/* SSHTunnel.m Original code by tynsoe.org, Copyright 2002 Modified by Lorenz Textor for use with CocoaMySQL */ #import "SSHTunnel.h" #include // start diff lorenz textor /* #define T_START @"START: %@" #define T_STOP @"STOP: %@" #define S_IDLE @"Idle" #define S_CONNECTING @"Connecting..." #define S_CONNECTED @"Connected" #define S_AUTH @"Authenticated" #define S_PORT "Port %@ forwarded" */ #define T_START @"START: %@" #define T_STOP @"STOP: %@" #define S_IDLE @"Idle" #define S_CONNECTING @"Connecting..." #define S_CONNECTED @"Connected" #define S_AUTH @"Authenticated" #define S_PORT "Port %@ forwarded" // end diff lorenz textor @implementation SSHTunnel // initialization - (id)init { self = [super init]; // Make this class the root one for AppleEvent calls // [[ NSScriptExecutionContext sharedScriptExecutionContext] setTopLevelObject: self ]; return self; } // Getting tunnels informations - (BOOL)isRunning /* returns YES if tunnel is running */ { return [ task isRunning ]; } - (NSString*)status { if (status) return status; return S_IDLE; } // starting & stopping the tunnel - (void)startTunnel /* starts tunnel with saved arguments */ { [self startTunnelWithArguments:tunnelArguments]; } - (void)startTunnelWithArguments:(NSDictionary *)args /* starts the tunnel */ { NSMutableArray *arguments = [[ NSMutableArray alloc] init ]; if (tunnelArguments ) [tunnelArguments release]; tunnelArguments = [args retain]; // stop tunnel if already running if ( [self isRunning] ) // [self stopTunnel]; return; shouldStop = NO; // get arguments [ arguments addObject: @"-N" ]; [ arguments addObject: @"-v" ]; // [ arguments addObject: @"-p" ]; // [ arguments addObject: @"-p" ]; // [ arguments addObject: @"22" ]; // [ arguments addObject: @"-c"]; // [ arguments addObject: @"3des"]; [ arguments addObject: [ NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@@%@", [args objectForKey:@"connUser"], [args objectForKey:@"connHost"] ]]; [ arguments addObject: @"-L" ]; [ arguments addObject: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@/%@", [args objectForKey:@"localPort"], [args objectForKey:@"host"], [args objectForKey:@"remotePort"]] ]; [ NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(launchTunnel:) toTarget: self withObject: arguments ]; [ arguments release ]; } - (void)stopTunnel /* stops the tunnel */ { if (! [ self isRunning ]) return; shouldStop=YES; [ self setValue: nil forKey: @"status" ]; [ task terminate ]; [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ]; } - (void)launchTunnel:(NSArray*)arguments /* launches the tunnel in a separate thread */ { NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if (task) [ task release ]; task = [[ NSTask alloc ] init ]; NSMutableDictionary *environment = [ NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary: [[ NSProcessInfo processInfo ] environment ]]; NSString *pathToAuthentifier = [[ NSBundle mainBundle ] pathForResource: @"askForPass" ofType: @"sh" ]; [ task setLaunchPath: @"/usr/bin/ssh" ]; [ task setArguments: arguments ]; // really necessary??? [ environment removeObjectForKey: @"SSH_AGENT_PID" ]; [ environment removeObjectForKey: @"SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; [ environment setObject: pathToAuthentifier forKey: @"SSH_ASKPASS" ]; [ environment setObject:@":0" forKey:@"DISPLAY" ]; [ environment setObject: @"CocoaMySQL Tunnel" forKey: @"TUNNEL_NAME" ]; [ task setEnvironment: environment ]; stdErrPipe = [[ NSPipe alloc ] init ]; [ task setStandardError: stdErrPipe ]; [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(stdErr:) name: @"NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification" object:[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading]]; [[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading] waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify ]; NSLog(T_START,@"CocoaMySQL Tunnel"); [ self setValue: S_CONNECTING forKey: @"status" ]; [ task launch ]; [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ]; [ task waitUntilExit ]; sleep(1); [ self setValue: S_IDLE forKey: @"status" ]; NSLog(T_STOP,@"CocoaMySQL Tunnel"); [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name: @"NSFileHandleDataAvailableNotification" object:[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading]]; [ task release ]; task = nil; [ stdErrPipe release ]; stdErrPipe = nil; [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ]; if (! shouldStop) [ self startTunnel ]; [ pool release ]; } - (void)stdErr:(NSNotification*)aNotification { NSData *data = [[ aNotification object ] availableData ]; NSString *log = [[ NSString alloc ] initWithData: data encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding ]; BOOL wait = YES; if ([ log length ]) { NSLog(log); NSArray *lines = [ log componentsSeparatedByString:@"\n" ]; NSEnumerator *e = [ lines objectEnumerator ]; NSString *line; while (line = [ e nextObject ]) { if ([ line rangeOfString:@"Entering interactive session." ].location != NSNotFound) { [ self setValue: S_CONNECTED forKey: @"status"]; } if ([ line rangeOfString:@"Authentication succeeded" ].location != NSNotFound) [ self setValue: S_AUTH forKey: @"status"]; if ([ line rangeOfString:@"Connections to local port" ].location != NSNotFound) { NSScanner *s; NSString *port; s = [ NSScanner scannerWithString:log]; [ s scanUpToString: @"Connections to local port " intoString: nil ]; [ s scanString: @"Connections to local port " intoString: nil ]; [ s scanUpToString: @"forwarded" intoString:&port]; [ self setValue: [ NSString stringWithFormat: @"Port %@ forwarded", port ] forKey: @"status"]; } if ([ line rangeOfString:@"closed by remote host." ].location != NSNotFound) { [ task terminate]; [ self setValue: @"Connection closed" forKey: @"status"]; wait = NO; } [[ NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"STMStatusChanged" object:self ]; } if (wait) [[ stdErrPipe fileHandleForReading ] waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify ]; } [ log release] ; } // deallocation - (void) dealloc { [self stopTunnel]; [task release]; [stdErrPipe release]; [status release]; [tunnelArguments release]; [super dealloc]; } @end