc((RKL_STRONG_REF void **)findAll->rangesScratchBuffer, newSize, 0UL)) == NULL, 0L)) { findAll->capacity = 0L; findAll->size = 0UL; findAll->ranges = NULL; *findAll->rangesScratchBuffer = rkl_free((RKL_STRONG_REF void **)findAll->rangesScratchBuffer); goto exitNow; } else { didGrowRanges = 1UL; }
  if(needToCopy == 1UL) { memcpy(newRanges, findAll->ranges, findAll->size); } // If necessary, copy the existing data to the new heap allocation.
  findAll->capacity = newCapacity;
  findAll->size     = newSize;
  findAll->ranges   = newRanges;

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called from rkl_doFindOp().
//  ----------

static NSArray *rkl_makeArray(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, RKLRegexOp regexOp, RKLFindAll *findAll, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG) {
  NSUInteger  createdStringsCount = 0UL,   createdArraysCount = 0UL,  transferedStringsCount = 0UL;
  id         *matchedStrings      = NULL, *subcaptureArrays   = NULL, emptyString            = @"";
  NSArray    *resultArray         = NULL;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot != NULL) && ((findAll != NULL) && (findAll->found >= 0L) && (findAll->stringsScratchBuffer != NULL) && (findAll->arraysScratchBuffer != NULL)), exception, exitNow);
  size_t      matchedStringsSize = ((size_t)findAll->found * sizeof(id));
  CFStringRef setToString        = cacheSlot->setToString;
  if((findAll->stackUsed + matchedStringsSize) < (size_t)(RKL_STACK_LIMIT)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((matchedStrings = (id *)alloca(matchedStringsSize))                                                                   == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } findAll->stackUsed += matchedStringsSize; }
  else {                                                                      if(RKL_EXPECTED((matchedStrings = (id *)rkl_realloc(findAll->stringsScratchBuffer, matchedStringsSize, (NSUInteger)RKLScannedOption)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
  { // This sub-block (and its local variables) is here for the benefit of the optimizer.
    NSUInteger     found             = (NSUInteger)findAll->found;
    const NSRange *rangePtr          = findAll->ranges;
    id            *matchedStringsPtr = matchedStrings;
    for(createdStringsCount = 0UL; createdStringsCount < found; createdStringsCount++) {
      NSRange range = *rangePtr++;
      if(RKL_EXPECTED(((*matchedStringsPtr++ = RKL_EXPECTED(range.length == 0UL, 0L) ? emptyString : rkl_CreateStringWithSubstring((id)setToString, range)) == NULL), 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
  NSUInteger  arrayCount   = createdStringsCount;
  id         *arrayObjects = matchedStrings;
  if((regexOp & RKLSubcapturesArray) != 0UL) {
    RKLCDelayedAssert(((createdStringsCount % ((NSUInteger)cacheSlot->captureCount + 1UL)) == 0UL) && (createdArraysCount == 0UL), exception, exitNow);
    NSUInteger captureCount          = ((NSUInteger)cacheSlot->captureCount + 1UL);
    NSUInteger subcaptureArraysCount = (createdStringsCount / captureCount);
    size_t     subcaptureArraysSize  = ((size_t)subcaptureArraysCount * sizeof(id));
    if((findAll->stackUsed + subcaptureArraysSize) < (size_t)(RKL_STACK_LIMIT)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((subcaptureArrays = (id *)alloca(subcaptureArraysSize))                                                                  == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } findAll->stackUsed += subcaptureArraysSize; }
    else {                                                                        if(RKL_EXPECTED((subcaptureArrays = (id *)rkl_realloc(findAll->arraysScratchBuffer, subcaptureArraysSize, (NSUInteger)RKLScannedOption)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
    { // This sub-block (and its local variables) is here for the benefit of the optimizer.
      id *subcaptureArraysPtr = subcaptureArrays;
      id *matchedStringsPtr   = matchedStrings;
      for(createdArraysCount = 0UL; createdArraysCount < subcaptureArraysCount; createdArraysCount++) {
        if(RKL_EXPECTED((*subcaptureArraysPtr++ = rkl_CreateArrayWithObjects((void **)matchedStringsPtr, captureCount)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; }
        matchedStringsPtr      += captureCount;
        transferedStringsCount += captureCount;
    RKLCDelayedAssert((transferedStringsCount == createdStringsCount), exception, exitNow);
    arrayCount   = createdArraysCount;
    arrayObjects = subcaptureArrays;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((arrayObjects != NULL), exception, exitNow);
  resultArray = rkl_CreateAutoreleasedArray((void **)arrayObjects, (NSUInteger)arrayCount);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(resultArray == NULL, 0L) && (rkl_collectingEnabled() == NO)) { // If we did not create an array then we need to make sure that we release any objects we created.
    NSUInteger x;
    if(matchedStrings   != NULL) { for(x = transferedStringsCount; x < createdStringsCount; x++) { if((matchedStrings[x]  != NULL) && (matchedStrings[x] != emptyString)) { matchedStrings[x]   = rkl_ReleaseObject(matchedStrings[x]);   } } }
    if(subcaptureArrays != NULL) { for(x = 0UL;                    x < createdArraysCount;  x++) { if(subcaptureArrays[x] != NULL)                                        { subcaptureArrays[x] = rkl_ReleaseObject(subcaptureArrays[x]); } } }

