author Hans-Jörg Bibiko category Format command # check for empty STDIN SQL=$(cat) if [ -z "$SQL" ]; then echo "No SQL statements passed." exit $SP_BUNDLE_EXIT_SHOW_AS_TEXT_TOOLTIP fi # check if connected to the internet and if server is up connected=$(/sbin/ping -t 8 -c 1 -on 2> /dev/null | grep '69\.5\.11\.169' | wc -l) if [ $connected -eq "0" ]; then echo "<font color=red>You are probably not connected to the internet or server is down.</font>" exit $SP_BUNDLE_EXIT_SHOW_AS_HTML_TOOLTIP fi # show info alert about sending the SQL statements to an online service if [ ! -e infoShowed ]; then touch infoShowed osascript -e 'tell app "Sequel Pro" to display dialog "This command will send the SQL statement(s) - unencrypted - to an online service ( Please consider this before sending confidential data!\n\nThis message will only be displayed once." with icon caution' 2> 1 if [ `cat 1 | wc -c` -ne 0 ]; then rm -f 1 exit $SP_BUNDLE_EXIT_NONE fi rm -f 1 fi # send SQL to and replace the formatted SQL string in first responder; if a parser error occurred # show error message and try to jump to the error cat <<HTML <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" ""> <html> <head> <base href=""> <title>Connecting</title> <script> function lookForResult() { if(document.all.outputsql.value.length > 8) { if( == "inline") { var errormes = document.all.outputsql.value; var re = /.*?\(\d+\s*,\s*(\d+)\).*/; re.exec(errormes); var pos = parseInt(RegExp.\$1) - 1; re = /.*?(\d+).*/; re.exec('$SP_SELECTED_TEXT_RANGE'); var offset = parseInt(RegExp.\$1); pos = pos + offset; alert(document.all.outputsql.value); window.system.setSelectedTextRange(pos+''); } else { var txt = document.all.outputsql.value; var len = txt.length; window.system.setSelectedTextRange('$SP_SELECTED_TEXT_RANGE'); window.system.insertText(txt.slice(0,len-2)); } window.system.closeHTMLOutputWindow(); } else { setTimeout("lookForResult()",50); } } function waitForResult() { window.system.suppressExceptionAlert(); setTimeout("lookForResult()",50); } </script> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="pp.js"></script> </head> <body onload='window.resizeTo(300,200);SQLFMT.format(document.all.sp_submit);waitForResult()'> <div id="retvalues"></div> <p><b>Copyright &copy; 2001-2010 Gudu Software<br>All Rights Reserved<br><a href="">Contact US</a></b></p> <br><br><br><br><br> <p align=right>Please wait…</p> <div class="page-container-1" style="display:none;"> <div id="container"> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="content"> <form id="SqlFmtForm" name="frm_sqlformat" method="post" action="/cgi-bin/ppserver" onsubmit="return false;"> <div id="secondpanel"> <div id="sp_database"> <label class="desc" style="display:inline;">Database</label> <select name="dbvendor"> <option value="mysql" selected>MySQL</option> </select> <label class="desc" style="display:inline;padding:0 0 0px 40px; border:0px solid;">Output:</label> <select name="outputfmt"> <option value="SQL" selected>SQL(Text)</option> </select> </div> </div> <div id="sqlpanel"> <div id="sp_inputsql"> <textarea id ="inputsql" name="inputsql" cols="1" rows="1" wrap="off"> $SQL </textarea> </div> <div id="sp_submit"> <input type="button" id="btnformat" name="print" value="Format SQL" onclick="SQLFMT.format(this)" value="Format SQL"> <label style="display:none;">(Time used: <span id="timestamp">0</span> seconds)</label> </div> <div id="sp_submit" style="text-align:left;"> </div> <label id="errorhint" class="desc" style="color:#DF0000 !important;display:none;"> Can't format input sql, make sure there is no syntax error and select correct database. <a href="" style="display:none;">OR Report a bug of this sql beautifier</a> </label> <iframe id="ioutputsql" ></iframe> <div id="sp_outputsql" style="display:none;"> <textarea id = "outputsql" name="outputsql" cols="80" rows="15" wrap="off" > </textarea> </div> <div id="sp_errormsg" style="display:none;"> Error message goes to here! </div> </div> <div id="formatoptions"> <select name="keywordcs"> <option value="Uppercase" selected >Uppercase</option> <option value="Lowercase" >Lowercase</option> <option value="InitCap" >InitCap</option> <option value="Unchanged" >Unchanged</option> </select> <select name="identifiercs"> <option value="Uppercase" >Uppercase</option> <option value="Lowercase" selected >Lowercase</option> <option value="InitCap" >InitCap</option> <option value="Unchanged" >Unchanged</option> <option value="initcapeachword" >Init cap each word</option> </select> <select name="functioncs"> <option value="Uppercase" >Uppercase</option> <option value="Lowercase" >Lowercase</option> <option value="InitCap" selected >InitCap</option> <option value="Unchanged" >Unchanged</option> </select> <input type="radio" name="lnbrwithcomma" value="after" checked > After <input type="radio" name="lnbrwithcomma" value="before" > Before <input type="radio" name="lnbrwithcomma" value= "beforewithspace" > Before with space <input type="radio" name="liststyle" value="stack" checked>Stacked <input type="radio" name="liststyle" value="nostack">Not Stacked <input type="radio" name="salign" value="sleft" checked> Align left <input type="radio" name="salign" value="sright" > Align right <input type="checkbox" name="andorunderwhere" value="yes" checked> And/Or under Where <input type="checkbox" name="removelnbr" value="no" checked> Remove Linebreak before beautify <input type="checkbox" name="trimquotechar" value="yes"> Trim Quoted Char of Each Line quoted char of eachline: <input type="text" name="quotechar" value= "&#34" size = 5 > <input type="checkbox" name="compactmode" value="yes"> Compact the output of sql output <input type="text" name="maxlenincm" value= "80" size = 5 > </div> <input type="hidden" name="clientid" value="4149-9094-8133-2031" /> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> HTML contact znvy@ovovxb.qr description Send the current query or selection to and replace the current query or selection of the first responder by the server's formatted output. If a parser error occurred alert that error and tries to jump to the error location. Version 1.0 input selectedtext input_fallback currentquery internalKeyEquivalent characters T keyCode 17 modifierFlags 1835008 keyEquivalent ^~@t name Format SQL output showashtml scope inputfield tooltip Send query or selection to to insert the SQL statement formatted uuid 36E1F94D-D6C4-460A-A663-C694AF85E099 isDefaultBundle