1060 10D573 740 1038.29 460.00 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin 740 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES TableDump FirstResponder NSApplication 274 YES 10 YES 256 YES 264 {{2, 63}, {188, 18}} YES -2080244224 131072 First line contains fields names LucidaGrande 11 3100 1211912703 2 NSSwitch 200 25 268 {{124, 8}, {54, 22}} YES 343014977 132352 " YES 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 6 System controlTextColor 3 MAA 2 YES YES " 274 {13, 36} YES YES 10 10 1000 75628032 0 LucidaGrande 12 16 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 338820672 1024 YES 6 System controlBackgroundColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2ODY1AA 3 YES 3 2 6 System gridColor 3 MC41AA 16 tableViewAction: -765427712 1 15 0 YES 0 268 {{13, 15}, {106, 14}} YES 68288064 4195328 Fields enclosed by: 6 System controlColor 265 {{328, 35}, {54, 22}} YES 343014977 132352 \ YES 2 YES YES \ " 274 {13, 36} YES YES 10 10 1000 75628032 0 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 338820672 1024 YES 3 YES 3 2 16 tableViewAction: -765427712 1 15 0 YES 0 265 {{221, 37}, {102, 17}} YES 67239424 4194304 Fields escaped by: 265 {{328, 8}, {54, 22}} YES 343014977 132352 \n YES 3 YES YES \n \r\n \r 274 {13, 54} YES YES 10 10 1000 75628032 0 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 338820672 1024 YES 3 YES 3 2 16 tableViewAction: -765427712 1 15 0 YES 0 265 {{210, 12}, {113, 17}} YES 67239424 4194304 Lines terminated by: 268 {{124, 36}, {54, 22}} YES 343014977 132352 , YES 4 YES YES , ; \t | 274 {13, 72} YES YES 10 10 1000 75628032 0 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5ODU2AA 338820672 1024 \t YES 3 YES 3 2 16 tableViewAction: -765427712 1 15 0 YES 0 268 {{2, 40}, {117, 14}} YES 68288064 4195328 Fields terminated by: {383, 84} {{17, 9}, {383, 84}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 0 0 0 NO 264 {{183, 101}, {100, 26}} YES -2076049856 2048 LucidaGrande 13 1044 109199615 129 400 75 CSV 1048576 2147483647 1 NSImage NSMenuCheckmark NSImage NSMenuMixedState _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES SQL 1048576 2147483647 _popUpItemAction: 1 YES YES 2 264 {{128, 107}, {53, 17}} YES 68288064 272630784 Format: {417, 135} NSView NSResponder YES 15 2 {{131, 75}, {500, 353}} 1954022400 Window NSWindow {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} {500, 353} 256 YES 274 YES 2304 YES 2322 {500, 29} YES 134 500 1 2305 0 YES YES NSBackgroundColor NSColor YES 6 System selectedTextBackgroundColor 6 System selectedTextColor YES YES NSColor NSCursor NSUnderline YES 1 MCAwIDEAA {8, -8} 13 6 {1002, 1e+07} {223, 0} {{1, 1}, {500, 124}} {4, -5} 1 4 -2147483392 {{486, 1}, {15, 109}} _doScroller: 0.99248123168945312 -2147483392 {{1, 110}, {485, 15}} 1 _doScroller: 1 0.94565218687057495 {{-1, 195}, {502, 126}} 562 289 {{322, 7}, {82, 32}} YES 67239424 134217728 Cancel -2038284033 129 Gw 200 25 289 {{404, 7}, {82, 32}} 1 YES 67239424 134217728 Next -2038284033 129 DQ 200 25 34 YES 256 YES 301 {{18, 6}, {448, 134}} NSView {{1, 1}, {484, 143}} {{7, 44}, {486, 145}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 1 0 0 NO 269 {{175, 329}, {146.219, 17}} YES 68288064 272630784 Import from Clipboard {500, 353} {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} {500, 375} {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} YES importFieldsEscapedField 29 importLinesTerminatedField 30 importFieldsTerminatedField 31 importFieldsEnclosedField 32 importCSVBox 33 importCSVView 35 importFormatPopup 36 importFieldNamesSwitch 37 changeFormat: 38 nextKeyView 53 nextKeyView 54 nextKeyView 55 nextKeyView 56 nextKeyView 57 closeSheet: 98 closeSheet: 99 importFromClipboardSheet 100 importFromClipboardTextView 101 importFromClipboardAccessoryView 102 YES 0 -2 File's Owner -1 First Responder -3 Application 1 YES Import CSV Accessory View 2 YES 3 YES 4 YES 5 YES 6 YES 7 YES 8 YES 9 YES 10 YES 11 YES 12 YES 13 YES 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 YES 25 YES 26 27 28 85 YES Import from Clipboard 86 YES 91 YES 94 93 92 90 YES 95 88 YES 97 89 YES 96 103 YES 104 YES YES -3.IBPluginDependency 1.