//  IMPORTANT!   This code is critical path code.  Because of this, it has been written for speed, not clarity.
//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called from rkl_performRegexOp().
//  ----------

static NSString *rkl_replaceString(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, id searchString, NSUInteger searchU16Length, NSString *replacementString, NSUInteger replacementU16Length, NSUInteger *replacedCountPtr, NSUInteger replaceMutable, id *exception, int32_t *status) {
  uint64_t       searchU16Length64  = (uint64_t)searchU16Length, replacementU16Length64 = (uint64_t)replacementU16Length;
  int32_t        resultU16Length    = 0, tempUniCharBufferU16Capacity = 0;
  UniChar       *tempUniCharBuffer  = NULL;
  const UniChar *replacementUniChar = NULL;
  id             resultObject       = NULL;
  NSUInteger     replacedCount      = 0UL;
  if((RKL_EXPECTED(replacementU16Length64 >= (uint64_t)INT_MAX, 0L) || RKL_EXPECTED(((searchU16Length64 / 2ULL) + (replacementU16Length64 * 2ULL)) >= (uint64_t)INT_MAX, 0L))) { *exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:NSRangeException reason:@"Replacement string length exceeds INT_MAX" userInfo:NULL]; goto exitNow; }

  RKLCDelayedAssert((searchU16Length64 < (uint64_t)INT_MAX) && (replacementU16Length64 < (uint64_t)INT_MAX) && (((searchU16Length64 / 2ULL) + (replacementU16Length64 * 2ULL)) < (uint64_t)INT_MAX), exception, exitNow);
  // Zero order approximation of the buffer sizes for holding the replaced string or split strings and split strings pointer offsets.  As UTF16 code units.
  tempUniCharBufferU16Capacity = (int32_t)(16UL + (searchU16Length + (searchU16Length / 2UL)) + (replacementU16Length * 2UL));
  // Buffer sizes converted from native units to bytes.
  size_t stackSize = 0UL, replacementSize = ((size_t)replacementU16Length * sizeof(UniChar)), tempUniCharBufferSize = ((size_t)tempUniCharBufferU16Capacity * sizeof(UniChar));
  // For the various buffers we require, we first try to allocate from the stack if we're not over the RKL_STACK_LIMIT.  If we are, switch to using the heap for the buffer.
  if((stackSize + tempUniCharBufferSize) < (size_t)(RKL_STACK_LIMIT)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((tempUniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)alloca(tempUniCharBufferSize))                              == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } stackSize += tempUniCharBufferSize; }
  else                                                                { if(RKL_EXPECTED((tempUniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)rkl_realloc(&scratchBuffer[0], tempUniCharBufferSize, 0UL)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
  // Try to get the pointer to the replacement strings UTF16 data.  If we can't, allocate some buffer space, then covert to UTF16.
  if((replacementUniChar = CFStringGetCharactersPtr((CFStringRef)replacementString)) == NULL) {
    UniChar *uniCharBuffer = NULL;
    if((stackSize + replacementSize) < (size_t)(RKL_STACK_LIMIT)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((uniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)alloca(replacementSize))                              == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } stackSize += replacementSize; } 
    else                                                          { if(RKL_EXPECTED((uniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)rkl_realloc(&scratchBuffer[1], replacementSize, 0UL)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
    CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)replacementString, CFMakeRange(0L, replacementU16Length), uniCharBuffer); // Convert to a UTF16 string.
    replacementUniChar = uniCharBuffer;
  resultU16Length = rkl_replaceAll(cacheSlot, replacementUniChar, (int32_t)replacementU16Length, tempUniCharBuffer, tempUniCharBufferU16Capacity, &replacedCount, exception, status);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0L)) { // Our buffer guess(es) were too small.  Resize the buffers and try again.
    tempUniCharBufferSize = ((size_t)(tempUniCharBufferU16Capacity = resultU16Length + 4) * sizeof(UniChar));
    if((stackSize + tempUniCharBufferSize) < (size_t)(RKL_STACK_LIMIT)) { if(RKL_EXPECTED((tempUniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)alloca(tempUniCharBufferSize))                              == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } stackSize += tempUniCharBufferSize; }
    else                                                                { if(RKL_EXPECTED((tempUniCharBuffer = (UniChar *)rkl_realloc(&scratchBuffer[0], tempUniCharBufferSize, 0UL)) == NULL, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } }
    *status         = U_ZERO_ERROR; // Make sure the status var is cleared and try again.
    resultU16Length = rkl_replaceAll(cacheSlot, replacementUniChar, (int32_t)replacementU16Length, tempUniCharBuffer, tempUniCharBufferU16Capacity, &replacedCount, exception, status);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status > U_ZERO_ERROR, 0L)) { goto exitNow; } // Something went wrong.
  if(resultU16Length == 0) { resultObject = @""; } // Optimize the case where the replaced text length == 0 with a @"" string.
  else if(((NSUInteger)resultU16Length == searchU16Length) && (replacedCount == 0UL)) { // Optimize the case where the replacement == original by creating a copy. Very fast if self is immutable.
    if(replaceMutable == 0UL) { resultObject = rkl_CFAutorelease(CFStringCreateCopy(NULL, (CFStringRef)searchString)); } // .. but only if this is not replacing a mutable self.
  } else { resultObject = rkl_CFAutorelease(CFStringCreateWithCharacters(NULL, tempUniCharBuffer, (CFIndex)resultU16Length)); } // otherwise, create a new string.
  // If replaceMutable == 1UL, we don't do the replacement here.  We wait until after we return and unlock the cache lock.
  // This is because we may be trying to mutate an immutable string object.
  if((replacedCount > 0UL) && (replaceMutable == 1UL)) { // We're working on a mutable string and there were successfull matches with replaced text, so there's work to do.
    rkl_clearBuffer((cacheSlot->setToLength < (CFIndex)(RKL_FIXED_LENGTH)) ? &fixedBuffer : &dynamicBuffer, 0UL);
    rkl_clearCacheSlotSetTo(cacheSlot); // Flush any cached information about this string since it will mutate.
  if(scratchBuffer[0] != NULL) { scratchBuffer[0] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[0]); }
  if(scratchBuffer[1] != NULL) { scratchBuffer[1] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[1]); }
  if(replacedCountPtr != NULL) { *replacedCountPtr = replacedCount; }

//  IMPORTANT!   Should only be called from rkl_replaceString().
//  ----------
//  Modified version of the ICU libraries uregex_replaceAll() that keeps count of the number of replacements made.

