#!/usr/bin/expect # Note that changes to this script will NOT update the nightly builder without manual deployment # Quiet this script log_user 0 # A script to upload the specified Sequel Pro build to the nightlies server, as another minor security hurdle. # This will be called by the build script with the first parameter being the VCS revision, second passphrase # Ensure a revision number was passed in set REVISION_NUMBER [lindex $argv 0] set PASSPHRASE [lindex $argv 1] # Perform the upload spawn scp -q -P 32100 /Users/spbuildbot/buildbot/sequel-pro/build/build/Release/Sequel_Pro_r${REVISION_NUMBER}.dmg sequelpro@sequelpro.com:public_html/nightly expect "Enter passphrase for key '/Users/spbuildbot/.ssh/id_rsa': " send "${PASSPHRASE}\r" expect eof catch wait result exit [lindex $result 3]