// $Id$
// SPMySQLStreamingResultStore.m
// SPMySQLFramework
// Created by Rowan Beentje (rowan.beent.je) on May 26, 2013
// Copyright (c) 2013 Rowan Beentje. All rights reserved.
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
// obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
// files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
// restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
// copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
// Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
// conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// More info at
#import "SPMySQLStreamingResultStore.h"
#import "SPMySQL Private APIs.h"
#import "SPMySQLArrayAdditions.h"
static id NSNullPointer;
typedef enum {
SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar = sizeof(unsigned char),
SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort = sizeof(unsigned short),
SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong = sizeof(unsigned long)
} SPMySQLResultStoreRowMetadataType;
* This type of result provides its own storage for the MySQL result set, converting
* rows or cells on-demand to Objective-C types as they are requested. The results
* are fetched in streaming fashion after the result store object is returned, with
* a background thread set up to download the results as fast as possible. Delegate
* methods can be used to display a progress bar during downloads as rows are retrieved.
@interface SPMySQLStreamingResultStore (PrivateAPI)
- (void) _downloadAllData;
- (void) _ensureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount:(NSUInteger)numExtraRows;
- (void) _increaseCapacity;
- (NSUInteger) _rowCapacity;
- (SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData **) _transferResultStoreData;
#pragma mark -
@implementation SPMySQLStreamingResultStore
@synthesize delegate;
static inline void SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreEnsureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount(SPMySQLStreamingResultStore* self, NSUInteger numExtraRows)
typedef void (*SPMSRSEnsureCapacityMethodPtr)(SPMySQLStreamingResultStore*, SEL, NSUInteger);
static SPMSRSEnsureCapacityMethodPtr SPMSRSEnsureCapacity;
if (!SPMSRSEnsureCapacity) {
SPMSRSEnsureCapacity = (SPMSRSEnsureCapacityMethodPtr)[self methodForSelector:@selector(_ensureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount:)];
SPMSRSEnsureCapacity(self, @selector(_ensureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount:), numExtraRows);
static inline void SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreFreeRowData(SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData* aRow)
if (aRow == NULL) {
#pragma mark - Setup and teardown
* In the one-off class initialisation, cache static variables
+ (void)initialize
// Cached NSNull singleton reference
if (!NSNullPointer) NSNullPointer = [NSNull null];
* Standard init method, constructing the SPMySQLStreamingResult around a MySQL
* result pointer and the encoding to use when working with the data.
* As opposed to SPMySQLResult, defaults to returning rows as arrays, as the result
* sets are likely to be larger and processed in loops.
* The download of results is not started at once - instead, it must be triggered manually
* via -startDownload, which allows assignment of a result set to replace before use.
- (id)initWithMySQLResult:(void *)theResult stringEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)theStringEncoding connection:(SPMySQLConnection *)theConnection
// If no result set was passed in, return nil.
if (!theResult) return nil;
if ((self = [super initWithMySQLResult:theResult stringEncoding:theStringEncoding connection:theConnection])) {
// Initialise the streaming result counts and tracking
numberOfRows = 0;
rowDownloadIterator = 0;
loadStarted = NO;
loadCancelled = NO;
rowCapacity = 0;
dataStorage = NULL;
storageMallocZone = NULL;
delegate = nil;
// Set up the storage lock
pthread_mutex_init(&dataLock, NULL);
return self;
* Prime the result set with an existing result store. This is typically used when reloading a
* result set; re-using the existing data store allows the data to be updated without blanking
* the visual display first, providing a more consistent experience.
- (void)replaceExistingResultStore:(SPMySQLStreamingResultStore *)previousResultStore
if (dataStorage != NULL) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Data storage has already been assigned or created"];
// Talk to the previous result store, claiming its malloc zone and data
numberOfRows = [previousResultStore numberOfRows];
rowCapacity = [previousResultStore _rowCapacity];
dataStorage = [previousResultStore _transferResultStoreData];
storageMallocZone = malloc_zone_from_ptr(dataStorage);
// If the new column count is higher than the old column count, the old data needs
// to have null data added to the end of it to prevent problems while loading.