static int32_t rkl_replaceAll(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot, const UniChar *replacementUniChar, int32_t replacementU16Length, UniChar *replacedUniChar, int32_t replacedU16Capacity, NSUInteger *replacedCount, id *exception RKL_UNUSED_ASSERTION_ARG, int32_t *status) {
  NSUInteger replaced  = 0UL, bufferOverflowed = 0UL;
  int32_t    u16Length = 0;
  RKLCDelayedAssert((cacheSlot != NULL) && (replacementUniChar != NULL) && (replacedUniChar != NULL) && (status != NULL) && (replacementU16Length >= 0) && (replacedU16Capacity >= 0), exception, exitNow);

  cacheSlot->lastFindRange = cacheSlot->lastMatchRange = NSNotFoundRange; // Clear the cached find information for this regex so a subsequent find works correctly.
  RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_reset)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, 0, status);
  // Work around for ICU uregex_reset() bug, see http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/6545
  // http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2105213&group_id=204582&atid=990188
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(cacheSlot->setToRange.length == 0L, 0L) && (*status == U_INDEX_OUTOFBOUNDS_ERROR)) { *status = U_ZERO_ERROR; }
  // This loop originally came from ICU source/i18n/uregex.cpp, uregex_replaceAll.
  // There is a bug in that code which causes the size of the buffer required for the replaced text to not be calculated correctly.
  // This contains a work around using the variable bufferOverflowed.
  // ICU bug: http://bugs.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/6656
  // http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2408447&group_id=204582&atid=990188
  while(RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_findNext)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, status)) {
    u16Length += RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_appendReplacement)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, replacementUniChar, replacementU16Length, &replacedUniChar, &replacedU16Capacity, status);
    if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0L)) { bufferOverflowed = 1UL; *status = U_ZERO_ERROR; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status == U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR, 0L)) { bufferOverflowed = 1UL; *status = U_ZERO_ERROR; }
  u16Length += RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_appendTail)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, &replacedUniChar, &replacedU16Capacity, status);
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(*status == U_ZERO_ERROR, 1L) && RKL_EXPECTED(bufferOverflowed == 1UL, 0L)) { *status = U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR; } 
  if(replacedCount != NULL) { *replacedCount = replaced; }

static NSUInteger rkl_isRegexValid(id self, SEL _cmd, NSString *regex, RKLRegexOptions options, NSInteger *captureCountPtr, NSError **error) {
  volatile NSUInteger RKL_CLEANUP(rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus) cacheSpinLockStatus = 0UL;
  RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot    = NULL;
  NSUInteger    gotCacheSlot = 0UL;
  NSInteger     captureCount = -1L;
  id            exception    = NULL;
  if((error != NULL) && (*error != NULL)) { *error = NULL; }
  if(regex == NULL) { RKL_RAISE_EXCEPTION(NSInvalidArgumentException, @"The regular expression argument is NULL."); }
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLLockedCacheSpinLock;
  if((cacheSlot = rkl_getCachedRegex(regex, options, error, &exception)) != NULL) { gotCacheSlot = 1UL; captureCount = cacheSlot->captureCount; }
  cacheSlot = NULL;
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLUnlockedCacheSpinLock;
  if(captureCountPtr != NULL) { *captureCountPtr = captureCount; }
  if(RKL_EXPECTED(exception != NULL, 0L)) { rkl_handleDelayedAssert(self, _cmd, exception); }

static void rkl_clearStringCache(void) {
  NSCParameterAssert(cacheSpinLock != 0);
  lastCacheSlot = NULL;
  NSUInteger x = 0UL;
  for(x = 0UL; x < (NSUInteger)(RKL_SCRATCH_BUFFERS); x++) { if(scratchBuffer[x] != NULL) { scratchBuffer[x] = rkl_free(&scratchBuffer[x]); } }
  for(x = 0UL; x < (NSUInteger)(RKL_CACHE_SIZE);      x++) { rkl_clearCacheSlotRegex(&rkl_cacheSlots[x]); }
  rkl_clearBuffer(&fixedBuffer,   0UL);
  rkl_clearBuffer(&dynamicBuffer, 1UL);

