1060 13F34 6751 1265.21 698.00 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin 6751 NSBox NSButton NSButtonCell NSCustomObject NSCustomView NSDateFormatter NSImageCell NSImageView NSMenu NSMenuItem NSNumberFormatter NSPopUpButton NSPopUpButtonCell NSScrollView NSScroller NSStepper NSStepperCell NSTableColumn NSTableView NSTextField NSTextFieldCell NSUserDefaultsController NSView NSWindowTemplate com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin PluginDependencyRecalculationVersion SPPreferenceController FirstResponder NSApplication SPGeneralPreferencePane SPTablesPreferencePane SPNotificationsPreferencePane SPEditorPreferencePane SPAutoUpdatePreferencePane SPNetworkPreferencePane SUUpdater YES 4107 2 {{430, 486}, {580, 172}} 544738304 Preferences NSWindow {580, 50} 256 {580, 172} {{0, 0}, {1920, 1178}} {580, 72} {10000000000000, 10000000000000} YES 1 2 {{343, 481}, {227, 114}} 1886912512 NSWindow View {247, 124} {227, 114} 256 256 {{17, 86}, {213, 14}} YES 68157504 4195328 Name: YES 11 3100 6 System controlColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2NjY3AA 6 System controlTextColor 3 MAA NO 1 256 {{18, 45}, {212, 11}} YES 68157504 4457472 Already exists and will be overwritten! YES 9 3614 NO 1 258 {{20, 60}, {187, 18}} YES -1804599231 4326400 YES 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 6 System textColor NO 1 259 {{112, 13}, {100, 28}} 1 YES 603979776 138018816 Save 1 -2038284288 1 Helvetica 11 16 DQ 200 25 NO 259 {{15, 13}, {99, 28}} YES 67108864 138018816 Cancel -2038284288 1 Gw 200 25 NO {227, 114} {{0, 0}, {1920, 1178}} {227, 136} {247, 146} YES 1 2 {{343, 370}, {264, 225}} 1886912512 NSWindow View {264, 274} {264, 225} 256 259 {{161, 13}, {88, 28}} YES 67108864 138018816 Close -2038284288 1 Gw 200 25 NO 268 2304 256 {264, 133} YES NO YES -2147483392 {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} 261 40 1000 75497536 2048 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 6 System headerTextColor 337641536 2048 Text Cell YES 13 1044 6 System controlBackgroundColor 3 YES YES 3 2 6 System gridColor 3 MC41AA 17 46137344 4 15 0 YES 0 1 {{1, 1}, {264, 133}} 4 -2147483392 {{224, 17}, {15, 102}} NO _doScroller: 0.99468082189559937 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {223, 15}} NO 1 _doScroller: 0.57142859697341919 {{-1, 79}, {266, 135}} 133650 QSAAAEEgAABBmAAAQZgAAA 0.25 4 1 34 274 266 Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{-2, 0}, {272, 22}} YES 134217728 33554432 NSImage button_bar_spacer 0 1 0 NO NO YES 268 {{31, -1}, {32, 25}} YES 67108864 134217728 -2042347520 35 NSImage button_remove  400 75 NO 268 {{-1, -1}, {33, 25}} YES 67108864 134217728 -2041823232 268435491 NSImage button_duplicate d 400 75 NO {{1, 1}, {264, 21}} {{-1, 57}, {266, 23}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 1 4 2 NO 4 MC42NjY2NjY2ODY1IDAuODAwMDAwMDExOQA {264, 225} {{0, 0}, {1920, 1178}} {264, 247} {264, 296} YES 268 268 {{201, 121}, {254, 26}} YES -2076180416 1024 -2038284288 1 LucidaGrande 13 16 400 75 Autodetect 1048576 2147483647 1 NSImage NSMenuCheckmark NSImage NSMenuMixedState _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 UCS-2 Unicode (ucs2) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 10 UTF-8 Unicode BMP (utf8) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 20 UTF-8 Full Unicode (utf8mb4) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 190 YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 US ASCII (ascii) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 40 ISO Latin 1 (latin1) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 50 Mac Roman (macroman) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 60 YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 Windows Latin 2 (cp1250) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 70 ISO Latin 2 (latin2) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 80 YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 Windows Arabic (cp1256) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 90 ISO Greek (greek) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 100 ISO Hebrew (hebrew) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 110 ISO Turkish (latin5) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 120 YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 Windows Baltic (cp1257) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 130 YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 Windows Cyrillic (cp1251) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 140 YES YES 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: -1 Big5 Traditional Chinese (big5) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 150 Shift-JIS Japanese (sjis) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 160 EUC-JP Japanese (ujis) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 170 EUC-KR Korean (euckr) 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 180 -1 3 YES YES 1 NO 268 {{202, 214}, {362, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Connect to default on startup 1211912448 2 NSImage NSSwitch NSSwitch 200 25 NO 268 {{11, 242}, {187, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Default Favorite: NO 1 268 {{201, 236}, {254, 26}} YES -2076180416 2048 109199360 1 400 75 YES OtherViews YES -1 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{17, 85}, {182, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Table Views: NO 1 268 {{17, 127}, {182, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Default Encoding: NO 1 268 {{202, 84}, {360, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Use monospaced fonts 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{202, 62}, {360, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Display vertical grid lines 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 1036 {{202, 156}, {360, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{204, 108}, {358, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{204, 53}, {357, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{17, 23}, {181, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Remember Last: NO 1 268 {{203, 20}, {38, 22}} YES -1804599231 138413056 # # NaN 3 YES YES YES . , NO NO NO YES NO 1 268 {{247, 23}, {316, 17}} YES 68157504 272630784 queries NO 1 268 {{201, 169}, {254, 26}} YES -2076180416 1024 -2038284288 1 400 75 Last Used 2147483647 1 _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES YES 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: Structure 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 1 Content 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 2 Relations 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 3 Table Info 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 4 Query Editor 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 5 Triggers 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 6 3 YES YES 1 NO 268 {{17, 175}, {182, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Default View: NO 1 12 {{202, 204}, {360, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO {580, 280} NSView 268 268 {{422, 14}, {144, 32}} YES 67108864 134217728 Select… -2038284288 129 200 25 NO 268 {{205, 20}, {194, 22}} YES -2076180416 4196352 YES NO 1 268 {{202, 59}, {361, 26}} YES -2076180416 2048 109199360 129 400 75 Only use additional queries for small tables 1048576 2147483647 1 _popUpItemAction: 1 YES OtherViews Never use additional queries for table row counts 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: Always get accurate row counts (slow for InnoDB) 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 2 1 1 YES YES 2 NO 268 {{17, 25}, {181, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 MySQL content font: NO 1 268 {{17, 65}, {182, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Table row counts: NO 1 12 {{205, 89}, {355, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{203, 241}, {359, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Removing a row 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{17, 280}, {183, 17}} YES 67108928 71304192 Reload Table After: NO 1 268 {{499, 147}, {64, 17}} YES 67108928 272630784 rows NO 1 268 {{203, 281}, {359, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Adding a row 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{203, 146}, {189, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Limit result to: 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{203, 261}, {359, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Editing a row 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{478, 141}, {19, 27}} YES 786464 0 100 1 100000 1 YES YES NO 268 {{398, 144}, {75, 22}} YES -1804599232 71304192 #,##1 #,##1 #,##1 NaN 3 YES YES YES . , YES NO NO 100 YES NO 1 268 {{17, 102}, {182, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Show NULL values as: NO 1 268 {{205, 100}, {75, 22}} YES -1804599231 272630784 NULL YES NO 1 268 {{203, 201}, {359, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Don't load blob and text fields until needed 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 12 {{205, 48}, {355, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{205, 