// // MGTemplateEngine.h // // Created by Matt Gemmell on 11/05/2008. // Copyright 2008 Instinctive Code. All rights reserved. // // Keys in blockInfo dictionaries passed to delegate methods. #define BLOCK_NAME_KEY @"name" // NSString containing block name (first word of marker) #define BLOCK_END_NAMES_KEY @"endNames" // NSArray containing names of possible ending-markers for block #define BLOCK_ARGUMENTS_KEY @"args" // NSArray of further arguments in block start marker #define BLOCK_START_MARKER_RANGE_KEY @"startMarkerRange" // NSRange (as NSValue) of block's starting marker #define BLOCK_VARIABLES_KEY @"vars" // NSDictionary of variables #define TEMPLATE_ENGINE_ERROR_DOMAIN @"MGTemplateEngineErrorDomain" @class MGTemplateEngine; @protocol MGTemplateEngineDelegate @optional - (void)templateEngine:(MGTemplateEngine *)engine blockStarted:(NSDictionary *)blockInfo; - (void)templateEngine:(MGTemplateEngine *)engine blockEnded:(NSDictionary *)blockInfo; - (void)templateEngineFinishedProcessingTemplate:(MGTemplateEngine *)engine; - (void)templateEngine:(MGTemplateEngine *)engine encounteredError:(NSError *)error isContinuing:(BOOL)continuing; @end // Keys in marker dictionaries returned from Matcher methods. #define MARKER_NAME_KEY @"name" // NSString containing marker name (first word of marker) #define MARKER_TYPE_KEY @"type" // NSString, either MARKER_TYPE_EXPRESSION or MARKER_TYPE_MARKER #define MARKER_TYPE_MARKER @"marker" #define MARKER_TYPE_EXPRESSION @"expression" #define MARKER_ARGUMENTS_KEY @"args" // NSArray of further arguments in marker, if any #define MARKER_FILTER_KEY @"filter" // NSString containing name of filter attached to marker, if any #define MARKER_FILTER_ARGUMENTS_KEY @"filterArgs" // NSArray of filter arguments, if any #define MARKER_RANGE_KEY @"range" // NSRange (as NSValue) of marker's range @protocol MGTemplateEngineMatcher @required - (id)initWithTemplateEngine:(MGTemplateEngine *)engine; - (void)engineSettingsChanged; // always called at least once before beginning to process a template. - (NSDictionary *)firstMarkerWithinRange:(NSRange)range; @end #import "MGTemplateMarker.h" #import "MGTemplateFilter.h" @interface MGTemplateEngine : NSObject { @public NSString *markerStartDelimiter; // default: {% NSString *markerEndDelimiter; // default: %} NSString *expressionStartDelimiter; // default: {{ NSString *expressionEndDelimiter; // default: }} NSString *filterDelimiter; // default: | example: {{ myVar|uppercase }} NSString *literalStartMarker; // default: literal NSString *literalEndMarker; // default: /literal @private NSMutableArray *_openBlocksStack; NSMutableDictionary *_globals; int _outputDisabledCount; int _templateLength; NSMutableDictionary *_filters; NSMutableDictionary *_markers; NSMutableDictionary *_templateVariables; BOOL _literal; @public NSRange remainingRange; id <MGTemplateEngineDelegate> delegate; id <MGTemplateEngineMatcher> matcher; NSString *templateContents; } @property(retain) NSString *markerStartDelimiter; @property(retain) NSString *markerEndDelimiter; @property(retain) NSString *expressionStartDelimiter; @property(retain) NSString *expressionEndDelimiter; @property(retain) NSString *filterDelimiter; @property(retain) NSString *literalStartMarker; @property(retain) NSString *literalEndMarker; @property(assign, readonly) NSRange remainingRange; @property(assign) id <MGTemplateEngineDelegate> delegate; // weak ref @property(retain) id <MGTemplateEngineMatcher> matcher; @property(retain, readonly) NSString *templateContents; // Creation. + (NSString *)version; + (MGTemplateEngine *)templateEngine; // Managing persistent values. - (void)setObject:(id)anObject forKey:(id)aKey; - (void)addEntriesFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict; - (id)objectForKey:(id)aKey; // Configuration and extensibility. - (void)loadMarker:(NSObject <MGTemplateMarker> *)marker; - (void)loadFilter:(NSObject <MGTemplateFilter> *)filter; // Utilities. - (NSObject *)resolveVariable:(NSString *)var; - (NSDictionary *)templateVariables; // Processing templates. - (NSString *)processTemplate:(NSString *)templateString withVariables:(NSDictionary *)variables; - (NSString *)processTemplateInFileAtPath:(NSString *)templatePath withVariables:(NSDictionary *)variables; @end