static void rkl_clearBuffer(RKLBuffer *buffer, NSUInteger freeDynamicBuffer) {
  if(buffer == NULL) { return; }
  if((freeDynamicBuffer == 1UL) && (buffer->uniChar != NULL) && (buffer == &dynamicBuffer)) { RKL_STRONG_REF void *p = (RKL_STRONG_REF void *)dynamicBuffer.uniChar; dynamicBuffer.uniChar = (RKL_STRONG_REF UniChar *)rkl_free(&p); }
  if(buffer->string != NULL)                                                                { CFRelease((CFTypeRef)buffer->string); buffer->string = NULL; }
  buffer->length = 0L;
  buffer->hash   = 0UL;

static void rkl_clearCacheSlotRegex(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot) {
  if(cacheSlot              == NULL) { return; }
  if(cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) { rkl_clearCacheSlotSetTo(cacheSlot); }
  if(cacheSlot->icu_regex   != NULL) { RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_close)(cacheSlot->icu_regex); cacheSlot->icu_regex   = NULL; cacheSlot->captureCount = -1L; }
  if(cacheSlot->regexString != NULL) { CFRelease((CFTypeRef)cacheSlot->regexString);                cacheSlot->regexString = NULL; cacheSlot->options      =  0U; }

static void rkl_clearCacheSlotSetTo(RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot) {
  if(cacheSlot              == NULL) { return; }
  if(cacheSlot->icu_regex   != NULL) { int32_t status = 0; RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(uregex_setText)(cacheSlot->icu_regex, &emptyUniCharString[0], 0, &status); }
  if(cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) { CFRelease((CFTypeRef)cacheSlot->setToString); cacheSlot->setToString = NULL; }
  cacheSlot->lastFindRange    = cacheSlot->lastMatchRange       = cacheSlot->setToRange = NSNotFoundRange;
  cacheSlot->setToIsImmutable = cacheSlot->setToNeedsConversion = 0U;
  cacheSlot->setToUniChar     = NULL;
  cacheSlot->setToHash        = 0UL;
  cacheSlot->setToLength      = 0L;

// Helps to keep things tidy.
#define addKeyAndObject(objs, keys, i, k, o) ({id _o=(o), _k=(k); if((_o != NULL) && (_k != NULL)) { objs[i] = _o; keys[i] = _k; i++; } })

static NSDictionary *rkl_userInfoDictionary(NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, const UParseError *parseError, int32_t status, ...) {
  va_list varArgsList;
  va_start(varArgsList, status);
  if(regexString == NULL) { va_end(varArgsList); return(NULL); }
  id objects[64], keys[64];
  NSUInteger count = 0UL;
  NSString *errorNameString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_errorName)(status)];
  addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexRegexErrorKey,        regexString);
  addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexRegexOptionsErrorKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:options]);
  addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexErrorCodeErrorKey,    [NSNumber numberWithInt:status]);
  addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexErrorNameErrorKey,    errorNameString);
  if((parseError != NULL) && (parseError->line != -1)) {
    NSString *preContextString  = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&parseError->preContext[0]  length:(NSUInteger)RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_strlen)(&parseError->preContext[0])];
    NSString *postContextString = [NSString stringWithCharacters:&parseError->postContext[0] length:(NSUInteger)RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_strlen)(&parseError->postContext[0])];
    addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexLineErrorKey,        [NSNumber numberWithInt:parseError->line]);
    addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexOffsetErrorKey,      [NSNumber numberWithInt:parseError->offset]);
    addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexPreContextErrorKey,  preContextString);
    addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, RKLICURegexPostContextErrorKey, postContextString);
    addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, @"NSLocalizedFailureReason",    ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"The error %@ occurred at line %d, column %d: %@<<HERE>>%@", errorNameString, parseError->line, parseError->offset, preContextString, postContextString]));
  } else {
    addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, @"NSLocalizedFailureReason",    ([NSString stringWithFormat:@"The error %@ occurred.", errorNameString]));
  while(count < 62UL) { id obj = va_arg(varArgsList, id), key = va_arg(varArgsList, id); if((obj != NULL) && (key != NULL)) { addKeyAndObject(objects, keys, count, key, obj); } else { break; } }
  return([NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjects:&objects[0] forKeys:&keys[0] count:count]);