227}, {355, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{205, 172}, {355, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{205, 133}, {355, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{203, 181}, {359, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 New fields should allow nulls 1211912448 2 200 25 NO {580, 319} NSView 268 268 {{230, 174}, {332, 28}} _NS:9 {250, 750} YES 67108864 272630016 JEdyb3dsIFN0YXR1cyBUZXh0JApMaW5lIDI _NS:9 6 System disabledControlTextColor 3 MC4zMzMzMzMzMzMzAA NO YES 1 268 {{202, 208}, {360, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Enable notifications 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 12 {{202, 136}, {360, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{202, 150}, {360, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Show error when no rows are affected 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{202, 110}, {360, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Enable logging for queries 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{230, 87}, {332, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Interface 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{230, 41}, {332, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Import & Export 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{230, 64}, {332, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Custom Query Editor 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{230, 18}, {332, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Errors 1211912448 2 200 25 NO {580, 244} NSView 268 12 {{204, 135}, {356, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{203, 81}, {359, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Send anonymous system information 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{202, 144}, {360, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Automatically check for updates 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{198, 12}, {178, 32}} YES 67108864 134217728 Check Now -2038284288 1 200 25 NO 268 {{17, 49}, {181, 17}} YES 67108864 71303168 Last check: NO 1 268 {{201, 49}, {362, 17}} YES 67108864 272629760 190657900 Australia/Sydney VFppZgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAABAAAAAAAAACNAAAABAAAAAScTqacnLwg8MtUswDLx1dw zLdWgM2nOXDOoHMAz4cbcANwOYAEDRwABVAbgAX2OIAHL/2AB9YagAkP34AJtfyACu/BgAufGQAM2N4A DX77AA64wAAPXt0AEJiiABE+vwASeIQAEx6hABRYZgAU/oMAFjhIABcMiYAYIWSAGMeBgBoBRoAap2OA G+EogByHRYAdwQqAHnmcgB+XsgAgWX6AIYDOgCJCmwAjaesAJCJ9ACVJzQAl7+oAJymvACfPzAApCZEA Ka+uACrpcwArmMqALNKPgC14rIAusnGAL1iOgDCSU4AxXVqAMnI1gDM9PIA0UheANR0egDYx+YA2/QCA OBsWADjc4oA5p+mAOrzEgDva2gA8peEAPbq8AD6FwwA/mp4AQGWlAEGDuoBCRYcAQ2OcgEQuo4BFQ36A RgVLAEcjYIBH96IASOeTAEnXhABKx3UAS7dmAEynVwBNl0gAToc5AE93KgBQcFWAUWBGgFJQN4BTQCiA VDAZgFUgCoBWD/uAVv/sgFfv3YBY386AWc+/gFq/sIBbuNwAXKjNAF2YvgBeiK8AX3igAGBokQBhWIIA YkhzAGM4ZABkKFUAZRhGAGYRcYBnAWKAZ/FTgGjhRIBp0TWAasEmgGuxF4BsoQiAbZD5gG6A6oBvcNuA cGoHAHFZ+ABySekAcznaAHQpywB1GbwAdgmtAHb5ngB36Y8AeNmAAHnJcQB6uWIAe7KNgHyifoB9km+A foJggH9yUYAAAQABAAEAAQIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwID AgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwID AgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIDAgMCAwIAAJqwAQAAAIygAAAAAJqwAQAAAIygAABFU1QAAAAB AQAAAAA %a, %B %e, %Y %H:%M:%S EEEE, d. MMMM y HH:mm:ss NO NO 1 12 {{204, 72}, {356, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{17, 111}, {181, 17}} YES 67108864 71303168 Frequency: NO 1 268 {{201, 105}, {172, 26}} YES -2076180416 2048 109199360 129 400 75 Weekly 1048576 2147483647 1 _popUpItemAction: 604800 YES OtherViews Hourly 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 3600 Daily 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 86400 2 1 YES YES 2 NO {580, 180} NSView 268 268 {{226, 22}, {32, 25}} _NS:22 YES -2080374784 134217728 _NS:22 -2033434624 162 NSImage reset 400 75 NO 289 {{264, 20}, {298, 28}} _NS:526 {251, 750} YES 67108864 272629760 Drag the items in the list to reorder their preference and/or disable them. _NS:526 NO YES 404 1 276 2322 256 {332, 126} _NS:13 YES NO YES -2147483392 {15, 20} _NS:19 329 40 1000 75497536 2048 Cipher Suite 6 System headerColor 337641537 2048 Text Cell 3 YES 3 2 17 448790528 4 -1 0 YES 0 1 {{1, 1}, {332, 126}} _NS:11 4 -2147483392 {{224, 17}, {15, 102}} _NS:65 NO _doScroller: 0.99212598425196852 -2147483392 {{1, 119}, {223, 15}} _NS:61 NO 1 _doScroller: 0.99699699699699695 {{226, 56}, {334, 128}} _NS:9 133682 QSAAAEEgAABBmAAAQZgAAA 0.25 4 1 268 {{224, 204}, {222, 19}} _NS:526 {251, 750} YES 