NSUInteger previousNumberOfFields = [previousResultStore numberOfFields];
if (numberOfFields > previousNumberOfFields) {
unsigned long long i;
NSUInteger j;
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *oldRow, *newRow;
size_t sizeOfMetadata, newMetadataLength, newDataOffset, oldMetadataLength, oldDataOffset;
unsigned long dataLength;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i++) {
oldRow = dataStorage[i];
if (oldRow != NULL) {
// Get the metadata size for this row
sizeOfMetadata = oldRow[0];
// Derive some base sizes
newMetadataLength = (size_t)(sizeOfMetadata * numberOfFields);
newDataOffset = (size_t)(1 + (sizeOfMetadata + sizeof(BOOL)) * numberOfFields);
oldMetadataLength = (size_t)(sizeOfMetadata * previousNumberOfFields);
oldDataOffset = (size_t)(1 + (sizeOfMetadata + sizeof(BOOL)) * previousNumberOfFields);
// Manually unroll the logic for the different cases. This is messy, but
// the large memory savings for small rows make this extra work worth it.
switch (sizeOfMetadata) {
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar:
// The length of the data is stored in the last end-position slot
dataLength = ((unsigned char *)(oldRow + 1))[previousNumberOfFields - 1];
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort:
dataLength = ((unsigned short *)(oldRow + 1))[previousNumberOfFields - 1];
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong:
dataLength = ((unsigned long *)(oldRow + 1))[previousNumberOfFields - 1];
// The overall new size for the row is the new size of the metadata
// (positions and null indicators), plus the old size of the data.
dataStorage[i] = malloc_zone_malloc(storageMallocZone, newDataOffset + dataLength);
newRow = dataStorage[i];
// Copy the old row's metadata
memcpy(newRow, oldRow, 1 + oldMetadataLength);
// Copy the null status data
memcpy(newRow + 1 + newMetadataLength, oldRow + 1 + oldMetadataLength, (size_t)(sizeof(BOOL) * previousNumberOfFields));
// Copy the cell data to the new end of the memory area
memcpy(newRow + newDataOffset, oldRow + oldDataOffset, dataLength);
// Change the row pointers to point to the start of the metadata
oldRow = oldRow + 1;
newRow = newRow + 1;
switch (sizeOfMetadata) {
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong:
// Add the new metadata and null statuses
for (j = previousNumberOfFields; j < numberOfFields; j++) {
((unsigned long *)newRow)[j] = ((unsigned long *)oldRow)[j - 1];
((BOOL *)(newRow + newMetadataLength))[j] = YES;
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort:;
for (j = previousNumberOfFields; j < numberOfFields; j++) {
((unsigned short *)newRow)[j] = ((unsigned short *)oldRow)[j - 1];
((BOOL *)(newRow + newMetadataLength))[j] = YES;
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar:;
for (j = previousNumberOfFields; j < numberOfFields; j++) {
((unsigned char *)newRow)[j] = ((unsigned char *)oldRow)[j - 1];
((BOOL *)(newRow + newMetadataLength))[j] = YES;
// Free the entire old row, correcting the row pointer tweak
free(oldRow - 1);
* Start downloading the result data.
- (void)startDownload
if (loadStarted) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Data download has already been started"];
// If not already assigned, initialise the data storage, initially with space for 100 rows
if (dataStorage == NULL) {
// Set up the malloc zone
storageMallocZone = malloc_create_zone(64 * 1024, 0);
malloc_set_zone_name(storageMallocZone, "SPMySQLStreamingResultStore_Heap");
rowCapacity = 100;
dataStorage = malloc_zone_malloc(storageMallocZone, rowCapacity * sizeof(SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *));
loadStarted = YES;
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(_downloadAllData) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
* Deallocate the result and ensure the parent connection is unlocked for further use.
- (void)dealloc
// Ensure all data is processed and the parent connection is unlocked
[self cancelResultLoad];
// Free all the data, by destroying the parent zone
if (storageMallocZone) {
// Destroy the linked list lock
// Call dealloc on super to clean up everything else, and to throw an exception if
// the parent connection hasn't been cleaned up correctly.
[super dealloc];
#pragma mark - Result set information
* Override the return of the number of rows in the data set. If this is used before the
* data is fully downloaded, the number of results is still unknown (the server may still
* be seeking/matching), but the rows downloaded to date is returned; otherwise the number
* of rows is returned.
