1050 10F569 788 1038.29 461.00 com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin 788 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES SPFieldEditorController FirstResponder NSApplication 9 2 {{364, 183}, {667, 428}} 544735232 Field Editor NSPanel View {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} 4370 YES 34 {{0, 48}, {667, 5}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box LucidaGrande 13 1044 6 System textBackgroundColor 3 MQA 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 257 {{581, 13}, {66, 25}} 1 YES 67239424 134348800 OK LucidaGrande 11 3100 1 -2038284033 35 Helvetica 11 16 DQ 200 25 -2147483391 {{581, 13}, {66, 25}} 1 YES 67239424 134348800 Close 1 -2038284033 35 Gw 200 25 257 {{507, 13}, {66, 25}} YES 67239424 134348800 Cancel -2038284033 35 LucidaGrande 11 16 Gw 200 25 256 {{94, 13}, {66, 25}} YES 67239424 134348800 Save... -2038284033 268435491 s 200 25 256 {{20, 13}, {66, 25}} YES 67239424 134348800 Open... -2038284033 268435491 o 200 25 292 {{328, 13}, {48, 25}} YES 71433792 134350848 -2031075073 33554467 400 75 YES 2147483647 NSImage NSQuickLookTemplate _popUpItemAction: YES OtherViews YES YES 1 YES YES 2 292 {{183, 16}, {137, 19}} YES -2080244224 131072 YES 45 Text Show data as text 0 44 Image Try to show data as image 1 YES 0 44 Hex Show data hexadecimal 0 1 2 274 YES 2304 YES 2322 YES YES Apple HTML pasteboard type Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6D6F6F76 NSColor pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NSStringPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT RTFD pasteboard type NeXT Rich Text Format v1.0 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {667, 14} YES 6 667 1 2917 0 YES YES NSBackgroundColor NSColor YES 6 System selectedTextBackgroundColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2ODY1AA 6 System selectedTextColor 3 MAA 6 {1334, 1e+07} {283, 0} {667, 349} {4, -5} 1 4 -2147483392 {{220, 1}, {11, 141}} 256 _doScroller: 0.99295777082443237 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} 257 _doScroller: 1 0.94565218687057495 {{0, 51}, {667, 349}} 528 274 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{0, 51}, {667, 349}} YES 270663168 32768 0 0 0 YES YES 274 YES 2304 YES 2322 YES YES Apple HTML pasteboard type Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type Apple URL pasteboard type CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x6D6F6F76 CorePasteboardFlavorType 0x75726C20 NSColor pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NSStringPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT RTFD pasteboard type NeXT Rich Text Format v1.0 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type NeXT font pasteboard type NeXT ruler pasteboard type WebURLsWithTitlesPboardType public.url {667, 14} YES 6 667 1 4067 0 YES YES NSBackgroundColor NSColor YES YES YES NSColor NSCursor NSUnderline YES 1 MCAwIDEAA {8, -8} 13 6 {1334, 1e+07} {87, 0} {667, 349} 4 -2147483392 {{639, 2}, {11, 359}} 256 _doScroller: 0.60164272785186768 -2147483392 {{-100, -100}, {87, 18}} 257 _doScroller: 1 0.94565218687057495 {{0, 51}, {667, 349}} 528 1325 {{325, 232}, {32, 32}} 28682 16 100 10 {{0, 398}, {667, 5}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 266 {{9, 408}, {649, 14}} YES 67239488 1078069248 Label 6 System controlColor 6 System controlTextColor {667, 428} {{0, 0}, {1280, 778}} {3.40282e+38, 3.40282e+38} 7 2 {{196, 292}, {411, 218}} 544735232 Window NSWindow {411, 218} {411, 218} 256 YES 268 {{292, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 LucidaGrande 9 3614 7 1209815551 2 NSImage NSSwitch NSSwitch 200 25 268 {{303, 157}, {18, 24}} 6 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{314, 157}, {18, 24}} 5 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{325, 157}, {18, 24}} 4 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{338, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{349, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{360, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{371, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 0 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{246, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{257, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{268, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{279, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 8 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{200, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{211, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{222, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{233, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{154, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{165, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{176, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{187, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 