static NSError *rkl_NSErrorForRegex(NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, const UParseError *parseError, int32_t status) {
  return([NSError errorWithDomain:RKLICURegexErrorDomain code:(NSInteger)status userInfo:rkl_userInfoDictionary(regexString, options, parseError, status, @"There was an error compiling the regular expression.", @"NSLocalizedDescription", NULL)]);

static NSException *rkl_NSExceptionForRegex(NSString *regexString, RKLRegexOptions options, const UParseError *parseError, int32_t status) {
  return([NSException exceptionWithName:RKLICURegexException reason:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"ICU regular expression error #%d, %s", status, RKL_ICU_FUNCTION_APPEND(u_errorName)(status)] userInfo:rkl_userInfoDictionary(regexString, options, parseError, status, NULL)]);

static NSDictionary *rkl_makeAssertDictionary(const char *function, const char *file, int line, NSString *format, ...) {
  va_list varArgsList;
  va_start(varArgsList, format);
  NSString *formatString   = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:varArgsList] autorelease];
  NSString *functionString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:function], *fileString = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:file];
  return([NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:formatString, @"description", functionString, @"function", fileString, @"file", [NSNumber numberWithInt:line], @"line", NSInternalInconsistencyException, @"exceptionName", NULL]);

static NSString *rkl_stringFromClassAndMethod(id object, SEL selector, NSString *format, ...) {
  va_list varArgsList;
  va_start(varArgsList, format);
  NSString *formatString = [[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:format arguments:varArgsList] autorelease];
  Class     objectsClass = [object class];
  return([NSString stringWithFormat:@"*** %c[%@ %@]: %@", (object == objectsClass) ? '+' : '-', NSStringFromClass(objectsClass), NSStringFromSelector(selector), formatString]);

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Objective-C Public Interface
#pragma mark -

@implementation NSString (RegexKitLiteAdditions)

#pragma mark +clearStringCache

+ (void)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(clearStringCache)
  volatile NSUInteger RKL_CLEANUP(rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus) cacheSpinLockStatus = 0UL;
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLLockedCacheSpinLock;
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLUnlockedCacheSpinLock;

#pragma mark +captureCountForRegex:

+ (NSInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureCountForRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSInteger captureCount = -1L;
  rkl_isRegexValid(self, _cmd, regex, RKLNoOptions, &captureCount, NULL);

+ (NSInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureCountForRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options error:(NSError **)error
  NSInteger captureCount = -1L;
  rkl_isRegexValid(self, _cmd, regex, options,      &captureCount, error);

#pragma mark -captureCount:

- (NSInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureCount)
  NSInteger captureCount = -1L;
  rkl_isRegexValid(self, _cmd, self, RKLNoOptions, &captureCount, NULL);

- (NSInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureCountWithOptions):(RKLRegexOptions)options error:(NSError **)error
  NSInteger captureCount = -1L;
  rkl_isRegexValid(self, _cmd, self, options,      &captureCount, error);

#pragma mark -componentsSeparatedByRegex:

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsSeparatedByRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange range = NSMaxiumRange;
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLSplitOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &range, NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsSeparatedByRegex):(NSString *)regex range:(NSRange)range
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLSplitOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &range, NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsSeparatedByRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options range:(NSRange)range error:(NSError **)error
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLSplitOp, regex, options,      0L, self, &range, NULL, error, NULL));

#pragma mark -isMatchedByRegex:

- (BOOL)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(isMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange, range = NSMaxiumRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &result);
  return((result.location == NSNotFound) ? NO : YES);

- (BOOL)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(isMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex inRange:(NSRange)range
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &result);
  return((result.location == NSNotFound) ? NO : YES);