- (unsigned long long)numberOfRows
if (!dataDownloaded) {
return rowDownloadIterator;
return numberOfRows;
#pragma mark - Data retrieval
* Return a mutable array containing the data for a specified row.
- (NSMutableArray *)rowContentsAtIndex:(NSUInteger)rowIndex
// Throw an exception if the index is out of bounds
if (rowIndex >= numberOfRows) {
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Requested storage index (%llu) beyond bounds (%llu)", (unsigned long long)rowIndex, (unsigned long long)numberOfRows];
// If the row store is a null pointer, the row is a dummy row.
if (dataStorage[rowIndex] == NULL) {
return nil;
// Construct a mutable array and add all the cells in the row
NSMutableArray *rowArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:numberOfFields];
for (NSUInteger columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < numberOfFields; columnIndex++) {
CFArrayAppendValue((CFMutableArrayRef)rowArray, SPMySQLResultStoreObjectAtRowAndColumn(self, rowIndex, columnIndex));
return rowArray;
* Return the data at a specified row and column index.
- (id)cellDataAtRow:(NSUInteger)rowIndex column:(NSUInteger)columnIndex
// Wrap the preview method, passing in a length limit of NSNotFound
return SPMySQLResultStorePreviewAtRowAndColumn(self, rowIndex, columnIndex, NSNotFound);
* Return the data at a specified row and column index. If a preview length is supplied,
* the cell data will be checked, and if longer, will be shortened to around that length,
* although multibyte encodings will show some variation.
- (id)cellPreviewAtRow:(NSUInteger)rowIndex column:(NSUInteger)columnIndex previewLength:(NSUInteger)previewLength
// Throw an exception if the row or column index is out of bounds
if (rowIndex >= numberOfRows || columnIndex >= numberOfFields) {
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Requested storage index (row %llu, col %llu) beyond bounds (%llu, %llu)", (unsigned long long)rowIndex, (unsigned long long)columnIndex, (unsigned long long)numberOfRows, (unsigned long long)numberOfFields];
id cellData = nil;
char *rawCellDataStart;
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *rowData = dataStorage[rowIndex];
// A null pointer for the row indicates a dummy entry
if (rowData == NULL) {
return nil;
unsigned long dataStart, dataLength;
size_t sizeOfMetadata;
// Get the metadata size for this row and adjust the data pointer past the indicator
sizeOfMetadata = rowData[0];
rowData = rowData + 1;
static size_t sizeOfNullRecord = sizeof(BOOL);
// Retrieve the data positions within the stored data. Manually unroll the logic for
// the different data size cases; again, this is messy, but the large memory savings for
// small rows make this extra work worth it.
if (columnIndex == 0) {
dataStart = 0;
switch (sizeOfMetadata) {
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar:
dataLength = ((unsigned char *)rowData)[columnIndex];
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort:
dataLength = ((unsigned short *)rowData)[columnIndex];
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong:
dataLength = ((unsigned long *)rowData)[columnIndex];
} else {
switch (sizeOfMetadata) {
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar:
dataStart = ((unsigned char *)rowData)[columnIndex - 1];
dataLength = ((unsigned char *)rowData)[columnIndex] - dataStart;
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort:
dataStart = ((unsigned short *)rowData)[columnIndex - 1];
dataLength = ((unsigned short *)rowData)[columnIndex] - dataStart;
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong:
dataStart = ((unsigned long *)rowData)[columnIndex - 1];
dataLength = ((unsigned long *)rowData)[columnIndex] - dataStart;
// If the data length is empty, check whether the cell is null and return null if so
if (((BOOL *)(rowData + (sizeOfMetadata * numberOfFields)))[columnIndex]) {
return NSNullPointer;
// Get a reference to the start of the cell data
rawCellDataStart = rowData + ((sizeOfMetadata + sizeOfNullRecord) * numberOfFields) + dataStart;
// Attempt to convert to the correct native object type, which will result in nil on error/invalidity
cellData = SPMySQLResultGetObject(self, rawCellDataStart, dataLength, columnIndex, previewLength);
// If object creation failed, use a null
if (!cellData) {
cellData = NSNullPointer;
return cellData;
* Returns whether the data at a specified row and column index is NULL.