16 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{108, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{119, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{130, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{141, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{62, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{73, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{84, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{95, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 24 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{16, 157}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{27, 157}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{38, 157}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{49, 157}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{292, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 7 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{303, 129}, {18, 24}} 6 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{314, 129}, {18, 24}} 5 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{325, 129}, {18, 24}} 4 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{338, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{349, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{360, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{371, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 32 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{246, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{257, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{268, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{279, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 40 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{200, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{211, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{222, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{233, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{154, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{165, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{176, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{187, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 48 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{108, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{119, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{130, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{141, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{62, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{73, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{84, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{95, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 56 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{16, 129}, {18, 24}} 3 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{27, 129}, {18, 24}} 2 YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{38, 129}, {18, 24}} YES -2080244224 134479872 1 1209815551 2 200 25 268 {{49, 129}, {18, 24}} YES 67239424 134479872 1209815551 2 200 25 257 {{318, 13}, {66, 25}} 1 YES 67239424 134348800 OK 1 -2038284033 35 Gw 200 25 257 {{244, 13}, {66, 25}} YES 67239424 134348800 Cancel -2038284033 35 Gw 200 25 266 {{19, 198}, {368, 14}} YES 67239488 1078069248 Label 266 {{19, 104}, {82, 14}} YES 67239488 1145178112 Hexadecimal: 266 {{20, 85}, {82, 14}} YES 67239488 1145178112 Integer: 268 {{106, 102}, {96, 16}} YES -1804468671 272892928 YES 6 System textColor 268 {{106, 84}, {96, 16}} YES -1804468671 272892928 YES 266 {{20, 67}, {82, 14}} YES 67239488 1145178112 Octal: 268 {{106, 66}, {96, 16}} YES -1804468671 272892928 YES 12 {{0, 188}, {411, 5}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 12 {{0, 48}, {411, 5}} {0, 0} 67239424 0 Box 3 MCAwLjgwMDAwMDAxMTkAA 3 2 0 NO 268 {{367, 94}, {24, 24}} YES 67239424 134217728 -2033958657 134 NSImage selectall 400 75 268 {{344, 94}, {24, 24}} YES 67239424 134217728 -2033958657 134 NSImage selectnone 400 75 {411, 218} {{0, 0}, {1920, 1058}} {411, 240} {411, 240} YES closeEditSheet: 40 closeEditSheet: 41 saveEditSheet: 42 openEditSheet: 43 segmentControllerChanged: 44 editSheetProgressBar 51 editTextView 52 editTextScrollView 53 hexTextView 54 hexTextScrollView 55 editImage 56 editSheetQuickLookButton 57 dropImage: 58 delegate 59 delegate 60 editSheetSegmentControl 61 delegate 62 editSheet 63 editSheetOkButton 67 editSheetCancelButton 68 editSheetOpenButton 69 window 70 editSheetFieldName 75 editSheetIsNotEditableCancelButton 78 closeEditSheet: 79 YES 0 -2 File's Owner -1 First Responder -3 Application 1 YES Field Edit Sheet 2 YES 3 4 5 YES 6 YES 7 YES 8 YES 9 YES 10 YES 11 YES 12 YES 13 YES 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 YES 21 YES 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 73 YES 74 76 YES 77 80 YES BIT Field Editor 81 YES 82 83 84 YES 85 YES 86 YES 87 YES 88 YES 89 YES 90 YES 91 YES 92 YES 93 YES 94 YES 95 YES 96 YES 97 YES 98 YES 99 YES 100 YES 101 YES 102 YES 103 YES 104 YES 105 YES 106 YES 107 YES 108 YES 109 YES 110 YES 111 YES 112 YES 113 YES 114 YES 115 YES 116 YES 117 YES 118 YES 119 YES 120 YES 121 YES 122 YES 123 YES 124 YES 125 YES 126 YES 127 YES 128 YES 129 YES 130 YES 131 YES 132 YES 133 YES 134 YES 135 YES 136 YES 137 YES 138 YES 139 YES 140 YES 141 YES 142 YES 143 YES 144 YES 145 YES 146 YES 147 YES 148 YES 149 YES 150 YES 151 YES 152 YES 153 YES 154 YES 155 YES 156 YES 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 YES 231 232 YES 233 YES YES -3.IBPluginDependency 1.