1050 9G55 677 949.43 353.00 YES YES com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin YES YES YES YES TableDocument FirstResponder NSApplication 256 YES 268 {{73, 503}, {308, 31}} YES 67239488 272630784 Welcome to Sequel Pro LucidaGrande-Bold 2.600000e+01 16 6 System controlColor 3 MC42NjY2NjY2OQA 6 System controlTextColor 3 MAA 268 YES YES Apple PDF pasteboard type Apple PICT pasteboard type Apple PNG pasteboard type NSFilenamesPboardType NeXT Encapsulated PostScript v1.2 pasteboard type NeXT TIFF v4.0 pasteboard type {{20, 495}, {48, 48}} YES 130560 33554432 NSImage logo-48 0 3 0 NO YES 4372 YES 2304 YES 4352 {213, 465} YES -2147483392 {{-26, 0}, {16, 17}} YES favorites 2.100000e+02 4.000000e+01 1.000000e+03 75628032 0 Favorites LucidaGrande 1.100000e+01 3100 3 MC4zMzMzMzI5OQA 6 System headerTextColor 337772096 133120 Text Cell 6 System controlBackgroundColor 3 YES YES 3.000000e+00 2.000000e+00 6 System _sourceListBackgroundColor 1 MC44MzkyMTU3IDAuODY2NjY2NjcgMC44OTgwMzkyMgA 6 System gridColor 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17}} YES 67239488 272630784 Enter the connection details below LucidaGrande-Bold 1.300000e+01 16 268 {{45, 85}, {29, 17}} YES 67239424 4194304 Port: 268 {{78, 139}, {185, 18}} YES -1804468671 4326400 optional YES 289 {{177, 39}, {92, 32}} YES 67239424 134217728 Connect -2038284033 1 LucidaGrande 1.300000e+01 16 DQ 200 25 288 {{72, 39}, {82, 32}} YES 67239424 134217728 Cancel -2038284033 1 Gw 200 25 1317 {{123, 11}, {16, 16}} 28938 1.000000e+02 -2147483355 {{144, 11}, {76, 14}} YES 67239488 272761856 Q29ubmVjdGluZ+KApg {{154, 167}, {283, 280}} NSView {{243, 20}, {619, 467}} NSCustomView {882, 563} YES nextKeyView 4880 nextKeyView 4881 nextKeyView 4882 nextKeyView 4883 nextKeyView 4884 nextKeyView 4885 nextKeyView 4886 nextKeyView 4887 YES 0 YES -1 First Responder 4826 YES ConnectionView -2 RmlsZSdzIE93bmVyA -3 Application 4852 YES 4864 4865 4866 YES 4867 YES 4868 4831 YES 4837 4830 YES 4838 4888 YES 4829 YES 4839 4889 YES 4841 YES 4879 4851 YES 4869 4847 YES 4873 4849 YES 4871 4853 YES 4862 4844 YES 4876 4845 YES 4875 4843 YES 4877 4850 YES 4870 4846 YES 4874 4854 YES 4861 4842 YES 4878 4848 YES 4872 4834 YES 4835 4833 YES 4836 4832 4828 YES 4840 YES YES -1.IBPluginDependency -2.IBPluginDependency -3.IBPluginDependency -3.ImportedFromIB2 4826.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect 4826.IBPluginDependency 4828.IBPluginDependency 4828.ImportedFromIB2 4829.IBPluginDependency 4829.ImportedFromIB2 4830.IBPluginDependency 4830.ImportedFromIB2 4831.IBPluginDependency 4831.ImportedFromIB2 4832.IBPluginDependency 4832.ImportedFromIB2 4833.IBPluginDependency 4833.ImportedFromIB2 4834.IBPluginDependency 4834.ImportedFromIB2 4835.IBPluginDependency 4836.IBPluginDependency 4837.IBPluginDependency 4838.IBPluginDependency 4839.IBPluginDependency 4840.IBPluginDependency 4841.IBPluginDependency 4841.ImportedFromIB2 4842.IBPluginDependency 4842.ImportedFromIB2 4843.IBPluginDependency 4843.ImportedFromIB2 4844.IBPluginDependency 4844.ImportedFromIB2 4845.IBPluginDependency 4845.ImportedFromIB2 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databaseEncodingButton databaseField databaseNameField databaseSheet dbTablesTableView favoritesButton favoritesController hostField keyChainInstance passwordField portField queryConsoleInstance queryProgressBar sidebarGrabber socketField syntaxView syntaxViewContent tableContentInstance tableDataInstance tableDumpInstance tableSourceInstance tableStatusInstance tableTabView tableWindow tablesListInstance userField variablesSheet variablesTableView YES id id NSTableView id id id NSWindow id id id id id NSTableView id NSArrayController id id id id id id id id id id id id id id id NSTabView id id id id id IBProjectSource Source/TableDocument.h TableDocument NSDocument toggleUseSSH: id YES YES sshCheckbox sshHostField sshPasswordField sshPortField sshUserField YES id id id id id IBUserSource 0 ../../sequel-pro.xcodeproj 3