- (BOOL)cellIsNullAtRow:(NSUInteger)rowIndex column:(NSUInteger)columnIndex
// Throw an exception if the row or column index is out of bounds
if (rowIndex >= numberOfRows || columnIndex >= numberOfFields) {
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Requested storage index (row %llu, col %llu) beyond bounds (%llu, %llu)", (unsigned long long)rowIndex, (unsigned long long)columnIndex, (unsigned long long)numberOfRows, (unsigned long long)numberOfFields];
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *rowData = dataStorage[rowIndex];
// A null pointer for the row indicates a dummy entry
if (rowData == NULL) {
return NO;
size_t sizeOfMetadata;
// Get the metadata size for this row and adjust the data pointer past the indicator
sizeOfMetadata = rowData[0];
rowData = rowData + 1;
// Check whether the cell is null
return (((BOOL *)(rowData + (sizeOfMetadata * numberOfFields)))[columnIndex]);
#pragma mark - Data retrieval overrides
* Override the standard fetch and convenience selectors to indicate the difference in use
- (id)getRow
return SPMySQLResultGetRow(self, SPMySQLResultRowAsDefault);
- (NSArray *)getRowAsArray
return SPMySQLResultGetRow(self, SPMySQLResultRowAsArray);
- (NSDictionary *)getRowAsDictionary
return SPMySQLResultGetRow(self, SPMySQLResultRowAsDictionary);
- (id)getRowAsType:(SPMySQLResultRowType)theType
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Streaming SPMySQL result store sets should be used directly as result stores."];
return nil;
* Ensure the result set is fully processed and freed without any processing
* This method ensures that the connection is unlocked.
- (void)cancelResultLoad
// Track that loading has been cancelled, allowing faster result download without processing
loadCancelled = YES;
if (!loadStarted) {
[self startDownload];
// Loop until all data is processed, using a usleep (migrate to pthread condition variable?).
// This waits on the data download thread (see _downloadAllData) to fetch all rows from the
// server result set to avoid MySQL issues.
while (!dataDownloaded) {
#pragma mark - Data retrieval for fast enumeration
* Implement the fast enumeration endpoint. Rows for fast enumeration are retrieved in
* as NSArrays.
* Note that rows are currently retrieved individually to avoid mutation and locking issues,
* although this could be improved on.
- (NSUInteger)countByEnumeratingWithState:(NSFastEnumerationState *)state objects:(id *)stackbuf count:(NSUInteger)len
NSMutableArray *theRow = SPMySQLResultStoreGetRow(self, state->state);
// If no row was available, return 0 to stop iteration.
if (!theRow) return 0;
// Otherwise, add the item to the buffer and return the appropriate state.
stackbuf[0] = theRow;
state->state += 1;
state->itemsPtr = stackbuf;
state->mutationsPtr = (unsigned long *)self;
return 1;
#pragma mark - Addition of placeholder rows and deletion of rows
* Add a placeholder row to the end of the result set, comprising of a pointer
* to NULL. This is to allow classes wrapping the result store to provide
* editing capabilities before saving rows directly back to MySQL.
- (void) addDummyRow
// Currently only support editing after loading is finished; thi could be addressed by checking rowDownloadIterator vs numberOfRows etc
if (!dataDownloaded) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Streaming SPMySQL result editing is currently only supported once loading is complete."];
// Lock the data mutex
// Ensure that sufficient capacity is available
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreEnsureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount(self, 1);
// Add a dummy entry to the data store
dataStorage[numberOfRows] = NULL;
// Unlock the mutex
* Insert a placeholder row into the result set at the specified index, comprising
* of a pointer to NULL. This is to allow classes wrapping the result store to
* provide editing capabilities before saving rows directly back to MySQL.
- (void) insertDummyRowAtIndex:(NSUInteger)anIndex
// Throw an exception if the index is out of bounds
if (anIndex > numberOfRows) {
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Requested storage index (%llu) beyond bounds (%llu)", (unsigned long long)anIndex, (unsigned long long)numberOfRows];
// Currently only support editing after loading is finished; this could be addressed by checking rowDownloadIterator vs numberOfRows etc
if (!dataDownloaded) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Streaming SPMySQL result editing is currently only supported once loading is complete."];
// If "inserting" at the end of the array just add a row
if (anIndex == numberOfRows) {
return [self addDummyRow];
// Lock the data mutex
// Ensure that sufficient capacity is available to hold all the rows
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreEnsureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount(self, 1);
// Reindex the specified index, and all subsequent indices, to create a gap
size_t pointerSize = sizeof(SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *);
memmove(dataStorage + anIndex + 1, dataStorage + anIndex, (numberOfRows - anIndex) * pointerSize);
// Add a null pointer at the specified location
dataStorage[anIndex] = NULL;
// Unlock the mutex
* Delete a row at the specified index from the result set. This allows the program
* to remove or reorder rows without having to reload the entire result set from the
* server.