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 1.IBPluginDependency 1.ImportedFromIB2 10.IBPluginDependency 10.ImportedFromIB2 103.IBPluginDependency 104.IBPluginDependency 11.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey 11.IBPluginDependency 11.ImportedFromIB2 12.IBPluginDependency 12.ImportedFromIB2 13.IBPluginDependency 13.ImportedFromIB2 14.IBPluginDependency 15.IBPluginDependency 16.IBPluginDependency 17.IBPluginDependency 18.IBPluginDependency 19.IBPluginDependency 2.IBPluginDependency 20.IBPluginDependency 21.IBPluginDependency 22.IBPluginDependency 23.IBPluginDependency 24.IBPluginDependency 25.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 25.IBPluginDependency 26.IBPluginDependency 27.IBPluginDependency 28.IBPluginDependency 3.IBPluginDependency 4.IBPluginDependency 5.IBPluginDependency 5.ImportedFromIB2 6.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey 6.IBPluginDependency 6.ImportedFromIB2 7.IBPluginDependency 7.ImportedFromIB2 8.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey 8.IBPluginDependency 8.ImportedFromIB2 85.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 85.IBPluginDependency 85.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect 85.NSWindowTemplate.visibleAtLaunch 85.windowTemplate.hasMinSize 85.windowTemplate.minSize 86.IBPluginDependency 88.IBPluginDependency 89.IBPluginDependency 9.IBAttributePlaceholdersKey 9.IBPluginDependency 9.ImportedFromIB2 90.IBPluginDependency 91.IBPluginDependency 92.IBPluginDependency 93.IBPluginDependency 94.IBPluginDependency 95.IBPluginDependency 96.IBPluginDependency 97.IBPluginDependency YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{583, 146}, {417, 135}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Character used to enclose fields com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{811, 884}, {100, 43}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Character used to separate fields com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Character used to terminate line com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{674, 272}, {500, 353}} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin {{674, 272}, {500, 353}} {500, 353} com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin ToolTip ToolTip Character used to escape special characters com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES 104 YES TableDump NSObject YES YES cancelProgressBar: changeFormat: closeSheet: panelSelectionDidChange: reloadTables: selectTables: switchInput: switchTab: YES id id id id id id id id YES YES addCreateTableSwitch addDropTableSwitch addErrorsSwitch addTableContentSwitch csvFullStreamingSwitch customQueryInstance errorsSheet errorsView exportCSVView exportDumpTableView exportDumpView exportFieldNamesSwitch exportFieldsEnclosedField exportFieldsEscapedField exportFieldsTerminatedField exportLinesTerminatedField exportMultipleCSVTableView exportMultipleCSVView exportMultipleFieldNamesSwitch exportMultipleFieldsEnclosedField exportMultipleFieldsEscapedField exportMultipleFieldsTerminatedField exportMultipleLinesTerminatedField exportMultipleXMLTableView exportMultipleXMLView exportTabBar exportTableList exportToolbar exportWindow importCSVBox importCSVView importFieldMapperSheetWindow importFieldNamesSwitch importFieldsEnclosedField importFieldsEscapedField importFieldsTerminatedField importFormatPopup importFromClipboardAccessoryView importFromClipboardSheet importFromClipboardTextView importLinesTerminatedField multiCSVFullStreamingSwitch multiXMLFullStreamingSwitch singleProgressBar singleProgressSheet singleProgressText singleProgressTitle sqlFullStreamingSwitch tableContentInstance tableDataInstance tableDocumentInstance tableSourceInstance tableWindow tablesListInstance YES id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id NSPopUpButton id id NSTextView id id id id id id id id id id id id id id IBDocumentRelativeSource ../../Source/TableDump.h 0 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.InterfaceBuilder3 YES 3