67108928 272632320 /path/to/ssh/binary _NS:526 NO 1 268 {{452, 204}, {109, 19}} _NS:9 YES -2080374784 134217728 Change… YES 12 2586 _NS:9 -2038153216 164 400 75 NO 268 {{16, 165}, {204, 19}} YES 67108928 71304192 SSL Cipher Suites: NO 1 268 {{16, 204}, {204, 19}} YES 67108928 71304192 SSH Client: NO 1 268 {{17, 275}, {204, 17}} YES 67108928 71304192 Connection Timeout: NO 1 268 {{224, 238}, {338, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Keep connections alive 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{226, 273}, {50, 22}} YES -1804599231 -1874852864 # # NaN 3 YES YES YES . , NO NO YES 60 YES NO 1 268 {{281, 276}, {282, 17}} YES 67108928 272630784 seconds NO 1 12 {{226, 193}, {334, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{226, 229}, {334, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{226, 262}, {334, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO {580, 312} NSView 268 268 {{469, 291}, {15, 22}} YES 67895328 131072 1 1 32 1 YES NO 268 {{439, 293}, {23, 19}} YES -1804599231 -2076048384 -∞ +∞ # # NaN 3 YES YES YES . , NO NO NO YES NO 1 268 {{270, 294}, {162, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Soft indent 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{144, 24}, {101, 14}} YES 68157504 71435264 theme name NO 1 268 {{49, 24}, {93, 14}} YES 68157504 272761856 Color Theme: NO 1 268 2322 256 {220, 286} YES NO YES -2147483392 {{224, 0}, {16, 17}} name 193 40 1000 75497536 2048 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 69206081 1073747968 Text Cell 3 YES YES color 20 20 20 75497536 2048 337641536 2048 Text Cell 3 YES 3 2 20 1377828864 0 15 0 YES 0 1 {{1, 1}, {220, 286}} 2 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {15, 102}} NO _doScroller: 0.99658703804016113 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {223, 15}} NO 1 _doScroller: 0.57142859697341919 {{20, 50}, {222, 288}} 133122 QSAAAEEgAABBsAAAQbAAAA 0.25 4 1 268 {{20, 19}, {24, 24}} YES 71303232 134350848 -2034089984 162 400 75 YES 1048576 2147483647 1 NSImage NSAdvanced _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews Save Current Theme As… 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: YES YES 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: Load Theme 2147483647 submenuAction: Load Theme YES YES YES 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: Import Color Theme… 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 1 Export Current Color Theme… 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 2 YES YES 1 YES YES NO 268 {{439, 20}, {23, 19}} YES -1804599231 71435264 -∞ +∞ #,##0.### #,##0.### NaN 3 YES YES YES . , YES NO YES YES NO 1 268 {{269, 22}, {164, 16}} YES 68157504 4195328 Tab Stop Width: NO 1 268 {{469, 18}, {15, 22}} YES 67895328 131072 1 1 20 1 YES NO 268 {{17, 362}, {182, 17}} YES 68157504 71304192 Font: NO 1 268 {{433, 353}, {133, 32}} YES 67108864 134217728 Select… -2038284288 129 200 25 NO 268 {{204, 360}, {207, 22}} YES -2076180416 4196352 YES NO 1 268 {{270, 322}, {292, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Indent new lines 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 267}, {292, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Auto pair characters 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 209}, {292, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Update help while typing 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 238}, {292, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Auto uppercase keywords 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 162}, {292, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Highlight current query 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 51}, {292, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Insert function arguments 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 79}, {292, 18}} YES -2080374784 0 Complete with Backticks 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{270, 134}, {292, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Auto-Completion 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{370, 109}, {29, 19}} YES -1538260928 71435264 . #.0 #.0 #.0 NaN 3 YES YES YES . NO NO YES YES NO 1 268 {{269, 111}, {96, 14}} YES 605028416 71435264 Delay by: NO 1 268 {{405, 107}, {15, 22}} YES 604766240 131072 1 0.5 5 0.10000000000000001 YES NO 268 {{423, 111}, {140, 14}} YES 605028416 272761856 secs NO 1 -2147483380 {{269, 1}, {292, 18}} YES -1543503872 0 Balanced brace highlighting 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 268 {{370, 184}, {29, 19}} YES -1538260928 -2076048384 0.1 . #.0 #.0 #.0 NaN 3 YES YES YES . NO NO YES YES NO 1 268 {{269, 186}, {96, 14}} YES 605028416 71435264 Delay by: NO 1 268 {{405, 182}, {15, 22}} YES 604766240 131072 1 0.10000000000000001 5 0.10000000000000001 YES NO 268 {{423, 186}, {140, 14}} YES 605028416 272761856 secs NO 1 12 {{204, 349}, {356, 5}} {0, 0} 67108864 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO {580, 400} NSView 274 292 {{14, 14}, {273, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Show hidden files 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 274 {{2, 42}, {575, 34}} YES 67108864 138674176 Choose a custom SSH key file to use with this connection. Note that standard locations like ~/.ssh are checked automatically, as are any files in your SSH configuration. NO 1 {579, 83} NSView 274 292 {{14, 14}, {273, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Show hidden files 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 274 {{2, 42}, {575, 17}} YES 67108864 138674176 Please select the SSL key file to use when establishing a secure connection. NO 1 {579, 66} NSView 274 292 {{14, 14}, {273, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Show hidden files 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 274 {{6, 42}, {575, 17}} YES 67108864 138674176 Please select the client SSL certificate file to use when establishing a secure connection. NO 1 {598, 66} NSView 274 292 {{14, 14}, {273, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Show hidden files 1211912448 2 200 25 NO 274 {{0, 42}, {575, 34}} YES 67108864 138674176 Please select the client SSL Certificate Authority certificate to use when establishing a secure connection. This must be the same as the server CA certificate. NO 1 {579, 83} NSView Remove 2147483647 Duplicate 2147483647 YES YES 2147483647 Make Default 2147483647 268 268 {{275, 16}, {135, 32}} _NS:9 YES 67108864 134217728 Change… _NS:9 -2038284288 129 200 25 NO 268 {{-2, 0}, {408, 14}} _NS:526 {251, 750} YES 67108864 272629760 Enter the full absolute path to your SSH binary. _NS:526 NO YES 1 268 {{0, 22}, {273, 22}} _NS:9 YES -1804599231 272630784 System default _NS:9 YES NO 1 {404, 44} _NS:9 268 266 {{18, 18}, {273, 18}} YES 67108864 0 Show hidden files 1211912448 2 200 25 NO {309, 54} _NS:9 NO window 610 generalPreferencePane 2076 tablesPreferencePane 2082 notificationsPreferencePane 2147 editorPreferencePane 2148 autoUpdatePreferencePane 2149 networkPreferencePane 2150 delegate 599 selectedTag: values.DefaultEncodingTag selectedTag: values.DefaultEncodingTag selectedTag values.DefaultEncodingTag NSAllowsEditingMultipleValuesSelection 2 1635 value: values.SUEnableAutomaticChecks value: values.SUEnableAutomaticChecks value values.SUEnableAutomaticChecks 2 145 value: values.SULastCheckTime value: values.SULastCheckTime value values.SULastCheckTime 2 146 value: growlEnabled value: growlEnabled value growlEnabled NSNullPlaceholder 2 2155 checkForUpdates: 332 value: values.ShowNoAffectedRowsError value: values.ShowNoAffectedRowsError value values.ShowNoAffectedRowsError 2 632 value: values.ReloadAfterRemovingRow value: values.ReloadAfterRemovingRow value values.ReloadAfterRemovingRow 2 616 enabled: values.LimitResults enabled: values.LimitResults enabled values.LimitResults 2 624 value: values.ReloadAfterAddingRow value: values.ReloadAfterAddingRow value values.ReloadAfterAddingRow 2 618 value: values.LimitResults value: values.LimitResults value values.LimitResults 2 619 value: values.ReloadAfterEditingRow value: values.ReloadAfterEditingRow value values.ReloadAfterEditingRow 2 617 value: values.LimitResultsValue value: values.LimitResultsValue value values.LimitResultsValue 2 623 enabled: values.LimitResults enabled: values.LimitResults enabled values.LimitResults 2 625 takeIntValueFrom: 530 value: values.LimitResultsValue value: values.LimitResultsValue value values.LimitResultsValue 2 621 enabled: values.LimitResults enabled: values.LimitResults enabled values.LimitResults 2 626 value: values.NullValue value: values.NullValue value values.NullValue 2 628 value: values.LoadBlobsAsNeeded value: values.LoadBlobsAsNeeded value values.LoadBlobsAsNeeded 2 614 value: values.AutoConnectToDefault value: values.AutoConnectToDefault value values.AutoConnectToDefault 2 629 value: values.UseMonospacedFonts value: values.UseMonospacedFonts value values.UseMonospacedFonts 2 631 value: values.UseKeepAlive value: values.UseKeepAlive value values.UseKeepAlive 2 680 value: values.ConnectionTimeoutValue value: values.ConnectionTimeoutValue value values.ConnectionTimeoutValue 