BUILDING SEQUEL PRO ------------------- Sequel Pro has no external dependencies or Interface Builder plugins, so building is fairly straightforward. However, we are curently targetting 10.5 as a minimum version (not for much longer!), so the Base SDK is set to 10.5 to correctly report warnings. Xcode 4 does not ship with the 10.5 SDK; to install them: 1) Find a copy of Xcode 3. If you do not have this installed, it is still available from . 2) Install or extract the 10.5 SDK (and the 10.6 SDK for use soon...). These would normally have been installed to /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.5.sdk and MacOSX10.6.sdk . 3) Copy, or symlink them, into /Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs . After performing these steps 10.5- and 10.6-base SDKs should compile correctly (although without PPC support). For assistance please jump onto IRC and join #sequel-pro on and any of the developers will be more than happy to help you out. - The Sequel Pro team