- (void) removeRowAtIndex:(NSUInteger)anIndex
// Throw an exception if the index is out of bounds
if (anIndex > numberOfRows) {
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Requested storage index (%llu) beyond bounds (%llu)", (unsigned long long)anIndex, (unsigned long long)numberOfRows];
// Lock the data mutex
// Free the row data
// Renumber all subsequent indices to fill the gap
size_t pointerSize = sizeof(SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *);
memmove(dataStorage + anIndex, dataStorage + anIndex + 1, (numberOfRows - anIndex) * pointerSize);
// Unlock the mutex
* Delete a set of rows at the specified result index range from the result set. This
* allows the program to remove or reorder rows without having to reload the entire result
* set from the server.
- (void) removeRowsInRange:(NSRange)rangeToRemove
// Throw an exception if the range is out of bounds
if (rangeToRemove.location + rangeToRemove.length > numberOfRows) {
[NSException raise:NSRangeException format:@"Requested storage index (%llu) beyond bounds (%llu)", (unsigned long long)(rangeToRemove.location + rangeToRemove.length), (unsigned long long)numberOfRows];
// Lock the data mutex
// Free rows in the range
NSUInteger i;
for (i = rangeToRemove.location; i < rangeToRemove.location + rangeToRemove.length; i++) {
numberOfRows -= rangeToRemove.length;
// Renumber all subsequent indices to fill the gap
size_t pointerSize = sizeof(SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *);
memmove(dataStorage + rangeToRemove.location, dataStorage + rangeToRemove.location + rangeToRemove.length, (numberOfRows - rangeToRemove.location) * pointerSize);
// Unlock the mutex
* Clear the result set, allowing truncation of the result set without needing an extra query
* to return an empty set from the server.
- (void) removeAllRows
// Lock the data mutex
// Free all the data
while (numberOfRows > 0) {
// Unlock the mutex
#pragma mark - Result set internals
@implementation SPMySQLStreamingResultStore (PrivateAPI)
* Used internally to download results in a background thread, downloading
* the entire result set as MySQL data (and data lengths) to the internal
* storage.
- (void)_downloadAllData
NSAutoreleasePool *downloadPool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
unsigned long *fieldLengths;
NSUInteger i, dataCopiedLength, rowDataLength;
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *newRowStore;
[[NSThread currentThread] setName:@"SPMySQLStreamingResultStore data download thread"];
size_t sizeOfMetadata, lengthOfMetadata;
size_t lengthOfNullRecords = (size_t)(sizeof(BOOL) * numberOfFields);
size_t sizeOfChar = sizeof(char);
// Loop through the rows until the end of the data is reached - indicated via a NULL
while (
(*isConnectedPtr)(parentConnection, isConnectedSelector)
&& (theRow = mysql_fetch_row(resultSet))
// If the load has been cancelled, skip any processing - we're only interested
// in ensuring that mysql_fetch_row is called for all rows.
if (loadCancelled) {
// The row store is a single block of memory. It's made up of four blocks of data:
// Firstly, a single char containing the type of data used to store positions.
// Secondly, a series of those types recording the *end position* of each field
// Thirdly, a series of BOOLs recording whether the fields are NULLS - which can't just be from length
// Finally, a char sequence comprising the actual cell data, which can be looked up by position/length.