2 679 value: values.CustomQueryMaxHistoryItems value: values.CustomQueryMaxHistoryItems value values.CustomQueryMaxHistoryItems 2 800 value: values.NewFieldsAllowNulls value: values.NewFieldsAllowNulls value values.NewFieldsAllowNulls 2 953 value: values.DisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines value: values.DisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines value values.DisplayTableViewVerticalGridlines 2 961 value: values.CustomQueryAutoIndent value: values.CustomQueryAutoIndent value values.CustomQueryAutoIndent 2 1098 value: values.CustomQueryAutoPairCharacters value: values.CustomQueryAutoPairCharacters value values.CustomQueryAutoPairCharacters 2 1096 value: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp value: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp value values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp 2 1107 value: values.CustomQueryAutoUppercaseKeywords value: values.CustomQueryAutoUppercaseKeywords value values.CustomQueryAutoUppercaseKeywords 2 1093 value: values.CustomQueryAutoHelpDelay value: values.CustomQueryAutoHelpDelay value values.CustomQueryAutoHelpDelay 2 1104 enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp 2 1109 takeFloatValueFrom: 1114 enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp 2 1108 value: values.CustomQueryAutoHelpDelay value: values.CustomQueryAutoHelpDelay value values.CustomQueryAutoHelpDelay 2 1100 enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp 2 1110 takeFloatValueFrom: 1113 enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled: values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp enabled values.CustomQueryUpdateAutoHelp 2 1112 value: values.CustomQueryHighlightCurrentQuery value: values.CustomQueryHighlightCurrentQuery value values.CustomQueryHighlightCurrentQuery 2 1134 value: values.ConsoleEnableLogging value: values.ConsoleEnableLogging value values.ConsoleEnableLogging 2 1145 enabled: values.ConsoleEnableLogging enabled: values.ConsoleEnableLogging enabled 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for a while com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Enter how long to attempt to connect or send queries for; set a value of 0 to disable the timeout com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Enter the maximum number of entries to remember in the Custom Query query history, from 0 to 99 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin 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NSTableView NSTextField NSTextField NSButton NSTableView NSWindow NSTextField NSTextField NSTextField NSTextField NSWindow NSButton NSMenuItem NSButton NSMenu colorSettingTableView NSTableView colorThemeName NSTextField colorThemeNameLabel NSTextField duplicateThemeButton NSButton editThemeListTable NSTableView editThemeListWindow NSWindow editorFontName NSTextField enterNameAlertField NSTextField enterNameInputField NSTextField enterNameLabel NSTextField enterNameWindow NSWindow removeThemeButton NSButton saveThemeMenuItem NSMenuItem themeNameSaveButton NSButton themeSelectionMenu NSMenu IBProjectSource ../Source/SPEditorPreferencePane.h SPEditorPreferencePane id id id id id id id id id id closePanelSheet: id duplicateTheme: id editThemeList: id exportColorScheme: id importColorScheme: id loadColorScheme: id removeTheme: id saveAsColorScheme: id setDefaultColors: id showCustomQueryFontPanel: id IBProjectSource ../Source/SPEditorPreferencePane.m SPFontPreviewTextField NSTextField IBProjectSource ../Source/SPFontPreviewTextField.h SPGeneralPreferencePane SPPreferencePane updateDefaultFavorite: id updateDefaultFavorite: updateDefaultFavorite: id defaultFavoritePopup NSPopUpButton defaultFavoritePopup defaultFavoritePopup NSPopUpButton IBProjectSource ../Source/SPGeneralPreferencePane.h SPGeneralPreferencePane updateDefaultFavorite: id updateDefaultFavorite: updateDefaultFavorite: id IBProjectSource ../Source/SPGeneralPreferencePane.m SPNetworkPreferencePane SPPreferencePane id id id pickSSHClient: id pickSSHClientViaFileBrowser: id resetCipherList: id NSView NSTextField NSView NSTableView hiddenFileView NSView sshClientPath NSTextField sshClientPickerView NSView sslCipherView NSTableView IBProjectSource ../Source/SPNetworkPreferencePane.h SPNetworkPreferencePane id id id pickSSHClient: id pickSSHClientViaFileBrowser: id resetCipherList: id IBProjectSource ../Source/SPNetworkPreferencePane.m SPNotificationsPreferencePane SPPreferencePane growlStatusLabel NSTextField growlStatusLabel growlStatusLabel NSTextField IBProjectSource ../Source/SPNotificationsPreferencePane.h SPPreferenceController NSWindowController displayPreferencePane: id displayPreferencePane: displayPreferencePane: id SPAutoUpdatePreferencePane SPEditorPreferencePane SPGeneralPreferencePane SPNetworkPreferencePane SPNotificationsPreferencePane SPTablesPreferencePane autoUpdatePreferencePane SPAutoUpdatePreferencePane editorPreferencePane SPEditorPreferencePane generalPreferencePane SPGeneralPreferencePane networkPreferencePane SPNetworkPreferencePane notificationsPreferencePane SPNotificationsPreferencePane tablesPreferencePane SPTablesPreferencePane IBProjectSource ../Source/SPPreferenceController.h SPPreferenceController displayPreferencePane: id displayPreferencePane: displayPreferencePane: id IBProjectSource ../Source/SPPreferenceController.m SPPreferencePane NSViewController IBProjectSource ../Source/SPPreferencePane.h SPTablesPreferencePane SPPreferencePane showGlobalResultTableFontPanel: id showGlobalResultTableFontPanel: showGlobalResultTableFontPanel: id globalResultTableFontName NSTextField globalResultTableFontName globalResultTableFontName NSTextField IBProjectSource ../Source/SPTablesPreferencePane.h SPTablesPreferencePane showGlobalResultTableFontPanel: id showGlobalResultTableFontPanel: showGlobalResultTableFontPanel: id IBProjectSource ../Source/SPTablesPreferencePane.m NSActionCell NSCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSActionCell.h NSApplication NSResponder IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSApplication.h NSBox NSView IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSBox.h NSButton NSControl IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSButton.h NSButtonCell NSActionCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSButtonCell.h NSCell NSObject IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSCell.h NSControl NSView IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSControl.h NSController NSObject IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSController.h NSDateFormatter NSFormatter IBFrameworkSource Foundation.framework/Headers/NSDateFormatter.h NSFormatter NSObject IBFrameworkSource Foundation.framework/Headers/NSFormatter.h NSImageCell NSCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSImageCell.h NSImageView NSControl IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSImageView.h NSMenu NSObject IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenu.h NSMenuItem NSObject IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenuItem.h NSMenuItemCell NSButtonCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSMenuItemCell.h NSNumberFormatter NSFormatter IBFrameworkSource Foundation.framework/Headers/NSNumberFormatter.h NSPopUpButton NSButton IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPopUpButton.h NSPopUpButtonCell NSMenuItemCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSPopUpButtonCell.h NSResponder NSObject IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSResponder.h NSScrollView NSView IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSScrollView.h NSScroller NSControl IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSScroller.h NSStepper NSControl IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSStepper.h NSStepperCell NSActionCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSStepperCell.h NSTableColumn NSObject IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableColumn.h NSTableView NSControl IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTableView.h NSTextField NSControl IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextField.h NSTextFieldCell NSActionCell IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSTextFieldCell.h NSUserDefaultsController NSController IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSUserDefaultsController.h NSView NSResponder IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSView.h NSViewController NSResponder view NSView view view NSView IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSViewController.h NSWindow NSResponder IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindow.h NSWindowController NSResponder showWindow: id showWindow: showWindow: id IBFrameworkSource AppKit.framework/Headers/NSWindowController.h SUUpdater NSObject checkForUpdates: id checkForUpdates: checkForUpdates: id delegate id delegate delegate id IBFrameworkSource Sparkle.framework/Headers/SUUpdater.h 0 IBCocoaFramework YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.InterfaceBuilder3 YES 3 {32, 32} {11, 11} {10, 3} {15, 15} {10, 23} {33, 23} {32, 23} {16, 16}