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 1.IBPluginDependency 1.IBWindowTemplateEditedContentRect 1.ImportedFromIB2 1.windowTemplate.hasMaxSize 1.windowTemplate.hasMinSize 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doSelectionUpperCase: doTranspose: insertNULLvalue: selectCurrentLine: selectCurrentWord: selectEnclosingBrackets: YES doDecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: id doDecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: id doPrecomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping: id doPrecomposedStringWithCompatibilityMapping: id doRemoveDiacritics: id doSelectionLowerCase: id doSelectionTitleCase: id doSelectionUpperCase: id doTranspose: id insertNULLvalue: id selectCurrentLine: id selectCurrentWord: id selectEnclosingBrackets: id IBProjectSource Source/SPTextViewAdditions.h NSWindow IBProjectSource Source/SPWindowAdditions.h SPEditSheetTextView NSTextView IBProjectSource Source/SPEditSheetTextView.h SPEditSheetTextView NSTextView IBUserSource SPFieldEditorController NSWindowController YES YES closeEditSheet: dropImage: openEditSheet: quickLookFormatButton: saveEditSheet: segmentControllerChanged: YES id id id id id id YES YES closeEditSheet: dropImage: openEditSheet: quickLookFormatButton: saveEditSheet: segmentControllerChanged: YES closeEditSheet: id dropImage: id openEditSheet: id quickLookFormatButton: id saveEditSheet: id segmentControllerChanged: id YES YES editImage editSheet editSheetCancelButton editSheetFieldName editSheetOkButton editSheetOpenButton editSheetProgressBar editSheetQuickLookButton editSheetSegmentControl editTextScrollView editTextView hexTextScrollView hexTextView sheetEditData YES id id id id id id id id id id id id id id YES YES editImage editSheet editSheetCancelButton editSheetFieldName editSheetOkButton editSheetOpenButton editSheetProgressBar editSheetQuickLookButton editSheetSegmentControl editTextScrollView editTextView hexTextScrollView hexTextView sheetEditData YES editImage id editSheet id editSheetCancelButton id editSheetFieldName id editSheetOkButton id editSheetOpenButton id editSheetProgressBar id editSheetQuickLookButton id editSheetSegmentControl id editTextScrollView id editTextView id hexTextScrollView id hexTextView id sheetEditData id IBProjectSource Source/SPFieldEditorController.h SPImageView NSImageView delegate id delegate delegate id IBUserSource YES SPFieldEditorController NSWindowController YES YES closeEditSheet: dropImage: openEditSheet: quickLookFormatButton: saveEditSheet: segmentControllerChanged: YES id id id id id id YES YES closeEditSheet: dropImage: openEditSheet: quickLookFormatButton: saveEditSheet: segmentControllerChanged: YES closeEditSheet: id dropImage: id openEditSheet: id quickLookFormatButton: id saveEditSheet: id segmentControllerChanged: id YES YES editImage editSheet editSheetCancelButton editSheetFieldName editSheetIsNotEditableCancelButton editSheetOkButton editSheetOpenButton editSheetProgressBar editSheetQuickLookButton editSheetSegmentControl editTextScrollView editTextView hexTextScrollView hexTextView sheetEditData YES id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id YES YES editImage editSheet editSheetCancelButton editSheetFieldName editSheetIsNotEditableCancelButton editSheetOkButton editSheetOpenButton editSheetProgressBar editSheetQuickLookButton editSheetSegmentControl editTextScrollView editTextView hexTextScrollView hexTextView sheetEditData YES editImage id editSheet id editSheetCancelButton id editSheetFieldName id editSheetIsNotEditableCancelButton id editSheetOkButton id editSheetOpenButton id editSheetProgressBar id editSheetQuickLookButton id editSheetSegmentControl id editTextScrollView id editTextView id hexTextScrollView id hexTextView id sheetEditData id IBDocumentRelativeSource ../../Source/SPFieldEditorController.h 0 IBCocoaFramework com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.macosx com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.InterfaceBuilder3 YES ../../sequel-pro.xcodeproj 3 YES YES NSQuickLookTemplate NSSwitch selectall selectnone YES {19, 11} {15, 15} {128, 128} {128, 128}