- (BOOL)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(isMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options inRange:(NSRange)range error:(NSError **)error
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, options,      0L, self, &range, NULL, error, &result);
  return((result.location == NSNotFound) ? NO : YES);

#pragma mark -isRegexValid

  return(rkl_isRegexValid(self, _cmd, self, RKLNoOptions, NULL, NULL)  == 1UL ? YES : NO);

- (BOOL)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(isRegexValidWithOptions):(RKLRegexOptions)options error:(NSError **)error
  return(rkl_isRegexValid(self, _cmd, self, options,      NULL, error) == 1UL ? YES : NO);

#pragma mark -flushCachedRegexData

- (void)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(flushCachedRegexData)
  volatile NSUInteger RKL_CLEANUP(rkl_cleanup_cacheSpinLockStatus) cacheSpinLockStatus = 0UL;

  CFIndex    selfLength = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)self);
  CFHashCode selfHash   = CFHash((CFTypeRef)self);
  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLLockedCacheSpinLock;

  NSUInteger slot;
  for(slot = 0UL; slot < (NSUInteger)(RKL_CACHE_SIZE); slot++) {
    RKLCacheSlot *cacheSlot = &rkl_cacheSlots[slot];
    if((cacheSlot->setToString != NULL) && ( (cacheSlot->setToString == (CFStringRef)self) || ((cacheSlot->setToLength == selfLength) && (cacheSlot->setToHash == selfHash)) ) ) { rkl_clearCacheSlotSetTo(cacheSlot); }

  RKLBuffer *buffer = (selfLength < (CFIndex)(RKL_FIXED_LENGTH)) ? &fixedBuffer : &dynamicBuffer;
  if((buffer->string != NULL) && ((buffer->string == (CFStringRef)self) || ((buffer->length == selfLength) && (buffer->hash == selfHash)))) { rkl_clearBuffer(buffer, 0UL); }

  cacheSpinLockStatus |= RKLUnlockedCacheSpinLock;

#pragma mark -rangeOfRegex:

- (NSRange)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(rangeOfRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange, range = NSMaxiumRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L,      self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &result);

- (NSRange)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(rangeOfRegex):(NSString *)regex capture:(NSInteger)capture
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange, range = NSMaxiumRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, capture, self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &result);

- (NSRange)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(rangeOfRegex):(NSString *)regex inRange:(NSRange)range
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L,      self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &result);

- (NSRange)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(rangeOfRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options inRange:(NSRange)range capture:(NSInteger)capture error:(NSError **)error
  NSRange result = NSNotFoundRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, options,      capture, self, &range, NULL, error, &result);

#pragma mark -stringByMatching:

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByMatching):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange matchedRange = NSNotFoundRange, range = NSMaxiumRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions,      0L,      self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &matchedRange);
  return((matchedRange.location == NSNotFound) ? NULL : rkl_CFAutorelease(CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, (CFStringRef)self, CFMakeRange(matchedRange.location, matchedRange.length))));  

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByMatching):(NSString *)regex capture:(NSInteger)capture
  NSRange matchedRange = NSNotFoundRange, range = NSMaxiumRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions,      capture, self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &matchedRange);
  return((matchedRange.location == NSNotFound) ? NULL : rkl_CFAutorelease(CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, (CFStringRef)self, CFMakeRange(matchedRange.location, matchedRange.length))));  

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByMatching):(NSString *)regex inRange:(NSRange)range
  NSRange matchedRange = NSNotFoundRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, RKLNoOptions,      0L,      self, &range, NULL, NULL,  &matchedRange);
  return((matchedRange.location == NSNotFound) ? NULL : rkl_CFAutorelease(CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, (CFStringRef)self, CFMakeRange(matchedRange.location, matchedRange.length))));  