// Retrieve the lengths of the returned data, and calculate the overall length of data
fieldLengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(resultSet);
rowDataLength = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) {
rowDataLength += fieldLengths[i];
// Depending on the length of the row, vary the metadata size appropriately. This
// makes defining the data processing much lengthier, but is worth it to reduce the
// overhead for small rows.
if (rowDataLength <= UCHAR_MAX) {
sizeOfMetadata = SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar;
} else if (rowDataLength <= USHRT_MAX) {
sizeOfMetadata = SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort;
} else {
sizeOfMetadata = SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong;
lengthOfMetadata = sizeOfMetadata * numberOfFields;
// Allocate the memory for the row and set the type marker
newRowStore = malloc_zone_malloc(storageMallocZone, 1 + lengthOfMetadata + lengthOfNullRecords + (rowDataLength * sizeOfChar));
newRowStore[0] = sizeOfMetadata;
// Set the data end positions. Manually unroll the logic for the different cases; messy
// but again worth the large memory savings for smaller rows
rowDataLength = 0;
switch (sizeOfMetadata) {
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsLong:
for (i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) {
rowDataLength += fieldLengths[i];
((unsigned long *)(newRowStore + 1))[i] = rowDataLength;
((BOOL *)(newRowStore + 1 + lengthOfMetadata))[i] = (theRow[i] == NULL);
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsShort:
for (i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) {
rowDataLength += fieldLengths[i];
((unsigned short *)(newRowStore + 1))[i] = rowDataLength;
((BOOL *)(newRowStore + 1 + lengthOfMetadata))[i] = (theRow[i] == NULL);
case SPMySQLStoreMetadataAsChar:
for (i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) {
rowDataLength += fieldLengths[i];
((unsigned char *)(newRowStore + 1))[i] = rowDataLength;
((BOOL *)(newRowStore + 1 + lengthOfMetadata))[i] = (theRow[i] == NULL);
// If the row has content, copy it in
if (rowDataLength) {
dataCopiedLength = 1 + lengthOfMetadata + lengthOfNullRecords;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfFields; i++) {
if (theRow[i] != NULL) {
memcpy(newRowStore + dataCopiedLength, theRow[i], fieldLengths[i]);
dataCopiedLength += fieldLengths[i];
// Lock the data mutex
// Ensure that sufficient capacity is available
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreEnsureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount(self, 1);
// Add the newly allocated row to the storage
if (rowDownloadIterator < numberOfRows) {
dataStorage[rowDownloadIterator] = newRowStore;
// Update the total row count if exceeded
if (rowDownloadIterator > numberOfRows) {
// Unlock the mutex
// Update the total number of rows in the result set now download
// is complete, freeing extra rows from a previous result set
if (numberOfRows > rowDownloadIterator) {
while (numberOfRows > rowDownloadIterator) {
// Update the connection's error statuses to reflect any errors during the content download
[parentConnection _updateLastErrorID:NSNotFound];
[parentConnection _updateLastErrorMessage:nil];
// Unlock the parent connection now all data has been retrieved
[parentConnection _unlockConnection];
connectionUnlocked = YES;
// If the connection query may have been cancelled with a query kill, double-check connection
if ([parentConnection lastQueryWasCancelled] && [parentConnection serverMajorVersion] < 5) {
[parentConnection checkConnection];
dataDownloaded = YES;
// Inform the delegate the download was completed
if ([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(resultStoreDidFinishLoadingData:)]) {
[delegate resultStoreDidFinishLoadingData:self];
[downloadPool drain];
* Private method to ensure the storage array always has sufficient capacity
* to store any additional rows required.
- (void) _ensureCapacityForAdditionalRowCount:(NSUInteger)numExtraRows
while (numberOfRows + numExtraRows > rowCapacity) {
[self _increaseCapacity];
* Private method to increase the storage available for the array;
* currently doubles the capacity as boundaries are reached.
- (void) _increaseCapacity
rowCapacity *= 2;
dataStorage = malloc_zone_realloc(storageMallocZone, dataStorage, rowCapacity * sizeof(SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData *));
* Private method to return the internal result store capacity.
- (NSUInteger) _rowCapacity
return rowCapacity;
* Private method to return the internal result store, relinquishing
* ownership to allow transfer of data. Note that the returned result
* store will be allocated memory which will need freeing.
- (SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData **) _transferResultStoreData
if (!dataDownloaded) {
[NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"Attempted to transfer result store data before loading completed"];
SPMySQLStreamingResultStoreRowData **previousData = dataStorage;
dataStorage = NULL;
storageMallocZone = NULL;
rowCapacity = 0;
numberOfRows = 0;
return previousData;