BUILDING SEQUEL PRO ------------------- Sequel Pro uses an external framework which comes with an .ibplugin (Interface Builder Plugins); to build Sequel Pro, Interface Builder must have detected this plugin. The frameworks is: BWToolkit The framework is included in the Sequel Pro source tree with its .ibplugin; the location of the .ibplugin is: ./Frameworks/BWToolkitFramework.framework/Versions/A/Resources/BWToolkit.ibplugin (NOTE: Xcode 4 does not yet support interface builder plugins. Xcode 3.2.x is recommended) By including the .ibplugin within the frameworks, Interface Builder should detect it automatically when you build. If you get build errors complaining "Unable to resolve plug-in dependency for ...", automatic detection has failed. The first thing to try is the following steps to try and make Xcode pick up the plugin itself: 1) Quit Xcode and Interface Builder 2) Re-open Xcode 3) Locate one of the .xib files with dependencies, for example DBView.xib, and open it from Xcode 4) Close it, and try building again. If this still fails, locate the .ibplugin and double click on it to add it to Interface Builder. If Interface Builder complains that it is already installed then you might want to replace the current version with the version in the project; to do this go to the Interface Builder preferences, click on 'Plugins', and remove the BWToolkit plugin using the [ - ] button below the list. You will need to relaunch Interface Builder before you can re-add the plugin from the locations mentioned above. Note, that Interface Builder always looks in the same location that plugins are originally installed from and does not keep track of them when they are moved. If Interface Builder complains that it can't a plugin dependency, either restore it to its originally location or re-add it using the steps above. As a last resort jump onto IRC and join #sequel-pro on and any of the developers will be more than happy to help you out. - The Sequel Pro team