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByMatching):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options inRange:(NSRange)range capture:(NSInteger)capture error:(NSError **)error
  NSRange matchedRange = NSNotFoundRange;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLRangeOp, regex, options,           capture, self, &range, NULL, error, &matchedRange);
  return((matchedRange.location == NSNotFound) ? NULL : rkl_CFAutorelease(CFStringCreateWithSubstring(NULL, (CFStringRef)self, CFMakeRange(matchedRange.location, matchedRange.length))));

#pragma mark -stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex:

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex):(NSString *)regex withString:(NSString *)replacement
  NSRange searchRange = NSMaxiumRange;
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLReplaceOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &searchRange, replacement, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex):(NSString *)regex withString:(NSString *)replacement range:(NSRange)searchRange
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLReplaceOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &searchRange, replacement, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSString *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfRegex):(NSString *)regex withString:(NSString *)replacement options:(RKLRegexOptions)options range:(NSRange)searchRange error:(NSError **)error
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLReplaceOp, regex, options,      0L, self, &searchRange, replacement, error, NULL));

#pragma mark -componentsMatchedByRegex:

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange searchRange = NSMaxiumRange;
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLArrayOfStringsOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L,      self, &searchRange, NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex capture:(NSInteger)capture
  NSRange searchRange = NSMaxiumRange;
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLArrayOfStringsOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, capture, self, &searchRange, NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex range:(NSRange)range
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLArrayOfStringsOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L,      self, &range,       NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(componentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options range:(NSRange)range capture:(NSInteger)capture error:(NSError **)error
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLArrayOfStringsOp, regex, options,      capture, self, &range,       NULL, error, NULL));

#pragma mark -captureComponentsMatchedByRegex:

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureComponentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange searchRange = NSMaxiumRange;
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLCapturesArrayOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &searchRange, NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureComponentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex range:(NSRange)range
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLCapturesArrayOp, regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &range,       NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(captureComponentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options range:(NSRange)range error:(NSError **)error
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)RKLCapturesArrayOp, regex, options,      0L, self, &range,       NULL, error, NULL));

#pragma mark -arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex:

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex
  NSRange searchRange = NSMaxiumRange;
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)(RKLArrayOfCapturesOp | RKLSubcapturesArray), regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &searchRange, NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex range:(NSRange)range
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)(RKLArrayOfCapturesOp | RKLSubcapturesArray), regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &range,       NULL, NULL,  NULL));

- (NSArray *)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(arrayOfCaptureComponentsMatchedByRegex):(NSString *)regex options:(RKLRegexOptions)options range:(NSRange)range error:(NSError **)error
  return(rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)(RKLArrayOfCapturesOp | RKLSubcapturesArray), regex, options,      0L, self, &range,       NULL, error, NULL));


@implementation NSMutableString (RegexKitLiteAdditions)

#pragma mark -replaceOccurrencesOfRegex:

- (NSUInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(replaceOccurrencesOfRegex):(NSString *)regex withString:(NSString *)replacement
  NSRange    searchRange   = NSMaxiumRange;
  NSUInteger replacedCount = 0UL;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)(RKLReplaceOp | RKLReplaceMutable), regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &searchRange, replacement, NULL,  (void **)((void *)&replacedCount));

- (NSUInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(replaceOccurrencesOfRegex):(NSString *)regex withString:(NSString *)replacement range:(NSRange)searchRange
  NSUInteger replacedCount = 0UL;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)(RKLReplaceOp | RKLReplaceMutable), regex, RKLNoOptions, 0L, self, &searchRange, replacement, NULL,  (void **)((void *)&replacedCount));

- (NSUInteger)RKL_METHOD_PREPEND(replaceOccurrencesOfRegex):(NSString *)regex withString:(NSString *)replacement options:(RKLRegexOptions)options range:(NSRange)searchRange error:(NSError **)error
  NSUInteger replacedCount = 0UL;
  rkl_performRegexOp(self, _cmd, (RKLRegexOp)(RKLReplaceOp | RKLReplaceMutable), regex, options,      0L, self, &searchRange, replacement, error, (void **)((void *)&replacedCount));
